Outworld Destroyer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Can imprison a hero, making them invulnerable. | |
Wary of the happenings near the central sun, Harbinger departs from his vigil to take his place on the plains of war. The Outworld Destroyer creates an Essence Flux, balancing the tides of mana between him and his opponents. Stealing from the minds of those in his Astral Imprisonment, Outworld Destroyer turns raw intelligence into destructive power. Weakening enemies with a barrage of Arcane Energy glowing spheres that permeates any shield. Looming above his enemies, he drops the proverbial hammer, extinguishing the unenlightened with the cosmic force of Sanity's Eclipse. | |
Roles: | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Complexity: | ![]() ![]() |
Adjectives: | Arachnophobic, Flying, Green, Wings Legs ( 4 )
▶️ "Their sanity I'll shatter; their dreams of conquest I'll destroy."
One of a lordly and magisterial race, Harbinger prowls the edge of the Void, sole surviving sentry of an outpost on the world at the rim of the abyss. From this jagged crystalline Outworld, forever on guard, he has gazed for eternities into the heavens, alert for any stirring in the bottomless night beyond the stars. Imprinted deep in the shining lattices of his intellect lies a resonant pattern akin to prophecy, a dark music implying that eventually some evil will wake out there, beyond the edges of creation, and turn its attention to our world. With his whole being focused on his vigil, Outworld Destroyer paid little attention to events closer in to the sun. But at last the clamor of the Ancients, and a sense of growing threat from within as well as without, sent him winging sunward to visit the plains of war. Harbinger's place in our own prophecies is unambiguous: he must be considered an omen of worse things to come. But his arrival in itself is bad enough.
OD, Harbringer
Adds extra pure damage to Outworld Destroyer's attacks, based on his remaining mana pool.
Uses the caster's current attack range when Autocast.
Manually casting it uses the cast range.
Manually casting it uses the cast range.
Harbinger's outworldly knowledge allows it to tap into the ebb and flow of all spiritual energy, infusing it into his being.
- Arcane Orb's cast range can only be further increased by attack range bonuses of the same range type as the caster. It is not affected by cast range bonuses.
- Both Autocast and manually casting it uses Outworld Destroyer's current attack range.
- The bonus damage is applied as spell damage in a separate damage instance, it is affected by spell damage amplification and works with spell lifesteal.
- Arcane Orb first deals the spell damage, then the attack damage, but still depends on the attack hitting the target.
- Checks Outworld Destroyer's current mana upon projectile hit, so increasing or decreasing the mana pool while the projectile flies does affect its damage.
Astral Imprisonment
Places a target unit into an astral prison. The hidden unit is invulnerable and disabled. When the astral prison implodes, it deals damage to the target and steals a percentage of their max mana.
Damage: 90/180/270/360
Imprison Duration: 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
Mana Steal Duration: 30/40/50/60
Grants an additional +5% Mana Capacity steal to Astral Imprisonment. Also allows allies to move at 70% movement speed during Astral Imprisonment (they are visible, but untargettable and can't perform any other actions).
Modifiers [?]
Locked away in the pocket between this world and the Outworld, victims realize their infantile knowledge and mortality.
- Astral Imprisonment fully disables the target and turns it invulnerable and hidden for its duration.
- It also slows the affected target's movement speed by 30%. However, this has no effect since the target is fully disabled.
- Cannot be cast on allies who have ☐ Disabled Help from Outworld Destroyer.
- ↓↓ Double-tapping automatically targets self.
- Targeted allies are imprisoned without any of the other effects being applied to them.
- Astral Imprisonment now neither disables the ally target nor hides their model. Instead, it slows their movement speed by 30%, while turning them invulnerable, phased and untargetable, while sliencing, muting and disarming them for its duration.
- Upon cast, Astral Imprisonment first steals the max mana of the affected enemy hero, then applies its damage at the end of the imprisonment duration.
- Treats the Spirit Bear, clones and illusions as heroes, creep-heroes as creeps.
- Reduces the target's max mana by 16%/18%/20%/22% (
21%/23%/25%/27%), while keeping its current mana values.
- The same applies when the target(s) gain their mana back while Outworld Destroyer loses its mana upon the buff duration expiring. Only their max mana value is increased, the current mana value stays unchanged.
- Vice versa, it temporarily increases Outworld Destroyer's max mana by the same amount and keeps its current mana values per cast.
- Each cast places a new hidden modifier buff/debuff on both Outworld Destroyer and the target. This means their durations are independent of each other.
- The counter modifier on both Outworld Destroyer and its targets shows how much max mana they gained or lost.
- Upon death, the dying hero's max mana restores back to its normal values, while Outworld Destroyer keeps the max mana bonus values for the remaining duration.
- Always steals for the full amount per instance, regardless of how much max mana the target actually loses.
- The red ring expanding at the center of the visual effects indicates a fixed 4-second duration. The red ring is visible to allies only.
Essence Flux
Passively grants you a chance to restore a percentage of your max mana each time you cast an ability.
