Many hands make light work.
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Bad against...[]
- Batrider prevents sharp and brazen attacks of the opponent. First he catches him in a Flaming Lasso, and then causes huge damage, in some cases even incompatible with life.
- Outworld Destroyer's high intelligence makes him a good target for Mind Flare.
- If timed correctly, Spiked Carapace will return the full damage from Sanity's Eclipse back to Outworld Destroyer. Even a reflected Arcane Orb can deal significant damage and make him vulnerable to a follow-up from Nyx Assassin.
- Spiked Carapace is also the perfect tool against Astral Imprisonment: if used on Nyx, he can reflect the damage back as he comes out of the prison by casting the ability while imprisoned.
- Doppelganger and Juxtapose allow Phantom Lancer to initiate on Outworld Destroyer, and, although Arcane Orb will normally destroy his illusions instantly, Phantom Lancer will spawn too many to deal with without using Sanity's Eclipse.
- Outworld Destroyer has very little AOE ability; His Astral Imprisonment with Aghanim's Scepter is his primary AOE, and it does too little damage to eliminate Phantom Lancer's illusions.
- Rubick can use Spell Steal to steal Astral Imprisonment, and if Rubick gets Aghanim's Scepter he gets 2 charges of it. This can overpower Outworld Destroyer in team fights.
- Rubick can also steal Sanity's Eclipse against Outworld Destroyer's teammates.
- Shadow Demon's Disruption will allow his allies to maneuver around you. It can also be used to protect an ally from your abilities, or Astral Imprisonment - Meteor Hammer combo.
- Disseminate turns your high damage Arcane Orb and Sanitiy's Eclipse against you and your teammates.
- Scepter upgraded Demonic Purge will break your Essence Flux passive for 7 seconds, preventing you from regaining mana, and severely hindering your damage output.
- Silencer's Intelligence Steal will heavily reduce Outworld Destroyer's damage output, particularly from Sanity's Eclipse.
- Last Word and Global Silence will take Outworld Destroyer out of the fight unless he has built Black King Bar.
- As Outworld Destroyer has short cast ranges, a short attack range, and no gap-closing abilities, Sniper can kite and harass Outworld Destroyer in lane with his long range and zone him out in fights. The continuous area damage from Shrapnel also prevents Astral-Blink escapes.
- However, in the late game, Outworld Destroyer's massive damage can overwhelm Sniper once he obtains Blink Dagger, Force Staff etc. to close the gap.
- Refraction blocks most of the damage dealt with Arcane Orb and Sanity's Eclipse if used correctly, and is difficult for Outworld Destroyer to deal with.
- If Astral Imprisonment is on cooldown, then an Outworld Destroyer slowed by Psionic Trap is an easy kill for Templar Assassin, especially during the laning stage.
- Any heroes with silences can negate the majority of Outworld Destroyer's damage output: Death Prophet, Night Stalker, Drow Ranger, Doom .
- Tinker's Laser is useful against Outworld Destroyer, as the blind prevents him from landing Arcane Orbs.
- Similarly, heroes with built-in evasion mechanisms, or who naturally build Butterfly, can become a nuisance to Outworld Destroyer as it reduces his ability to deal damage and build charges through Arcane Orb.
- Any heroes with high intelligence, such as Invoker and Pugna.
- Heroes with built-in spell immunity can become immune to all of Outworld Destroyer's spells: Lifestealer's Rage and Juggernaut's Blade Fury.
- Instant healing items, such as Mekansm, Magic Stick, and Faerie Fire, can be used inside Astral Imprisonment and the healing will take effect before the damage from the prison, potentially saving the target.
- Pipe of Insight significantly reduces Sanity's Eclipse's damage.
- Black King Bar makes the user immune to all of Outworld Destroyer's spells.
- When using Helm of the Dominator, an Ogre Frostmage's Ice Armor decreases Outworld Destroyer's attack speed, making it hard for him to build charges and deal damage with Arcane Orb.
- Lotus Orb reflects Astral Imprisonment back to Outworld Destroyer and imprisons both heroes at once. Their intelligence won't change much as both affected heroes will lose and regain the same amount when the imprisonment ends.
Good against...[]
- Counterspell doesn't work versus Arcane Orb because it does pure damage.
- Anti-Mage cannot burn all of Outworld Destroyer's mana without disables due to Essence Flux.
- Anti-Mage's Manta Style illusions are quickly destroyed by Arcane Orb.
- However, if the enemy has multiple means of removing mana, Mana Void becomes a threat to Outworld Destroyer, Anti-Mage has better mobility than Outworld Destroyer with Blink, and Counterspell blocks a large portion of the damage from Sanity's Eclipse.
- Berserker's Call bonus armor doesn't block Arcane Orb's pure damage.
- Astral Imprisonment can be used to prevent an ally or Outworld Destroyer himself from an Axe initiation.
- Axe's low mana means he's susceptible to a powerful Sanity's Eclipse.
- Outworld Destroyer can dodge Life Break with Astral Imprisonment, leaving him unharmed while Huskar loses HP.
- Sanity's Eclipse can deal massive damage to Huskar before he builds up his Berserker's Blood stacks due to Huskar's low mana pool.
- Outworld Destroyer can save an ally hero caught by Duel with Astral Imprisonment, and he can inflict heavy damage on Legion Commander with Arcane Orb to aid his ally. However, if he gets caught, he is unlikely to survive the duel, due to his lack of durability.
