- Projectile launch sound plays as the attack projectile is released.
- Projectile impact sound plays as the attack projectile successfully hits the target
- Play on each step while moving (20%-30% vol)
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Mirana upon cast (50% vol).
- Target sounds play on each enemy unit hit by a meteor (85% vol, 0.9 pitch, +- 0.15 pitch var).
- ▶️ Replaces the default cast sound (75% vol).
- Target sounds play on each enemy unit hit by a meteor (50% vol, 1 pitch, +- 0.15 pitch var).
- Target layer sounds play together with the default target sounds hit by a meteor (75% vol, 1 pitch).
- Full meteor hit sound examples
Sacred Arrow[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Mirana upon cast, and on the hit unit upon impact at a 20% lower pitch.
- ▶️ According to the game files, this sound is used but seems to be deactivated. Currently, this sound does not play ingame.
- ▶️ Full sound example.
- ▶️ Replaces the default cast sounds (70% vol).
- ▶️ Replaces the default cast sounds (70% vol).
Moonlight Shadow[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Mirana upon cast (25% vol).
- ▶️ Death sound.
- ▶️ Plays on Mirana upon taunt begin.