Dota 2 Wiki

Version History[]

  • Reduced Rage icon Rage movement speed bonus from 15%/16%/17%/18% to 9%/12%/15%/18%.
  • Increased Feast icon Feast enemy max health as damage from 0.8%/1.1%/1.4%/1.7% to 1%/1.3%/1.6%/1.9%.
  • Talent Talents:
    • LVL 15
      +25 attack damage increased to +30.
      LVL 15
      +325 health increased to +350.
      LVL 25
      +1.2% Feast icon Feast max health as lifesteal  +1.2% Feast icon Feast max health as lifesteal/damage.
  • Reduced Rage icon Rage cooldown from 21/20/19/18 to 20/19/18/17.
  • Increased Ghoul Frenzy icon Ghoul Frenzy movement speed slow from 10%/15%/20%/25% to 15%/20%/25%/30%.
  • Reduced Infest icon Infest cooldown from 100/75/50 to 80/65/50.
  • Increased Feast icon Feast enemy max health as damage from 0.8%/1%/1.2%/1.4% to 0.8%/1.1%/1.4%/1.7%.
  • Increased Ghoul Frenzy icon Ghoul Frenzy attack speed bonus from 20/30/40/50 to 25/40/55/70.
  • Talent Talents:
    • LVL 10
      +10% Rage icon Rage movement speed bonus increased to +12%.
      LVL 10
      +30 attack speed  +150 Consume icon Consume damage.
      LVL 20
      +10% Ghoul Frenzy icon Ghoul Frenzy movement speed slow increased to +15%.
      LVL 20
      16% evasion  +15% Infest icon Infest target movement speed/health.
  • Increased Feast icon Feast enemy max health as damage from 0.6%/0.8%/1%/1.2% to 0.8%/1%/1.2%/1.4%.
  • Increased Rage icon Rage cooldown from 18 on each level to 21/20/19/18.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
    • Open Wounds icon Open Wounds
      • Now spreads to a random enemy within 700 radius, prioritizing heroes around the affected target when the affected target receives a total of 500 damage.
      • Reduced duration from 8 to 7.
  • Increased base Agility attribute symbol agility and gain from 18 + 2.4 to 19 + 2.6.
  • Talent Talents:
    • LVL 10
      +20 movement speed  +10% Rage icon Rage movement speed bonus.
  • Reduced base attack damage from 24-30 to 22-28.
  • Reduced Feast icon Feast enemy max health as lifesteal from 1.8%/2.4%/3%/3.6% to 1.6%/2.2%/2.8%/3.4%.
  • Increased base attack damage from 24‒30 to 27‒33.
  • Increased Feast icon Feast enemy max health as lifesteal from 1.6%/2.2%/2.8%/3.4% to 1.8%/2.4%/3%/3.6%.
  • Reduced base attack speed from 130 to 120.
  • Increased Rage icon Rage mana cost from 75 on each level to 75/100/125/150.
  • Feast icon Feast
    • No longer grants 15/30/45/60 attack speed bonus.
    • Increased enemy max health as lifesteal from 1.5%/2%/2.5%/3% to 1.6%/2.2%/2.8%/3.4%.
  • Replaced
    Open Wounds icon Open Wounds with Ghoul Frenzy icon Ghoul Frenzy.
Ghoul Frenzy icon Ghoul Frenzy
Causes Lifestealer's attacks to slow enemies' movement speed. Increases attack speed.
Attack speed bonus: 20/30/40/50
Movement speed slow: 6%/12%/18%/24%
Slow duration: 1.5
Notes: Passive ability. Disabled by Break.
  • Increased Infest icon Infest mana cost from 50 on each level to 100/150/200.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Infest icon Infest
      • No longer applies current level of Rage icon Rage to the Infested unit.
      • Now increases self max health as health regeneration to 6%/8%/10%.
      • Now can be cast on enemy heroes for 4 seconds, instantly attacking them from the inside every 1.25 seconds.
      • Reduced cast range from 600 to 500.
      • Increased cooldown from 20 to 25.
  • Added
    Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade for Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer:
    • Grants Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer the Open Wounds icon Open Wounds ability.
      • Open Wounds icon Open Wounds
        • Increased cast range from 200/300/400/500 to 800.
