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Bad against...[]

Bristleback icon
  • Lone Druid and The Spirit Bear cannot burst down Bristleback due to Bristleback ability icon Bristleback
  • Bristleback can easily run to Lone Druid without any hesitation, with Viscous Nasal Goo icon Viscous Nasal Goo to reduce armor and slow the Spirit Bear or Lone Druid and Quill Spray icon Quill Spray can deal damage to both Lone Druid and the Spirit Bear at the same time
Dazzle icon
  • Dazzle easily breaks the position of Lone Druid and his Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear with his Poison Touch icon Poison Touch, As it always hits from afar and prolongs the slowdown on the Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear, which is why he cannot catch up with Dazzle and treat his master with Spirit Link icon Spirit Link
  • Dazzle helps his team survive the physical attacks of the Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear thanks to the treatment from Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave and armor from Bad Juju icon Bad Juju, which can enable his team to kill Lone Druid
  • The Lone Druid Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear has a small amount of armor at the start of the game, because of Mid Dazzle, it can very much break through it and prevent Lone Druid from gaining an advantage at the very beginning of the game, giving his team the opportunity to overtake Lone Druid on items for killing him, by type: Spirit Vessel icon Spirit Vessel
Huskar icon
  • Huskar jumps on the hero without any problems, throwing the Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear away from him and forbidding him to beat, which knocks down the regeneration of Lone Druid from the Spirit Link icon Spirit Link ability, in addition, Huskar instantly deals fatal damage to Lone Druid, in some cases he does not even have time to squeeze the True Form icon True Form
Necrophos icon
  • Ghost Shroud icon Ghost Shroud can be use both offensively to slow Lone Druid or Defensively to prevent Lone Druid and The Spirit Bear from attacking him.
  • Heartstopper Aura icon Heartstopper Aura burns the Spirit bear High HP over time. Additionally, it can deal decent damage to Lone Druid during his True Form.
Skywrath Mage icon
  • Mystic Flare icon Mystic Flare can be used to effectively ignore the Spirit Bear entirely and burst Lone Druid during the early mid game.
  • Concussive Shot icon Concussive Shot and Arcane Bolt icon Arcane Bolt will provide vision of Lone Druid allowing for better chase in teamfights before the Spirit Bear can do too much damage.
  • Ancient Seal icon Ancient Seal denies the ability to transform into True Form icon True Form and receive bonus HP from the skill.
Tiny icon
  • Tiny can be a serious problem for the distance between Lone Druid and his Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear with his Toss icon Toss ability, since he will throw one away from the other, giving his team the opportunity to deal with either the Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear or Lone Druid himself
  • Lone Druid will not always be in his True Form icon True Form, since she has her own recharge, which is why Tiny can find him with a Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger and kill him in a second with a combination of Avalanche icon Avalanche and Toss icon Toss, due to the fact that Lone Druid has a very small health reserve without True Form icon True Form
Grimstroke icon
  • Grimstroke's Soulbind icon Soulbind will always reliably connect onto both of them if they are close together.
Outworld Destroyer icon
  • Arcane Orb icon Arcane Orb deals heavy damage to both Lone Druid and the Spirit Bear.
  • Astral Imprisonment icon Astral Imprisonment can prevent the Spirit Bear from attacking, which is Lone Druid's main damage output.
  • Sanity's Eclipse icon Sanity's Eclipse deals heavy damage to Lone Druid.
Underlord icon
  • Firestorm icon Firestorm's percentage damage can quickly demolish the Spirit Bear's high HP
  • Pit of Malice icon Pit of Malice will allow allies to easily kite Lone Druid due to his low mobility
Winter Wyvern icon
  • Cold Embrace icon Cold Embrace can protect allies from Lone Druid and the Spirit bear, who mainly deal physical damage
  • Winter's Curse icon Winter's Curse can turn Lone Druid and the Spirit Bear against his teammates.
Lich icon
  • Chain Frost icon Chain Frost will bounce between Lone Druid and his bear, forcing them to separate or suffer high amounts of damage.
Tinker icon
  • Laser icon Laser blinds Lone Druid, making his attacks miss.
Phoenix icon
  • Lone druid's bear attacks on Phoenix's Supernova icon Supernova Egg don't increase the hit count. Given that Lone Druid's main hero often doesn't have much farm, the Supernova icon Supernova Egg is less likely to get killed.


  • Riki minimap icon Riki: Smoke Screen icon Smoke Screen can prevent Lone Druid from using True Form and Savage Roar, additionally it cause the spirit bear to miss on attacks which reduce the chances of getting rooted from it, with diffusal Blade, he can keep Lone Druid or the Spirit Bear inside the Smoke.
  • Pugna minimap icon Pugna: Decrepify icon Decrepify prevent the Spirit bear from attacking or protect allies from it.
  • Timbersaw minimap icon Timbersaw: Lone Druid will have a hard time dealing with Timbersaw due to his tankiness and high Armor from Reactive Armor icon Reactive Armor


  • Ghost Scepter icon Ghost Scepter protects from Lone Druid's and his bear's attacks while he has no dispels or magic damage.
  • Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd prevent the spirit bear from attacking, reducing Lone Druid's main damage output for a decent time.

