Dota 2 Wiki


  • ▶️ Let the name Mars ring across the battlefield, and bear witness to my enemy's flight.





Entering battle

  • ▶️ Mars!
  • ▶️ Mars!
  • ▶️ To war! And glorious conquest! Yaaahh!
  • ▶️ To those behind, rally! To those ahead... Kneel!
  • ▶️ Oh ho, I live for this!
  • ▶️ Some say all the great wars have already been won... But I say when we're done here.
  • ▶️ Spreading enlightenment at the tip of my spear.
  • ▶️ Call me protector, call me death!
  • ▶️ I'm not my father's son.
  • ▶️ I've turned over a new spear.
  • ▶️ Time for some good old fashioned diplomacy!
  • ▶️ Who beats the drums of war?!
  • ▶️ The requisite sacrifices may be lacking, but I find the competition intriguing for once...
  • ▶️ My allegiance will never be to an Ancient, only to victory!
  • ▶️ Only a fool would stand against me.
  • ▶️ Eyes up and shields front!
  • ▶️ Time to save the world. Then they'll all see.
  • ▶️ Be grateful the fate of all mortal life rests with me!
  • ▶️ Hahahaha! Rejoice! For the age of Mars begins!
  • ▶️ u Forget what you know. Believe only what you see.
  • ▶️ Do I catch the scent of ash on the wind?
  • ▶️ It was only a matter of time.
  • ▶️ Let the name Mars ring across the battlefield, and bear witness to my enemy's flight.

15% chance

  • ▶️ I hope you four are good at following orders!

10% chance

5% chance

  • ▶️ A god by any other name... Is just as dangerous.
  • ▶️ Mars Ultor!
  • ▶️ I'm not interested in anyone's plans. The flow of battle will dictate the day!
  • ▶️ I'm not sorry for what I've done. But I can do better.

1% chance


  • ▶️ You can call this one... I've never lost and I'll not start now!
  • ▶️ Time to put this thing in the bag and drown it in the river.

Beginning battle


15% chance, mid-game and onward

15% chance, late-game

Moving at less than 20% health

40% chance

30% chance

20% chance

15% chance

15% chance, mid-game and onward

10% chance


20% chance

Attacking at less than 20% health

Ordering a spell cast

10% chance, ordered spell is God's Rebuke

Ordering a spell cast at less than 20% health

50% chance, ordered spell is God's Rebuke


Spear of Mars icon Spear of Mars
On cast
50% chance

Pinning an enemy

Pinning an enemy onto an allied tower

Pinning an enemy onto the walls of the Arena of Blood

God's Rebuke icon God's Rebuke
On cast
50% chance

10% chance

Hitting 1 or more heroes
50% chance

50% chance, at less than 20% health

Hitting 5 heroes

Hitting nothing
50% chance

Killing an invisible enemy
75% chance

  • ▶️ r I'll shatter the air itself to find you!

Bulwark icon Bulwark
Blocking a single large instance of damage

Blocking a large amount of damage over a short time

Arena Of Blood icon Arena Of Blood
On cast
50% chance

25% chance, at less than 20% health

10% chance

Killing an enemy within the arena
50% chance

Enemy dies within the arena

15% chance

Arena expires while living enemy heroes are inside
50% chance

Leveling up

Killing an enemy

Very late game

  • ▶️ r Can we hurry this along? I already know how it ends...