        • Increased lifesteal from 35% to 50%.
        • Reduced the 8-second slow duration progression from 70%/70%/60%/50%/30%/10%/10%/10% to 50%/50%/40%/30%/20%/10%/10%/10%.
        • Reduced mana cost from 140 to 125.
        • Increased cooldown from 24/20/16/12 to 25.
  • Infest icon Infest
    • Changed
      cooldown from counting down upon cast to begin its countdown upon leaving the affected unit.
    • Reduced target hero movement speed bonus from 30%/40%/50% to 15%/20%/25%. [?]
    • Reduced target max health bonus from 750/1000/1250 to 400/800/1200.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Increased Infest icon Infest cooldown from 20 to 25.
  • Reduced Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 2.9 to 2.4.
  • Reduced base attack damage from 27‒37 to 20‒30.
  • Reduced base attack time from 1.85 to 1.7.
  • Increased base attack speed from 100 to 140.
  • Increased base armor from 0 to 1.
  • Rage icon Rage
    • No longer grants 40/50/60/70 attack speed bonus.
    • Now grants 15% self movement speed bonus.
  • Feast icon Feast
    • Now grants 15/30/45/60 attack speed bonus.
    • No longer deals conditional attack damage bonus based on enemy max health.
    • Reduced enemy max health as lifesteal from 1.5%/2.25%/3%/3.75% to 1.5%/2%/2.5%/3%.
  • Reduced Open Wounds icon Open Wounds lifesteal from 50% to 35%.
  • Reworked
    Infest icon Infest.
Infest icon Infest
Lifestealer infests the body of a target unit, becoming undetectable inside. If the infested unit is an enemy creep or a neutral creep, he can take control of the unit with the help of the Control sub-ability. To get out of the infested unit, the Consume sub-ability needs to be used, which causes area damage when used. If the host is a creep, it also gets killed, and Lifestealer gets healed based on its current health.
Cast range: 150
Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 100/75/50
Notes: Applies a basic dispel upon cast. Lifestealer is invulnerable and hidden during Infest. Control icon Control can be used to take control over infested creeps, and set their movement speed equal to Lifestealer's. Consume icon Consume can be used to burst out of the host.
Infest icon Infest
Lifestealer infests target creep or allied hero, becoming undetectable inside. The infested unit has its max health increased, and gets healed for the same amount. If the target is a hero, their movement speed gets increased. If the target is a creep, its movement speed gets increased by less than heroes, and Lifestealer takes control over it. While infested, Lifestealer regenerates health based on his maximum health.
Cast range: 150
Max health increase: 750/1000/1250
Hero movement speed bonus: 30%/40%/50%
Creep movement speed bonus: 15%/20%/25%
Max health restored per second: 3%/4%/5%
Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 100/75/50
Notes: Applies a basic dispel upon cast. Lifestealer is invulnerable and hidden during Infest. Consume icon Consume can be used to burst out of the host.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Old
      Grants Lifestealer the Assimilate icon Assimilate ability and Eject icon Eject sub-ability.
    • New
      Applies the ability effects of Rage icon Rage based on the current level to the Infest icon Infested unit.
      • Increases cast range to 600.
      • Reduces cooldown to 20.
  • Talent Talents:
    • LVL 10
      +20 attack speed increased to +30.
      LVL 25
      +1% Feast icon Feast max health as damage/lifesteal  +1.5% Feast icon Feast max health as lifesteal.
  • Increased Rage icon Rage cooldown from 16 to 18.
  • Reduced Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 3.6 to 3.2.
  • Feast icon Feast
    • Reduced enemy max health as lifesteal from 1.75%/2.5%/3.25%/4% to 1.5%/2.25%/3%/3.75%.
    • Reduced enemy max health as damage from 1.75%/2.5%/3.25%/4% to 1.5%/2.25%/3%/3.75%.
  • Increased Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 3.1 to 3.6.
  • Increased base movement speed from 310 to 325.
  • Increased base armor from -2 to 0.
  • Increased Agility attribute symbol agility gain from 1.9 to 2.4.
  • Increased Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence gain from 1.75 to 1.8.
  • Reduced base health regeneration from 1.5 to 0.
  • Reduced base mana regeneration from 0.9 to 0.
