Nyx Assassin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This page is about the hero. For the goddess in Dota 2 lore, see Nyx.
Reflects enemy damage and stuns. | |
Within the colony of zealot scarabs, the queen goddess Nyx selected a single grub to answer her highest calling. And so, through designed metamorphosis, the Nyx Assassin came into being. The telepathic scarab Devours and burns his prey's minds, while sending out rows of subterranean spikes to Impale them from below. Armored with a Reflecting Carapace, he stuns attackers and reverses any counterattack. Sacrificing mobility by Burrowing into the ground, the Nyx Assassin deprives itself of unnecessary sensories, increasing its regenerative powers and resistance while greatly increasing the reach of its other powers. But the goddess' servant is deadliest when unseen. A distracted target has no chance to react as the Nyx Assassin pierces its body with massive mandibles, thereby fulfilling an unspoken Vendetta in the name of his queen. | |
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Adjectives: | Legs ( 6 )
▶️ "The blessing of Nyx gives me all the purpose I require."
Deep in the Archive of Ultimyr, shelved between scholarly treatises on dragon cladistics and books of untranslatable spells, there is an ancient tome of entomological curiosities. Compiled by scholars, the book describes the telepathic talents of the zealot scarab, a strange species of social insect with abilities unique to all the seven planes.
Unlike most grubs of his colony, Nyx Assassin did not arise from metamorphosis with the plodding thoughts and blunted appendages common to the worker caste of his kind. For his was a special transformation, guided by the grace of Nyx. He was the chosen one, selected from the many and anointed with an extract of the queen goddess herself. Not all survive the dark blessing of the queen's chamber, but he emerged with a penetrating mind, and dagger-like claws–his razor sharp mandibles raking the air while his thoughts projected directly into the minds of those around him. Of all zealot scarabs, he alone was selected for the highest calling. After his metamorphosis, he was reborn, by grace of Nyx, with abilities which shaped him for one thing and one thing only: to kill in the name of his goddess.
Unlike most grubs of his colony, Nyx Assassin did not arise from metamorphosis with the plodding thoughts and blunted appendages common to the worker caste of his kind. For his was a special transformation, guided by the grace of Nyx. He was the chosen one, selected from the many and anointed with an extract of the queen goddess herself. Not all survive the dark blessing of the queen's chamber, but he emerged with a penetrating mind, and dagger-like claws–his razor sharp mandibles raking the air while his thoughts projected directly into the minds of those around him. Of all zealot scarabs, he alone was selected for the highest calling. After his metamorphosis, he was reborn, by grace of Nyx, with abilities which shaped him for one thing and one thing only: to kill in the name of his goddess.
Rock spikes burst from the earth along a straight path. Enemy units are hurled into the air, then are stunned and take damage when they fall.
All zealot scarabs possess intimate knowledge of underground pathways, using them to their advantage.
- The spikes travel at a speed of 1600.
- With the travel distance and radius, Impale can hit units up to 890 range away.
- Hit units are knocked up 350 range for the initial 0.5 seconds of the stun.
- While in the air, other units may pass below hit airborne units.
- The spike that hits the target releases some dust particles. This visual effect can also be seen in the Fog of War.
- When Impale hits invisible units, the visual effects below the hit unit are still visible.
- Impale first applies the damage, then the debuff.
- While Burrowed, Impale can be cast without having to face the targeted point or unit.
- With the travel distance increase, Impale can now hit units up to 1415 range away.
- Does not reset the ability's cooldown if cast before Burrowed.
- Can deal up to 117/187.2/257.4/327.6 (
257.4/327.6/397.8/468) damage with the Vendetta debuff (before reductions).
Mind Flare
Deals damages to the enemy equal to a multiplier of its Intelligence. Additionally deals damage equal to a percentage of damage the target received from Nyx in the past 15s.
Damage Dealt as Damage Bonus: 25%
Damage Timer: 15
The tome in Ultimyr describes one scarab with the ability to eat away at the minds of lesser beings.
- Places a damage counter on all heroes upon learning the ability, including Nyx itself.
- The damage counter accumulates all damage instances from all damage types the target received within the last 15 seconds, then it is dealt as another single spell damage instance to the Mind Flare target.
