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Unreleased Content
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
23 + 3.1
15 + 2
16 + 2.1
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 626 1572 2518 2892
+0.25 +2.32 +6.23 +10.1 +11.67
Mana 75 267 615 1011 1155
+0 +0.8 +2.27 +3.92 +4.55
Armor 2 4.5 9.17 14.5 16.5
Magic Resist 25% 26.6% 29.54% 32.84% 34.09%
Damage Block 16 (50%)






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.68/s 0.84/s 1.03/s 1.1/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (600)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.433 + 0.567
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 315 (Nighttime 345)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal npc_dota_hero_omniknight
Tanky frontliner who protects and heals his allies.
A guardian at the front lines of battle, Omniknight is always eager to join his team in battle. Whether healing an ally with Purifying lights that also harm nearby foes, protecting his allies with the All Seeing One's grace, or battering an enemy with his Mighty Hammer. In decisive moments of the battle, he calls forth the Guardian Angel, granting himself and nearby allies total physical immunity, Repelling and nullifying the enemies' attacks for a short time.
Hammer of Purity
Hammer of Purity
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel
Roles: Support Support Durable Durable Nuker Nuker
Complexity: Hero Complexity
Adjectives: Bearded, Cape, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Omniknight minimap iconPurist Thunderwrath, the Omniknight
▶️ "I have gazed into the Omniscience, and it has gazed into me."
Purist Thunderwrath was a hard-fighting, road-worn, deeply committed knight, sworn to the order in which he had grown up as squire to elder knights of great reputation. He had spent his entire life in the service of the Omniscience, the All Seeing One. Theirs was a holy struggle, and so embedded was he in his duty that he never questioned it so long as he had the strength to fight and the impetuous valor that comes with youth. But over the long years of the crusade, as his elders passed away and were buried in sorry graves at the side of muddy tracks, as his bond-brothers fell in battle to uncouth creatures that refused to bow to the Omniscience, as his own squires were chewed away by ambush and plague and bad water, he began to question the meaning of his vows--the meaning of the whole crusade.

After deep meditation, he parted ways with his army and commenced a long trek back to the cave-riddled cliffs of Emauracus, and there he set a challenge to the priests of the Omniscience. No knight had ever questioned them before, and they tried to throw him into the pit of sacrifice, but Purist would not be moved. For as he faced them down, he began to glow with a holy light, and they saw that the Omniscience had chosen to reveal Itself to him. The Elder Hierophant led him on a journey of weeks down into the deepest chamber, the holy of holies, where waited not some abstract concept of wisdom and insight, not some carved relic requiring an injection of imagination to believe in, but the old one itself. It had not merely dwelt in those rocks for billions of aeons; no, It had created them.

The Omniscience had formed the immense mineral shell of the planet around itself, as a defense against the numerous terrors of space. Thus the All Seeing One claimed to have created the world, and given the other truths revealed to Purist on that day, the knight had no reason to refute the story. Perhaps the Omniscience is a liar, deep in its prison of stone, and not the world's creator at all, but Omniknight never again questioned his faith. His campaign had meaning at last. And there can be no question that the glorious powers that imbue him, and give his companions such strength in battle, are real beyond any doubt.
Purist Thunderwrath


Purification icon
Allies / Enemies
Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units.
Cast Animation: 0.2+1.4
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 600
Damage Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 260
Damage: 90/160/230/300 (Talent 250/320/390/460)
Heal: 90/160/230/300 (Talent 250/320/390/460)
Cooldown symbol
 18/16/14/12 (Talent 16/14/12/10)
Mana symbol
Priests of the Omniscience are adept at removing impurities from fellow warriors.

  • The targeting reticule must be centered over an allied unit.
  • Always heals for the full amount per instance, regardless of how much damage the target actually takes.
  • Despite the visual effects, the ability values are applied instantly to both the ally and enemy units within range of the target ally.
  • Purification first applies its heal, then the damage.

Repel icon
Grants Debuff Immunity to the target, as well as bonus Strength and HP Regen based on the amount of Debuffs on them.
Cast Animation: 0.3+1.33
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 700
Base Strength Bonus: 7/14/21/28
Base Health Regen Bonus: 8/12/16/20
Strength Bonus per Debuff: 3/4/5/6 (Talent 6/7/8/9)
Health Regen Bonus per Debuff: 3/4/5/6 (Talent 6/7/8/9)
Duration: 6 (Talent 8)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
The All Seeing One casts down his protection over those that Purist calls friends.