  • Feast icon Feast
    • Changed
      4.5%/5.5%/6.5%/7.5% current health as damage to 1.75%/2.5%/3.25%/4% max health as damage.
    • Changed
      4.5%/5.5%/6.5%/7.5% current health as lifesteal to 1.75%/2.5%/3.25%/4% max health as lifesteal.
  • Talent Talents:
    • LVL 25
      +2% Feast icon Feast current health as damage/lifesteal  +1% Feast icon Feast max health as damage/lifesteal.
Level 15 left talent: +35 movement speed reduced to +30.
  • Increased Open Wounds icon Open Wounds mana cost from 140/130/120/110 to 140 on each level.
  • Increased Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 3 to 3.3.
  • Reduced base health regeneration from 0.25 to 0.
  • Increased base mana from 50 to 75.
  • Reduced Rage icon Rage attack speed bonus from 50/60/70/80 to 40/50/60/70.
  • Increased Open Wounds icon Open Wounds mana cost from 110 on each level to 140/130/120/110.
  • Increased base health from 150 to 180.
  • Increased Rage icon Rage attack speed bonus from 30/45/60/80 to 50/60/70/80.
  • Feast icon Feast
    • Increased enemy current health as lifesteal from 4%/5%/6%/7% to 4.5%/5.5%/6.5%/7.5%.
    • Increased enemy current health as damage from 4%/5%/6%/7% to 4.5%/5.5%/6.5%/7.5%.
  • Reduced Infest icon Infest cooldown from 100 on each level to 100/75/50.
Assimilate icon Assimilate
Allows Lifestealer to target an allied hero and swallow them, allowing them to hide inside of Lifestealer. Any healing Lifestealer receives is shared with the assimilated hero. The assimilated hero can release itself at any time by clicking on the buff icon to erupt outward and deal damage to enemies in an area.
Cast range: 150
Duration: Until ally leaves or is ejected
Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 50
Notes: If Lifestealer dies or assimilates another hero, the currently assimilated hero will automatically exit. Issuing any order with your hero, a few seconds after being assimilated, will take you out.
Eject icon Eject
Ejects an assimilated hero, damaging nearby enemies.
Damage: 300
Damage radius: 700
Notes: Has an instant cast time. The damage is also applied when the ally leaves by itself or when Lifestealer dies.
  • Added
    the Control icon Control sub-ability.
    • This sub-ability allows Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer to control the unit he is in, including their abilities.
    • The controlled unit is attackable by the enemy.
    • Sets the controlled unit's movement speed equal of Lifestealer's movement speed.
    • If used on allied units, the unit will die upon casting Consume icon Consume.
  • Increased Rage icon Rage cooldown from 17 to 19.
  • Increased the following abilities' cast point from 0.01 to 0.2:
  • Increased Rage icon Rage cooldown from 15 to 17.
  • Fixed ability interactions between Rage icon Rage and Shadow Amulet icon Fade.
  • Reduced Open Wounds icon Open Wounds cast range from 600 on each level to 200/300/400/500.
  • Increased Rage icon Rage duration from 2.5/3.25/4/4.75 to 3/4/5/6.
  • Fixed ability interactions between Infest icon Infest and the Tempest Double minimap icon Tempest Double.
  • Increased attack range from 100 to 128.
  • Reworked
    Infest icon Infest and Consume icon Consume sub-ability.
Infest icon Infest
The Lifestealer tears its way into the unfortunate body of a target unit, laying dormant and undetectable inside its living frame until he is ready to consume it and come to form. Regains health from the infested unit.
Cast range: 150
Level 1: Allowed targets - Allied and neutral units
Level 2: Allowed targets - Allied, enemy and neutral units.
Level 3: Allowed targets - Allied, enemy and neutral units.
Cooldown: 100/60/30
Mana cost: 50
Cast Range: 150
Note: Consume icon Consume kills the infested unit and heals Lifestealer.
Consume icon Consume
Lifestealer consumes this unit's life, healing him and bursting out of it.
Level 1: Heals for the unit's current health.
Level 2: Heals for the unit's current health.
Level 3: Heals for the unit's maximum health.