Proc Chance: 30%
Max Mana Restored: 25%/35%/45%/55%
Damage that would bring Outworld Destroyer below 20% health triggers a strong dispel. In addition, when the effect is triggered Outworld Destroyer consumes of all his mana to create an all damage barrier equal to 70% of his maximum mana that lasts for 15 seconds. This effect can occur every 80 seconds and cannot be refreshed.
Modifiers [?]
The Outworld is awash in arcane energy, inclined to diffuse through any of Harbinger's rifts.
- Restores mana after other abilities are cast.
- Can restore 7.5%/10.5%/13.5%/16.5% of Outworld Destroyer's max mana per ability cast on average.
- Can restore mana from any active abilities, including Toggleable Abilities, Sub Abilities and ablities which can not trigger on-cast effect.
- Does not proc on any item abilities.
- Essence Flux uses pseudo-random distribution.
- Essence Flux first applies a strong dispel upon activation, then applies the buff.
- Passively activates when a damage instance, including 0-damage instances, drops its health below 20%, or hits Outworld Destroyer while already below 20% health.
- Essence Flux trigger condition is shown below:
- When current health is more than 20%, if expr
receiving damage (calculated before Terminal Damage Block) > current health - 20% max health
, Essence Flux will trigger. - When current health is less than 20%, any damage instance (including 0 and negative) will trigger Essence Flux.
- Essence Flux can be activated by any damage, includeing damage flagged as HP Removal. But health setting and instantly killing can not activate.
- When current health is more than 20%, if
- When triggering moment, Essence Flux actually applies a 100% Terminal Damage Block, it loacted after almost all Damage Manipulation, causing several on-damage effects to not trigger.
- The Terminal Damage Block can affect any damage, including damage flagged as HP Removal. But can not affect health setting and instantly killing.
- After triggering, Essence Flux grants Outworld Destroyer a
universal damage barrier, with a capacity based on 70% of Outworld Destroyer's max mana.
- Fully absorbs damage values of all damage types, causing several on-damage effects to not trigger within its capacity.
- Stacks additively with the same damage-type barrier sources, and independently with other damage-type barrier sources.
- Universal damage barrier has the lowest priority in the group of damage barriers, its capacity is depleted last when combined with other damage-type barriers.
- However, when combined with other higher-priority damage-negating sources (e.g. Refraction), Essence Flux does not absorb any damage until the damage-negation sources expire.
- The upgraded passive component does not reapply again in the last 79 seconds.
- The stack limit duration has the following properties:
- The duration is set upon cast and is always 1 second less than the cooldown.
- Cannot be reset by cooldown resetting sources.
- Can be extended by Time Dilation.
- The stack limit duration has the following properties:
Sanity's Eclipse
Unleashes a psychic blast that deals to enemies based on the difference between your mana and the target's mana. Sanity's Eclipse can hit units trapped by Astral Imprisonment. Deals bonus damage to illusions. Affected heroes gain a Mana Allergy debuff for 7 seconds, healing Outworld Destroyer every time they cast a spell.
Base Damage: 200/300/400
Illusion Damage Multiplier: 2
When an Outworld crystal ruptures, cataclysmic energies are released, and the reverberations of this power are felt interdimensionally.
- Sanity's Eclipse first deals its damage in one instance, then applies the Mana Allergy debuff.
- Fully affects units under the effect of Astral Imprisonment as well, regardless of factions, but not other invulnerable or hidden units.
- However, the Mana Allergy debuff is not applied on hidden units.
- The damage multiplier is based on the max mana of Outworld Destroyer and hit enemies, not the current mana.
- Can deal up to 40 (
55) damage (before reductions) per 100 difference in max mana values.
- Fully affects units without mana as well, treat units without mana as if they have 0 mana.
- Can deal up to 40 (
- The Mana Allergy heal triggers on each mana cast event from abilities. This includes the following sources:
- Flat mana cost sources from abilities and item abilities.
- Mana cost over time sources (e.g. Chakram), the heal triggers on every single instance of mana.
- Heals for 0 hp when units affected cast abilities with 0-mana cost.
- The Mana Allergy heal does not trigger on the following sources:
- On mana loss caused by abilities that removes mana offensively (e.g. Mana Break).
- Fully ignores abilities that do not trigger on-cast effects. Therefore, it will not trigger any heal instance even if these abilities cost mana.
- Mana Allergy self-heals per enemy ability cast based on its original mana cost, regardless of distance.
- Mana cost reduction sources do not affect the self-healing values.
- Fully self-heals even when Outworld Destroyer is invulnerable or hidden.
- expr
- Self-Heal per Ability Cast:
150% × EnemyAbilityManaCost
- Self-Heal per Ability Cast:
Hero Talents | ||
-60s Sanity's Eclipse Cooldown | 25 | +2% Arcane Orb Damage |
+0.15 Sanity's Eclipse Mana Difference Multiplier | 20 | 20% Spell Lifesteal |
+30 Movement Speed | 15 | +100 Astral Imprisonment Cast Range |
+20 Attack Speed | 10 | +200 Health |
- The health talent increases the max health capacity and keeps the current health percentage.
- Stacks additively with other spell lifesteal sources.
- Heals for 4% from non-hero units. Treats creep-heroes as creeps and does not heal off of illusions.
