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Monkey King
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
18 + 2.8
23 + 3.7
20 + 1.8
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 516 1374 2254 2606
+1 +2.62 +6.15 +9.75 +11.19
Mana 75 315 615 975 1107
+0 +1 +2.26 +3.76 +4.31
Armor 2 5.83 14.47 22.63 26.05
Magic Resist 25% 27% 29.52% 32.52% 33.62%
Damage Block 16 (50%)






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.72/s 1.03/s 1.32/s 1.44/s
Attack Range Melee 300 (600)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.45 + 0.2
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 300 (Nighttime 330)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 18
Bound Radius 8
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal npc_dota_hero_monkey_king
For the in-game item, see Monkey King Bar.
Springs from the cover of the tree tops.
Always in search of a good fight, Monkey King Dances and travels atop of trees aiming to Spring from leafy cover and surprise his enemies. A tuft of hair—plucked from his head—scatters into the wind, calling and commanding upon an army of Monkey Soldiers to overwhelm opponents, this agile Trickster revels in the chaos of battle, ready to show is Mastery over his arts, slamming his legendary Boundless Staff down on any hopes of escape.
Boundless Strike
Boundless Strike
Tree Dance
Primal Spring
Jingu Mastery
Jingu Mastery
Wukong's Command
Wukong's Command
Roles: Carry Carry Escape Escape Disabler Disabler Initiator Initiator
Complexity: Hero ComplexityHero Complexity
Adjectives: Cape, Fuzzy, Green, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Monkey King minimap iconSun Wukong, the Monkey King
▶️ "There's a lot of stories about the Monkey King. Some of 'em are even true."
For 500 years the mountain pressed down upon him, only his head free from the crushing weight of the stonewrought prison the elder gods had summoned to halt his childish rebellion. Moss grew along the lines of his exposed face, tufts of grass sprouted from his ears; his vision was framed in wildflowers reaching from the soil around his cheeks. Most thought him long dead, tormented by the gods for waging war against the heavens until naught but his legend survived. But, as the stories go, the Monkey King cannot die.

So he waited. Until the gods came to offer a chance at absolution, he endured. And when they did come to name the price, Sun Wukong accepted their charge: he would accompany a young acolyte on a secret pilgrimage, protect him from demons and dangers of the road, and guide the man home in possession of a coveted relic. Do that, and humbly obey the human's commands in service to their holy mission, and Wukong would prove himself reformed.

For a change, Sun Wukong fulfilled his oath to the gods with honor, and atoned for the sins of past insurrections. The acolyte, much learned in hardships, was returned to his home temple, relic in hand; and Wukong-finding himself for the first time in proper standing with any gods of consequence-was content for a short while to give up his old thirst for adventure and glory. But the Monkey King was born for mischief...and offending the gods never gets old.
MK, Sun Wukong


Boundless Strike
Boundless Strike icon
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Self)
Monkey King enlarges his staff and slams it against the ground, stunning enemies in a line and damaging them with a critical hit based on his attack. Has True Strike.
Cast Animation: 0.4+0.5
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1100
Effect Length: 1100
Effect Width: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 150
Critical Damage: 135%/165%/195%/225%
Stun Duration: 0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3 (Talent 1/1.2/1.4/1.6)
Primal Spring icon Landing Primal Spring
With Aghanim's Shard Radius: 375
With Aghanim's Shard Primal Spring Damage: 84/126/168/210
With Aghanim's Shard Move Speed Slow: 12%/24%/36%/48%
With Aghanim's Shard Slow Duration: 4
Cooldown symbol
 28/26/24/22 (Talent 21/19/17/15)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
When Boundless Strike is set to Alt-Cast, Monkey King leaps to the end of his staff as soon as Boundless Strike hits the ground, applying Primal Spring with 60% of the max channeling duration power where he lands.
Modifiers [?]
The legendary Jingu Bang grows to match its master's will, ensuring no enemy can escape the Monkey King's reach.
Boundless Strike (Secondary) icon
Alt-Cast Icon

