Patches (latest) | ← May 26, 2016 Patch | May 27, 2016 Patch | May 28, 2016 Patch → |
Source: Dota 2 Update - May 27th, 2016
Patch Notes
- Fixed Earthshaker's animation when self-casting Enchant Totem with Aghanim's Scepter.
- Added golden trees that grant a large bonus towards tree cutting.
- Vulkan: Fixed flickering on some NVIDIA GPUs.
Dota Item Workshop
- Changes to Undying's hero wearable slots and adjusted budgets - belt is now part of armor slot, arms are now a separate slot. Updated Undying workshop reference file.
- Add Undying's Flesh Golem to the Workshop. This model is required to use Valve's default Golem skeleton, joint positions and animations. More information here:
- Update Weaver and Timbersaw workshop reference files.
Dota TV Tickets
- World Cyber Arena 2016 S2
- LootMarket Invitational
- AES Summer League S1
- ProDotA Cup Series by
- Serie XLG Dota 2 - First Split
- Esports Pakistan League
- 3RI Gaming Online Tournament
- GeSLeague Season XY
- GBG DOTA2 Madness
- Reach the #2
- ClanWar SnooKeR Cup #1
- Berserker Scrimming
- Steelshock Cup | Qualifications
- Steelshock Cup
UI Update
- Matches on your profile now show those that were Abandoned or Not Scored.
- A new lobby type has been added: Battle Cup (This is for the Weekend Tournies).
Server Updates
- A match group for "Perfect World Unicom Tianjin" has been added.