Dota 2 Wiki


  • Projectile launch sound plays as the attack projectile is released.
  • Projectile impact sound plays as the attack projectile successfully hits the target.



Earth Spike[]


  • ▶️ Morph sound plays on the target upon transforming.
  • ▶️ Frog sound plays on the target upon transforming.
  • ▶️ Morph back sound plays on the target upon transforming back.
  • Full sound example.

Fin King's Charm

Mana Drain[]

  • ▶️ Loop sound plays on Lion upon cast and lasts as long as the channeling does (50% vol).

Finger of Death[]

Hell-Spar Anathema

  • Default cast sound volume reduced to 80%.
  • ▶️ Cast layer plays together with the default cast sound.
  • ▶️ Target layer plays together with the default target sound.
  • ▶️ Kill sound plays when the targeted hero dies to Finger of Death.
  • ▶️ Full sound example.
  • ▶️ Full sound example with hero kill.


Taunt: To Hell and Back!
