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Bad against...[]
- Unleash ensures that Axe's Counter Helix procs many times, even if he is stunned by Dispose.
- Aghanim's Shard allows Counter Helix to reduce the attack damage of anyone it strikes. Combined with Unleash causing to proc frequently, Marci will not be dealing significant damage as she attacks Axe over time.
- Axe doesn't worry about the damage from Unleash if he activates Berserker's Call beforehand. If he had activated Blade Mail or Mjollnir (or even both) as Marci attacks him, he will turn Unleash's high attack speed and damage against her.
- Usually, Axe would prefer to jump on his opponent to be more effective. Rebound does Axe a favor, bringing Marci within his most effective range.
- Counterspell will reflects from Dispose. Counterspell timing well can not throw from Dispose endured position and Dispose will blocked.
- Rupture ruins her only movement ability, Rebound. Combined with its high movement speed and her being unable to interrupt it once its cast, using it under the effects of Rupture will surely deal incredibly immutable damage, if not kill her.
- As a Strength hero, Marci naturally has high HP. Rupture's initial damage uses her high HP as a catalyst to deal damage depending on her current health, dealing a good amount of damage if she's full HP or forcing her to stop if she's low.
- With Aghanim's Shard, Bloodrage will now deal pure damage and lifesteal based on the opponent's max health. Her high HP as a Strength hero ensures that Bloodseeker will always deal significant attack damage and sustain himself a lot whenever he attacks Marci.
- If Marci doesn't build Black King Bar, Bloodseeker's Blood Rite will prevent her from using all of her spells which she relies quite heavily on. Her only dispel is tied to Sidekick with level 25 left talent.
- Bramble Maze will very likely catch Marci midair, disabling Marci's chasing/fleeing ability.
- Shadow Realm prevents Marci from bursting Willow down since she relies on physical attacks and unit target spells. With Aghanim's Scepter, Willow can hit Marci while Marci can't hit Willow.
- Bedlam and Eul's Scepter of Divinity allows Willow to manfight if Marci initiates with Rebound.
- Terrorize and Cursed Crown combo can waste Marci's ultimate for almost half of its duration.
- Spirit Siphon exploits her naturally high HP to deal a good amount of DPS. She may break the link with Rebound, but Silence covers that problem.
- Marci's poor armor makes her vulnerable to Exorcism.
- Lifestealer's Rage renders him immune to all of Marci's disables and magic damage for a good duration.
- His passive Feast deals bonus damage based on the enemy's max health and heals for the same amount. As a tanky Strength hero, Marci's own strength will be her undoing as well.
- Howl reduces a good chunk of Marci's attack damage that she relies heavily on, and the armor reduction works better on her because of her low armor.
- Shapeshift renders Lycan immune to slow from Rebound and Unleash.
- Death Pulse and Ghost Shroud very effective against her physical damage.
- Heartstopper Aura and Reaper's Scythe are very effective against tanky Strength hero Marci.
- Fortune's End dispells Marci's Sidekick, removing additional damage and lifesteal.
- Fate's Edict disarms Marci, preventing her from attacking with Unleash. Also it is useful against Marci or her ally affected by Sidekick.
- False Promise is a great tool to save an ally focused by Marci.
- Pangolier's Lucky Shot disarms her if procs making Unleash useless.
- Swashbuckle have a lower cooldown than Rebound so Pangolier can out maneuver her quite easily.
- Warlock has strong counter initiation which reduces Marci's effectiveness throughout the game.
- Fatal Bonds cancels Blink Dagger, which means Marci can move in and out of fights less effectively.
- Chaotic Offering paired with Upheaval provides a ministun, a movement slow and paired with Fatal Bonds has the potential to deal a lot of damage to Marci while she jumps on a target. The ministun also means that Marci will have a harder time casting Rebound. If Warlock does build Aghanim's Scepter and Refresher Orb, the physical damage from Golems will overwhelm Marci, especially when played as a support.
- Marci's Dispose is blocked by Linken's Sphere which is a common item for Weaver.
- Shukuchi allows Weaver to escape from Rebound slow.
- The Swarm beetle require 4 hits to kill. Weaver can use it on her when she use Unleash. This give Marci a hard choice: ignore The Swarm and her armor keep decreasing or kill the beetle and wasting 4 attacks of Unleash.
- Heroes that reduce the damage that Marci can deal during her ultimate, like Razor, Rubick, Bane, Dragon Knight and Underlord.
- Heroes that can keep Marci for a long time in one place so she can't pursue her targets, like Bane, Lion, Shadow Shaman, Invoker, Disruptor and Kunkka.
- Heroes that can reliably kite out Dispose, Unleash and dodge Rebound, like Ember Spirit, Void Spirit, Storm Spirit, Anti-Mage, Faceless Void, Puck or always build items like Blink Dagger and Force Staff.
- Blade Mail ensures that Marci's attempts to attack the user doesn't go unpunished.