  • The ability's effects are instantly applied within its whole area. There is no travel time.
  • The effect starts 75 range in front of Monkey King and has an actual length of 1025, adding up to 1100 effective length.
    • With the starting distance, effect length, and width, it can hit units up to 1250 range away.
    • It can also hit units 75 range behind Monkey King, due to its radius and starting position.
  • Causes Monkey King to perform an instant attack on all hit enemies. The stun is independent from these attacks.
    • These instant attacks can proc any attack modifiers and on-hit effects normally, except cleave. They have True Strike, but completely ignore disarms.
    • Despite the audio effect, Daedalus icon Daedalus has still only a chance to proc. Boundless Strike does not guarantee chance-based effects to proc.
    • Boundless Strike has an ensured critical strike, crits with a lower value have no effect if they proc, since the higher crit value takes priority.
  • Boundless Strike procs Jingu Mastery icon Jingu Mastery, placing the debuff on all hit enemy heroes, or adding one hit to the counter if the target is already debuffed.
    • If Monkey King has the Jingu Mastery buff, it loses a charge whenever Boundless Strike is cast, regardless of whether it hits a unit or not.
    • The bonus attack damage and lifesteal from Jingu Mastery are applied to all hit targets, despite using up only one charge.
  • During Tree Dance icon Tree Dance, casting Boundless Strike does not unperch Monkey King.
  • The strike first applies the debuff, the instant attack, moves Monkey King, then the Primal Spring ability effects.
  • The sound during the cast animation is audible to everyone.
  • Upon acquiring the Aghanim's Shard icon Ability Upgrade, it has Alt-cast disabled by default.
    • With Alt-Cast activated, Boundless Strike moves Monkey King 1100 range away upon cast, to the end of the ability's effect length.
    • Monkey King is prevented from acting and moves at a speed of 5000 – 30000 for up to 0.2 seconds, with a height between 100 – 150 upwards in an arc.
    • This means the leap distance can be reduced/increased by jumping up/down a ramp or impassable terrain.
  • 60% max power based on the current level of Primal Spring icon Primal Spring is applied within upon landing at the end of the staff.
    • When interrupted by non-upward forced movement sources, the area damage and movement speed slow are applied prematurely at the Monkey King's new landing location.
    • Upward movement sources fully interrupt and prevent Primal Spring from being applied.
    • The Primal Spring applied is independent of the ability and does not cost any mana.
    • Primal Spring notes fully apply. If it is not learned, it is not applied.
  • The instant attack uses Rubick minimap icon Rubick's projectile to attack the affected targets, therefore it is disjointable. Uses the normal cast animation when stolen.

Tree Dance
Tree Dance icon
Monkey King jumps to a tree and perches atop it. While perched, he gains the Primal Spring ability-a channeled leap attack. If Monkey King's tree is destroyed, he falls and is stunned for 4 seconds. Taking damage from player controlled units or Roshan while on the ground puts Tree Dance on cooldown.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 900 (Talent 1350)
Damage Cooldown: 3
Unperch Self Stun Duration: 4
On Trees
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 800 (Talent 1250)
Set Day Vision Range: 700
Set Night Vision Range: 500
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Pierces debuff immunity.
Unperch self stun pierces debuff immunity.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Replaces Primal Spring icon Primal Spring while on a tree, instead of being in a separate slot.
The drafting hero cannot jump to other trees without returning to the ground first.
Sun Wukong dances nimbly along the treetop canopy, always just out of arm's reach.

