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Bad against...[]

Batrider icon
  • Firefly icon Firefly can be used to clear Nature's Prophet's Treants and allows Batrider destroy Sprout's trees.
  • Flaming Lasso icon Flaming Lasso prevents Nature's Prophet from escaping using Teleportation.
Broodmother icon
  • Broodmother can destroy Nature's Prophet's Treants with Spawn Spiderlings icon Spawn Spiderlings and summon spiderlings in their place.
  • Broodmother loves buying Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence, which can prevent Nature's Prophet from escaping with Sprout and Teleportation.
Clockwerk icon
  • Clockwerk's long range initiation and catch makes it incredibly difficult for Nature's Prophet to split push and show on the map alone.
  • Rocket Flare icon Rocket Flare can be used to scout Nature's Prophet if he is hiding in the forest, and can provide vision inside of Sprout.
Dawnbreaker icon
  • Starbreaker and Celestial Hammer does high AoE damage which easily clears Nature's Prophet Treant icon Treants, shutting down most of Nature's Prophets damage and pushing power.
  • Dawnbreaker can teleport to deal with split-pushing Nature's Prophet and rejoin her team with Solar Guardian when they require it.
  • Since Starbreaker clears trees in its path followed by a stun at the end Nature's Prophet will be unable to escape the dangerous situation by using Sprout icon Sprout on himself and teleporting away with either Teleportation icon Teleportation or Town Portal Scroll icon Town Portal Scroll.
Death Prophet icon
  • Crypt Swarm icon Crypt Swarm helps clear waves of Treants.
  • Silence icon Silence prevents Nature's Prophet from using Sprout or Teleportation.
  • Exorcism icon Exorcism kills Treants with ease.
Doom icon
  • Doom can eats Nature's Prophet's treants with Devour icon Devour and gains lots of gold.
  • Doom can buy Radiance icon Radiance or use his Scorched Earth icon Scorched Earth to quickly wipe out a swarm of Treants.
  • Doom ability icon Doom and a ministun from Infernal Blade icon Infernal Blade's prevents Nature's Prophet from escaping with Sprout and Teleportation.
Earthshaker icon
  • Echo Slam icon Echo Slam can do a lot of damage to Nature's Prophet and his teammates if they stand close to his Treants.
Elder Titan icon
  • Astral Spirit icon Astral Spirit can give Elder Titan a lot of damage and movement speed if Nature's Prophet sends all of his Treants together.
  • Not only does Echo Stomp icon Echo Stomp prevent Nature's Prophet from escaping using Teleportation, but Astral Spirit icon Astral Spirit can be used to bypass Sprout and cancel Teleportation with it's own Echo Stomp icon Echo Stomp from long distances.
  • Earth Splitter icon Earth Splitter can clear Nature's Prophet's Treants effectively.
Ember Spirit icon
  • Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist with Battle Fury icon Battle Fury deals a lot of damage to Nature's Prophet's team if they stand close to his Treants, as well as killing all the Treants with ease.
  • Ember Spirit with Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant and Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel can be very active around the map, which enables him to quickly teleport and defend the objective Nature's Prophet is attacking whenever he tries to push.
Faceless Void icon
Jakiro icon
  • Jakiro's Macropyre icon Macropyre can help him to escape from Sprout and quickly clears Treants.
  • Jakiro can disrupt Nature's Prophet's escape attempt with Sprout and Teleportation by using Ice Path icon Ice Path.
Lina icon
Luna icon
Meepo icon
  • Meepo can net Nature's Prophet's treants with Earthbind icon Earthbind and then Poof icon Poof them, putting an end to his pushing.
  • Skilled Meepo minimap icon Meepos can rival and even exceed Nature's Prophet's global presence by combining Poof icon Poof with Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel, meaning that he can not only stop his push, but also can kill him if he is not careful.
Naga Siren icon
  • Naga Siren is a natural split-pusher. With a Radiance icon Radiance equipped, she will easily keep the lanes pushed out, therefore keeping backdoor protection enabled and preventing Nature's Prophet from dealing building damage.
  • Ensnare icon Ensnare can prevent Teleportation. Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Ensnare icon Ensnare can also affect Nature's Prophet even if he is spell immune. And Reel In icon Reel In from Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter can also be used to separate Nature's Prophet from his treant and bring him close to Naga Siren and her team to burst him down.
  • Song of the Siren icon Song of the Siren will stop Nature's Prophet from escaping even if he has hidden inside of Sprout. Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgraded Song of the Siren icon Song of the Siren can also heal her allies and save them from Nature's Prophet.
Sand King icon
Shadow Shaman icon
  • Shadow Shaman's Mass Serpent Ward icon Mass Serpent Ward together with Ether Shock icon Ether Shock can easily kill lots of Treants if played defensively.
  • Hex (Shadow Shaman) icon Hex and Shackles icon Shackles can disrupt Nature's Prophet's escape attempts with Teleportation.
Spectre icon
  • Shadow Step icon Shadow Step's low cooldown allows Spectre to teleport to him whenever he decides to push.
  • Spectral Dagger icon Spectral Dagger allows Spectre to go through Sprout's trees and stun Nature's Prophet if she has a Skull Basher icon Skull Basher or Abyssal Blade icon Abyssal Blade.
  • Spectre loves buying Radiance icon Radiance, which can kill Nature's Prophet's Treants easily.
Spirit Breaker icon
  • Spirit Breaker can chase Nature's Prophet from anywhere on the map with Charge of Darkness icon Charge of Darkness, making it hard for Nature's Prophet to split-push.
  • Charge of Darkness icon Charge of Darkness and Nether Strike icon Nether Strike gives vision of Nature's Prophet when he tries to Sprout himself and teleport away.
Storm Spirit icon
  • Ball Lightning icon Ball Lightning can be used to clear Nature's Prophet's Treants and easily destroys Sprout.
  • Electric Vortex icon Electric Vortex prevents Nature's Prophet's escaping using Teleportation.
Timbersaw icon
  • All three of Timbersaw’s abilities give him an easy way out of Sprout, and can also destroy nearby trees so Nature's Prophet can’t spawn Treants.
  • If Prophet tries to escape with a self Sprout/Teleport, Timbersaw can easily cut down all its trees to get to him and deal increased Whirling Death icon Whirling Death damage as well.
  • Chakram icon Chakram heavily discourages teleports.
  • Timbersaw is quite well suited to clearing massive waves of Treants almost instantly with all of his area of effect pure damage abilities, preventing Nature's Prophet from pushing.
  • Treants can give Reactive Armor many charges quite quickly.
Tinker icon
  • Tinker has great map presence because of Keen Conveyance icon Keen Conveyance and Rearm icon Rearm, which means he can always teleport and defend towers whenever Nature's Prophet tries to push.
  • Laser icon Laser prevents Nature's Prophet from attacking. Additionally, even with Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar, Nature's Prophet cannot hit towers and buildings during the effect.
Underlord icon
  • Firestorm icon Firestorm makes quick work of Treants and Atrophy Aura icon Atrophy Aura gives him temporary damage for every Treant killed.
  • Pit of Malice icon Pit of Malice can stop Teleportation channeling.
  • Atrophy Aura icon Atrophy Aura greatly reduces Nature's Prophet's damage and he has no other good way to deal damage.
  • Fiend's Gate icon Fiend's Gate can counter split-pushing, which is something that Nature's Prophet relies on a lot. Fiend's Gate icon Fiend's Gate can also be used to either escape from Nature's Prophet or to prepare an ambush on Nature's Prophet, and outside from Nature's Wrath, Nature's Prophet has no other ways to intercept arrivals with Fiend's Gate icon Fiend's Gate.
Visage icon
  • Nature's Prophet has no innate way to deal with Gravekeeper's Cloak icon Gravekeeper's Cloak or kill Visage Familiar icon Familiars effectively.
  • Familiars can fly over the trees created by Sprout. They can also use Stone Form (Familiar) icon Stone Form when Nature's Prophet is trying to use Teleportation.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgraded Stone Form (Familiar) icon Stone Form alow allows Visage himself to stun Nature's Prophet whenever he is trying to use Teleportation.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter gives Visage Silent as the Grave icon Silent as the Grave ability, which allows him and his Visage Familiar icon Familiars to either escape from Nature's Prophet or give him a surprise attack.



