Dota 2 Wiki

Basic Animations[]

All of Marci minimap icon Marci's attacks have a "fast" and "faster" variation, the animations are triggered when Marci have more than 180 and 250 attack speed respectively, and are identical to the base attack animation.

Customization Type Preview
Loadout Spawn Animation
Attack Animation
Attack2 Animation
Attack3 Animation
Channel Animation
Death Animation
Defeat Start Animation
Defeat Loop Animation
Flail Animation
Idle Animation
Idle Injured Animation
Run Animation
Run Haste Animation
Run Injured Animation
Spawn Animation
Stun Animation
Teleport Animation
Victory Start Animation
Victory Loop Animation

Unleash icon Unleash[]

Customization Type Preview
Attack Animation
Attack Alternative Animation
Attack Pulse Animation

Force Staff icon Force[]

Customization Type Preview
Forcestaff Animation