  • Monkey King leaps to the target tree at a speed of 800, reaching the tree within up to 1.13 (Talent 1.69) seconds.
  • Moves Monkey King upwards in an arc, with a top height of 192. During the leap, other units may pass below Monkey King.
    • The activity modifier only appears during the leap and is responsible for the leaping animation.
  • Although it visually looks like Monkey King is above the ground while perched, he still is considered to be on the ground. The height is part of the animations.
  • Tree Dance has several different cooldowns which activate at different times.
    • When cast, the leap's total duration is added to the cooldown, resulting in a cooldown of 1.5/1.3/1.1/0.9 – 2.53/2.33/2.13/1.93 (Talent 3.09/2.89/2.69/2.49) seconds.
    • Upon unperching with a move (Keyboard White Mouse Right Right Click) or attack command (A), it goes on cooldown for 1.4/1.2/1/0.8 seconds.
    • Does not go on cooldown when unperched in other ways.
    • Player-based damage, regardless of factions, fountain-based and Roshan icon Roshan-based damage greater than 0 (after reductions) puts the ability on a 3-second cooldown.
      • Does not react on self-damage and damage flagged as HP Removal.
    • All of these cooldowns are unaffected by percentage-based cooldown reductions, but are affected by flat reductions and cooldown resets.
  • During the leap, Monkey King is disabled and prevented from acting. The last given order gets queued up and executed as soon as he lands.
    • The leap is immediately canceled if the distance between Monkey King and the targeted tree exceeds 1850.
  • Tree Dance has the highest priority in the group of base vision setting effects.
    • During the leap and while on a tree, Monkey King gains flying vision, but has his Daytime daytime and Nighttime nighttime vision reduced to 700 and 500 respectively.
    • Other vision bonus sources (e.g. Moon Shard icon Shade Sight) are applied after the vision reduction.
    • Moon Shard icon Consume's Nighttime nighttime vision bonus is also granted to the caster during the leap and while on the tree.
  • While perched on a tree, the following effects are applied to Monkey King:
    • Sets Monkey King's movement speed to 0.
    • Monkey King is now hidden from sight. He can only be seen with flying vision.
      • He can also be seen when standing 2 levels of ground higher than the tree Monkey King sits on, allowing Observer Ward icon Observer Wards to spot him when the ward is on an elevated spot.
      • However, he cannot be seen when getting thrown in the air by upward movement sources (e.g. Toss icon Toss).
  • While on a tree, Monkey King can perform any action normally, with some of them unperching him, while others do not.
  • While on a tree, Tree Dance can be cast again, targeting another nearby tree. All trees within cast range are highlighted with a white glow.
    • Monkey King cannot cast Tree Dance on the tree he is perching on.

Primal Spring
Primal Spring icon
Monkey King springs out from his tree perch, damaging and slowing enemies in the area where he lands. Damage and slow amounts are in proportion to channel duration.
Cast Range: Global
Max Leap Distance: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1000
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 375
Max Channel Time: 1.5
Max Damage: 140/210/280/350 (Talent 215/285/355/425)
Max Move Speed Slow: 20%/40%/60%/80%
Slow Duration: 4
Cooldown symbol
 18/16/14/12 (Talent 0)
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Replaces Tree Dance icon Tree Dance while on a tree, instead of being in a separate slot.
Leaping from the safety of cover into the midst of his enemies, Sun Wukong attacks without mercy.

  • This ability is only active during the cast time of Tree Dance icon Tree Dance, during the leap from the ground onto a tree, and while on a tree.
    • It is inactive while leaping from one tree to another, and while on the ground.
  • Leaps towards the target area at a speed of 1300, reaching it in up to 0.77 seconds, based on distance.
    • Primal Spring is also canceled if the distance between the tree he is perching on and the target area exceeds 1850.
  • Moves Monkey King upwards in an arc, with a top height of 192. During the leap, other units may pass below Monkey King.
    • The activity modifier only appears during the leap and is responsible for the leaping animation.
    • When targeting beyond the max leap distance, Monkey King leaps for the max distance towards the targeted point.
  • The damage and movement speed slow values are based on the time spent channeling, meaning their potency increases per each server tick spent channeling, up to 51 times.
    • The damage increases by 2.8/4.2/5.6/7 per server tick, starting immediately, reaching 142.8/214.2/285.6/357 damage in 1.5 seconds.
    • The slow increases by 0.4%/0.8%/1.2%/1.6% per server tick, also starting immediately, reaching 20%/40%/60%/80% slow in 1.5 seconds.
  • Successive Primal Spring hits on the same enemies refresh the slow duration but does not update the movement speed slow values based on the channel time.
  • Primal Spring's ability effects are canceled in the following conditions:
    • If Monkey King is affected by other forced movement sources while leaping.
    • When the tree Monkey King is perched on is destroyed while channeling Primal Spring.
  • Primal Spring first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • The visual effects at the target area during the channeling are visible to allies only, but the channeling sound is audible to enemies, even through the Fog of War.
  • Does nothing when channeling upon losing ability.

Spring Early
Does not proc any on-cast effects when cast. EG
Spring Early icon
No Target
There is no description for this ability.
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • Immediately ends the channeling of Primal Spring, causing Monkey King to jump earlier.

Jingu Mastery
Jingu Mastery icon
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Clones)
Monkey King's attacks awaken the Jingu Bang's power. Upon the fourth hit on the same enemy hero, Monkey King earns four charged attacks that have bonus damage and lifesteal.
Required Hits: 4 (Talent 3)
Max Attack Charges: 4
Attack Damage Bonus: 40/80/120/160 (Talent 150/190/230/270)
Lifesteal: 20%/40%/60%/80%
Counter Duration: 7/8/9/10
Buff Duration: 35
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Soldiers can now gain Jingu Mastery charges independently.
Disabled by Break.
Break Notes:
Prevents increasing the stack count on the target.
Disables the buff on Monkey King.
Modifiers [?]
Always sensitive to the moods of its master, the Jingu Bang radiates power when Sun Wukong's combat fervor is on full display.

