Dota 2 Wiki
Naga Siren
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
21 + 2.4
21 + 3.3
21 + 2
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 582 1308 2100 2408
+1 +2.89 +5.91 +9.15 +10.41
Mana 75 327 663 1047 1191
+0 +1.05 +2.45 +4.05 +4.65
Armor 1 4.5 12.2 19.7 22.78
Magic Resist 25% 27.1% 29.9% 33.1% 34.3%
Damage Block 16 (50%)






Attack Rate 0.65/s 0.77/s 1.04/s 1.31/s 1.42/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (600)
Attack Speed ▶️ 110 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.5 + 0.5
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 330 (Nighttime 360)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 18
Bound Radius 8
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal npc_dota_hero_naga_siren
For the race in Dota 2 lore, see Naga.
Able to captivate and disable enemies with her song.
Once a highly regarded commander of the Slithereen Guard, Slithice fell from honor following a seemingly trivial oversight. She was to find the one stolen chalice, or remain banished forever. Slithice splits a squad of Mirror Images, sending them to scout ahead and Reel In mislead foes. She Ensnares targets in a luminous net, then lashes out with Rip Tides to soften their armor. With the sound of her voice, the enemy halts in mid-swing, lowering their weapons at the sound of a haunting aria. There they will stand, mesmerized, unresponsive to Slithice's encircling allies as they listen to the Siren's Song that has lulled them to their deaths.
Mirror Image
Rip Tide
Reel In
Reel In
Song of the Siren
Song of the Siren
Roles: Carry Carry Support Support Pusher Pusher Disabler Disabler Initiator Initiator Escape Escape
Complexity: Hero ComplexityHero Complexity
Adjectives: Aquatic, Female, Green, Nose
Legs ( 0 )


Naga Siren minimap iconSlithice, the Naga Siren
▶️ "I sing the Siren song of war."
Among the high-sworn of the Slithereen Guard there is a solemn vow oft repeated before battle: No Slithereen may fail. In truth, these words are equal parts oath and enforceable covenant, for those who fall short of their duty are banished from the order. To fail is to be other than Slithereen.

Once most highly esteemed of her race, Slithice for many years commanded a battalion of her fellows, using her formidable voice as her greatest weapon. Powerful, sinuous, serpentine, she led her deadly Guard in defense of the Deep Ones, and the great wealth of the sunken cities. But in the final battle of Crey, her forces were driven back by a marauding army of levianths intent on finding tribute for their god Maelrawn. After the long and bloody onslaught, as the bodies were cleared from the sunken halls, a single jeweled chalice was found missing from the trove. Of her hundred Guard, only a handful survived, but their bravery and sacrifice were of little consequence. What mattered was that treasure was taken. Honor destroyed. And so Naga Siren was cast out. Banished to search for the stolen chalice. Though she might add a hundred times her weight to the golden trove, she is doomed to live apart until that day she returns that which was taken. For no amount of gold is equal in honor to the honor she lost.


Mirror Image
Mirror Image icon
No Target
Creates multiple images of Naga Siren under her control.
Split Time: 0.5
Number of Illusions: 3 (Talent 4)
Illusions Illusions
Damage Dealt: 25%/30%/35%/40% (Talent 35%/40%/45%/50%)
Damage Taken: 350%
Duration: 26
Cooldown symbol
 40/35/30/25 (Talent 30/25/20/15)
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Slithice, while being strong in her own right, is notoriously hard to track down.
Mirror Image formation

The illusions' formations.

  • After the 0.5-second split time, Naga Siren reappears with her illusions.
    • The reappear locations are based on Naga Siren's position upon cast, with one appearing at the cast location, and the others north, east, south, or west from that point.
    • This means when spawning 3 illusions, the formation is T-shaped and when spawning 4 illusions, it is shaped like a plus.
    • Though the formation is always the same, Naga Siren and her illusions take a random position in the formation and have all the same facing angle.
    • The illusions have a
      2 × IllusionLVL bounty.
  • The distance in between each created illusion is 108-distance if the caster's collision size is 27, and 72-distance if its collision size is 18.
  • Orders the caster to stop after the split time, canceling all queued orders, and orders given during the split time.
    • Also stops all ongoing targeted orders of other units that have been issued before Mirror Image was cast.
  • Successive casts replace the illusions from the previous cast, no matter under whose control they are.

