- Pre attack sound plays during the attack animation (at a 10% lower pitch).
- Impact sounds play when the attack successfully hits a target. Each attack uses one main impact sound and one blade ring sound
- Movement sounds Play on each step while moving (50% vol).
Boundless Strike[]
- Pre cast sound plays on Monkey King at the beginning of the cast animation.
- Cast sound plays on 2 locations upon cast, on Monkey King and at the tip of the Staff.
- ▶️ Full sound example.
Tree Dance[]
- Cast sound plays on Monkey King upon cast.
- Target sound plays on the targeted tree upon reaching it (70% vol).
- Full sound example.
Primal Spring[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Monkey King upon cast and lasts as long as the channeling does.
- Jump sound plays on Monkey King upon jumping off the tree after the channeling.
- ▶️ Impact sound plays upon landing at the targeted area.
- ▶️ Target sound plays on each hit enemy.
- ▶️ Full sound example.
- Additional impact sound plays together with the default impact sound (Rumble in the Deep only).
- ▶️ Full sound example.
Jingu Mastery[]
- ▶️ Proc sound plays whenever the buff is placed on Monkey King.
- ▶️ Sound example together with attacks.
- ▶️ Plays on Monkey King upon cast (50% vol).
Revert Form[]
- ▶️ Plays on Monkey King upon cast (50% vol).
Wukong's Command[]
- ▶️ Pre cast sound plays on Monkey King at the beginning of the cast animation.
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Monkey King upon cast.
- ▶️ End sound plays whenever the spell expires in any way.
- ▶️ Full sound example.