  • Each successful attack was done on an enemy hero and clones while Monkey King does not have the Jingu Mastery buff active places the debuff on the target hero, or adds one to its counter if the target already has the debuff.
  • Successive hits on valid target(s) first add one to its counter, refresh the debuff duration, then apply its attack damage.
    • The 4 (Talent 3) hits do not all need to happen within 7/8/9/10 seconds.
  • Upon hitting the same target 4 times, the debuff on the target disappears and Monkey King receives the buff.
    • Grants unique flat bonus attack damage upon Monkey King's attack point.
      • For Ranged ranged units, it grants the attack damage bonus upon projectile hit.
    • Stacks additively with other lifesteal sources.
      • Cannot lifesteal off of buildings or ally units.
      • Can lifesteal off of wards that do not require a fixed amount of attacks to be destroyed.
  • A charge gets used upon successfully attacking any unit, including buildings, wards, and allied units, always applying the bonus attack damage.
  • Boundless Strike icon Boundless Strike's instant attacks procs Jingu Mastery, placing the debuff on all hit enemy heroes, or adding one hit to the counter if the target is already debuffed.
    • If Monkey King has the Jingu Mastery buff, it loses a charge whenever Boundless Strike is cast, regardless of whether it hits a unit or not.
    • The bonus attack damage and lifesteal from Jingu Mastery are applied to all hit targets, despite using up only one charge.
  • When leveling up Jingu Mastery while the buff is active, the attack damage and lifesteal bonus update after using one charge.
    • Does not consume charges while destroying items or runes.
  • Jingu Mastery does not work for the Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command Soldiers. They can neither add stacks on enemies nor gain the buff if Monkey King had it upon cast.
    • This restriction is now removed upon acquiring Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter. It now works for the soldiers, although slightly different.
      • Instead of placing a debuff on their attack target to count attacks, the soldiers themselves gain the counter instead.
      • This means Jingu Mastery works independently for each soldiers and does not interfere with Monkey King's current stacks.
      • Grants unique flat bonus attack damage upon the Wukong's Command Soldiers' attack point.
      • Soldiers treat creep-heroes as creeps.
    • TALENT
      The required hit count reduction Talent talent does not apply to the soldiers.
  • Can be acquired indirectly from Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command.

Mischief icon
No Target
Changes Monkey King's shape to deceive opponents, using the environment nearby as inspiration for the disguise. Taking damage, attacking, or using any item or ability breaks Monkey King's disguise. Grants damage immunity for seconds upon transforming.
Creep Search Radius: 200
Rune Search Radius: 300
Tree Search Radius: 350
Courier Search Radius: 400
Move Speed Bonus: 10%
Damage Immune Duration: 0.2
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
This ability is bound to Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command, instead of being innate to Monkey King. However, only Monkey King can disguise himself as a tree.
Watch out for that tree.

  • This is an innate ability and does not need to be learned. It is bound to Monkey King himself.
  • Interrupts Monkey King's channeling abilities, move orders and attack orders upon cast.
  • Transforms Monkey King into a random nearby entity. For more information, see here.
  • Monkey King's selection box adapts to the disguise's models. However, his collision size does not change.
  • During Tree Dance icon Tree Dance, casting Mischief does not unperch Monkey King.
  • Monkey King's minimap icon is hidden from the enemy while disguised.
    • If disguised as a unit, Monkey King's over-head health bar copies the look of that unit's health bar, including the team color.
    • If disguised as an item, rune, or tree, Monkey King's health bar is fully hidden.
  • All auto-attack settings ignore the Monkey King while in disguise. Lane creeps, neutral creeps, towers, and fountains do not automatically attack him.
    • Units of players which have auto attack settings of ◉ Standard or ◎ Always and the ground-attack command does not attack him automatically either, but can be forced to attack him (A).
    • Monkey King is still fully affected by other abilities, and he can still be targeted normally. Attachable particle effects of abilities are still attached to him.