Ensnare icon
Interrupts the target and traps them in place, preventing movement or blinking.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.47
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 500/525/550/575
Duration: 2.75/3.5/4.25/5
With Aghanim's Scepter Ensnare Cast Range Multiplier: 1.6
Cooldown symbol
 21/18/15/12 (Talent 19/16/13/10)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Grants the Reel In ability.
Increases Ensnare cast range and net speed by 1.6.
Partially pierces debuff immunity.
True Sight pierces debuff immunity.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Toggling Autocast on swaps this ability out with Reel In icon Reel In. Their cooldowns are separate.
The only way to escape the onslaught of a Slithereen is to never oppose one in the first place.

  • The net travels at a speed of 1500 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 2400).
  • Roots the target, preventing it from moving and casting certain mobility abilities.
  • All illusions owned by Naga Siren within 900 range of the target also cast a fake Ensnare.
    • They play the whole cast animation and release their fake nets at the same time the real net is released.
    • When illusions currently do not have any order and are standing still, they turn to face the target and cast the fake nets.
    • When illusions are moving or attacking, they continue to do so and do not turn to face the target. They still play the cast animation, overriding their move or attack animations.
    • When canceling the cast, the illusions still play the full cast animation, but do not release the fake nets.
    • The fake nets do not interact with anything and do not root.
  • Increases the default cast range to 800/840/880/920.
    • Stacks additively with other sources of percentage-based cast range manipulations, and is calculated after all flat cast range bonuses.

Rip Tide icon
Every 6 attacks from naga and her illusions, the Naga Siren and her images will hit all nearby units with a damaging wave of water that lowers armor for 4 seconds.
Required Hits: 6 (Talent 5)
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 300
Damage: 34/41/48/55 (Talent 59/66/73/80)
Armor Reduction: 2/4/6/8
Duration: 4
Can be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
The illusions have independent attack counters.
Rip Tide is only applied around heroes and illusions that have this ability.
Modifiers [?]
A torrent from the Deep Ones crushes the defenses of the Siren's enemies.

  • Each successful attack performed by Naga Siren or her illusions applies the attack counter buff on Naga Siren.
    • If the buff is already present, its stack count gets increased instead.
    • Counts attacks against any enemy unit, except buildings.
    • The counter buff has no duration and lasts indefinitely.
  • When the counter reaches 6 (Talent 5), Rip Tide's effects are applied around all units under Naga Siren's control that have this ability, and the counter buff is removed.
  • Enemies may only be hit by one instance, even when within range of multiple Rip Tides. Neither the damage nor the debuff stack.
  • The damage source of all Rip Tides is the unit that performed the triggering attack, meaning on-damage effects react on the unit that triggered it (e.g. Blade Mail icon Blade Mail).
  • Rip Tide first applies the armor reduction debuff, the Rip Tide damage, then the attack damage.

Reel In
Reel In icon
Enemies / Self
Naga Siren channels for up to 5 seconds, pulling all units affected by Naga's Ensnare in a 1400 range towards her at a speed of 200.
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 1400
Min Distance: 100
Pull Speed: 200
Max Channel Time: 5
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Requires drafting Ensnare icon Ensnare to be unlocked.
Even the youngest Slithereen are well schooled in trawling for prey with nothing but their wits and nets.

  • Requires an Ensnare icon Ensnared target to be cast.
    • There is no limit to how many targets, including enemies and allies alike, can be moved by Reel In, as long as they are affected by the net, they are considered an Ensnared target.
    • While Roshan icon Roshan and ancient creeps (e.g. Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Couriers) can be Ensnared, Reel In does not consider them to be an Ensnared target.
    • Fully affects invulnerable units.
    • Reel In does not affect the following units:
  • Upon cast, the Ensnared target is moved towards Naga Siren.
    • Upon the target reaching the 100 min distance, they are no longer moved.
    • The Ensnare target is not disabled during the movement. They can still turn, attack and use items.
    • Reel In only moves the target when it is Ensnared.
  • Sets the target's movement speed to 200 upon cast.
    • If the target gets moved or teleported, the speed does not adapt.
    • Can move the affected target for 1000 distance when channeled for the entire duration.
  • Does not pull the Ensnared target over impassable terrain.
    • Does not pull the affected target when being affected by other disabling forced movement sources.
    • Does not impede the affected target at all and they can still turn, attack, and cast abilities.
  • This ability is not acquirable.

