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Necronomicon 2 icon
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The Necronomicon was an item purchasable at the Base Shop, under Magical. It could be upgraded by purchasing the recipe again.

Components required from the Base Shop
Necronomicon icon
Necronomicon 1 icon
Necronomicon 2 icon
Necronomicon 3 icon
Considered the ultimate in necromancy and demonology, a powerful malefic force is locked within its pages.
Removed Item
Cost 2050 Gold (1250)
Sell Value Full price refunded within 10s. 1025 Gold
Active Demonic Summoning
Bonus ? +6/12/18 Strength
+2/3/4 Mana Regeneration
Shareable No
Disassemble No
Usage Alert ? No
Necronomicon 2 (3300)
Necronomicon (2050)
Sage's Mask (175)
Sage's Mask (175)
Belt of Strength (450)
Recipe (1250)

Additional Information[]

  • Upgrading the item improves its stats and strengthens the summons from Necronomicon icon Demonic Summoning. Can be upgraded twice.
  • The total gold cost for each level is 2050/3300/4550 Gold.
  • The item's attributes grants the following bonuses:


Demonic Summoning
No Target
Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for 60 seconds.

Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.

Has a passive movement and attack speed aura. Gains Purge at level 3.
Number of Warriors: 1
Number of Archers: 1
Duration: 60
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • Interrupts the caster's channeling abilities upon cast.
  • The summons always spawn in front of the caster.
  • Recasting this with the same Necronomicon replaces the summons from the previous cast, no matter under whose control they are.
    • However, recasting it with a second Necronomicon (or the same with a different level) creates two new summons.
  • The summons neither can be affected by Helm of the Dominator icon Dominate nor Hand of Midas icon Transmute.
    • However, they can be targeted by other converting or instantly killing abilities like Death Pact icon Death Pact or Devour icon Devour.
  • All 3 levels of Necronomicon share cooldown.


Necronomicon Warrior[]

Necronomicon Warrior
Necronomicon Warrior model
Summoned Creep
This unit has no mana.
Level 5
Duration Ability Duration 60
Armor Armor 4
Magic Resistance 40%
Status Resistance 0
Attack Damage ▶️ Default
45/55/70 ‒ 50/70/85
Attack Range Melee 100
Acquisition Range 500
Attack Speed 1.4/1.43/1.45 attack(s) per second. 105/107/109 • 0.75s BAT
Attack Animation 0.56+0.44
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 370/375/380 (100)
Turn Rate Takes 0.209s to turn 180°. 0.5
Collision Size 36
Bound Radius 16
Vision Range (G) 1300/1400/1500800
Bounty Gold 50/100/150
Experience 50/100/150

Mana Break (Necronomicon Warrior) icon Mana Break
Last Will (Necronomicon Warrior) icon Last Will
True Sight (Necronomicon Warrior) icon True Sight

Mana Break
Can be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. Does not pierce debuff immunity.
Mana Break (Necronomicon Warrior) icon
Mana burned per hit, a portion of which is dealt as damage.
Mana Burned per Hit: 30/40/50
Burned Mana as Damage: 50%
Does not pierce debuff immunity.
Does not affect debuff immune units at all.
Modifiers [?]

  • Burned mana as damage is considered as a conditional attack damage bonus.
    • Although the attack damage bonus values are not displayed in the HUD, it is still considered and directly added to Anti-Mage's attack damage.
    • The attack damage bonus values are not considered by the following sources:
      • Critical strike sources.
      • Mana loss manipulation sources, despite burning less mana and the affected target losing less mana.
    • However, it is considered by lifesteal and cleave, and it can be reduced only by flat reductions (e.g. damage block).
    • Since it is considered bonus attack damage, it is not affected by percentage-based attack damage bonuses or reductions.
  • Effectively increases the warrior's attack damage by 15/20/25 against units which have enough mana to burn.
  • Applies the mana loss first, and then the damage.
  • Works against allied units when attacking them.

Last Will
Disabled by Break. Does not pierce debuff immunity.
Last Will (Necronomicon Warrior) icon
Deals damage to the unit that kills the Necronomicon Warrior.
Damage: 600/700/800
Modifiers [?]

  • Does not affect allied units, so it can be denied without taking damage.
  • The distance between the Necronomicon Warrrior and the killing unit does not matter.
  • The warrior’s gold and experience bounty is granted first, the damage is applied afterwards.

True Sight
Not disabled by Break. Pierces debuff immunity.
True Sight (Necronomicon Warrior) icon
Reveals invisible units.
Radius: 1000
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Modifiers [?]

  • Available for level 3 Necronomicon Warriors only.
  • The True Sight is provided within the whole area, regardless of the warrior's actual vision. It is fully unobstructed.
  • The True Sight is provided by an aura which affects enemies. Its debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.