Revert Form
Revert Form icon
No Target
Reverts Monkey King's shape to his original form.
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • Replaces Mischief icon Mischief until the sub-ability is used or the disguise ends.
  • Interrupts Monkey King's channeling abilities, move orders and attack orders upon cast.

Wukong's Command
Wukong's Command icon
Target Area
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Passive)
Monkey King creates a circular formation of soldiers that spread out from his position. If Monkey King leaves the area his soldiers disperse. The soldiers have Monkey King's attack and only target heroes. Monkey King is granted bonus armor for the spell's duration.
Passive Component
With Aghanim's Scepter Soldier Spawn Radius: 300
With Aghanim's Scepter Soldier Spawn Interval: 4
With Aghanim's Scepter Number of Spawned Soldiers: 1
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 625 (Talent 975)
First Ring Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 300
Second Ring Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 750
Leadership Radius: 780 (Talent 1130)
Number of First Ring Soldiers: 5
Number of Second Ring Soldiers: 9
Soldiers Attack Interval: 1.2
Armor Bonus: 14/19/24
Max Duration: 13
Talent Third Ring Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 1100
Talent Number of Third Ring Soldiers: 7
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Spawns a monkey soldier near Monkey King at regular intervals. Soldiers do not spawn while invisible or on trees. Soldiers only attack buildings when Monkey King himself is nearby.
Modifiers [?]
Monkey King rips out a tuft of fur to blow at his enemies, charging each strand to transform into a copy of himself.
Wukong's Command

Talent Wukong's Command soldiers' formations.

Wukong's Command Size

Total size of all 3 rings.

Wukong's Command Size First RingWukong's Command Size Second RingWukong's Command Size Third Ring

  • Upon cast, 14 (Talent 21) clones of Monkey King spawn which immediately walk to their determined spot in the formation.
  • The formation they take is always the same except when space is limited by the edges of the map. A diagram on the right shows the soldier's formation on each ring.
    • The first ring soldiers form a pentagon within a 300 radius circle, with the tip always facing north.
    • The second ring soldiers form a nonagon within a 750 radius circle, with the tip always facing north as well.
    • TALENT
      The third ring soldiers form a heptagon within a 1100 radius circle, with the tip always facing north as well.
  • The soldiers have phased movement, are invulnerable and considered hidden (although visible), making them immune to almost every ability.
    • They are uncontrollable, unselectable, and can neither pick up nor drop any items.
    • They copy most of Monkey King's items, and can use attack modifiers and bestow auras he had upon cast.
  • The soldiers are hero clones of Monkey King, copying Universal attribute symbol all attributes of Monkey King, with some special exceptions. They are not illusions.
    • Their base stats and attributes adapt whenever summoned (e.g. permanent attribute loss from Glaives of Wisdom icon Glaives of Wisdom or Essence Shift icon Essence Shift).
    • While the clones can be affected by attack speed buffs and slows, they may only attack once per 1.2 seconds, even if their attack misses.
    • Their Daytime daytime and Nighttime nighttime vision is set to 600. They provide the vision while walking to their spot and while standing there.
  • The soldiers only attack enemy heroes, clones, creep-heroes and illusions they see inside Wukong's Command.
    • Invisible enemies and enemies inside the Fog of War within the circles are not attacked.
    • Other units and any unit outside the circle are fully ignored, even when within attack range of a soldier.
    • Since the soldiers use regular attacks, their damage is reduced by damage block.
  • If Monkey King moves more than 780 (Talent 1130) range away from the center of the circle, or when he dies, the soldiers disappear and the ability ends.
  • Successive casts immediately end the current instance while active.
  • When Monkey King dies, the soldiers immediately disappear.
  • Jingu Mastery icon Jingu Mastery does not work for the clones. They neither can add stacks on enemies, nor gain the buff if Monkey King had it upon cast.
    • This restriction is now removed upon acquiring Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter. It now works for the clones, although slightly different.
      • Instead of placing a debuff on their attack target to count attacks, the clones themselves gain the counter instead.
      • This means Jingu Mastery works independently for each clone and does not interfere with Monkey King's current stacks.
      • Clones treat creep-heroes as creeps.
  • The passive soldiers' spawn uses a fixed replenish time instead of a spawn interval. The charge replenish timer counts even without having Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter. This means a soldier will immediately spawn upon acquiring the item.
    • Upon replenishing a charge, but Monkey King's condition does not allow passive spawns, Wukong's Command spawns the soldier as soon as the circumstances allow it to.
    • The passive soldiers do not spawn in the following conditions:
    • The fixed replenish time is not affected by any cooldown reduction sources.
    • Passively spawned soldiers can attack any unit, except Roshan icon Roshan.
      • The passive soldiers only attack buildings when Monkey King is within 500 range of them.
      • However, the buildings attacking restriction is not applied to Ranged ranged heroes.
    The additional Wukong's command ring also increases the cast range of this ability.
  • Grants Jingu Mastery icon Jingu Mastery despite not showing in any of the stolen ability slots. This ability's cast point is also not modified when acquired. Soldiers still provide vision, but they stop attacking and moving upon losing ability. Soldiers from the previous cast neither continue attacking nor moving upon re-acquiring ability.