15% chance, mid-game and onward


10% chance

Killing a specific enemy
25% chance

  • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon r You sip at the cup of power. I have no need.
  • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon r Even I know when to stop swinging, Abaddon.
  • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon r There's no honor in killing the little one, but I'll enjoy it all the same.
  • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon r Stimulants are nothing to a god's strength!
  • ▶️ Ancient Apparition minimap icon r It always feels good to kill an ancient one.
  • ▶️ Ancient Apparition minimap icon r Ah, that feels nice. I'd worked up a sweat!
  • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon r A coward meets his fate!
  • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon r The only fun in fighting you was when you died.
  • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon r You didn't need to go through all the trouble.
  • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon r Don't worry, Zet. I'll bring them all crashing down.
  • ▶️ Axe minimap icon r You lack none of the brutality of war and you still had no chance.
  • ▶️ Axe minimap icon r Haha! That was fun, but the outcome was predictable!
  • ▶️ Bane minimap icon r My nightmares evacuate bigger than you!
  • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon r This is where mortal bravery leads.
  • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon r Master of nothing!
  • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon r Even the beasts will prostrate themselves before me!
  • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon r You caught the wrong scent, Bloodseeker.
  • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon r What I'll do to you is nothing to what I have in store for your masters!
  • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon r The mourners will be fresh with drink!
  • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon r I never heard any toasts in my name!
  • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon r Stand or flee, it makes no difference!
  • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon r These quills have a nice tingle to them!
  • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon r Now to harvest the eggs!
  • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon r Know your place, Centaur!
  • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon r Your old arena title means nothing.
  • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon r The order of my ranks withstands the chaos charge!
  • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon r Gods forge order from the chaos!
  • ▶️ Chen minimap icon r No matter how many creatures you enslave, you die alone, you weak-willed fool.
  • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon r Problem solved! You should have come to me sooner.
  • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon r Just remember, I didn't break your spine. Your own armor did that.
  • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon r If you can't fight skin bared, you can't fight at all!
  • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon r Are you sure you're in the right place?
  • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon r If it's on the battlefield, I kill it!
  • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon r Sharpest point wins!
  • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon r Your strategy played right into my strategy!
  • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon r I used to pluck the wings from faeries as a boy. I thought I was past that!
  • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon r Vex me no more!
  • ▶️ Dazzle minimap icon r Respectable, but I've seen many last longer.
  • ▶️ Dazzle minimap icon r Secrets of Dezun? Please. I've seen things you priests wouldn't believe.
  • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon r I warned you to keep your mouth shut around me!
  • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon r Your powers hold no sway over the gods, crone!
  • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon r Sparkle hard, little guy! Haha!
  • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon r I hate lightning!
  • ▶️ Doom minimap icon r A true warrior doesn't need a dramatic name.
  • ▶️ Doom minimap icon r There, I've cured you of your God envy.
  • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon r Hahaha, now that's a shield bash!
  • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon r Dragons make a fine mount, but you don't have the temperament.
  • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon r Ugh, you horrid creature. I've done the world a favor!
  • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon r Your puny wind just makes my cape blow even more attractively.
  • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon r Boulder smash!
  • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon r Well, that was easy enough. Can cross you off the list.
  • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon r Your mind is like porridge. How could you have won?
  • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon r I decide who trembles.
  • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon r Oh, something about that felt extra nice.
  • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon r Alright...Kill titan? Check!
  • ▶️ Ember Spirit minimap icon r Sometimes it's just fun to destroy a truly rare specimen.
  • ▶️ Ember Spirit minimap icon r Flame...out.
  • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon r Aw, damn. This one's not even gold!
  • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon r Stoke the fire and carve a spit!
  • ▶️ Enigma minimap icon r You've lost a step, grandpa.
  • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon r I'll poke two holes here so you can see the river Styx.
  • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon r I had time enough to dispatch YOU.
  • ▶️ Grimstroke minimap icon r You leave nothing of worth behind.
  • ▶️ Grimstroke minimap icon r Give my regards to your masters!
  • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon r Hahaha, the Nothl Realm! I've seen bigger latrines!
  • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon r So eager to die?
  • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon r Get good, youngin.
  • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon r I don't need all that fancy crap to kick your ass!
  • ▶️ Io minimap icon r Why has it come to this, Io?
  • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon r Now my uncle's collection is complete.
  • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon r Your bladework was unoriginal.
  • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon r Your brilliance ends in darkness, old man. Just like all the rest...
  • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon r All who came before me must perish!
  • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon r Drown on your tears, you salty mess.
  • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon r How many times do you need to die before you learn your lesson?
  • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon r You should have chosen literally anyone else.
  • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon r And I heard you were such a great commander. Hahah!
  • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon r Hard to bite down with a spear in your gullet!
  • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon r You should thank me, creature. This death brings honor to one I suspect has none!
  • ▶️ Lion minimap icon r At least you already know the way!
  • ▶️ Lion minimap icon r A single augmentation can't make up for the paltry sum of your parts.
  • ▶️ Luna minimap icon r Your mistress is next.
  • ▶️ Luna minimap icon r There's no pleasure in the killing of sheep.
  • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon r Shift your way out of that!
  • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon r The question now becomes... Shall I skin you for a rug?
  • ▶️ Magnus minimap icon r This is the ugliest damn unicorn I've ever killed.
  • ▶️ Magnus minimap icon r The horn doesn't look that valuable to me... But maybe for drinking!
  • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon r Poor little princess. Poised to the last... for naught.
  • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon r You chose the wrong god, princess.
  • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon r I'll have to embellish your death when I tell this story...
  • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon r It's hard to believe it took this long for someone to kill you.
  • ▶️ Morphling minimap icon r Consider your life sated.
  • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon r Sing your song for my uncle. See if he cares!
  • ▶️ Nature's Prophet minimap icon r Ugh, that almost felt!
  • ▶️ Necrophos minimap icon r This spear cures all ailments!
  • ▶️ Necrophos minimap icon r I would have once found your pursuits amusing, Necrophos. No more.
  • ▶️ Night Stalker minimap icon r Aren't you beautiful? I'll mount your head above the mantle!
  • ▶️ Night Stalker minimap icon r Fly-by-night, indeed!
  • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon r You were brain dead already.
  • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon r Oops. I thought you'd surrender when things got tough.
  • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon r I had no quarrel with your worthless god...only with you!
  • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon r I'll keep your tongue as a talisman for a time!
  • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon r Mortal royalty should thank me!
  • ▶️ Outworld Destroyer minimap icon r You're just a glorified guard dog.
  • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon r You die as you lived, like a fool.
  • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon r There's no grace in this death, assassin.
  • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon r Is this your knife in my shield, wastrel?
  • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon r Any of you left standing?
  • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon r Attacking from all sides? A classic mistake!
  • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon r Your flesh will rest upon this field for all of time, a monument to my victory!
  • ▶️ Razor minimap icon r The help shouldn't lift a hand against their betters.
  • ▶️ Razor minimap icon r Did you take me for mortal, whipping boy?
  • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon r At least you tried to steal from the best.
  • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon r Not so grand after all!
  • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon r I abandon you to a desert of the forgotten!
  • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon r Let that be a message to all deserters!
  • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon r Where'd you learn how to use a trident?
  • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon r Just like spearfishing! Ahahaha!
  • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon r My spear will never rust!
  • ▶️ Slark minimap icon r Slippery little bastard!
  • ▶️ Slark minimap icon r I'll use your guts as bait for a bigger fish.
  • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon r Oh, I'm sorry. Were you in the middle of something?
  • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon r You're out of practice, Spectre. Too soft for the real fight.
  • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon r Shame to kill such an interesting beast. At least it was fun.
  • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon r If only you'd bent to my will... Oh well. I may keep the ring.
  • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon r Each one of your kin will die by my hand!
  • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon r I thought I could use you. I was wrong.
  • ▶️ Sven minimap icon r God's strength! Hmmm...
  • ▶️ Sven minimap icon r Your past accomplishments mean nothing, and your future is at an end.
  • ▶️ Terrorblade minimap icon r Bedtime stories for demons don't scare me.
  • ▶️ Terrorblade minimap icon r I didn't come here to send you back, Terrorblade... Only to put you down.
  • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon r Even the one you serve serves another.
  • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon r Not today, polliwog.
  • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon r Normally I wouldn't trouble myself with the touched...
  • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon r Well, found the cure for madness!
  • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon r Best to melt this down before someone else gets any bright ideas.
  • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon r The gods will not suffer a mortal so clever as you.
  • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon r Crushing rocks is a baby's game!
  • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon r You'll make a fine whetstone for my spear.
  • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon r Heavy timber falls with ease!
  • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon r Fear not, I shall build something grand with you!
  • ▶️ Troll Warlord minimap icon r Your meaningless fights sully the name of war!
  • ▶️ Tusk minimap icon r This is where your limitations begin, and you end.
  • ▶️ Underlord minimap icon r They say you commanded armies. Did others fight in your place?
  • ▶️ Underlord minimap icon r There were many who prayed for your death, Underlord. Prayers answered.
  • ▶️ Undying minimap icon r There is nothing that I cannot kill!
  • ▶️ Undying minimap icon r The dirge is a nice tune, but you can't carry it for a damn.
  • ▶️ Viper minimap icon r Time for a new pair of boots!
  • ▶️ Visage minimap icon r You're a mere decoration compared to me!
  • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon r Your Ozkavosh isn't even passable!
  • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon r What did you think was going to happen, bookworm?
  • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon r Write a poem about it in the afterlife.
  • ▶️ Witch Doctor minimap icon r It'll take more than chants and charms, you imbecile.
  • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon r I know a thing or two about hubris, and you had this coming!
  • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon r I'll scatter your bones from here to the pits of Hell!
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r This isn't your pantheon anymore, old man.
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r I've been waiting a long time for this!
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r I thought that would be much more satisfying...
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r You're just as pathetic a mortal as you were a god...
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r Mother will be pleased!
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r I didn't come here to exchange pleasantries. It's time for you to die!
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r You call yourself a god?
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r There's something beautiful to all of this.
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r My father? Let me tell you about my father...
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r You whine like a mortal fool.
  • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon r You should have offered me a cookie!
  • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon r The lizard's death is on you!
  • ▶️ Void Spirit minimap icon r It's important to savor some of the special ones.
  • ▶️ Void Spirit minimap icon r My spear enters The Void!
  • ▶️ Primal Beast minimap icon r Now to find your litter to raid.
  • ▶️ Primal Beast minimap icon u Auf auf! Auf!
  • ▶️ Primal Beast minimap icon r Auf auf auf auf!
  • ▶️ Primal Beast minimap icon u Auf! Auf auf auf!
  • ▶️ Primal Beast minimap icon r When you charge at me, you'd best not miss!
  • ▶️ Dawnbreaker minimap icon r After all I've done for you!
  • ▶️ Dawnbreaker minimap icon r I cannot see your wounds for the tears in my eyes...
  • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon r Yours was a sad tale. But now it's over!
  • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon r It is with a heart of stone I lay you to rest, Gorgon...
  • ▶️ Riki minimap icon r None pass unseen into the underworld!
  • ▶️ Riki minimap icon r This is why your kind should stick to frivolities.
  • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon r Of all the demons, you should have known better, Shadow Fiend.
  • ▶️ Shadow Shaman minimap icon r Stick to the sideshow work, magician!
  • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon r What do you know? Silence is nice after all!
  • ▶️ Skywrath Mage minimap icon r Power dependent upon allegiance is no power at all!
  • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon r You almost count for half a kill.
  • ▶️ Techies minimap icon r That's from everyone!
  • ▶️ Techies minimap icon r You could have saved us all a lot of trouble and done this yourself.
  • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon r Blow away!
  • ▶️ u Mother will be pleased!
  • ▶️ u Get out of my head!
  • ▶️ u No one controls a god while I'm around!
  • ▶️ u There is something seriously wrong!
  • ▶️ u Not even the fates control me!
  • ▶️ u You should have made me kill myself, because that was your only chance!

