Dota 2 Wiki
For the runes that come with cosmetic items, see Inscribed Gem.
Runes Header Arcane

Runes are special power-ups that spawn on the game map. Three runes provide basic resources: Bounty Runes can be picked up for extra gold, Wisdom Runes provide experience points, and Water Runes restore a small amount of health and mana. The seven Power Runes grant heroes a variety of buffs and effects for a short period of time.

General Information[]

Rune Spawns

Rune spawn locations

Bounty runes in gold
Wisdom Runes in purple
Power Runes represented by red Haste Runes

Rune activation, including activation from Bottle icon Regenerate, has an Instant Cast Animation (DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_IMMEDIATE) instant cast time.


  • Bounty Rune minimap icon Bounty Rune
    • Initially at the 0:00 minute mark, both the Bounty Rune spots and the Power Rune spots in the river spawn Bounty Runes.
    • After this, Bounty Runes spawn every 3rd minute mark (3:00, 6:00, 9:00, etc.) at the dedicated Bounty Rune spots in the jungles of each team.
    • Bounty Runes never despawn. If they are not picked up before the next ones spawn, the new runes spawn next to the old ones.
    • Trusty Shovel icon Trusty Shovel may dig up a Bounty Rune as one of its rewards.
    • Pirate Hat icon Pirate Hat works similarly, but will always spawn a Bounty Rune.
  • Wisdom Rune minimap icon Wisdom Rune
    • Wisdom Runes start spawning at the 7:00 minute mark, and then every 7 minutes (14:00, 21:00, 28:00, etc.)
    • They spawn at their dedicated Wisdom Rune spots at the left and right edges of the map.
    • Wisdom Runes never despawn. If they are not picked up before the next ones spawn, the new runes spawn next to the old ones.
  • Water Rune minimap icon Water Rune
    • Water Runes spawn at the 2:00 and the 4:00 minute mark at the Power Rune spots in the river. After this time, they will not spawn.
    • If Water Runes are not picked up before the next runes spawn, they disappear.
    • When using the -spawnrune command to force runes to spawn before the 4:00 minute mark, the Power Rune spots still spawn Water Runes.
  • Power Runes
    • Power runes start spawning at the 6:00 minute mark, and then every 2 minutes (8:00, 10:00, 12:00, etc.)
    • They spawn at one of the rune spots within the river, which is randomly chosen.
    • If a Power Rune is not picked up before the next one spawns, it disappears.
    • Power Runes never repeat a rune within a cycle, meaning if a specific rune spawned, it cannot spawn again until all other Power Runes have spawned as well.
    • The same Power Rune cannot spawn twice in a row, meaning the first rune of the next cycle cannot be the same as last rune of the previous cycle.


  • Runes can be stored inside a Bottle icon Bottle.
  • Heroes with a Bottle in their inventory automatically store the rune inside the Bottle when they pick it up.
  • A stored rune can be used later by activating the Bottle.
  • Storing a rune refills the Bottle to 2 charges if it was a Bounty Rune minimap icon Bounty Rune or Water Rune minimap icon Water Rune (unless the Bottle already had more than 2 charges), or to 3 charges (to full) if it was another rune.
  • Runes can be stored in the Bottle for up to 1.5 minutes, after which they are automatically activated.
    • Stored runes persist through death, but the automatic activation timer does not pause.
    • If the owner is dead when the timer runs out, the rune is destroyed and grants no bonuses.
  • When the Bottle is filled with a rune, picking up a second rune consumes/activates the new rune right away. It does not replace the existing rune in the Bottle.
  • Bottles containing runes cannot be dropped or shared.


  • Power Runes are only visible when they are in vision. All runes are visible in spectator mode.
    • When runes spawn in the fog of war, their icons appear on the minimap. These icons will remain until the rune spot is confirmed to be empty.
  • Runes can be destroyed by normal attacks, using a forced attack command.
    • Since runes do not count as units, destroying one does not count as a last hit (or deny).
  • Runes do not interact with abilities, with the exceptions of Meat Hook icon Meat Hook and Fetch (Spirit Bear) icon Fetch, which can pull runes, and Toss icon Toss, which can toss units towards targeted runes.
  • Runes have selection boxes with higher priority over units, meaning that if a unit is standing over a rune, the mouse cursor highlights and selects the rune first.
    • This only applies to actions that can target runes, such as moving or attacking. Actions that cannot target runes still target the unit first.
  • To collect a rune, the hero must be within 150 range of it, but they do not need to be facing the rune to activate it.