Item Interactions[]

  • On each cast, the soldiers' inventory gets updated and adapted to that of Monkey King.
  • Since the soldiers are unselectable and uncontrollable, they cannot pick up, drop or use any items.
  • The items' toggle status are not copied and are toggled On by default.
  • Does not copy any muted items which Monkey King has in its inventory (allied and enemy items alike).
  • Most attack modifiers and auras from items fully work for the clones, although some have a slightly altered effect.
Gem of True Sight icon
Aegis of the Immortal icon
  • These items are not copied.
Radiance icon
  • Is always toggled On, regardless of its toggle status on Monkey King.
Desolator icon
  • Any Desolator icon Soul Stealer charges the clones gain are granted to Monkey King’s Desolator instead.
Armlet of Mordiggian icon
  • Is always toggled Off, regardless of its toggle status on Monkey King.
Echo Sabre icon
  • Echo Sabre icon Echo Strike does not apply movement speed slow. While they receive the attack speed bonus, their fixed attack interval prevents them from attacking twice.
Skull Basher icon
Abyssal Blade icon
  • Skull Basher icon Bash does not work for the clones.
Power Treads icon
  • Always grants Strength attribute symbol strength Power Treads, regardless of which attribute Monkey King has selected.
Neutral Items
  • Fully copies the neutral item as the original Monkey King carries.
Stormcrafter icon
Enchanted Quiver icon
, and
Mind Breaker icon
Ring of Aquila icon
  • Is always toggled On, regardless of its toggle status on Monkey King.
Vambrace icon
  • Always grants Strength attribute symbol strength Vambrace, regardless of which attribute Monkey King has selected.

Mischief Transformations[]

Casting Mischief icon Mischief transforms Monkey King based on nearby entities, from trees to items, runes, and non-hero units.

Mischief Transformations Priority
Priority Disguise Target Notes
1 Roshan icon Roshan, Kill Rewards
  • Within the pit and while Roshan icon Roshan is dead, Mischief disguises Monkey King as Roshan.
    • After his first respawn, it disguises him as the Aegis of the Immortal icon Aegis of the Immortal when cast inside the pit.
    • After his second respawn, it may also disguise him into Cheese icon Cheese, despite Roshan not dropping a Cheese on his second death.
    • After his third respawn, it may also disguise him into Refresher Shard icon Refresher Shard.
    • Neither disguises Monkey King into Aghanim's Blessing - Roshan icon Aghanim's Blessing nor Aghanim's Shard - Roshan icon Aghanim's Shard.
1a Unknown Unit icon Tormentor
  • Within the Tormentor area, Mischief disguises Monkey King as the Tormentor.
2 Arcane Rune minimap icon Runes
  • Disguises Monkey King into a rune within 300 range of a rune spot.
    • At the dedicated Bounty Rune minimap icon Bounty Rune spots, it always disguises into a Bounty Rune.
    • At the river rune spots, it always disguises as a random Power-Up Rune regardless if there is a rune at that rune spot.
    • Although the river spawns Bounty and Water Runes on the first spawns, Mischief still disguises Monkey King into a random Power-Up Rune.
    • It does not matter whether there currently is a rune at the rune spot, Mischief disguises into a rune regardless.
3 Non-Hero Units
  • Disguises Monkey King into a non-hero unit within 200 range of a non-hero unit.
4 Trees
  • Disguises Monkey King into a tree within 350 range of a tree.
    • If multiple trees models are within range, a random one of them is chosen.
    • Can transform into planted trees as well.
5 Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Courier
  • Disguises Monkey King into a Courier within 400 range of a Courier.
? Random Entities