- Does not accumulate damage from the following sources:
- Damage flagged as HP Removal.
- Damage sources with the no-reflection flag (e.g. Blade Mail).
- Does not accumulate damage from the following sources:
- The damage counter resets once the ability is cast.
- Therefore, subsequent casts only count damage dealt since the last time the ability was cast, including the bonus damage instance from Mind Flare.
- Can be cast on units without intelligence points (e.g. creep-heroes and Ogre Magi), dealing just the damage bonus.
- While Burrowed, Mind Flare can be cast without having to face the targeted point or unit.
- Increases the intelligence as damage multiplier to 4.1/4.68/5.27/5.85 (
7.61/8.19/8.78/9.36) + 29.25% damage bonus with the Vendetta debuff (before reductions).
- TALENTThe area of effect
talent adds a radius to this ability. The ability must be centered over a unit still.
- Also targets invisible units and units inside the Fog of War.
- Since the ability must be centered over a unit, the area of effect
talent fully affects all units within radius around both targets.
When activated while above ground, Spiked Carapace reflects and negates damage dealt to Nyx Assassin (max once from each source), as well as stunning the source of the damage. Activating Spiked Carapace will not break Vendetta invisibility.
While Burrowed, Spiked Carapace instantly stuns nearby enemies when cast.
While Burrowed, Spiked Carapace instantly stuns nearby enemies when cast.
Damage Reflected: 125%
Modifiers [?]
While their carapaces are relatively thin, they're guarded by a retractable field of razor-sharp spikes.
- Interrupts Nyx Assassin's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Can be cast without breaking the invisibility of Vendetta, but not other invisibility sources.
- Successive casts do not stack but refresh its duration.
- Only reflects player-based damage directly toward the damage dealer. A unit can only be affected once per buff.
- Reflects incoming damage before all manipulations. However, damage manipulation on the enemy still affects the damage normally.
- Reflects the same damage type as received.
- Reflected Magical damage is affected by damage block as well.
- The reflected damage has the following flags:
- No-reflection flag, preventing its damage from interacting with other sources of damage with the same flag.
- Uses the same modifier as Blade Mail, damage returned from the item's active and passive ability deal instances of 0 damage while Spiked Carapace is active.
- Fully procs on-damage effects on enemies, except those which have a minimum damage threshold (e.g. Gravekeeper's Cloak).
- No-spell-lifesteal flag, preventing its damage from utilizing spell lifesteal.
- No-spell-amplification flag, preventing its damage from being amplified with spell damage amplification.
- No-reflection flag, preventing its damage from interacting with other sources of damage with the same flag.
- Returns one instance of the same damage type as received to the source.
- Has a Global reflect range and affects units through both Fog of War and invisibility.
- Does not return self-inflicted damage and damage flagged as HP Removal.
- Spiked Carapace first applies the debuff, then the reflected damage.
- For Nyx, Spiked Carapace fully negates and reflects the damage instance after all reductions, causing several on-damage effects to not trigger.
- However, it neither prevents death nor instant kill sources from triggering.
- Spiked Carapace has priority over damage barriers, negating the damage before it gets absorbed by the barriers.
- Although the damage reflected to enemies is equal to the amount of damage blocked, the effects work independently from each other.
- This means Spiked Carapace always blocks one damage instance, even when the source is invulnerable.
- While Burrowed, casting Spiked Carapace immediately stuns all enemies within radius.
- Since Spiked Carapace has no base damage, hit units are not damaged upon cast.
- Fully affects lane creeps and neutral creeps.
- Nyx Assassin still receives the cast buff normally, which can still reflect damage and stun enemies.
- Enemy units stunned by Spiked Carapace this way do not trigger and cannot be affected by the damage-reflected component again.
No Target
No Target
Nyx Assassin buries himself beneath the battlefield over a short duration. Once burrowed, Spiked Carapace instantly stuns nearby enemies when cast, the range of Mind Flare and Impale is increased, and Impale's cooldown is decreased. While burrowed, Nyx Assassin is stationary, unable to attack, and invisible. Nyx gains damage reduction from all damage sources.