First blood

25% chance

  • ▶️ First Blood! Haha! I thought it'd come sooner.

5% chance

Meeting an enemy

During early-mid game, within 1000 radius
25% chance

  • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon r You're gonna look real funny with no legs, Arachnia. Just to let you know.
  • ▶️ Io minimap icon r Come to your senses! This behavior leads only to ruin!
  • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon r How about I just kill one head, Ogre?
  • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon r Your corpse will be lasting monument to my greatness!
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r I'll beat you to death with an olive branch!

Meeting an ally

During early game, within 1000 radius
30% chance

  • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon r I'm done with the dour. What reason have I to worry?
  • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon r So how far can you throw that little goblin? Friendly competition?
  • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon r You didn't need to go through all the trouble. I could have solved this problem for you ages ago.
  • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon r Which one of you two would win in a fight?
  • ▶️ Axe minimap icon r People say we'd make a good team. But don't get carried away; I make a good team with anyone.
  • ▶️ Axe minimap icon r Red skin in battle must be pretty convenient. Not that I'd need it, but you know... for you.
  • ▶️ Bane minimap icon r So strange to see you when I'm awake, Bane. I thought you only came in pleasant dreams...
  • ▶️ Bane minimap icon r Oh! This guy's creepy... Just what we needed!
  • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon r What did I just step in?!
  • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon r I didn't catch your name, flappy.
  • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon r Don't worry. They don't even hurt the animals in the sacrifice, they only slaughter them.
  • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon r You'll love roaring in the arena!
  • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon r This is going to be fun. Oh, and when we're done here, tell the Flayed Twins I'm coming for them. Happy hunting!
  • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon r I had a kind of a hound once. He got on mother's bad side...
  • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon r If someone puts a contract on my father, I'll double your fee to leave him for me.
  • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon r No, I don't need your services, Bounty Hunter. Lot of names on my list, but I've got as long as it takes and longer!
  • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon r All right! I was hoping we'd run into each other.
  • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon r If you can't do it drunk, it's not worth doing.
  • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon r If you were under my command, turning your back would mean death.
  • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon r Blood, viscera...the stench of battle? Don't mar it with your foul goo.
  • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon r Are any of these babies up for adoption?
  • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon r Maybe I'll settle down and have kids someday...
  • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon r Fancy seeing you here, Arachnia!
  • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon r I carry an apple for just such an occasion!
  • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon r You're a bit ugly, but you might make a passable companion.
  • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon r There's a lot to like about you, Chaos Knight. But I don't get the feeling you're on my side...
  • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon r And at my heels, the riders of a grim dawn!
  • ▶️ Chen minimap icon r Honestly, Ken, you're lucky I acknowledge your presence at all.
  • ▶️ Chen minimap icon r Hey, Ken, got a line on any chimeras? Oh, sorry Chen.
  • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon r Maybe you should sit this one out if you're so worried about getting scratched...
  • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon r What's your game, really, Maiden?
  • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon r I know a thing or two about sibling rivalry. The only outcome is war!
  • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon r The petty politics of your people are of little interest to me, faerie.
  • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon r I feel inclined to like you for some reason, Disruptor...
  • ▶️ Doom minimap icon r I'm not interested in talking about my father. Or hearing about yours.
  • ▶️ Doom minimap icon r Your filial defiance is inspiring, Doom Bringer.
  • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon r You're fortunate, friend. Most mortals never know the power you now possess.
  • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon r All things considered, you should take more care around dying animals.
  • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon r I always excelled at boulder toss as a child.
  • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon r Are we kin, Titan?
  • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon r Why so serious? There's battle ahead!
  • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon r I think I've 'et some of your relatives!
  • ▶️ Enigma minimap icon r I'll stay my spear today, Enigma. But I make no promises in the days to come.
  • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon r When you were a child, did you blow time bubbles?
  • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon r Are you ageless as well, traveller?
  • ▶️ Grimstroke minimap icon r Your personality paints me in an even godlier light.
  • ▶️ Grimstroke minimap icon r I've done some--in hindsight--morally questionable things. But for fun! Your crimes just seem petty.
  • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon r You use the fire dust amusingly, Mr. Copter.
  • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon r Just get ready to drop that bomb in the arena!
  • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon r Someday we will fight, and it will be glorious.
  • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon r No, no, no! The priests are supposed to worship *you*, not the other way around.
  • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon r Yours is a special kind of vanity, Invoker.
  • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon r Let me juggle your tiny orbs, Invoker!
  • ▶️ Io minimap icon r My oldest friend... You've helped me through some dark times.
  • ▶️ Io minimap icon r No one gets me like you do, Io.
  • ▶️ Jakiro minimap icon r Fire and ice! Reminds me of a song I once heard.
  • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon r How does that mask stay on when you're spinning?
  • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon r There must be something broken in your inner ear, Yurnero.
  • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon r Sing me a song, Admiral. The grog is working!
  • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon r If only you'd met me sooner. I know someone with an amount of influence in matters nautical!
  • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon r I invented dueling, you know.
  • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon r Finally, someone with a proper sense of battle attire!
  • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon r Do you even know why we fight, creature?
  • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon r Stick with me and you'll go as far as one of your ill fortune can get.
  • ▶️ Lina minimap icon r It's fair to blame your parents, Lina. Sounds like the whole mess was really their fault.
  • ▶️ Lion minimap icon r You pretend to be so wicked, Lion. But I saw you dancing!
  • ▶️ Lion minimap icon r Of all the powers to seek...why demonkind?!
  • ▶️ Luna minimap icon r So you used to hurt folks and now try to help? How's it working out?
  • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon r The mortal mind considers such gifts a curse?
  • ▶️ Magnus minimap icon r I feel some good vibes coming off of you, new friend!
  • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon r You're soft-headed, but I guess you mean well.
  • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon r I'd heard stories, but you're even more annoying face to face...
  • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon r My spear sings in harmony, Naga!
  • ▶️ Necrophos minimap icon r Remind me never to step indoors with you. Phew!
  • ▶️ Night Stalker minimap icon r I've followed some of your work, Night Stalker. I'm expecting big things!
  • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon r Fascinating! There's a massive growth on this ogre's head!
  • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon r Stand back everyone! This ogre's going to cast a spell on you.
  • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon r Look, I humor you priest, but don't push it.
  • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon r I'm always accepting new worshippers, Omniknight.
  • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon r That's not what an oracle looks like!
  • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon r If you spoil the ending of this fight, I'll...Well, I'm sure you can work out the rest!
  • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon r Most Gallants are complete idiots. You're not so bad!
  • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon r Pray to whatever god you believe in that my name never appears on your list.
  • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon r Do you even like your job, assassin?
  • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon r Hey Lancer, need any tips?
  • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon r And to think, you could have died as just another pathetic mortal.
  • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon r You know, Quoidge wouldn't even exist without me.
  • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon r Today's going to be a busy day, butcher!
  • ▶️ Pugna minimap icon r I would never guess we had so much in common!
  • ▶️ Queen of Pain minimap icon r It's all a pleasure to me too, Akasha.
  • ▶️ Razor minimap icon r Oh great, the bureaucracy is here too...
  • ▶️ Razor minimap icon r Don't worry, Razor, no one's trying to have any fun here...
  • ▶️ Riki minimap icon r I don't know if you know this, but I can still kind of see you...
  • ▶️ Riki minimap icon r You're a teetotaler? What does that mean?
  • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon r Folks seem to give you a wide berth, Rubick. Maybe wash the robes?
  • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon r You remind me of a tutor I once killed.
  • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon r Why, who'd want to be king of sand?
  • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon r Get in there sandy claws! Hey, you said it first.
  • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon r Fighting demons is almost beneath me. So befriending one probably is too.
  • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon r Do gods even have souls, demon? I thought we were kind of....pre-soul.
  • ▶️ Shadow Shaman minimap icon r A mortal has no business transmogrifying anything!
  • ▶️ Shadow Shaman minimap icon r A troll spellcaster? Huh! What will they think of next?
  • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon r Quiet is boring.
  • ▶️ Skywrath Mage minimap icon r Take it from me, Skywrath, that ship has sailed.
  • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon r Do you know how to whistle, Slardar?
  • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon r The drylands are glad to have you in this fight, Slardar.
  • ▶️ Slark minimap icon r I don't often associate with common criminals, but I'm feeling generous.
  • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon r It's funny because on one hand, look how you make war! But on the other, at least you make war...
  • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon r Nothing like going into battle a little shorthanded, eh? Hehehe.
  • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon r You take care of the boring stuff. I'll do the rest!
  • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon r Where do you think you're going?!
  • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon r Don't get started before I'm in the fray!
  • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon r If anyone asks, you're the lord of thunder in my book!
  • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon r You should come to my next family reunion. You'd be a hit!
  • ▶️ Sven minimap icon r Break out a warcry, Sven! Or your heart's not in it!
  • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon r Know any good fishing holes?
  • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon r Your kind don't need to fear me anymore, Tidehunter. Those capricious days are behind me.
  • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon r You do pretty well for a sniveling coward, Rizzrack!
  • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon r With your help, an army of spearmen could be outfitted in no time!
  • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon r Yours is a particularly foul kind of magic, Tinker. Almost any mortal might wield it!
  • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon r What do you mean you don't believe in gods, Tinker?
  • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon r Teeny... Puny... Miniscule... Infinitesimal! There were plenty of better choices.
  • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon r I'm only a handful of generations into this whole helping people thing. Any pointers?
  • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon r In the old days, I never stopped to admire how beautiful the battlefield really is.
  • ▶️ Troll Warlord minimap icon r I already tire of your antics, Troll...
  • ▶️ Troll Warlord minimap icon r The trolls I've killed have been a lot bigger...
  • ▶️ Tusk minimap icon r You've got the right idea, Tusk. Most of these fools walk a grim path.
  • ▶️ Tusk minimap icon r If you had a longer lifespan, you might really be something someday, Tusk!
  • ▶️ Underlord minimap icon r I'll see how well you fight before I bother talking to you...
  • ▶️ Undying minimap icon r Listen, you don't need to actually hum the dirge. It does just fine on its own.
  • ▶️ Undying minimap icon r Funny, I'll never have a tombstone...
  • ▶️ Visage minimap icon r How can you stand that Razor fellow?
  • ▶️ Visage minimap icon r I appreciate your position, Visage, even if I don't desire it.
  • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon r Burn your scrolls, wizard! This is war, not some damned symposium!
  • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon r How do you even lift that tome, wizard?
  • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon r I love how you slay with a smile, ranger.
  • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon r You're the oddest dragon I've ever seen, and I've seen Jakiro!
  • ▶️ Witch Doctor minimap icon r What do you want from me little man?! Oh, you're here to fight?
  • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon r Admit it, you wish you could be me, Ostarion.
  • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon r You had to work so hard for cut-rate immortality...
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r Keep that thunder to yourself. I don't wanna hear it, Zeus.
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r No, this isn't a chance to re-forge a broken bond. I'm not interested.
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r Just shut up already! I know what I'm doing.
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r It's been too long since you overthrew the titans, Zeus. Perhaps it's time for a new godly order.
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r I don't answer to that name anymore, you old fool.
  • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon r Get out of my sight!
  • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon 4 It's rare to see one of those beasties tamed!
  • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon 4 Can he spit a bit of that on my spear here?
  • ▶️ Void Spirit minimap icon 4 Why do you always have to make it weird, Void Spirit?
  • ▶️ Primal Beast minimap icon r Do you understand language, beastie?
  • ▶️ Primal Beast minimap icon r You can chew on whatever I leave in my wake!
  • ▶️ Dawnbreaker minimap icon r Together again. This time will be different, I promise!
  • ▶️ Dawnbreaker minimap icon r Where does the time go, my dear? You've been away too long...
  • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon r I respect your methods, Anti-Mage, but you've really got to lighten up!
  • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon r What kind of example are you setting for the youngsters, Ezalor?
  • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon r Long have I admired your steed, Ezalor.
  • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon r My apologies, Gorgon. I was in no position to help anyone in those days...
  • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon r If my father showed any true leadership, your family's woes would never have come to pass.
  • ▶️ Techies minimap icon r Break out the fireworks, little ones!
  • ▶️ Terrorblade minimap icon r So which inane demonic law did you run afoul of, Terrorblade?
  • ▶️ u Ah la la la! I caaaan't heeaaar yoooouuu!
  • ▶️ u Wait, I don't see any strings...
  • ▶️ u When I put an enemy in the arena, don't let them out!