Song of the Siren
Song of the Siren icon
No Target / Aura
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Allies)
All enemies in range of the Naga Siren are put into a magical stasis where they cannot act or be attacked. Using Song of the Siren again will end the duration early.
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 1000/1200/1400
Duration: 7 (With Aghanim's Shard 8)
Aura Linger Duration: 0.4
With Aghanim's Shard Max Health as Health Regen Bonus: 5%
Cooldown symbol
 180/130/80 (Talent 160/110/60)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Song of the Siren heals allies by 5% of their Max HP per second for its duration.
Modifiers [?]
Slithice's powerful voice enchants leagues of opponents, while calling her Slithereen kin in a time of need.

  • Applies a sleep on affected units, preventing them from acting until woken up.
  • Song of the Siren's radius is centered on Naga Siren for the entire duration, so if she moves far enough away from affected units, they wake up.
  • All effects are provided by an aura, and its debuff lingers for 0.4 seconds.
    • Restores health in the form of health regeneration for allies within the same aura radius, despite the tooltip stating otherwise.
      • The health regeneration bonus values are not shown on the HUD.
      • Affects invulnerable, but not hidden allies. Does not affect ally buildings or wards.
      • Can regenerate up to 42% of an ally's max health over its full duration.
  • Song of the Siren cannot be interrupted. Only Naga Siren's death or the Song of the Siren End icon Song of the Siren End sub-ability can stop it.
    • However, silencing Naga Siren prevents her from manually stopping the song with the sub-ability.
  • Does not affect Roshan icon Roshan, Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Couriers, enemy wards or hidden units.
    • Does not affect invulnerable enemy units either, unless their invulnerability is provided by Song of the Siren.

Song of the Siren End
Song of the Siren End icon
No Target
Release enemy units from your song so they can be targeted again.
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • Naga Siren is unable to level Song of the Siren up while this sub-ability is active.
  • Goes into a 1-second cooldown right after Song of the Siren is cast, this is to prevent accidental double-casts prematurely ending the ability.
  • When cast, affected units wake up after the aura's 0.4-second linger duration.
  • Does not grant Song of the Siren icon Song of the Siren if this sub-ability is the last cast ability.


Hero Talents
-1 Attack to Trigger Rip Tide icon Rip Tide25-10s Mirror Image icon Mirror Image Cooldown
+1 Mirror Image icon Mirror Image Illusion20-20s Song of the Siren icon Song of the Siren Cooldown
+15 Strength attribute symbol Strength15+10% Mirror Image icon Mirror Image Damage
+25 Rip Tide icon Rip Tide Damage10-2s Ensnare icon Ensnare Cooldown

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Reduced base armor from 2 to 1.

</div> </div>

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Tango icon Tango provides needed health regeneration during the laning phase.
  • Healing Salve icon Healing Salve also restores health early on.
  • Quelling Blade icon Quelling Blade grants bonus damage against creeps to secure last hits.

Early game:

  • Bottle icon Bottle helps with sustain and rune control when farming the mid lane.
  • Boots of Speed icon Boots of Speed provides movement speed so Naga Siren can walk to her farm.

Mid game:

  • Power Treads icon Power Treads give agility and attack speed, benefiting illusions as well, to proc Rip Tide.
  • Diffusal Blade icon Diffusal Blade gives her more damage, armor and attack speed, as well as Manabreak on attacks which greatly boosts damage output of her and her illusions.
  • Manta Style icon Manta Style gives her good attribute bonuses as well as the ability to summon more illusions.
  • Radiance icon Radiance gives a lot of damage and the Radiance aura works on illusions, giving Naga Siren the ability to farm multiple areas of the map at the same time thanks to Mirror Image. Makes ultimate ability very dangerous. Positioning deep inside of enemies prevents enemies from blinking away or in once ultimate expired and they got a tick of damage from Radiance.

Late game:

  • Octarine Core icon Octarine Core reduces the cooldowns of Naga Siren's abilities, greatly improving her pushing power and making her much harder to gank.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter allows Naga Siren to cast Ensnare on spell immune enemies and it also gives her Reel In ability, with which she can pull the enemy hero affected by Ensnare to herself and her team, similarly to Batrider icon Batrider's Flaming Lasso icon Flaming Lasso.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard provides great heal to allied heroes during Song of the Siren, a terrific support item to boost team's survivability and turn around teamfights.
  • Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn will give Naga Siren great attack speed, attack damage, intelligence, magic resistance, health regeneration and mana regeneration, and will allow her to silence and enemy hero and to cause every attack from her and her illusions to have true strike while also weakening spell damage of the enemy who gets attacked by it.