Necronomicon Archer[]

Necronomicon Archer
Necronomicon Archer model
Summoned Creep
This unit has no mana.
Level 5
Duration Ability Duration 60
Armor Armor 4
Magic Resistance 40%
Status Resistance 0
Attack Damage ▶️ Default
35/55/70 ‒ 40/60/80
Attack Range Ranged 450/500/550
Acquisition Range 600
Attack Speed 1.05/1.07/1.09 attack(s) per second. 105/107/109 • 1s BAT
Attack Animation 0.7+0.3
Projectile Speed 900
Move Speed ▶️ 350/385/425 (100)
Turn Rate Takes 0.209s to turn 180°. 0.5
Collision Size 18
Bound Radius 8
Vision Range (G) 1300/1400/1500800
Bounty Gold 50/100/150
Experience 50/100/150
Abilities L3
Mana Burn (Necronomicon Archer) icon Purge
Archer Aura (Necronomicon Archer) icon Archer Aura
Notes Immune Against:
Helm of the Dominator icon Dominate
Hand of Midas icon Transmute

Mana Burn (Necronomicon Archer) icon
Removes positive buffs from enemies and slow their movement speed.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.47
Cast Range: 600
Move Speed Slow: 100%
Slow Duration: 4
Cooldown symbol
Modifiers [?]

  • Available for level 3 Necronomicon Archers only.
  • Purge first applies the dispel, then the slow.
  • The slow decreases in 0.8 second intervals, so it slows for 100%/80%/60%/40%/20%, going one step down every 0.8 seconds.

Archer Aura
Can be used by illusions. Disabled by Break.
Archer Aura (Necronomicon Archer) icon
Increases movement of nearby units.
Radius: 1200
Move Speed Bonus: 5%/7%/9%
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Modifiers [?]

  • Multiple instances of Archer Aura do not stack.
  • The aura's buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.

Recommended Heroes[]

In general, Necronomicon is best bought by strength or intelligence heroes who have abilities that synergize with the Necronomicon summons.

  • Heroes who have creep-compatible auras.
    • Beastmaster minimap icon Beastmaster's Inner Beast icon Inner Beast aura boosts the attack speed of all his summons, and he commonly builds more items to improve his Beastmaster Boar icon Boars.
    • Lycan minimap icon Lycan gives Lycan Wolf icon Lycan Wolves a long-duration haste, as well as providing a critical strike aura.
  • Heroes who control a lot of units.
    • Enchantress minimap icon Enchantress has no innate auras, but she can collect more Neutral creeps than any other single hero to gain many auras, and in the late game can control even Ancient Creeps, which work well with the Necronomicon units.
    • Enigma minimap icon Enigma have massed Enigma Eidolon icon Eidolons to gain a better push force and benefit from summon auras.
    • Nature's Prophet minimap icon Nature's Prophet is able to effectively increase the number of melee creeps in a lane to push it, and the summons can help speed up that push by clearing the wave and improving the move and attack speed of all the units.
    • Broodmother minimap icon Broodmother can at times have dozens of Broodmother Spiderling icon Spiderlings and Broodmother Spiderling icon Spiderites under her control, and the necronomicon units are an effective way of speeding up her pushing power, or to burn mana with Mana Break (Necronomicon Warrior) icon Mana Break from her targets to protect her fragile summons from radius-based spells.
  • Heroes with a castable attack speed buff. The Necronomicon Warrior icon Necronomicon Warrior has a very low base attack time, only 0.75. There are few ways to grant it bonus attack speed, but they are very effective in increasing his mana burn potential.
    • Ogre Magi minimap icon Ogre Magi can cast Bloodlust icon Bloodlust on the warrior, and slow a target to provide lots of time for the summons to Mana Break (Necronomicon Warrior) icon Mana Break all of a target's mana.
    • Abaddon minimap icon Abaddon's passive Curse of Avernus icon Curse of Avernus ability allows him to chase targets, and increases the attack speed and move speed of allied units attacking the same target. It also provides him with a second reliable carrier of Aphotic Shield icon Aphotic Shield.
  • Heroes who have channeled disables, or otherwise have spells that disable the caster.
    • Bane minimap icon Bane can increase the damage output of his Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip". with Necronomicon units. While he grips a target enemy, the Necronomicon Warrior icon Necronomicon Warrior's Mana Break (Necronomicon Warrior) icon Mana Break will further drain mana and deal more damage along with the Necronomicon Archer icon Necronomicon Archer.
    • Shadow Shaman minimap icon Shadow Shaman and Warlock minimap icon Warlock both specialize in summoning powerful units with their ultimates, then channeling a disable to allow their summon to deal damage. Necronomicon provides another summon to use when their ultimate is on cooldown, or synergizes with their ultimate.
    • Phoenix minimap icon Phoenix can control summons while casting Supernova icon Supernova, increasing the danger to enemies who try to attack the Phoenix Sun.
  • Heroes who have damage amplification spells, but lack damage themselves.
    • Shadow Demon minimap icon Shadow Demon has a powerful damage amplification and multiple disables. He has the rare ability to create illusions of enemy heroes, which may in turn provide auras for necro units, as well as taking advantage of Archer Aura (Necronomicon Archer) icon Archer Aura.
      • With the 2 summons and the 2 illusions spawned by Disruption icon Disruption, it's possible to bodyblock a trapped enemy in all four cardinal directions, effectively trapping most heroes until one of the units is killed.
  • Heroes with powerful Damage Over Time or slowing spells
    • Ancient Apparition minimap icon Ancient Apparition and Venomancer minimap icon Venomancer gain from Necronomicon units the ability to ensure that a fleeing enemy won't have enough mana to Town Portal Scroll icon Teleport back to the fountain before their ultimate kills them, and their slowing spells greatly increase the amount of damage and mana burn that the summons can perform.
    • Tusk minimap icon Tusk's Tag Team icon Tag Team triggers from attacks made by the Necronomicon units.
  • Heroes who can take advantage of multiple synergies.
    • Chen minimap icon Chen can collect ancient creeps to buff Necronomicon, and can use Penitence icon Penitence on enemy heroes to significantly amplify the attack speed of Necronomicon units.
    • Doom minimap icon Doom provides a hasting aura to his own summons when Scorched Earth icon Scorched Earth is active, stacking well with Archer Aura (Necronomicon Archer) icon Archer Aura. Using Devour icon Devour, he can gain an aura to improve the summons further, and In the late game, he can Devour Ancient Thunderhide icon Ancient Thunderhide, allowing him to cast Frenzy (Ancient Thunderhide) icon Frenzy and provide War Drums Aura (Ancient Thunderhide) icon War Drums Aura to the summons.
    • Io minimap icon Io is able to summon the units after Relocate icon Relocate, increasing the power of a relocate gank. Additionally, if no ally needs the Tether icon Tether, Io can Overcharge icon Overcharge the Necronomicon Warrior icon Necronomicon Warrior for bonus attack speed.
    • Invoker minimap icon Invoker has potentially strong kit for Necronomicon. Alacrity icon Alacrity provides Necronomicon Warrior icon Necronomicon Warrior with bonus damage and attack speed, Invoker Forged Spirit icon Forged Spirit can reduce the armor of enemies, increasing the damage of both Necronomicon units, and he has multiple strong slows and disable to provide more time to kill off targets.
  • Some heroes have unique synergies with Necronomicon.
    • Arc Warden minimap icon Arc Warden is unique in that he can summon two sets of units with a single book by using his Tempest Double minimap icon Tempest Double. Additionally, it extends the effective time of the double, as the summons live twice as long as the double.
      • Additionally, his other spells provide exceptionally strong slows to prevent escapes.
    • Keeper of the Light minimap icon Keeper of the Light has a kit that synergizes in many ways with Necronomicon.
      • Chakra Magic icon Chakra Magic can be cast upon the Necronomicon Archer icon Necronomicon Archer to reduce its ability's cooldown.
      • Blinding Light icon Blinding Light can be aimed to push a target next to the summons, and provide a debuff making it harder for the target to kill the summoned units.
    • Night Stalker minimap icon Night Stalker's flying vision synergizes well with Necronomicon for dewarding purposes, and provides him a way to burn through a target's mana during his lengthy silence and slow.
    • Dark Seer minimap icon Dark Seer's spells amplify the Necronomicon Warrior. With Surge icon Surge and Ion Shell icon Ion Shell, Necronomicon Warrior icon Necronomicon Warrior becomes an exceptionally dangerous summon.
    • Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle's Bad Juju icon Bad Juju reduces the cooldown of Necronomicon, making the item more efficient on him as it has lesser downtime compared to other heros.
  • Because a lot of Necronomicon's value is in its summons, many of the above heroes gain synergy with the item even if it was purchased by another hero. In addition, some heroes are poor carriers of the item, but benefit a lot from having the item on their team.