Click on a rune's name to view more detailed information.

Bounty Rune[]

Bounty Grants bonus Gold.
Icon /
Bounty Rune minimap icon Bounty Rune emoticon Initial Spawn Team Gold: 40

Next Spawn Base Team Gold: 36

  • Grants reliable gold to each hero of the team that activates the Rune.
    • A small golden particle effect briefly bursts from the player, visible to everyone, while an ally-only overhead text displays the amount of granted gold.
  • Besides the initially spawned runes, Bounty Runes grant
    Gold 36 + 9 per 5mins per hero.
    • Activating a Bottle icon Stored Bounty Rune grants gold based on the time at which it is activated.
    • Bounty Rune replenishes 2 Bottle icon Regenerate charges, unless it already had more than 2 Regenerate charges.
  • In Turbo Mode, the granted gold is doubled, despite the notification message showing standard values.
Model Rune of Bounty model
Bottle Bottle (Bounty) icon
▶️ Activation Sound

Wisdom Rune[]

Wisdom Grants bonus XP.
Icon /
Wisdom Rune minimap icon Wisdom Rune emoticon Base Experience: 280

Experience Increase per Interval: 280

  • Grants experience to the hero that activates the Rune, as well as the hero with the lowest experience in the team.
    • If the hero with the lowest experience picks up the rune, the experience is also granted to the hero with the second lowest experience.
    • The level-up particle effect appears on the heroes, visible to everyone, while an ally-only overhead text displays the amount of granted experience.
  • Activating a Bottle icon Stored Wisdom Rune grants experience based on the time at which it is activated.
Model Rune of Wisdom model
Bottle Bottle (Wisdom) icon
▶️ Activation Sound

Water Rune[]

Water Instantly restores 40 Health and 80 Mana.
Icon /
Water Rune minimap icon Water Rune emoticon Health Restored: 40

Mana Restored: 80

  • Water Rune replenishes 2 Bottle icon Regenerate charges, unless it already had more than 2 Regenerate charges.
Model Rune of Water model
Bottle Bottle (Water) icon
▶️ Activation Sound

Power Runes[]

Amplify Damage[]

Amplify Damage Increases base damage by 80% and Spell Amp by 15%.
Icon /
Amplify Damage Rune minimap icon Amplify Damage Rune emoticon Attack Damage Bonus: 80%

Spell Amp Bonus: 15%

Duration: 45

  • Grants flat bonus attack damage based on the affected unit's main attack damage. Does not further increase bonus attack damage.
    • The hero's current main attack damage is checked periodically, and the bonuses are adapted instantly.
  • Successive buffs of multiple Amplify Damage Runes do not stack but refresh the duration instead.
Model Rune of Amplify Damage model
Bottle Bottle (Amplify Damage) icon
▶️ Activation Sound


Arcane Reduces cooldowns by 25% and mana costs by 30%.
Icon /
Arcane Rune minimap icon Arcane Rune emoticon Cooldown Reduction: 25%

Mana Loss Reduction: 30%

Duration: 50

  • Successive buffs of multiple Arcane Runes do not stack but refresh the duration instead.
Model Rune of Arcane model
Bottle Bottle (Arcane) icon
▶️ Activation Sound


Haste Increases movement speed to maximum.
Icon /
Haste Rune minimap icon Haste Rune emoticon Haste Speed: 550

Duration: 22 Bonus Duration Per Cycle: 3

  • Grants haste movement, meaning they cannot be slowed below the hasted value.
  • Successive buffs of multiple Haste Runes do not stack but refresh the duration instead.
Model Rune of Haste model
Bottle Bottle (Haste) icon
▶️ Activation Sound


Illusion Conjures 2 illusions of your hero which deal 35% damage. Melee illusions take 200% damage. Ranged illusions take 300% damage. Illusions last 75 seconds.
Icon /
Illusion Rune minimap icon Illusion Rune emoticon Split Time: 0.1

Number of Illusions: 2

Damage Dealt: Lua error: Error: No field named "value3_alt" found for any of the specified database tables..

