Mirana | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stuns enemies with precise arrows from afar. | |
Mirana patrols the Nightsilver Woods, ever vigilant against those who would dare to take from her goddess' preserve. Leaping into action on her white feline mount Sagan, the Princess of the Moon calls down a heavenly Starstorm to rain waves of meteors on surrounding enemies. Wielding a bow tipped with lunar ore, she takes skillful aim with a Sacred Arrows to find her mark from extreme distances. By the blessing of Selemene, Mirana shrouds the land in Moonlight Shadow, shielding her allies from the eyes of her enemies, she ensures that her team is always on the prowl. | |
Roles: | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Complexity: | ![]() ![]() |
Adjectives: | Female, Steed, Nose Legs ( 2 )
- The meteors takes 0.57 seconds to hit their targets.
- Does not hit invisible, invulnerable, hidden and untargetable units.
- The initial wave does not hit units inside the Fog of War, but the secondary single meteor does.
- The target for the secondary single meteor is set upon cast, it homes in on the target even after the target has moved out of the radius.
- The second meteor starts falling exactly 0.8 seconds after cast, and also takes 0.57 seconds to hit its target.
- Starstorm chooses a new target for the second meteor if the set target dies before or because of the first meteor's impact.
- Can deal a total of 131.25/262.5/393.75/525 (
568.75/700/831.25/962.5) damage to a single target (before reductions) with the second meteor hit.
- Sacred Arrow travels at a speed of 900, taking 3.41 seconds to travel the full distance.
- The arrow starts traveling 51 range in front of Mirana, and travels forward up to 3067 range.
- This means units within 50 range in front of Mirana cannot be hit, as it does not search for units right behind the arrow.
- With the travel distance and radius, Sacred Arrow can hit units up to 3163 range away.
- The stun and damage increases by 0.052/0.068/0.084/0.1 seconds and 3/3.2/3.4/3.6 respectively for each 30 distance traveled, resulting in the following values at certain distances (before reductions):
- 300 Distance: 0.52/0.68/0.84/1 second stun, 90/182/274/366 damage.
- 600 Distance: 1.04/1.36/1.68/2 second stun, 120/214/308/402 damage.
- 900 Distance: 1.56/2.04/2.52/3 second stun, 150/246/342/438 damage.
- 1200 Distance: 2.08/2.72/3.36/4 second stun, 180/278/376/474 damage.
- 1500 Distance: 2.6/3.4/4.2/5 second stun, 210/310/410/510 damage.
- The arrow reaches max power after traveling for 1500 distance, which takes 1.67 seconds.
- The arrow first applies the damage, then the debuff.
- The stun duration displayed above the affected target upon hit is truncated, visible to allies only.
- If the arrow collides with a unit that is not a hero, ancient creep, or creep-hero, it instantly kills it in the form of HP Removal.
- The damage dealt can be defined as expr
100% × CurrentHP
- The damage dealt can be defined as
- Fully ignores Couriers, invulnerable and hidden units.
- The arrow provides 400 flying vision while traveling, and stays for 3 seconds at the point the arrow hits a target.
- Sacred Arrow now releases a primary and secondary meteor based on the current level of Starstorm onto every enemy that comes within 500 range as the primary arrow travels.
- The Starstorm applied by the Sacred Arrow does not cost any mana, and is applied even if the ability itself is currently not castable.
- Starstorm notes fully apply.
- If the primary arrow lands on a unit, that unit is hit by a secondary meteor that deals 37.5/75/112.5/150 (
162.5/200/237.5/275) damage.
- Can deal up to 112.5/225/337.5/450 (
487.5/600/712.5/825) against that target, on top of Sacred Arrow's damage (before reductions).
- Can deal up to 112.5/225/337.5/450 (
- TALENTThe multishot
talent launches 2 extra arrows with the primary arrow.
- The extra arrows are launched with a 30° angle to the left and right of the primary arrow in the center.
- Although all 3 arrows overlap in front of Mirana, they cannot hit the same target.
- The Starstorm Ability Upgrade is not applied to these arrows.
- Starstorm applied is based on Mirana's current ability level when acquired.
Upon landing, launches a projectile along Sagan's leap path, dealing damage and slowing units affected and guarantees them to be hit with a secondary Starstorm if that spell is cast. Leap does not break Moonlight Shadow invisibility.