Hero Talents
Additional Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command Ring25-1 Jingu Mastery icon Jingu Mastery Required Hits
-7s Boundless Strike icon Boundless Strike Cooldown200 Cooldown Primal Spring icon Primal Spring
+110 Jingu Mastery icon Jingu Mastery Damage15+450 Tree Dance icon Tree Dance Cast Range
+0.3s Boundless Strike icon Boundless Strike Stun Duration10+75 Primal Spring icon Primal Spring Max Damage

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Reduced Boundless Strike icon Boundless Strike mana cost from 100 on each level to 85/90/95/100.
  • Tree Dance icon Tree Dance
    • Reduced cast range on trees from 1000 to 800. [?]
    • Reduced cooldown from 1.45/1.3/1.15/1 to 1.4/1.2/1/0.8.
  • Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command
    • Increased cast range from 550 to 625.
    • Reduced cooldown from 110/95/80 to 100/90/80.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
  • Reduced Primal Spring icon Primal Spring cooldown from 20/18/16/14 to 18/16/14/12.
  • Mischief icon Mischief
    • No longer sets the minimum movement speed to 200.
    • U
      No longer sets the minimum movement speed to 380 when disguising as a Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Courier.
    • Now grants 10% movement speed bonus.

</div> </div>

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

Early game:

Mid game:

  • Power Treads icon Power Treads provide bonus attack speed and agility for Monkey King to build Jingu Mastery. He can switch to intelligence to manage early game mana issues.
  • Phase Boots icon Phase Boots grants bonus movement and attack damage, allowing Monkey King to catch up to opponents.
  • Magic Wand icon Magic Wand increases attributes, as well as more burst health and mana compared to Magic Stick.
  • Battle Fury icon Battle Fury lets Monkey King clear creeps quickly with Tree Dance, and its cleave works with Wukong's Command.
  • Echo Sabre icon Echo Sabre makes it much easier for Monkey King to get Jingu Mastery stacks as it provides attack speed, slow, and double attack. However, as of 7.27, the soldiers from Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command no longer apply the slow. Albeit, it still works if the player is opting for more aggression and presence across the map.

Late game:

  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar helps Monkey King build up his Jingu Mastery charges without being interrupted, as well as increasing his survivability to keep up Wukong's Command.
  • Butterfly icon Butterfly boosts damage output and evasion for a deadlier and longer Wukong's Command.
  • Desolator icon Desolator gives bonus damage and reduces armor of targets, which greatly boosts Monkey King's damage output against enemy units and buildings, and synergizes well with critical hit of Boundless Strike icon Boundless Strike.

Situational items:

  • Bottle icon Bottle helps Monkey King store runes, which he can reach easily by jumping through trees.
  • Mjollnir icon Mjollnir grants extra attack speed, and its Chain Lightning can be procced by Boundless Strike and by the soldiers from Wukong's Command.
  • Orb of Corrosion icon Orb of Corrosion allows Monkey King to apply both slow and armor reduction upon an enemy while providing bonus health to him
  • Diffusal Blade icon Diffusal Blade's active slow helps Monkey King build Jingu Mastery or keep targets in Wukong's Command. His soldiers from Wukong's Command can also proc Manabreak.
  • Eye of Skadi icon Eye of Skadi gives Monkey King more survivability and strong slowing effect to help land the multiple hits needed to charge Jingu Mastery. The soldiers from Wukong's Command can apply the slow as well.
  • Silver Edge icon Silver Edge helps Monkey King stay inside Wukong's Command without risking death. It also apllies break to counter certain enemy heroes, opening up opportunities for kills.
  • Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar increases attack damage and counters enemy evasion.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter gives decent stats and spawns more soldiers to attack.
  • Abyssal Blade icon Abyssal Blade allows Monkey King to stun an enemy long enough to get Jingu Mastery stacks or keep them in Wukong's Command.
  • Radiance icon Radiance ,although expensive,is a useful item for farming and fighting.Wukong's soldiers inherit the burn effect.As Monkey King becomes quite durable later on, he can survive longer in fights and deal more damage through his summons.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Multi-Hero Boundless Strike icon Boundless Strikes
Relic Rare icon
Primal Spring icon Primal Springs Leading To Kills
Relic agility icon
Teleports Leading To Kills
Relic agility icon
Physical Damage
Relic agility icon
Damage From Invisibility
Relic agility icon
Kills During Black King Bar icon Black King Bar
Relic agility icon
Slows Leading To Kills
Relic agility icon
Triple Kills
Relic agility icon
Mega Kill Streak
Relic agility icon
Wards Placed
Relic agility icon
Kill Assists
Relic agility icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
  • ▶️ Ohh, I'll be signing autographs out front.
Plus Hero Badge 6



