Old Abilities
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This article or section contains content that has been removed from the game or store, or has never been released. It exists solely for archival purposes.
Entrench & Unentrench (Pre 6.09)[]
No Target
No Target
The Sand King digs into the ground, biding his time. When he springs out from his burrow, he deals damage and stuns the surrounding enemies.
- This ability was replaced in the gameplay patch 6.09 by Sand Storm.
- Interrupts Sand King's channeling spells upon cast.
- This ability is replaced by Unentrench upon cast.
- It takes 1 second for Sand King to burrow himself. During that second, he cannot act.
- Turns Sand King invisible and disables his movement, attacks, Burrowstrike and Epicenter
- Sand King still can use items while burrowed. Targeted items can only be used on a point or target within range.
Radius: 250/300/350/400
Damage: 70/140/210/280
Stun Duration: 1.5
- This ability replaces Entrench until used or death.
- Interrupts Sand King's channeling spells upon cast.
- It takes 1 second for Sand Kng to unburrow himself. During that second, he cannot act.
- The damage and stun are applied immediately upon cast, not after the 1 second he needs to unburrow himself.
Caustic Finale (6.84-7.27a)[]
Caustic Finale (6.84-7.27a)
Effect Radius: 400
Explosion Damage: 90/130/170/220
Expire Damage: 20/50/80/110
Movement Speed Slow: 15%/20%/25%/30%
Attack Speed Slow: 15/20/25/30
Debuff Duration: 6
Slow Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5
An injection from Crixalis makes one brittle and as dry as the arid wastes, subject to implosive demise.
- This ability got reworked into the current Caustic Finale in the 7.27b gameplay patch.
- Successive attacks on the same target neither stack the debuff, nor do they refresh its duration.
- The area damage and slow on death are only applied when the debuffed unit is killed by Sand King or his allies.
- This means the effects are not applied when the target is denied, or expires.
- When the debuff expires without the unit dying, the expire damage and the slow are applied within the radius around it.
- If the expire damage kills the unit, the explosion damage and the slow are applied too.
- This means enemies within the radius take both explosion damage and expire damage when the target is killed by the expire damage.
- The explosion first applies the debuff, then the damage.
- The slow from multiple explosions does not stack, only the duration gets refreshed.
- The debuff is placed on illusions, but the explosion does not damage them.
Caustic Finale (Pre 6.84)[]
Caustic Finale (Pre 6.84)
- This ability got reworked into the following Caustic Finale in the 6.84 gameplay patch.
- Caustic Finale is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
- Sand King does not have to do the last hit. When a unit dies with the debuff on, it causes the area damage, no matter how it dies.
- Can damage siege creeps, but can't place the debuff on them.
- Debuff is not placed on allies and buildings.
- Debuff is not placed on wards, except for Psionic Traps, Nether Wards and Power Cogs (the area damage is not applied when the cog is destroyed).
Sand Storm (6.00-6.04b)[]
- This ability was replaced in the gameplay patch 6.05 by Caustic Finale (Pre 6.84).
- Sand Storm is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
- The attack damage bonus is always applied and is added as raw bonus damage.
Dust Trail (Pre 6.00)[]
The Sand King constantly kicks up dust behind him, slowing and confusing his enemies while inside the cloud. Do not, under any circumstances, learn this skill if you are Sentinel.
- This ability was replaced in the gameplay patch 6.00 by Sand Storm (6.00-6.04b).
- Creates a dust effect on Sand King's position in 0.25 second (?) intervals. Any enemy unit which gets within an 150 (?) range of the dust gets the debuff.
- The dust effects do no follow Sand King, but stay at the position they spawned at. They last for an estimated 2 seconds.
- The dust effects are still created even when Sand King dies.
- The reason for why this ability shouldn't be leveled if Sand King is on Sentinel (Radiant) side is, the ability only affects units on that team, never units on the Scourge (Dire) side.