Can be put on alt-cast to choose the distance and facing direction of the jump.
Grants 1 bonus charge(s).
- Upon learning, Mirana instantly gains 3 charges.
- Acquiring Aghanim's Shard instantly grants 1 extra charge.
- Interrupts Mirana's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Always leaps towards the direction Mirana is facing while locking her facing angle during the leap.
- Moves Mirana upwards over other units and over impassable terrain.
- During Leap, Mirana can attack, use items, and cast abilities, except recasting Leap.
- However, she cannot turn, so targeted abilities and items may only be used in the direction she is facing.
- The buff is applied instantly upon cast, not upon landing.
- The buff of successive casts does not stack but refreshes its duration.
- Upon acquiring the Ability Upgrade, it has Alt-cast disabled by default.
- Mirana now releases a wave that travels at a speed of 1800 in front of her upon landing.
- With Alt-Cast activated, Leap now has a point-targeted vector-targeting functionality.
- Upon landing, Mirana releases the wave in the targeted direction. This effectively turns and changes Mirana's facing position.
- When point-targeted beyond the max leap distance, Mirana leaps forward based on the max distance and releases the wave in front of her regardless of the vector-targeted direction.
- The wave takes 0.39 seconds to reach the max distance.
- With the travel distance and radius, it can hit units up to 1150 range away.
- Leap first applies the damage, then the debuff.
- When casting Starstorm, all units within range and affected by the Leap debuff will be hit with a secondary meteor.
- If any enemy unit meets these conditions, a secondary meteor will not also target the closest unit to Mirana.
- Same as the the main ability, if the secondary targets die before or because of the first meteor's impact, a new target will be chosen. Multiple secondary impacts can be retargeted onto a single unit. Meaning, if a large number of Leap debuffed creeps are killed by the first Starstorm impact, any surviving units can take massive damage.
- Does not affect the Starstorm from Ability Upgrade arrows.
No Target
- Grants all affected allies an invisibility buff with a 2.5/2/1.5-second fade delay.
- As long as the buff is present, the targets will keep turning invisible.
- During the fade delay, the target can still cast abilities, use items and perform attacks.
- Grants 9%/12%/15% movement speed bonus while fully invisible. The targets can turn, pick up or drop items without breaking the invisibility.
- Attacking, casting abilities, or using items breaks the invisibility and resets the fade delay.
- Does not grant phased movement.
- Invisibility sources with fade delays use the same modifier and do not stack with other invisibility sources of the same type — the longer duration overrides the shorter one.
- Fully affects invulnerable and hidden ally heroes.
- Treats clones as heroes.
- Treats illusions, creep-heroes and the Wukong's Command Soldiers as creeps.
- TALENTThe evasion
talent is always present while the ability is active, and does not rely on the invisibility.
- Increases Mirana and her team's survivability against physical attacks by 25%.
- Evasion uses pseudo-random distribution.
- Stacks diminishingly with other evasion sources.
- Does not update the current instance of Moonlight Shadow.
Hero Talents | ||
+250 Starstorm Damage | 25 | +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows |
+20% Critical Strike (200%) | 20 | -20s Moonlight Shadow Cooldown |
+80 Leap Attack Speed | 15 | Moonlight Shadow gives +20% Evasion |
+125 Leap Distance | 10 | -2s Sacred Arrow cooldown |
- Critical Strike from talents is not disabled by Break.
- The critical strike increases attack damage by an average of 20%.
- The proc chances of multiple critical sources stack. If two sources of critical strike proc at the same time, the higher crit multiplier has priority.
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Increased intelligence gain from 1.2 to 1.4.
- Increased Starstorm radius from 650 to 675.
- Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
- LVL 20+45 attack damage ➜ 20% proc chance for 200% critical strike damage.
- LVL 20+35 attack damage increased to +45.LVL 25+200 Starstorm damage increased to +250.
- Reduced Sacred Arrow max damage from 180 on each level to 150/160/170/180.
- Rescaled Leap charge replenish time from 45/40/35/30 to 52/44/36/28.
- Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
- Leap
- ADDEDAlt-cast functionality. [?]
