Dota 2 Sounds |
Hero Sounds | |
Abaddon, Alchemist, Ancient Apparition, Anti-Mage, Arc Warden, Axe, Bane, Batrider, Beastmaster, Bloodseeker, Bounty Hunter, Brewmaster, Bristleback, Broodmother, Centaur Warrunner, Chaos Knight, Chen, Clinkz, Clockwerk, Crystal Maiden, Dark Seer, Dark Willow, Dawnbreaker, Dazzle, Death Prophet, Disruptor, Doom, Dragon Knight, Drow Ranger, Earth Spirit, Earthshaker, Elder Titan, Ember Spirit, Enchantress, Enigma, Faceless Void, Grimstroke, Gyrocopter, Hoodwink, Huskar, Invoker, Io, Jakiro, Juggernaut, Keeper of the Light, Kunkka, Legion Commander, Leshrac, Lich, Lifestealer, Lina, Lion, Lone Druid, Luna, Lycan, Magnus, Marci, Mars, Medusa, Meepo, Mirana, Monkey King, Morphling, Muerta, Naga Siren, Nature's Prophet, Necrophos, Night Stalker, Nyx Assassin, Ogre Magi, Omniknight, Oracle, Outworld Destroyer, Pangolier, Phantom Assassin, Phantom Lancer, Phoenix, Primal Beast, Puck, Pudge, Pugna, Queen of Pain, Razor, Riki, Rubick, Sand King, Shadow Demon, Shadow Fiend, Shadow Shaman, Silencer, Skywrath Mage, Slardar, Slark, Snapfire, Sniper, Spectre, Spirit Breaker, Storm Spirit, Sven, Techies, Templar Assassin, Terrorblade, Tidehunter, Timbersaw, Tinker, Tiny, Treant Protector, Troll Warlord, Tusk, Underlord, Undying, Ursa, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Viper, Visage, Void Spirit, Warlock, Weaver, Windranger, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Wraith King, Zeus | |
Other Sounds | | | |
Archived | | |
Regular attacks[]
- Pre attack sound plays during the attack animation.
- Impact sounds play when the attack successfully hits a target. Each attack uses 1 of main impact, additional impact and blade ring.
- ▶️ Main impact 1 (50% vol)
- ▶️ Main impact 2 (50% vol)
- ▶️ Main impact 3 (50% vol)
- ▶️ Additional impact 1
- ▶️ Additional impact 2
- ▶️ Additional impact 3
- ▶️ Blade ring 1 (10%-30% vol)
- ▶️ Blade ring 4 (10%-30% vol)
- Play on each step while moving (30%-50% vol)
- Plays on the target upon cast.
Adoring Wingfall
- ▶️ Plays together with the default cast sound.
- The default cast sound's volume is reduced to 70% while having Adoring Wingfall equipped.
- ▶️ Full sound example.
Heavenly Grace[]
- Plays on the target upon cast (80% vol)
Degen Aura[]
- Degen Aura does not use any sound effects.
Guardian Angel[]
- Plays on Omniknight upon cast.
- Target sounds play on each unit who received the buff (60% vol)
Taunt: Bathed in the Glow
- ▶️ Plays on Omniknight upon taunt begin.
- ▶️ Together with animation sounds.