Good against...[]

Lich icon
  • His treants can prevent Chain Frost icon Chain Frost from jumping to Nature's Prophet or his allies.
Monkey King icon
  • Nature's Prophet's Natures's Call can destroy trees while Monkey King is standing on them with Tree Dance icon Tree Dance, which will stun him for a good deal of time.
Treant Protector icon
  • Nature's Prophet's Nature's Call can destroy trees that Treant Protecter is hiding in, revealing him.
Venomancer icon
Weaver icon


Works well with...[]

Tiny icon

Sprout can be used to make Tiny enough trees for him to throw all six of them in a Tree Volley icon Tree Volley, which allows Tiny to use this ability away from large clumps of trees.

Skywrath Mage icon
  • When Nature's Prophet uses Sprout to trap an enemy, Skywrath Mage can follow up with Mystic Flare icon Mystic Flare.
  • Ancient Seal icon Ancient Seal can prevent a enemy from using a ability to free themself from Sprout, and increases Wrath of Nature's damage significantly.
Bloodseeker icon
  • Nature's Prophet can teleport and finish off target with low HP with vision provided by Thirst icon Thirst, or just simply use Wrath of Nature to do so.
Invoker icon
  • Invoker can assist Nature's Prophet anywhere whenever he ganks with Sun Strike icon Sun Strike. Sun Strike is also guaranteed to hit if the target is trapped by Sprout.
Windranger icon
  • Heroes trapped by Sprout are guaranteed to be stunned for the full duration of Shackleshot icon Shackleshot.
Timbersaw icon
  • Sprout's trees can be used with Timber Chain icon Timber Chain.
  • Sprout lets Timbersaw deal bonus damage with Whirling Death icon Whirling Death against the trapped enemy hero.
Riki icon
  • Sprout can ensure Riki is able to get off all of his Tricks of the Trade icon Tricks of the Trade attacks without the enemy being able to run outside of it's radius.
  • Smoke Screen icon Smoke Screen traps enemy heroes in Sprout who rely on a ability to escape.
Mars icon
Zeus icon
  • Zeus can aid Nature's Prophet from afar, with Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Thundergod's Wrath". and Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Nimbus".. Both also provide global vision, so that enemy heroes can be targeted later with Wrath of Nature
  • Zeus can scout and remove enemy wards, which might hinder Nature's global mobility throughout the map