- Outworld Destroyer's pure damage from Arcane Orb can go through Cold Embrace.
- Outworld Destroyer can negate the healing from Cold Embrace using Astral Imprisonment, and steal mana while doing so.
- Outworld Destroyer's damage during Winter's Curse is reduced due to Arcane Orb being unable to target allies.
- Arcane Orb deals high damage regardless of Morphling's high armor from Attribute Shift (Agility Gain).
- Because of Morphling's very low intelligence gain and base intelligence, Sanity's Eclipse will almost always be effective against Morphling.
- Outworld Destroyer can disrupt Slark's attacks with Astral Imprisonment either by banishing Slark or his target.
- Slark's low heathpool means he will die quickly to Arcane Orb if he is directly attacked by Outworld Destroyer
- Slark has low intelligence gain, making him easy to finish with Sanity's Eclipse if he tries to run with Shadow Dance
- Outworld Destroyer has a huge damage from Arcane Orb, which is why in a 1 on 1 skirmish Storm Spirit simply cannot defeat him in damage. Since Outworld Destroyer will stop gank Storm Spirit with his Astral Imprisonment, and then kill him if he decides to fight
- Outworld Destroyer can steal more mana with Astral Imprisonment from Skywrath Mage with Shield of the Scion (granted by Aghanim's Shard). Shield of the Scion grants Skywrath Mage bonus intelligence every time he deals magic damage to an enemy hero with his abilities. The higher his intelligence, the larger his mana pool. Since Astral Imprisonment steals based on the target's max mana, Outworld Destroyer can steal much more mana from Skywrath Mage.
- Arcane Orb's pure damage ignores Timbersaw's Reactive Armor.
- Astral Imprisonment, if timed correctly, can interrupt Timber Chain, preventing him from escaping.
- Sanity's Eclipse does massive damage to Wraith King who naturally has a low mana pool and typically doesn't build items to increase it.
- Wraithfire Blast's slow projectile speed makes it easy to avoid using Astral Imprisonment.
- Any heroes with low mana pools will die quickly or even instantly to Sanity's Eclipse: Doom, Phantom Assassin, Troll Warlord.
- Tanky melee heroes that can easily be kited, which allows Outworld Destroyer to deal heavy damage with Arcane Orb from a distance: Sven, Underlord, Bristleback.
- Most Illusion based heroes (like Chaos Knight and Terrorblade) can't use their illusion beneficially against Sanity's Eclipse's high AoE burst damage.
- Heroes that must kill others in a short duration of time or need to combo their abilities suffer heavily against Outworld Destroyer, as a simple Astral Imprisonment can instantly throw off key abilities like Faceless Void's Chronosphere, Ursa's Enrage or Kunkka's X-Torrent combo.
- Heroes that rely heavily on armor like Dragon Knight or magic resistance like Visage can usually be dismantled by Outworld Destroyer as Arcane Orb is a pure damage source.
Works well with...[]
- Bloodlust greatly increases Outworld Destroyer's damage output and allows him to build charges more quickly.
- Ignite and Fireblast can pin down an enemy for Outworld Destroyer to attack.
- Silencer's passive and active Intelligence Steal will increase the mana pool difference between Outworld Destroyer and his enemies, making them take more damage from Sanity's Eclipse.
- Global Silence will prevent enemies from disabling Outworld Destroyer, allowing him to land easy attacks.
- Shackles and Hex pin down an enemy for a very long time. Usually an enemy stunned for 9 seconds dies to Outworld Destroyer.
- Disseminate will cause your heavy damage to also damage nearby allies of the hero, This can allow you to deal enormous amounts of damage with Sanity's Eclipse, and can allow you to deal damage in an area with Arcane Orb.
- Disruption is similar to Astral Imprisonment, and can be used to escape with a Blink Dagger as well, It also lasts just long enough for you to land a Meteor Hammer on affected enemies
- Similar to Shadow Shaman, Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip". is a very long duration disable which can pin down an enemy long enough for Outworld Destroyer to kill them. Additionally, it drains 5% of the enemy's max mana pool, which can significantly increase the damage dealt by Sanity's Eclipse.
- Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Nightmare". is a 7 second sleep at max level, and when combined with Astral Imprisonment, it can disable an enemy for a very long time.
- Similar to Shadow Shaman, Earth Spike and Hex can pin down an enemy for a very long time, enough for Outworld Destoryer to deal massive damage.
- Mana Drain lowers the enemy's mana pool, and allows for more damage to be done with Sanity's Eclipse.
- Finger of Death can help pick off fleeing enemies for easy Finger of Death stacks.
- Kinetic Field prevents enemies from kiting Outworld Destroyer.
- Chronosphere synergizes well with Outworld Destroyer's entire skillset:
- Astral Imprisonment can remove heroes outside the Chronosphere which might be a threat to Faceless Void.
- Chronosphere is an easy setup for Sanity's Eclipse. If Faceless Void has diffusal blade, the damage dealt will be even higher.
- Outworld Destroyer can use Arcane Orb safely from outside the Chronosphere without being interrupted.
- Time Dilation slows heroes down, preventing enemies from kiting Outworld Destroyer.
- Heroes that benefit from Astral Imprisonment's setup: Elder Titan, Kunkka, Mirana, Pudge.
- Blink Dagger users enjoy protection of Astral Imprisonment from enemy damage, letting them escape when the duration ends.