- Heaven's Halberd disarm can prevent Marci from using her right clicks, not to mention that it is undispellable.
- Ethereal Blade turns Marci ethereal, preventing her from using right clicks, slowing her down, and making her vulnerable to magic damage.
- Ghost Scepter protects the user from Marci's right clicks which makes up the bulk of her damage. Beware though, she can still affect you in this state with her Dispose and Rebound.
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Wind Waker, Abyssal Blade, Scythe of Vyse, Rod of Atos and Gleipnir and other abilities that can stop Marci in her tracks and keep her in one place, while you run away and is prevented to use Rebound to catch up to you.
- The Silence of Orchid Malevolence and Bloodthorn prevents Marci of activating any of her abilities, that she heavily depends on to deal damage, catch enemys or run away.
- Diffusal Blade can withle down her low mana pool and deplete it
Good against...[]
- Untouchable doesn't work against Unleash, as Marci gains 1000+ attack speed for the fury combo.
- Enchantress' low health makes her a fragile target for Marci's damage blasts.
- Marci can use Rebound on one of her enchanted creeps to easily reach the Enchantress and negate the bonus damage dealt by her Impetus. It helps that most of her best creeps have a low attack range, creating a makeshift bridge towards their master.
- Rebound allows her to jump in or out of the Arena Of Blood. She can save her allies from the Arena with Dispose as well.
- Sprout can't stop her to Rebound.
- Treants can be used as targets for Rebound and Dispose as well.
- Marci can destroy Supernova by herself with Unleash at any stage of the game.
- Phoenix is squishy hero with low armor and is very vulnerable for Rebound and Sidekick at the laning stage.
- Marci on the midlane will win the laning phase against Zeus almost every time, as her powerspike at level 6 will decimate Zeus' low health pool and force him to stay far back.
- Even before level 6, Dispose and Sidekick can easily take half of Zeus' health if he is in range of Dispose.
- Marci can be effective against vulnerable squishy heroes that cannot deal with heroes that jump onto them - Sniper, Drow Ranger, Lina, Rubick, etc.
Works well with...[]
- If he binds two heroes using his Soulbind, Marci can use Dispose to pull both enemy heroes to the same location (making it something like Vacuum or Reverse Polarity).
- Marci is perfect target for Ink Swell to make a combo with Rebound and Dispose.
- Lifestealer can Infest Marci as she leaps towards an enemy hero with Rebound during ganks, bringing them both towards the enemy. While Lifestealer is inside her, she gains bonus HP points that compliments her tankiness and bonus movement speed for more mobility.
- Open Wounds gained from buying an Aghanim's Shard is a no-brainer with its powerful slow and shared lifesteal, adding to the duo's powerful array of disables and sustainability.
- Marci is a great recipient for Lycan's Wolf Bite. Simply cast it on her (especially when she has used Unleash) and watch as a mute whistling wolf that's immune to slows, has better mobility with haste and Rebound, can further buff herself with lifesteal from Sidekick and damage (granting a ridiculous total of 80% lifesteal or 130% with talents!), shreds through their enemies with multiple crits per second! Make sure to stay near Lycan to gain the lifesteal and shared healing if one requires it.
- Howl reduces the opponent's armor and attack damage, making them easier to kill while making both Lycan and Marci harder to kill.
- Lycan himself and his wolves give herself a boost with her Rebound. In turn, Lycan or his wolves gain bonus movement speed outside of Shapeshift, allowing them to catch up during ganks.
- Razor and Marci are strong lane partners. Razor's Static Link benefits from Dispose which can extend the link's duration. Paired with Sidekick, Razor has the ability to burst enemy carries in the laning stage.
- Marci's Rebound helps further slow enemies in a radius around the jump target. This synergizes well with Plasma Field which also provides a move speed slow.
- Snapfire can buy Aghanim's Scepter to gain Gobble Up. Casting it on Marci allows her to easily reach the target while saving the use of Rebound for later.
- If Troll bought an Aghanim's Shard, he can use his Rampage to increase Marci's attack speed outside of her Unleash or provide status resistance.
- Troll will have a secondary source of sustainable lifesteal if Marci commits to buffing him with Sidekick.
- Ursa gains a secondary source of lifesteal and damage with Sidekick, allowing him to shred his enemies and sustain himself further and take down Roshan faster.
- Marci can Rebound off of Ursa to slow a distant enemy, while Ursa catches up with the bonus movement speed. She may use her Dispose to throw an enemy towards Ursa if they're close enough.
- If Venomancer sets up a few Plague Wards, Marci and Venomancer can easily get a kill with Dispose at almost any time during the laning phase.
- Venomancer's slows will prevent most attempts at running away after Dispose.
- Heroes who can benefit from Sidekick (if she played as support) - Medusa, Gyrocopter, Juggernaut, Luna, Terrorblade etc.
- Heroes who can decrease enemies armor to amplify her damage - Slardar, Bristleback, Vengeful Spirit etc.