Right Click on ability toggles and swaps the functionality of the ability with Leap (Aghanim's Shard), allowing the ability to be vector-targeted and changes Mirana's facing direction when landing.
- Leap
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Slippers of Agility provide Mirana with additional damage and armor, greatly improving her last-hitting power and giving her some additional survivability against enemy harass.
- Tango sustains Mirana's HP, preventing the enemy from harassing her out of lane.
- Healing Salve also restores health to Mirana.
- Clarity allows Mirana to cast her spells more than once or twice in the laning stage, particularly because of her small base mana pool and the high cost of her nukes, particularly Sacred Arrow.
- Observer Ward gains vision on enemies, allowing her to use Sacred Arrow more effectively.
- Sentry Ward helps destroy enemy vision, preventing them from spotting Mirana's approach and dodge her arrows.
Early game:
- Regular Stick is not very useful to purchase early on Mirana.
- Boots of Speed allow Mirana to go on the offensive, using her respectable base movement speed and ranged attacks to attack and harass enemies. It also allows for more easy positioning for casting Sacred Arrow, and chasing down or fleeing with Leap.
- Bottle sustains mana and health, as well as giving Mirana ability to store runes to use at the right opportunities.
Mid game:
- Magic Wand is a cheap upgrade to Magic Stick, providing extra attributes and increased charge storage. Because Mirana's HP and mana pools remain quite low without additional items, an instant restoration to HP and mana is greatly beneficial to her.
- Power Treads provide Mirana with additional bonuses to attack speed and attributes. With good attribute switching, Mirana can increase her strength for increased survivability, agility for more damage output, or intelligence for casting her spells.
- Aghanim's Scepter is very powerful on Mirana, as it gives her immense burst magical damage on either single targets or groups of enemies, giving her bonus teamfight/ganking presence during the early-mid part of the game. Scepter also gives her decent stats across the board and opens up new items possibilities, allowing Mirana to be played as a powerful nuker instead of a right-click hero.
- Blink Dagger lets Mirana position right on top of an enemy to rain down upgraded Starstorm.
Late game:
- Butterfly is a very strong carry item in Mirana's hands. It provides a large boost to her agility, and increases her damage and attack speed to greatly improve the potency of her physical attacks. The bonus evasion increases her survivability, and the active can be used to improve her mobility in emergencies.
- Linken's Sphere gives Mirana all-around stats as well as boosting her HP and mana regen. Spellblock further improves Mirana's survivability, allowing her to ignore an enemy's initiating targeted disable, which can give her the time she needs to escape with Leap if ganked.
- Black King Bar can be crucial to purchase depending on what enemies Mirana is facing. Not only does the item provide spell immunity, but it is also capable of dispelling certain debuffs that Manta Style cannot, allowing Mirana to stand her ground and fight.
Situational items:
- Diffusal Blade improves Mirana's physical attacks, providing a boost to agility as well as allowing her attacks to burn mana. The active can greatly slow enemies, making them easy targets for Sacred Arrow.
- Desolator is a strong mid-game item that gives Mirana more damage output. Because she can stun enemies for long durations with Sacred Arrow and boost allied attack speed with Leap, the armor reduction on enemy targets makes them easy prey for Mirana and her allies.
- Monkey King Bar is a situational purchase that aids Mirana in fighting enemies that have evasion. It improves Mirana's damage output through increased attack damage and Piere procs.
- Daedalus improves her attack damage and giving her the chance to inflict critical strikes, Mirana can take advantage of her high attack speed and lay waste to foes.
- Assault Cuirass greatly improves Mirana's fighting power and gives her yet another way to buff her team's effectiveness. The greatly increased armor makes Mirana much more survivable against physical damage, while the bonus attack speed allows her to utilize her physical attacks to great effect. The aura can be used alongside Leap to greatly increase teammates' combat effectiveness by providing them with movement speed, armor and attack speed, along with reducing nearby enemies' armor to further increase the potency of allies' physical attacks.
- Eye of Skadi is a very strong item to purchase on Mirana. It improves her stats across the board, mitigating her small health and mana pools while also providing bonus agility for increased physical damage output. The Cold Attack passive allows Mirana to slow her targets, which can be used alongside Leap to create a large movement and attack speed disparity between Mirana's team and her foes.