Damage Taken (Melee): Lua error: Error: No field named "value4_alt" found for any of the specified database tables..

Damage Taken (Ranged): Lua error: Error: No field named "value5_alt" found for any of the specified database tables..

Duration: Lua error: Error: No field named "value6_alt" found for any of the specified database tables..

  • After the split time, the caster reappears with their illusions.
    • The reappear locations are based on the caster's position upon cast, with one appearing at the cast location, and the others north, east, south, or west from that point.
    • The distance in between each created illusion is 108-distance if the caster's collision size is 27, and 72-distance if its collision size is 18.
    • Though the formation is always the same, the caster and their illusions take a random position in the formation and have all the same facing angle.
    • The illusions have a
      2 × IllusionLVL bounty.
  • Orders the caster to stop after the split time, canceling all queued orders, and orders given during the split time.
    • Also stops all ongoing targeted orders of other units that have been issued before the rune activation.
  • Successive rune activations do not replace the illusions from the previous cast.
Model Rune of Illusion model
Bottle Bottle (Illusion) icon
▶️ Activation Sound


Invisibility Becomes invisible for 45 seconds. This invisibility is broken by attacking or by using an ability or item. Grants 25% damage reduction while invisible +5% for each Invisibility rune that has spawned.
Icon /
Invisibility Rune minimap icon Invisibility Rune emoticon Fade Time: 2

Duration: 45

Damage Resistance: 25%

Resistance Increase per Rune Cycle: 5%

  • During the fade time, the hero can cast abilities, use items and perform attacks without breaking the invisibility.
  • Invisibility is broken upon reaching the cast point of abilities or items, or upon successfully landing an attack.
  • The invisible hero can pick up or drop items without breaking the invisibility. However, attacking them breaks it.
  • Does not grant phased movement.
  • Successive buffs of multiple Invisibility Runes do not stack but refresh the duration instead.
Model Rune of Invisibility model
Bottle Bottle (Invisibility) icon
▶️ Activation Sound


Regeneration Regenerates health and mana to maximum. If taking damage from an enemy hero, the regeneration rate is lowered to 1% HP/MP per second.
Icon /
Regeneration Rune minimap icon Regeneration Rune emoticon Max Health as Health Regen per Second: 6%

Max Mana as Mana Regen per Second: 6%

Health Regen (Damaged): 1%

Mana Regen (Damaged): 1%

Duration: 30

Damage Regen Reduction Duration: 3

  • Can regenerate up to 180% of a unit's max health and max mana over its full duration.
    • If continuously taking player damage, can regenerate up to 30% of a unit's max health and mana.
  • Can fully regenerate a unit's health and mana within 16.67 seconds.
  • The buff disappears once the hero is at full health and mana.
  • Damage greater than 0 from any player (including allies and self) or Roshan icon Roshan reduces the regeneration to 1% for 3 seconds.
    • Does not get reduced by damage flagged as HP Removal.
  • Successive buffs of multiple Regeneration Runes do not stack but refresh the duration instead.
Model Rune of Regeneration model
Bottle Bottle (Regeneration) icon
▶️ Activation Sound


Shield Grants an All Damage Barrier for 75s equal to 50% of your max HP.
Icon /
Shield Rune minimap icon Shield Rune emoticon Max Health as Barrier Capacity: 50%

Duration: 75

  • Applies a All Damage Barrier universal damage barrier on the hero that absorbs damage values of all damage types, causing several on-damage effects to not trigger within its capacity.
    • Stacks additively with the same damage-type barrier sources, and independently with other damage-type barrier sources.
    • Universal damage barrier has the lowest priority in the group of damage barriers, its capacity is depleted last when combined with other damage-type barriers.
    • However, when combined with other higher-priority damage-negating sources (e.g. Borrowed Time icon Borrowed Time or Refraction icon Refraction), the Shield Rune does not absorb any damage until the damage-negation sources expire.
  • Successive buffs of multiple Shield Runes do not stack but refresh the duration instead.
Model Rune of Shield model
Bottle Bottle (Shield) icon
▶️ Activation Sound

Recent Changes[]

Main Article: Runes/Changelogs
  • Bottle (Wisdom) icon Wisdom now also grants experience to the lowest-level hero on the team.
    • If the lowest-level hero picks up the rune, the experience goes to the second-lowest-level hero.