Last hitting

5% chance

Last-hitting at less than 20% health

5% chance


Denying at less than 20% health

Acquiring an item

Acquiring a specific item

40% chance

25% chance

20% chance


Dying to a specific hero

15% chance


15% chance, mid-game and onward

10% chance

5% chance


  • ▶️ I'm not one to stay down...
  • ▶️ You're going to regret this for the rest of your life!

Bottling Runes

35% chance

  • ▶️ r Even I don't know where they come from... And I'm a god!

25% chance

Activating runes

Arcane Rune minimap icon Arcane Rune

Bounty Rune minimap icon Bounty Rune
50% chance

40% chance

15% chance

Double Damage Rune minimap icon Double Damage Rune

Haste Rune minimap icon Haste Rune

Illusion Rune minimap icon Illusion Rune

5% chance

Invisibility Rune minimap icon Invisibility Rune

Regeneration Rune minimap icon Regeneration Rune

Ability on cooldown

First attempt within 10 seconds

Second attempt within 10 seconds

Third and more attempts within 10 seconds

Not enough mana

First attempt within 10 seconds

20% chance

Second attempt within 10 seconds

20% chance

Third and more attempts within 10 seconds

20% chance

Taking damage

3 seconds cooldown

35% chance

15% chance

5% chance


5 consecutive clicks on the hero
These are monologues, their lines always play in the same order. Which monologue gets chosen is random
"AOM" monologue

  • ▶️ This age of gods will soon meet its end.
  • ▶️ As my father struck down the titans, I too shall strike down the vestiges of his archaic pantheon!
  • ▶️ What comes to pass when the ageless live on without change?
  • ▶️ Through what endless cycles does one waste a god's ambition?
  • ▶️ The selfish ways of my ancestors were long my ways...but no more!
  • ▶️ By my father's many MANY examples, the hollow path of my lineage has been laid bare!
  • ▶️ I disown my heritage, and vow that the flight of my spear will never again be so petty.
  • ▶️ The pathetic mortals who have long feared my name shall have a new title to worship me by.
  • ▶️ Rejoice! For the age of Mars begins!
  • ▶️ u This age of gods will soon meet its end. As my father struck down the titans, I too shall strike down the vestiges of his archaic pantheon!
  • ▶️ u What comes to pass when the ageless live on without change? Through what endless cycles does one waste a god's ambition? The selfish ways of my ancestors were long my ways...but no more! By my father's many MANY examples, the hollow path of my lineage has been laid bare!
  • ▶️ u I disown my heritage, and vow that the flight of my spear will never again be so petty. The pathetic mortals who have long feared my name shall have a new title to worship me by. Rejoice! For the age of Mars begins!