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Reduced Essence Flux Max Mana as damage barrier from 75% to 70%.
- Reduced Arcane Orb Mana Pool to damage from 13/14/15/16% to 12/13/14/15%.
- Reduced Astral Imprisonment damage from 120/200/280/360 to 90/180/270/360.
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Increased Essence Flux cooldown from 60s to 80s.
- Sanity's Eclipse's Mana Allergy debuff no longer deals damage to the target.
- Increased Sanity's Eclipse effect radius from 400/500/600 to 450/525/600.
- LVL 20
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango restores health to stay in lane.
- Healing Salve restores health more quickly than Tangoes while being slightly less cost efficient.
- Iron Branch gives cheap attributes, and Outworld Destroyer can use it with Tango to receive more heal.
- Mantle of Intelligence can be picked up to build Null Talisman later and give extra attack damage and mana.
Early game:
- Null Talisman gives a cheap boost to Intelligence and mana to give Outworld Destroyer better damage in lane.
- Power Treads grants extra Intelligence and attack speed to complement Arcane Orb. It can also switch to giving Strength in a pinch for more health.
Mid game:
- Witch Blade grants mana, damage, and attack speed, all of which complement Outworld Destroyer's abilities. His high Intelligence also makes the passive ability highly damaging.
- Blink Dagger increases his mobility, allowing Outworld Destroyer to blink and escape after a self-cast Astral Imprisonment.
- Black King Bar protects against most disables and nukes, letting Outworld Destroyer nuke down enemies unimpeded.
- Aghanim's Scepter makes Outworld Destroyer much harder to kill with the Arcane Fortitude barrier.
Late game:
- Moon Shard grants a huge boost to attack speed, letting Outworld Destroyer use Arcane Orb much more liberally and shred through enemies' health.
- Scythe of Vyse provides him with both additional Intelligence and a hex, giving him more time to deal damage with Arcane Orb.
- Parasma builds from Witch Blade and gives Outworld Destroyer more mana and attack damage, along with a powerful damage over time effect.
Situational items:
- Hand of Midas lets Outworld Destroyer scale better and patches up his slow farming speed, letting him snowball more easily after a good early game.
- Meteor Hammer can be easily set up by Astral Imprisonment and gives extra damage against buildings. The Intelligence and Spell Amp are also excellent for supplementing Outworld Destroyer's abilities.
- Hurricane Pike gives attack range and attributes. The active allows Outworld Destroyer to position, as well as increasing his attack speed for a number of attacks. It can be used as an alternative to Blink Dagger.
- Linken's Sphere can be considered as an alternative to Black King Bar if you find yourself heavily focused by single target abilities, particularly ones that pierce debuff immunity.
- Octarine Core gives the most mana in a single item, and allows you to steal more mana by spamming Astral imprisonment. It also increase damages and allows Sanity Eclipse to be used more frequently.
- Aghanim's Shard is an option for saving allies or protecting Outworld Destroyer himself by letting them reposition while invulnerable from Astral Imprisonment.
- Rod of Atos will provide him with additional health and intelligence, as well as the ability to root against a single target. Get this item if your team doesn't have lots of crowd control.
- Orchid Malevolence gives him even more intelligence and attack speed, and also gives him a silence that also amplifies his damage for the time period. Also builds later into Bloodthorn.
- Refresher Orb is one of the strongest late-game items on Outworld Destroyer, as it allows Sanity's Eclipse, as well as items like Black King Bar and Scythe of Vyse to be used twice, which can be devastating in teamfights.
- Bloodstone provide a large amount of Mana, greatly increase damage output of Sanity's Eclipse, and gives you 25% spell lifesteal. This can bring you up to full health after casting Sanity's Eclipse on a bunch of heroes. Also pairs up nicely with the level 25 talent.
- Revenant's Brooch grants a significant Spell Lifesteal and attack damage bonus and allows Outworld Destroyer to attack enemies in ethereal form. Because Essence Flux constantly replenishes his mana, Outworld Destroyer can keep it toggled on almost permanently.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Main Article: Hero Challenges
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
| |
![]() Master |
| |
![]() Grandmaster |
- Outworld Destroyer was originally called "Obsidian Destroyer" in DotA. Obsidian Destroyer was based on two units in "Warcraft III: Frozen Throne"; the Obsidian Statue, and its alternate form, the Destroyer.
- Outworld Destroyer was originally added to Dota 2 with his current name, but was changed to "Outworld Demolisher" before the patch left the Test Client. However, due to community outcry, it was changed to "Outworld Devourer" as he arrived on the Main Client. This name was used up until 7.28, where it was changed again to the original Dota 2 iteration of "Outworld Destroyer".
- Due to the many name changes Outworld Destroyer went through, he gained many humorous community names such as "Outworld Developer", "Outsourced Developer" and "Outhouse Decorator".
- Outworld Destroyer has lines for carrying two, three or even four Aghanim's Scepter. The reason for this is because in Dota 1 early development Aghanim's Scepter was made using Mystic Staff and Soul Booster giving 500 mana and 30 intelligence, which helped Outworld Destroyer tremendously.