Situational items:

  • Infused Raindrop icon Infused Raindrops gives good mana regeneration to keep using your abilities, and allows Naga Siren to survive some magical burst.
  • Magic Wand icon Magic Wand provides attributes and burst of health and mana, a useful sustain item no matter the role of Naga Siren.
  • Arcane Boots icon Arcane Boots solve Naga Siren's early mana issues, and it can later be upgraded into Guardian Greaves icon Guardian Greaves to heal nearby allied heroes and to apply a basic dispel on Naga Siren.
  • Drum of Endurance icon Drum of Endurance gives solid overall attributes, and an active that increases movement and attack speed to Naga Siren, allied heroes, and illusions around her.
  • Meteor Hammer icon Meteor Hammer's area stun combos well with Song of the Siren, giving the enemies little time to react.
  • Spirit Vessel icon Spirit Vessel grants Naga Siren various bonuses like health and movement speed, as well as an ability to heal teammates or counter enemy healing.
  • Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger grants mobility so Naga Siren can better initiate with Song of the Siren.
  • Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel makes Naga Siren an incredibly strong pusher and increases her farm speed.
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon Heart of Tarrasque provides a large amount of health, tanking Naga Siren and her illusions up massively. It also provides enormous passive health regeneration while not fighting, so she can return to fights faster with full health.
  • Butterfly icon Butterfly offers bonus attack speed, damage, and armor, as well as evasion that gives more survivability to her and her illusions.
  • Linken's Sphere icon Linken's Sphere provides good all around attributes as well as regeneration, which allows Naga Siren to stay farming without having to go back to base. On top of that, it provides a spellblock which can make Naga Siren harder to kill in conjunction with Song of the Siren.
  • Dagon icon Dagon can give Naga Siren great magical burst damage and a tool to put Linken's Sphere icon Linken's Sphere on cooldown if an enemy hero tries to protect themselves with it against Ensnare. And it will also give Naga Siren spell lifesteal, which will allow her to heal herself by dealing damage with Rip Tide and Radiance icon Radiance.
  • Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade can give Naga Siren good attributes, bonus mana regeneration, protection against enemy heroes who rely on physical damage, and it can also amplify the damage or Rip Tide, Radiance icon Radiance and Dagon icon Dagon (if she already has it) and increase the cast range of Ensnare. However, Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade should be bought only when playing Naga Siren as Nuker because Naga Siren relies mostly on direct attacks to be effective.
  • Veil of Discord icon Veil of Discord can give Naga Siren some good attribute points and it can also amplify the damage of Rip Tide, Radiance icon Radiance, Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade and Dagon icon Dagon (if she already has it).
  • Revenant's Brooch icon Revenant's Brooch will give Naga Siren and her illusions great attack damage, and spell lifesteal that will allow them to heal themselves by dealing damage with Rip Tide and Radiance icon Radiance. Revenant's Brooch icon Revenant's Brooch's active ability will also allow Naga Siren to have her attacks bypass enemy armor and to attack enemies who try to protect themselves with Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade at the cost of 50 mana while Revenant's Brooch icon Revenant's Brooch is toggled on.
  • Shiva's Guard icon Shiva's Guard, an upgrade for Veil of Discord icon Veil of Discord will give Naga Siren and her illusions nice attributes, lots of armor, and will also allow Naga Siren to weaken attack speed, healing and magic resistance of nearby enemy heroes, making them more vulnerable to Rip Tide's magical damage.
  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar will give Naga Siren spell immunity, which will allow Naga Siren to fight against enemy heroes during teamfights with minimal risk of getting affected by enemy abilities and items alike.
  • Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar will allow Naga Siren's attacks to pierce through the evasion, allowing her to have easier time to apply Rip Tide on enemies.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Enemies Ensnare icon Ensnared
Relic Rare icon
Three Hero Rip Tide icon Rip Tide
Relic Rare icon
Allies Healed By Song of the Siren icon Song of the Siren
Relic agility icon
Mana Damage
Relic agility icon
Illusion Tower Damage
Relic agility icon
Radiance icon Radiance Damage
Relic agility icon
Roots Leading To Kills
Relic agility icon
Triple Kills
Relic agility icon
Dominating Kill Streaks
Relic agility icon
Towers Destroyed
Relic agility icon
Wards Placed
Relic agility icon
Kill Assists
Relic agility icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
Plus Hero Badge 6



  • The DotA Naga Siren from Warcraft universe sports the same weapons as Slithice, the only difference being that the DotA version had one weapon, and four arms, while the Dota 2 has two weapons and two arms.
  • Song of the Siren's ▶️ sound is based on this ▶️ voice line of Naga Siren. Whether there is an extended version of that line or if the rest of the song was manually put together is unknown.