Good against...[]

Alchemist icon
  • Alchemist likes to farm fast and be ahead, unfortunately Lone Druid likes to do the same by taking towers.
  • Acid Spray icon Acid Spray will never prove a threat to Lone Druid or his Spirit Bear.
  • Chemical Rage icon Chemical Rage may not prove so useful once Lone Druid procs entangled keeping him in place.
  • Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar is a very good choice on Lone Druid's Spirit Bear and it directly counters any potential Radiance icon Radiance from Alchemist.
  • Assault Cuirass icon Assault Cuirass is another very good Spirit Bear item that further makes Alchemist vulnerable to physical damage, which is all Lone Druid does.
  • Alchemist is not the kind of hero who wants to go on single target summon units, by the time he has killed the Spirit Bear his teammates might had already been slayed by his teammates. Not to mention Lone Druid can just resummon it, even if he is successful.
Ember Spirit icon
  • Lone Druid becomes unkillable and impenetrable for Ember Spirit on the central line, as it has a huge reserve of health from the Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear and a large regeneration from Spirit Link icon Spirit Link, which is why Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist practically does not break through either one or the other on the line, and Lone Druid at this time can easily expel Ember Spirit from the line, push and gain gold and level
  • Entangling Claws (Spirit Bear) icon Entangling Claws and Savage Roar icon Savage Roar abilities completely disable Ember Spirit's ability to dodge abilities or get out of an unpleasant fight for him on Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant, which can give the Lone Druid team the opportunity to kill him
Juggernaut icon
  • Omnislash icon Omnislash spreads on both the bear and the druid, allowing them to survive.With enough levels,the bear can soak the ability alone and possibly dragging him to a dangerous location.
  • Juggernaut cannot manfight the duo in the early game,because of their tankiness. If opposed in lane,Lone Druid can shut him down.
Dawnbreaker icon
  • Savage Roar interrupts Starbreaker icon Starbreaker.
  • Dawnbreaker is a slow moving hero. Although tanky, Lone Druid can eventually wear her down with his better movement speed.
Doom icon
  • Doom will be very hestitant to use Doom ability icon Doom on the Spirit Bear, and using it on Lone Druid himself will not stop the bear from attacking him especially if True Form has already been used.
  • Devour icon Devour does not work on the Spirit Bear and pushes the lane so Lone Druid can safely farm under tower.
Puck icon
Invoker icon
  • Lone Druid has a very large reserve of health against Invoker abilities, this allows him to survive a large number of attacks from Invoker and kill him, also Entangling Claws (Spirit Bear) icon Entangling Claws reveal invisibility from Ghost Walk icon Ghost Walk, which allows the Lone Druid team to catch the popular QW-Invoker
Arc Warden icon
  • Because of his weak laning phase, Lone Druid absolutely overpowers him in the early to mid game. Lone Druid also directly counters most of his abilities.
  • Flux (Radiant) icon Flux is nullified when the Spirit Bear is nearby.
  • Spark Wraith (Radiant) icon Spark Wraith can get soaked by the bear.
  • Lone Druid can easily go inside Magnetic Field (Radiant) icon Magnetic Field and punish Zet.
Nature's Prophet icon
  • Once caught in Bear's Entangle, Nature's Prophet cannot escape with Teleportation icon Teleportation.
Silencer icon
  • Silencer's disables are useless on Lone Druid since he is more reliant on physical attacks rather than spells.
  • Silencer has poor mobility so Lone Druid can run him down.
  • Lone Druid's Shard will remove most of Silencer's spells once used.
Storm Spirit icon
  • True Form gives Lone Druid a huge amount of health that no amount of Ball Lightning icon Ball Lightning will chip through.
  • Entangling Claws (Spirit Bear) icon Entangling Claws can mean a very quick end to the Storm Spirit as it prevents him from using Ball Lightning icon Ball Lightning all together.
  • Storm Spirit is a single target nuker, with the Shard Lone Druid can always fear him away from himself or the bear, defending the target he does not go on. This is assuming he cannot try and proc his entangle or a potential Skull Basher icon Skull Basher.



Works well with...[]

Beastmaster icon
  • Inner Beast icon Inner Beast affects both Lone Druid and his bear and together with Beastmaster's summons they can push incredibly fast.
Lycan icon
  • Howl icon Howl affects both Lone Druid and his bear and together with Lycan's summons they can push incredibly fast.
Ogre Magi icon
  • Bloodlust icon Bloodlust useful both for Lone Druid and especially for Spirit Bear (due to his low base attack time) increasing their damage output.
Omniknight icon
  • Omniknight in a team is a great advantage to all tanky carries. Purification icon Purification for healing and dealing damage to nearby enemies, Frosthaven Heavenly Grace icon Heavenly Grace for status resistance, Degen Aura icon Degen Aura for slowing down opponents, and Guardian Angel icon Guardian Angel to protect from physical damage.