  • Monkey King's name, lore, and abilities are based on Sun Wukong, the legendary hero from the Chinese classic "Journey to the West".
    • In the novel, the Monkey King wields the Ruyi Jingu Bang, a flexible magical staff that can change size and length.
    • The name for Mischief icon Mischief in Dota 2's Chinese client is "Seventy-two Transformations" - 七十二变 (qī shí èr biàn), a reference from the novel to Sun Wukong's ability to change into numerous forms. This is referenced by his voice line, "Lycan minimap icon Lycan’s got one transformation, I’ve got seventy-two."
    • Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command is based on one of the Monkey King's magical powers from the novel. He creates clones of himself from his hair, which he pulls from the back of his head, and blows into the wind.
    • In the novel he can fly on a cloud, called the Cloud Somersault technique. This is referenced by the names of his 6.80 beta unreleased abilities (Nimbus icon Nimble Nimbus, Unknown icon Cloud Dance), the cloud riding effect added by the Great Sage's Reckoning Monkey King minimap icon Great Sage's Reckoning, and his voice line: “Where’s my cloud?”
  • Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command first and second soldier rings are based on the concept of the authority of the emperor in ancient Chinese culture.
    • 九五之尊 (jiǔ wǔ zhī zūn)
    • In ancient China, numbers were divided into yang and yin, with odd numbers being yang and even numbers being yin. Among the Yang numbers, the number nine (九) is the highest, and five (五) is in the middle, with the second and first rings having 9 and 5 soldiers respectively. Therefore, "nine" and "five" symbolize the authority which only the emperor has.
  • Monkey King is the first original hero made for Dota 2. All previous heroes were ported from DotA.
  • Monkey King is based on early concepts developed during the DotA era.
    • An easter egg boss fight versus Monkey King was added to the 6.79 DotA map to hint at his upcoming release.[1]
    • Monkey King's stats were revealed in the version 6.80 beta, but he was never added to the release version.[2]
  • Phantom Lancer minimap icon Phantom Lancer was based on Monkey King’s 6.80 beta version, his original model was approximately the same as the present Phantom Lancer, as well as his abilities. However, this version was not released and instead was released with some changes as Phantom Lancer.
    • Monkey King's rivalry line against Phantom Lancer, ▶️ "Honestly, I don't see the resemblance.", acknowledges this.
    • His beta abilities included much the same mechanics as Phantom Lancer’s current ones: a ranged spell to create an illusion to attack an enemy hero (Unknown icon Echo Sweep), temporary invulnerability with illusions created on return (Unknown icon Cloud Dance), a dash towards a point (Unknown icon Flicker), and a passive to create illusions upon attacking an enemy hero (Nimbus icon Nimble Nimbus).
  • Several early ability concepts were considered for Monkey King's "Dota 2" release, including a "pickpocket" ability.
  • The Banana icon Banana item, which only appeared in private lobbies, may have been an early hint to Monkey King's release. The item was removed on the same patch as Monkey King was released.
  • Monkey King's default weapon is based on the in-game item, Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar.
  • The emblem on the ground made by Primal Spring icon Primal Spring is called a "Bagua", which is a Daoist symbol that represents the fundamental principles of reality.
  • Monkey King's was voiced in his teaser trailer by Matthew Mercer, who also voiced the Monkey King hero from "Heroes of Newerth". However, his voice actor was later changed to Bill Millsap.
  • Monkey King's Chinese voice actor is Shihong Li, who also voiced Monkey King in the famous 1986 TV show, "Journey to the West".
  • The sound effect played during Wukong's Command icon Wukong's Command (▶️) comes from a Balinese music and dance called "kecak".
    • Accompanied by male chorus, this ritual song depicts a battle where a group of monkeys (Vanara) helped Prince Rama to fight the evil King Ravana.
  • One of Monkey King's lines directed at Storm Spirit minimap icon Storm Spirit, "I've seen Xin and Kaolin. Where's your other brother?" implies the existence of a fourth spirit, presumably Void Spirit icon Void Spirit, who was revealed two years later at The International 2019.


External links[]