  • Since Repel grants Debuff Immunity, only dispel sources that pierce debuff immunity (e.g. Doom ability icon Doom) can dispel Repel.
  • Grants Strength attribute symbol strength and health regeneration bonus based on the amount of current ent_text debuffs (i.e. detrimental ability effects) on the affected target conditionally. This includes the following:
    • All visible debuffs on the HUD. Although the HUD can only display 12 debuffs at most, each successive debuff applied on the affected target updates the ability values immediately. There is no limit to the granted bonuses.
    • Debuffs that have incremental stacks are considered as one debuff (e.g. Quill Spray icon Quill Spray).
  • Hidden modifiers do not affect the granted bonuses.
  • Successive casts do not stack but refresh its duration and ability values.
    • Both leveling up and the strength and health regeneration bonus per debuff increasing Talent talent immediately updates all currently active Repel buffs.
  • expr
    • Strength attribute symbol Strength bonus: 7/14/21/28 + CurrentDebuffs × 3/4/5/6 (Talent 6/7/8/9).
    • Health regeneration bonus: 8/12/16/20 + CurrentDebuffs × 3/4/5/6 (Talent 6/7/8/9).
  • Repel effectively grants the following additional bonuses from its strength bonus per debuff:
    • 154/308/462/616 + 66/88/110/132 (Talent 132/154/176/198) bonus health.
    • 8.63/13.26/17.89/22.52 + 3.27/4.36/5.45/6.54 (Talent 6.54/7.63/8.72/9.81) bonus health regeneration.
    • 7/14/21/28 + 3/4/5/6 (Talent 6/7/8/9) bonus main attack damage to Strength attribute symbol heroes.
  • Can regenerate up to 51.78/79.56/107.34/135.12 + 19.62/26.16/32.7/39.24 (Talent 39.24/45.78/52.32/58.86) per debuff health over its full duration.
    • TALENT
      With the duration increasing Talent talent, it can regenerate up to 69.04/106.08/143.12/180.16 + 26.16/34.88/43.6/52.32 (Talent 52.32/61.04/69.76/78.48) per debuff health over its full duration.

Hammer of Purity
Hammer of Purity icon
Target Unit
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Passive)
Omniknight fires his hammer to a target to deal pure damage based on a percentage of his base damage and slows the target
Passive Component
With Aghanim's Shard Charge Replenish per Interval: 1
With Aghanim's Shard Cast on Attack Interval: 6
Cast Animation: 0.3+1.37
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 350
Base Damage: 50/75/100/125
Main Attack Damage as Damage: 60%/80%/100%/120% (Talent 135%/155%/175%/195%)
Move Speed Slow: 14%/22%/30%/38%
Duration: 5
With Aghanim's Shard Damage as Heal: 30%
Cooldown symbol
 16/14/12/10 (Talent 10/8/6/4)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Omniknight is healed for 30% of the damage dealt by Hammer of Purity. Every 6 seconds, his next attack will fire a Hammer of Purity at the target.
Blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked upon impact.
Modifiers [?]

  • Although seeming like a Melee melee ability, the cast range can be further increased by other cast range bonuses. However, it is not affected by attack range bonuses.
  • The projectile travels at a speed of 1200.
  • Hammer of Purity first applies the debuff, then the damage, then heals Omniknight.
  • Hammer of Purity checks Omniknight's main attack damage periodically and the projectile adapts the damage dealt instantly. Other attack damage bonuses are ignored.
    • The average damage dealt can be defined as
      (50/75/100/125 + 36 + ΣStr + Talent 50) × 60%/80%/100%/120% (Talent 135%/155%/175%/195%)
    • TALENT
      Although the damage dealt is checked and based on Omniknight's current main attack damage, the main attack damage increasing Talent talent does not immediately update the current projectile.
  • Now automatically casts Hammer of Purity based on its current on Omniknight's attack target. This passive cast has a 6-second charge replenish time.
    • The passive cast neither triggers the cooldown nor cost mana, and work while the ability is on cooldown. Therefore, they do not proc on-cast effects.
    • Does not interrupt Omniknight's orders in any way.
    • A status buff icon on the HUD is displayed whenever the passive cast on the next attack is ready.
    • Omniknight receives the buff modifier as soon as Hammer of Purity is learned, but it does nothing until the Aghanim's Shard icon Ability Upgrade is acquired. Therefore, acquiring the item instantly grants the next attack the passive Hammer of Purity cast.

Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel icon
Allied Heroes
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Self)
Omniknight calls upon a Guardian Angel that grants a target ally immunity from physical damage.
Cast Animation: 0.4+1.07
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 900 (With Aghanim's Scepter Global)
Duration: 5/6/7
Charge Replenish Time
 70/60/50 (Talent 55/45/35)
 2 (With Aghanim's Scepter 3)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Grants one extra charge and global cast range. Always casts a Guardian Angel on self as well as the selected target.
Modifiers [?]
The All Seeing One casts down his protection over those that Purist calls friend.

  • Guardian Angel effectively causes all incoming physical damage, including physical spell damage and physical instant attacks, to not be recorded in the combat log for affected ally units.
    • It neither reduces incoming physical damage nor grants physical damage resistance.
  • Omniknight is also granted the Guardian Angel buff when targeting an ally.


Hero Talents
+75% Hammer of Purity icon Hammer of Purity Damage25+160 Purification icon Purification Damage/Heal
-6s Hammer of Purity icon Hammer of Purity Cooldown20+2s Repel icon Repel Duration
-15s Guardian Angel icon Guardian Angel Charge Restore Time15+3 Repel icon Repel Strength/HP Regen per Debuff
+50 Base Damage10-2s Purification icon Purification Cooldown

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Repel icon Repel now correctly nullifies Pure damage, similarly to other sources of Debuff Immunity.
  • Guardian Angel icon Guardian Angel
    • Reworked
    • Now a single target ability with a 900 Cast Range.
    • Mana Cost decreased from 150/200/250 to 100/150/200.
    • 160/140/120s Cooldown replaced with 2 Charges. Charge Restore Time: 80/70/60s.
    • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter
      . Now grants an additional charge, increased cast range to global and always casts Guardian Angel on Omniknight as well as the target.
  • Repel icon Repel
    • Reduced mana cost from 95/105/115/125 to 80/95/110/125.
    • Reduced cooldown from 60/52/44/36 to 45/40/35/30.
  • Rescaled Hammer of Purity icon Hammer of Purity mana cost from 40/45/50/55 to 30/40/50/60.

</div> </div>

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Tango icon Tango is necessary for giving yourself flexibility when healing from enemy harass. Since Purification is so inefficient at low levels, you need a way to regenerate health without sacrificing your mana pool.
  • Healing Salve icon Healing Salve also restores health to Omniknight.
  • Clarity icon Clarity potions greatly help you to maintain lane presence due to Omniknight's small mana pool and costly, spammable spells.
  • Enchanted Mango icon Enchanted Mango is a situationally useful laning item to purchase on Omniknight, as his mana pool is limited before he can purchase items to allow him to cast his spells. The passive HP regen gives him a measure of health sustain, and consuming it can give him enough mana to cast any of his spells at least one more time in a fight or gank if he runs out of mana.
  • Iron Branch icon Iron Branch fills out any remaining inventory slots. Purchasing two of them allows you to either build a Magic Wand, or complete the two Mekansm components more readily.
  • Observer Ward icon Observer Wards are a general requirement on support heroes, as map vision is a basic key to victory.

Early game:

  • Boots of Speed icon Boots of Speed are important on Omniknight as he can use them to take advantage of Degen Aura to slow enemies down, whether while pursuing during a gank or body-blocking chasing enemies attempting to kill your carry. As all of Omniknight's spells are very position-dependent, increasing his movement speed should be a major priority.
  • Magic Stick icon Magic Stick is very useful on Omniknight due to his small mana pool. Having the ability to give yourself 150 mana can easily be the difference between being able to cast your spells or not.
  • Urn of Shadows icon Urn of Shadows is a powerful support item that enhances Omniknight's ability to heal teammates and inflict magic damage. The item grants more strength, increasing Omniknight's HP and base damage, and some mana regen to help him manage his mana pool more efficiently. The active allows Omniknight to utilize yet another heal, or deal more magic damage in fights on top of Purification.