  • This item is based on the Necronomicon, a fictional grimoire created by horror author H. P. Lovecraft. The summoning ability of the item is similar to the original book's role in summoning the ancient cosmic Old Ones in Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.
  • The coloration of the two units may be a reference to the Japanese tradition of Oni being either Red or Blue, with the Red Oni traditionally more aggressive, emotional, and extroverted, while Blue Oni are traditionally more serene, intellectual, and introverted.


Recent Changes[]

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

Increases the movement speed of nearby allies.
Radius: 1200
Movement speed bonus: 5%/7%/9%
Aura linger duration: 0.5
  • Reduced mana regeneration bonus from 3/3.5/4 to 2/3/4.
  • Necronomicon Archer icon Necronomicon Archer
      Archer Aura (Necronomicon Archer) icon Archer Aura.
      attack class from Pierce to Hero.
    • Reduced attack damage from 55-65/85-95/115-125 to 35-40/55-60/70-80.
    • Increased attack speed from 100 on each level to 105/107/109.
    • Increased movement speed from 350 on each level to 370/375/380.
  • Necronomicon Warrior icon Necronomicon Warrior
      attack class from Pierce to Hero.
    • Reduced attack damage from 70-80/90-110/115-135 to 45-50/55-70/70-85.
    • Increased attack speed from 100 on each level to 105/107/109.
    • Increased movement speed from 330/360/390 to 350/385/425.
    • Last Will (Necronomicon Warrior) icon Last Will no longer pierces spell immunity.
  • Reduced Sage's Mask icon Sage's Mask cost from 225 Gold to 175 Gold (total cost decreases from 2150/3400/4650 Gold to 2050/3300/4550 Gold).

</div> </div>