"Village" monologue

  • ▶️ The villagers sacrificed their last bull. Obviously, I felt compelled to help them. Damn the costs!
  • ▶️ But the witch's magic claimed more and more of the simple folk, turning them against their kin - against even me!
  • ▶️ I slew scores of them to reach the hag's stronghold.
  • ▶️ But, once I took her head, every single possessed villager who was still alive returned mostly to normal.
  • ▶️ Yes, I expect there was much rejoicing as the families collected their dead... And songs in my name. What a sight!
  • ▶️ u The villagers sacrificed their last bull. Obviously, I felt compelled to help them. Damn the costs! But the witch's magic claimed more and more of the simple folk, turning them against their kin ? against even me! I slew scores of them to reach the hag's stronghold. But, once I took her head, every single possessed villager who was still alive returned mostly to normal. Yes, I expect there was much rejoicing as the families collected their dead... And songs in my name. What a sight!

"Diplomacy" monologue

  • ▶️ Diplomacy? Ha! Why it's no different than war!
  • ▶️ Face off against your enemy and take measure of their weakness. Then, threaten that which they hold most dear.
  • ▶️ If they resist? Beat 'em to death with an olive branch.
  • ▶️ It's just another battlefield. Don't trouble yourself!
  • ▶️ u Diplomacy? Ha! Why it's no different than war! Face off against your enemy and take measure of their weakness. Then, threaten that which they hold most dear. If they resist? Beat 'em to death with an olive branch. It's just another battlefield. Don't trouble yourself!

4th monologue

  • ▶️ Where have all the good wars gone?
  • ▶️ The Stygian Conquests, the Wightfall Invasion...
  • ▶️ The centuries-long campaigns against the the forces of the Continuum...
  • ▶️ Battles that mattered, had consequence.
  • ▶️ In the final push against Sheragndar, I didn't halt the song of my spear for the full cycle of an Ultorian moon.
  • ▶️ The bodies in my wake, enough to fill mortal worlds! Ohh ho ho!
  • ▶️ Ahh... It's not like today.
  • ▶️ Today's war is...tedium. The same fight in a different trench. Each stake smaller than the last.
  • ▶️ u But there's a great war left out there somewhere... I'll do whatever it takes to find it.
  • ▶️ But there's a great war left out there somewhere... I'll do whatever it takes to find it.
  • ▶️ Tremble, all who might stand against Mars!
  • ▶️ To those behind, rally! To those ahead... Kneel!
  • ▶️ u Where have all the good wars gone? The Stygian Conquests, the Wightfall Invasion... the centuries-long campaigns against the the forces of the Continuum... Battles that mattered, had consequence. In the final push against Sheragndar, I didn't halt the song of my spear for the full cycle of an Ultorian moon. The bodies in my wake, enough to fill mortal worlds! Hmmmm. It's not like today. Today's war is...tedium. The same fight in a different trench. Each stake smaller than the last. But there's a great war left out there somewhere... I'll do whatever it takes to find it.
  • ▶️ u What kind of plan is that?! If we wait for these idiots to finish chanting, the beast will be asleep and helpless before we even attack it. I've got a better idea... WE GO IN! AHAHAHAHA!

Chat responses

Lane missing

thx, thanks, ty, or ally casts certain spell on player, 30 seconds cooldown

40% chance

  • ▶️ 240 My thanks will come later, when you least expect it.
  • ▶️ 240 It's no small thing to be favored by the gods.

/laugh, haha, lol, lmao, rofl, 15 seconds cooldown

5% chance

  • ▶️ Huh ha ha ha! Uh huh ha ha ha ha! Huh huh uh ha haa!

Match end


Early-mid game

5% chance

  • ▶️ These creatures are not entirely without merit.


Early-mid game

Cosmetic item drop



Rare and higher

Chat wheel







  • ▶️ There's nothing to it when you're a god.
  • ▶️ What are you god of?
  • ▶️ I can do this and still crush your skull!
  • ▶️ If you don't enjoy a battle, you're not taking it seriously!