Fade Time: 0
Max Health Regen Bonus: 1%
Max Mana Regen Bonus: 1%
Damage Reduction: 40%
Impale Cast Range Increase: 525
Impale Travel Distance Increase: 525
Impale Cooldown Reduction: 7
Mind Flare Cast Range Increase: 400
Requires drafting Vendetta to be unlocked.
Some castes of Zealot scarab are known to create small burrows to lie in wait, ready to ambush their prey.
- Requires Aghanim's Scepter to be unlocked.
- While burrowed, Impale and Mind Flare can be cast without having to face the targeted point or unit.
- Other targeted abilities and items still require facing toward the target, without breaking the invisibility of Burrow.
- Burrow neither changes Nyx Assasin's facing direction, nor reduces its turn rate.
- Applies generic incoming damage reduction on Nyx Assassin while burrowed. Stacks additively with other sources of generic incoming damage manipulation.
- Affects all damage types Nyx receives. Does not reduce damage flagged as HP removal.
- The following conditions unburrows Nyx Assassin:
- Upon Unburrow sub-ability or Vendetta cast.
- Until its death.
- Upon losing Aghanim's Scepter.
- Instantly unburrows Rubick upon losing ability.
No Target
No Target
Emerge from the burrow.
Some castes of Zealot scarab are known to create small burrows to lie in wait, ready to ambush their prey.
- Interrupts Nyx Assassin's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Instantly reverts all bonuses provided by Burrow.
- Uses a different sound when unburrowing inside the river.
Allows Nyx Assassin to become invisible and gain a speed bonus. If Nyx Assassin attacks to break the invisibility, massive bonus damage is dealt with the attack. Nyx Assassin has 75 additional attack range and a 70% faster attack animation for this attack.
Fade Time: 0
Self Attack Range Bonus: 75
Self Attack Animation Bonus: 70%
Max Mana Drain: 50%
Damage: 300/400/500
Vendetta Duration: 60
Grants the Burrow ability.
Vendetta now moves faster, and a successful Vendetta attack now increases the target's spell damage taken.
The scarab kills for the glory of his queen.
- Does not interrupt Nyx Assassin's channeling abilities upon cast.
- The attack out of Vendetta has the following properties:
- Has True Strike.
- With both the attack range bonus and the bound radius buffer, the attack has a total of expr
249 + TargetBoundRadius
attack range. - The attack first applies the debuff, the bonus spell damage and the max mana drain, the attack damage, then the self attack animation bonus.
- Grants the following bonuses while active:
- Attack range bonus based on the caster's attack range type.
- Reduces the attack point of the next attack to 0.138+0.54.
- Does not reduce the attack backswing of the next attack.
- TALENTGrants unobstructed movement, allowing to path through impassible terrain and trees.
- The unobstructed pathing
talent does not upgrade the current instance of Vendetta.
- The unobstructed pathing
- The bonus damage is applied as spell damage in a separate damage instance, it is affected by spell damage amplification and works with spell lifesteal.
- The invisibility is lost upon reaching the attack point, or the cast point of abilities or items.
- Does not break invisibility in the following conditions:
- Casting Spiked Carapace.
- Nyx can pick up, drop or attack items and runes without breaking the invisibility.
- For
ranged heroes, this is upon projectile hit. Therefore, the bonus damage will not be applied if another action was queued before the projectile hit.
- Does not break invisibility in the following conditions:
- Successive casts update the ability values to the current level and refresh the invisibility duration.
- Vendetta now applies generic incoming damage amplification on the affected enemy target upon breaking invisibility. Stacks additively with other sources of generic incoming damage manipulation.
- Affects only spell damage the affected target receive. Does not amplify the following damage sources:
- Attack damage.
- Damage flagged as HP removal.
- Despite utilizing incoming damage amplification, it does not affect the damage sources that ignore outgoing amplification (e.g. Cleave sources, Damage Return and Moon Glaives).
- Effectively increases Vendetta's own damage to 351/468/585 damage (before reductions).