Mid game:

  • Soul Ring icon Soul Ring should be the first major item that Omniknight purchases, as its active ability is what allows him to cast Purification more than once every few minutes. By alleviating his mana dependencies, Omniknight can become much more active in teamfights and ganks.
  • Magic Wand icon Magic Wand gives Omniknight more attributes for little gold and allows him to replenish 255 health and mana instantly, enough to cast any of his abilities.
  • Arcane Boots icon Arcane Boots is necessary to increase the size of Omniknight's small mana pool, allowing more frequent use of his mana-costly abilities. Moreover, the active ability allows him to replenish his and his team's mana pools, an essential duty for a support hero.
  • Drum of Endurance icon Drum of Endurance, besides giving all-around attributes, further speeds Omniknight and his allies' movement and attack speed. The active charges can be used in conjunction with Degen Aura to further create a disparity in movement and attack speed between the respective teams.
  • Mekansm icon Mekansm provides Omniknight with another source of healing, one that affects allies around him. Its all-around attributes and bonus armor also help to increase Omniknight's tankiness, but make sure that your mana pool is large enough to support the use of Mekansm, as it is extremely costly in mana to use.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrades Guardian Angel into a global ability, giving it much greater utility as Omniknight doesn't need to be with his teammates for them to benefit from it, as well as bestowing physical immunity to all allied buildings. It also grants him additional attributes, health and mana.

Late game:

  • Boots of Bearing icon Boots of Bearing further increase Omniknight's survivability.The aura allows for agressive chases and improves splitpushing power.
  • Guardian Greaves icon Guardian Greaves are a strong item to purchase on Omniknight in the late game, as he often builds a Mekansm and Arcane Boots already. Combining the two items into one inventory slot frees up space for more items in the late game, eliminates Mekansm's mana cost and strengthens its aura even further. As well, the self-dispel can allow Omniknight to instantly remove debuffs from himself that may be preventing him from contributing effectively in teamfights.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard will allow Omniknight's attacks to passively fire a Hammer of Purity at the target every 6 seconds and to heal himself for 30% of the damage dealt by Hammer of Purity.
  • Lotus Orb icon Lotus Orb allows Omniknight to greatly hinder enemy attempts to focus down him or a teammate. The item's bonuses give Omniknight more armor and mana regen, increasing his durability and letting him cast his spells more frequently. Using Echo Shell on himself or a teammate in a fight allows him to use his enemies' disables and magical nukes against themselves, slowing the pace of a battle down and giving him more time to use his defensive spells.
  • Radiance icon Radiance will provide great damage and passive AoE damage-per-second for Omniknight, it's evasion and blind can come in handy whenever Guardian Angel is on cooldown.
  • Harpoon icon Harpoon will give Omniknight a great amount of strength and a good amount of agility and intelligence, it will also give Omniknight extra attack speed, attack damage and will boost Omniknight's mana regeneration that will allow Omniknight to use his abilities more often, as well as to have his melee attacks attack twice in a quick succession. Active ability of the Harpoon icon Harpoon will also allow Omniknight to close the distance between his target and will guarantee that Purification damages and enemy Omniknight uses Harpoon icon Harpoon on.

Situational items:

