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Source: Update Notes - November 7, 2012, Update 2
Patch Notes
- Dark Seer:
- Fixed Wall of Replica illusion creation timing (affects instantly dying illusions mainly).
- Dragon Knight:
- Fixed Elder Dragon Form not splashing on siege units.
- Enchantress:
- Fixed being unable to be healed by Nature's Attendants if you are sleeping.
- Fixed Impetus not being castable on Magic Immune enemies (still does no damage if immune on impact).
- Gyrocopter:
- Homing Missile now starts 150 units in front him.
- Huskar:
- Fixed Life Break not properly dispelling buffs on you when cast.
- Lich:
- Fixed Chain Frost not working with Refresher.
- Phantom Lancer:
- Fixed not reproducing his abilities (including stat bonuses) correctly on his Doppelwalk illusion.
- Fixed Doppelwalk illusions never Juxtaposing.
- Shadow Shaman:
- Fixed Mass Serpent Ward having no cast point.
- Silencer:
- Fixed illusions stealing intelligence.
- Spirit Breaker:
- Fixed case where he could interrupt his Charge by previously having given an attack order to his target.
- Templar Assassin:
- Fixed Psionic Traps nearby detonate ability not always working if the trap is too far.
- Undying:
- Zombies now correctly disable Blink Dagger.
- Venomancer:
- Fixed Poison Sting duration not increasing per level.
- Visage:
- Io:
- Fixed his Spirits dying if he gets cycloned or purged.
- Fixed Tether targeting magic immune allies.
- Witch Doctor:
- Fixed Paralyzing Cask not bouncing between Magic Immune enemies (doesn't stun them, but doesn't cause the bouncing to end prematurely).
- Fixed Death Ward not bouncing on magic immune enemies.
- Fixed heroes being able to get stuck on each other in rare cases.
- Fixed neutrals seeing and killing other sentry wards (as well as other non-attacking ward-type units).
- Fixed Arcane Boots and Mekansm being unable to affected allied invulnerable units.
- Fixed Orb of Venom doing lethal damage.
- Fixed Neutral Gnoll's poison attack doing lethal damage.
- Fixed Vladmir's Offering applying the aura when the owning unit is dead.
- Movement speed on the HUD is now written as a total rather than two separate numbers.
- Fixed Disabled Tranquil Boots movement speed.
- Updated Tranquil Boots disabled icon.
- If you miss the queue for Diretide and accept a requeue, you will be put back in the Diretide queue.
- Adding chat bubble visualization of your current mic volume.
- Voice Threshold and Mute Cobroadcasters settings should now persist when the game is restarted.
- Added voice auto-gain. All voices are now brought up to a normal level. Turning off microphone boost in Windows settings is recommended.
- Reduced the delay on voice transmission.
- Added new sound effects for various items.
- Synced main client updates.
- Added Reverse Captain's Mode Game Mode.
- Added Tournament entry for atoD 2 tournament.
Update 2
- Fixed puck missing its wings.
- Fixed Silencer's illusions stealing intelligence.
- Fixed Phantom Lancer from having auras that he should not have (due to dropped/sold items).
- Fixed Recall and Return not being disabled by Undying zombies.
- Fixed Templar Assassin still having a range check on trap detonation.