- Mjollnir is a strong attack modifier item to purchase on Mirana. It greatly empowers her attack speed and gives her the ability to deal area magical damage, synergizing with Leap and Starstorm. The active can be placed on your team's lead initiator, allowing them to deal additional area magical damage during teamfights.
- Ethereal Blade should be considered if Aghanim's Scepter was purchased, since combined they deal huge amounts of magical damage - the combined burst damage can leave a hero with very little health or even kill them if their hp is on the lower part of the scale. The additional agility is also very useful, as it increases Mirana's right-click power as well as her resistance to physical attacks. The active will also help allied wizards at dealing damage to the affected enemy, further securing a kill for your team, and can be combined with Dagon to deal even more magic burst.
- Manta Style gives Mirana a large amount of bonus agility and attack speed, as well as increased strength and intelligence for overall increased resilience. The active can be used to remove debuffs from Mirana, allowing her to use escape abilities, create illusions to deal more damage when on the offensive, or can be used to scout out terrain to reveal enemy positioning.
- Urn of Shadows and its upgrade Spirit Vessel is a strong utility item to purchase early on as Mirana. The extra strength gives her more HP for increased survivability, and the mana regen helps to sustain her casting requirements as needed. Charges can be easily obtained through participating in ganks, and the charges used to heal teammates or to add further damage in future ganks.
- Solar Crest provides armor, mana regen, and attributes for improved survivability. Using the active on a Sacred Arrow victim makes them vulnerable to physical damage.
- Arcane Boots is important to purchase as early as possible as a support Mirana. The ability to replenish her mana pool allows her to cast Sacred Arrow and her other spells more frequently, and helps to keep allies' mana topped up as well.
- Ghost Scepter is useful to obtain if the enemy chooses to focus Mirana in fights. Because a support Mirana is not able to easily farm items to improve her own survivability, Ghost Scepter allows her to become temporarily invulnerable against physical damage.
- Force Staff is a strong utility item to purchase as a support Mirana. It provides bonus intelligence to shore up her small base mana pool, and health regeneration to help keep her health pool topped up. The active can be used alongside Leap to greatly augment Mirana's mobility.
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity is a very strong caster item that greatly improves Mirana's potency as a support. It provides bonus intelligence and mana regen, greatly improving her ability to cast her spells, and additional movement speed to give her more mobility, especially when combined with Leap. The active can be cast on herself to provide temporary invulnerability while removing debuffs from herself, or can be used on an enemy to make them a sitting duck for Sacred Arrow.
- Rod of Atos greatly improves Mirana's overall resilience and is easy to build. It provides a large amount of HP and intelligence, improving Mirana's survivability and giving her a larger mana pool with which to cast spells. The active, with its long range and low cooldown, can root an enemy to hit them with Sacred Arrow, allowing allies to easily chase down fleeing enemies.
- Drum of Endurance gives Mirana attributes across the board and is easy to build. The strength and intelligence shore up her small HP and mana pools; the active allows Mirana to greatly empower all nearby allies' attack and movement speed during teamfights.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
| |
![]() Master |
| |
![]() Grandmaster |
- In the transition from DotA to Dota 2, various aspects of Mirana's character have been changed to avoid reference to Blizzard's intellectual property.[1]
- Her DotA hero title was "Priestess of the Moon", a class within the "Warcraft" universe. Her title was changed during the beta to her current, "Princess of the Moon". However, her voice lines remained unchanged, referring to herself still as the ▶️▶️ Priestess.
- The names of two of Mirana's abilities were changed; Starstorm was previously called "Starfall" and Sacred Arrow was called "Elune's Arrow".
- Mirana's surname - "Nightshade" - was also dropped, so that she is known simply as "Mirana".
- Mirana is the tiger of the Multan Fort that killed the king of Mongols (in the Mongol folklore).[2]
- Her mount's name is Sagan. Her response toward Invoker ▶️ "Carl meet Sagan." is a pun on Carl Sagan.
- She appears to be wearing the Circlet item, which fits the item lore as being "designed for human princesses".
Mirana concept art for Dragon's Blood
Mirana on the Spring Cleaning 2014 splash art on the update page.
Axe on Ringmaster's teaser trailer.