  • Orb of Venom icon Orb of Venom is a useful early-game item to buy, as its slow stacks with that of Degen Aura.
  • Scythe of Vyse icon Scythe of Vyse gives Omniknight mana regeneration and a hard disable, greatly increasing his teamfight contribution and his ability to gank targets.
  • Shiva's Guard icon Shiva's Guard provides Omniknight with a great amount of armor for durability and intelligence for increasing the size of his mana pool. Both the active and passive abilities stack with Degen Aura, allowing him to drastically impede enemies' attempts to attack and move around in teamfights.
  • Vladmir's Offering icon Vladmir's Offering is a useful all-around utility aura item to purchase. The armor and mana regen aura benefit your team, and the lifesteal and attack damage bonus give them an extra edge.
  • Refresher Orb icon Refresher Orb is a strong pickup as it can allow Omniknight to cast Guardian Angel twice, as well as use Purification and Heavenly Grace in quick succession. However, refreshing your cooldowns is very costly in mana, so it is highly recommended to increase the size of your mana pool first if you intend on building this.
  • Force Staff icon Force Staff is a useful item on any support hero, and is no exception on Omniknight. Being able to re-position quickly can allow you to use your spells to greater effect, as you can get within range for casting Purification to deal 360 pure damage to enemies, or instantly apply Degen Aura to a fleeing enemy. As well, it can be cast on fleeing allies to save them from chasing enemies, further augmenting Omniknight's ability to save teammates who are in trouble. The extra intelligence is also useful for increasing the size of your mana pool.
  • Glimmer Cape icon Glimmer Cape is a useful mid-game utility item that can give Omniknight more initiation, utility and protection capability, once he has mitigated his mana deficiency issues. Using the active on an ally can allow them to initiate or gank an enemy, as well as letting them get right next to an enemy to hit them with Purification. If a teammate is initiated on by the enemy, using the active on them can give them extra magic resistance and give them temporary invisibility. Finally, Heavenly Grace can be used as a last-ditch measure to remove debuffs from an invisible ally, such as Dust of Appearance icon Dust of Appearance.
  • Aether Lens icon Aether Lens is a strong utility item that boosts Omniknight's casting capabilities, and can be assembled more quickly by using the Energy Booster from a disassembled Arcane Boots. It provides more mana regen that compensates for Omniknight's pitiful pool, and the increased cast range allows him to use Purification and Heavenly Grace on allies from farther away, greatly increasing the survivability of his teammates.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul's Scepter of Divinity is a good cheap support item that provides many uses. The extra intelligence and mana regeneration ensure that Omniknight almost always has the mana he needs to cast his spells, while the extra movement speed allows him to capitalize on Degen Aura more easily. The active ability can be used to hard-disable an enemy, something that Omniknight otherwise lacks, and then get within range to cast Purification to deal damage to them, or can be cast on yourself to dispel debuffs from yourself (such as silences which may be preventing you from casting your spells).
  • Solar Crest icon Solar Crest gives mana regeneration, armor, and attributes, increasing Omniknight's survivability. The active can transfer the armor bonus to a teammate, as well as increasing their movement and attack speed, protecting them even more on top of Purification and Heavenly Grace, or used on an enemy to inflict them with reduced armor, movement and attack speed that stacks alongside Degen Aura to greatly reduce their ability to inflict physical damage.
  • Pipe of Insight icon Pipe of Insight is useful for protecting Omniknight and his team against magical damage in a teamfight, thus ensuring that he can cast his spells to their utmost and apply Degen Aura to the enemy for longer. The active ability also synergizes with his ability to protect his teammates from harm.
  • Holy Locket icon Holy Locket is a strong pick giving you a enhanced HP and Mana pool, some extra stats, increased HP regeneration and a active that restores up to 300 HP and mana wen fully charged. The real strength in this item relies in the 35% heal amplification it gives to all your skills, which also applies to Mekansm and Guardian Greaves; greatly increasing your survivabillity and supporting ability.
  • Crimson Guard icon Crimson Guard is a good pickup for Omniknight giving more resistance against physical damage, as he is a melee hero who must get close to the enemy to apply Degen Aura's debuff to them. However, its main use is in the active, Guard, which gives damage block and armor to all nearby teammates, very useful if you need to give them survivability against physical damage while your ultimate is on cooldown or you want to save it for more important situations.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Purification icon Purification Damage
Relic Rare icon
Ally Damage During Repel icon Repel
Relic Rare icon
Four Hero Guardian Angel icon Guardian Angels
Relic strength icon
Total Healing
Relic strength icon
Slow Duration
Relic strength icon
Mana Restored
Relic strength icon
Radiance icon Radiance Damage
Relic strength icon
Debuffs Purged
Relic strength icon
Dominating Kill Streaks
Relic strength icon
Dust Leading To Kills
Relic strength icon
Wards Placed
Relic strength icon
Kill Assists
Relic strength icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
  • ▶️ The All-knowing One senses your regret.
Plus Hero Badge 6



  • Some parts of Omniknight's bio are a reference to the bible story of Daniel in the Lion's Pit. Daniel was thrown into the lion's den for praying to God and challenging Darius' command not to do so, but God prevented the lions from harming Daniel, saving his life. Similarly, Omniknight was to be thrown to the pit of sacrifice for challenging his priests but the Omniscience revealed itself, saving Purist.
  • "▶️ I have gazed into the omniscience, and it has gazed into me." is a reference to German philosopher Nietzsche's quote "If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you".
  • Many of Omniknight's responses refer to the Bible or Christianity in general: e.g. confessing sins, having demons as nemeses, chastising Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle for using dark powers to heal, disliking Necronomicon (as its powers are demonic), using "omniscient" and "light" to describe his God, his death animation (with arms forming a cross, as a reference to the Crucifixion of Christ), etc. "▶️ A narrow path." refers to Matthew 7:14.
  • Omniknight's nickname is "Chuck Norris", due to the similarities in appearance and the power of his abilities. As well, when he was first added to Dota 2 there was a bug that caused him to always say the voice line ▶️ "Fear nothing!"
  • Omniknight originally held and swung his hammer with one hand. This was changed after community feedback.
  • Omniknight's battle begin line ▶️ "The Omniscience may spare them, but I will not." is a reference to General Patton's quote "May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."