- Affects only spell damage the affected target receive. Does not amplify the following damage sources:
Hero Talents | ||
Vendetta Applies Break | 25 | 600 Mind Flare Radius |
+120 Impale Damage | 20 | +0.5s Spiked Carapace Stun Duration |
3s Mind Flare Cooldown | 15 | +0.5s Spiked Carapace Reflect Duration |
+0.2s Impale Stun Duration | 10 | +50 Vendetta Damage |
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
- Burrow
- Now allows Nyx Assassin to cast his other unit-targeted abilities ( Impale and Mind Flare) without facing the target.
- These abilities have an
instant cast time while Burrowed.
- Burrow
- Increased Mind Flare intelligence as damage multiplier from 2/3/4/5 to 3.5/4/4.5/5.
- Reduced Spiked Carapace cooldown from 26/20/14/8 to 23/18/13/8.
- Vendetta
- Now grants 75 attack range bonus.
- Increased attack animation speed from 50% to 70%.
- Spiked Carapace
- Increased damage reflected from 100% to 125%.
- Rescaled cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 26/20/14/8.
- Vendetta
- Reduced damage from 300/450/600 to 300/400/500.
- Increased duration from 40/50/60 to 60 on each level.
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango gives Nyx Assassin basic health sustain, allowing him to continue laning despite enemy harass.
- Clarity allows Nyx Assassin to replenish his mana pool in-lane, crucial since most of his spells will consume almost half his base mana pool with a single cast. Having the mana to continue casting gives Nyx Assassin more chances to use his disables to score kills.
- Iron Branch gives some attributes that increase health, mana, and damage.
- Enchanted Mango is a strong laning item, as it provides a small boost to HP regeneration, augmenting his innate base HP regen to greatly increase his survivability in the off-lane. It can also be consumed for instant mana replenishment to be able to cast one more disable or nuke to secure a kill.
- Observer Ward can be useful to purchase on Nyx Assassin, as he is a very heavy roamer who can place wards before or after ganks to spot out enemy movement to strike again.
Early game:
- Arcane Boots are crucial to obtain in order to allow Nyx Assassin to roam for ganks. It increases the size of Nyx Assassin's mana pool, allowing him to more easily cast his full combo of spells, and boosts his movement speed slightly to provide extra mobility. Most importantly, the active allows Nyx Assassin to replenish his own mana pool in order to ensure that he is able to continue roaming without needing to return to base as often.
- Boots of Speed allows Nyx Assassin to chase or flee enemies more easily, and is important for getting within range to cast Impale on a gank target.
- Urn of Shadows is important to get early on Nyx Assassin, as he can easily get charges from successful ganks. It provides some cheap stats and armor, as well as mana regen for sustaining his mana pool. The charges can be used to restore any HP lost during a gank, or can be used to add more damage to a future gank to increase the odds of success.
- Magic Wand gives burst health and mana, useful for Nyx Assassin to cast spells continually.
Mid game:
- Ghost Scepter is a useful item should Nyx be focused by auto attacks, being usable in tandem with Spiked Carapace for additional survivability, as well as building into Ethereal Blade.
- Blink Dagger greatly increases Nyx Assassin's mobility, allowing him to jump on top of enemies and initiate without relying on Vendetta. In particular, being able to quickly re-position to cast Impale can allow Nyx Assassin to stun multiple enemy heroes at the start of a fight, and in a pinch Spiked Carapace can be used to prevent enemy initiating nukes from putting it on cooldown.
- Dagon greatly boosts Nyx Assassin's burst damage, giving him much more kill potential. The item boosts his intelligence, allowing him to more easily cast his spells, while the active can be used for Mind Flare to deal tremendous burst damage to a single target to secure a kill.
Late game:
- Meteor Hammer is useful on Nyx for two reasons: to speed up farming for other items, and to pair with Impale for extended slow and massive bonus damage dealt to your target of choice. The extra building damage also helps whenever your team needs to push.
- Aghanim's Scepter unlocks Burrow, which can give Nyx Assassin a strong tactical advantage against certain enemies. It also improves his overall attributes, aiding in his survivability and buffing up his mana pool.
Situational items:
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity is a strong casting item that boosts Nyx Assassin's ability to roam and gank. The increased intelligence and mana regen help to sustain his spell casting, ensuring that he doesn't have to return to base to replenish mana, and the increased movement speed gives him more mobility for hunting down enemies. The cyclone can be used to dispel debuffs from Nyx Assassin while providing temporary invulnerability, or can be cast on an enemy as a further disable.
- Force Staff is a handy utility item that grants Nyx Assassin many strong bonuses. It provides more intelligence for increasing the size of his mana pool, as well as health regeneration for sustaining his health pool. The active greatly improves Nyx Assassin's mobility, allowing him to re-position for casting his spells, or chasing and escaping more easily. In a pinch, it can also be used as a cheap way to break an enemy Linken's Sphere prior to landing other disables and nukes, and can even be used to re-position Nyx Assassin during Burrow.
- Aether Lens will increase Impale and Mana Burn's cast range, which is good to offset their terrible cast animation. It can be built by recycling the Energy Booster you got from Arcane Boots.
- Daedalus greatly boosts Nyx Assassin's damage from Vendetta, giving him much more kill potential while also allowing his attacks to deal critical damage to enemies.
- Abyssal Blade will allow Nyx Assassin to instantly stun an enemy hero with Vendetta, making it much more easier to set up Impale and finish them off faster. Abyssal Blade will also allow Nyx Assassin to stun an enemy hero who tries to protect himself/herself with Black King Bar while also providing Nyx Assassin with damage block.
- Ethereal Blade is a strong nuke booster that improves Nyx Assassin's ability to burst down enemies. As his primary attribute is agility, the bonus agility will increase the damage that Ether Blast deals, which will also greatly slow its target's movement speed while weakening their magic resistance, leaving them wide open for Impale, Mana Burn and Dagon.
- Bottle is a very strong self-sustain item that allows Nyx Assassin to replenish his HP and mana, increasing his autonomy. As he constantly roams, Nyx is able to easily pick up runes to refill his Bottle, and utilize the runes during ganks as needed.
- Scythe of Vyse gives Nyx Assassin an instant ranged hard disable, useful in many situations. Also, it gives him stats across the board, particularly improving his intelligence for more mana and providing powerful scaling mana regeneration to allow him to roam independently.
- Lotus Orb allows Nyx Assassin to further use the enemy's spells against them on top of Spiked Carapace. Echo Shell gives Nyx Assassin a tool to reflect enemy spells, and even though it doesn't block the damage done by these spells it can reflect debuffs and stuns rather than just the damage. It also provides armor, increasing Nyx Assassin's survivability, and HP and mana regen for self-sustain.
- Orchid Malevolence provides Nyx Assassin with a soft disable that can greatly improve his ability to gank and kill enemies. By silencing an enemy during a gank, Nyx Assassin can prevent them from casting retaliatory disables to get away; as well, his high burst damage can take advantage of the burn damage at the end of the silence to increase the odds of getting a kill during a gank. The item also provides increased intelligence and mana regen, further improving Nyx Assassin's ability to roam independently.
- Drum of Endurance is a useful stat booster that is easy to build. It gives Nyx Assassin all-around attributes, improving his HP, attack damage and mana. The active can be very useful, as it boosts Nyx Assassin's movement speed, allowing him to chase down enemies quickly.
- Linken's Sphere greatly improves Nyx Assassin's survivability, and allows him to engage and gank enemies through single-target disables. The Spellblock allows Nyx Assassin to ignore any targeted disables that enemies may try to hit him with, allowing him to continue pursuit and kill the enemy.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Main Article: Hero Challenges
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
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![]() Master |
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![]() Grandmaster |
- Nyx Assassin's original name was Anub'arak, and he was titled "Nerubian Assassin". Both were changed in the transition to Dota 2 due to copyright reasons.
- Anub'arak is a character of Blizzard's franchise "Warcraft", who first appeared in the campaign "Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne". He was the king of the Nerubians, a race of malevolent arachnids who were slain and raised as undead.
- Nyx Assassin's fun name in DotA was Anoob'arak.
- In Disruptor's splash art you can see the silhouette of Nyx Assassin in the background.
- Nyx Assassin is an insect, not an arachnid (or spider), despite possessing 8 appendages -- 6 are used for walking, and his lore clearly defines him as a member of a race of "telepathic, eusocial insects".