Infest icon Infest
Naix infests a target, hiding in it. When he comes out, he deals damage to every enemy unit within range. If the infested unit is an enemy, he first consumes it, healing based on its current health and killing it.
Damage: 150/275/400
Damage radius: 700
Cooldown: 100
Mana cost: 50
Cast Range: 150
Consume icon Consume
Lifestealer eats the host body from the inside out, exploding from within.
Damage: 150/275/400
Damage radius: 700
Notes: If the host was a non-hero unit, Lifestealer first gets healed based on the host's current health upon cast.
  • Added
    new Bound Radius mechanic. [?]
    • Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer has the DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO hull size. [?]
    • This unit has a 27-radius collision size and a 24-radius bound radius respectively.
  • Increased Open Wounds icon Open Wounds lifesteal from 10%/15%/20%/25% to 15%/20%/25%/30%.
  • Reduced Open Wounds icon Open Wounds cooldown from 30/25/20/15 to 24/20/16/12.
  • Added
    an ally-only ability visual indicator to the Infest icon Infested unit.
  • Fixed Open Wounds icon Open Wounds ability interaction with Infest icon Infest.
    • Now it can be cast on non-hero units again.
  • Fixed ability interactions between Moonlight Shadow icon Moonlight Shadow and Rage icon Rage.
  • Open Wounds icon Open Wounds
    • Can no longer be cast on non-hero units. [?]
    • Fixed ability interaction with Infest icon Infest.
    • Rescaled the 8-second slow duration progression from Stun/70%/30%/10%/10%/10%/10% to 70%/70%/60%/50%/30%/10%/10%/10%.
  • Increased Open Wounds icon Open Wounds mana cost from 70/80/90/100 to 100 on each level.
  • Fixed the following ability interactions with Rage icon Rage:
  • Rescaled Open Wounds icon Open Wounds 8-second slow duration progression from Stun/70%/50%/30%/10%/10%/10% to Stun/70%/30%/10%/10%/10%/10%
  • Reduced Infest icon Infest mana cost from 150/100/50 to 50 on each level.
Rage icon Rage
Shrugging off magic spells as if they were insects, N'aix closes in on his prey, poison oozing from his jaws and a maddened rage in his eyes...
Attack damage bonus: 10/15/20
Duration: 10/15/20
Mana cost: 150/200/250
Cooldown: 90
Notes: Is an ultimate. Turns N'aix spell immune for the duration. Has an instant cast time. Increases N'aix model size for the duration.
Rage icon Rage
N'aix goes into a maddened rage, becoming immune to magic spells and gaining increased attack speed.
Attack speed bonus: 30%/45%/60%/80%
Duration: 2.5/3.25/4/4.75
Mana cost: 75
Cooldown: 15
Notes: Turns N'aix spell immune for the duration. Has an instant cast time. Turns N'aix pitch black for the duration.
  • Reworked
    Feast icon Feast.
    • Moved
      from the third to the second ability slot.
    • Old
      Grants 10%/20%/30%/40% lifesteal bonus.
    • New
      Now deals 4%/5%/6%/7% of enemy current health as damage and lifesteals for the same amount per attack. [?]
  • Replaced
    Poison Sting icon Poison Sting with Open Wounds icon Open Wounds.
    • Moved
      to the third ability slot.
Poison Sting icon Poison Sting
Adds poison damage to this hero's normal attacks, slightly slowing movement speeds.
Damage per second: 6/8/9/10
Movement speed slow: 5%/10%/21%/28%
Duration: 3/5/6/7
Open Wounds icon Open Wounds
N'aix rends the enemy, slowing his movement and allowing his allies to feast on his life force, regenerating a portion of the damage dealt. Victim slowly recovers movement speed over the duration.
Cast range: 600
Lifesteal: 10%/15%/20%/25% of any damage dealt
Movement speed slow: Stun/70%/50%/30%/10%/10%/10%
Duration: 7
Notes: Stuns the target at the beginning. The slow gets weaker towards the end of the duration. Any damage an ally deals to the target heals the ally, including damage from spells. Cannot be dispelled.
Infest icon Infest
The Lifestealer tears its way into the unfortunate body of a target unit, laying dormant and undetectable inside its living frame until he is ready to consume it and come to form. Regains health from the infested unit.
Cast range: 150
Level 1: Allowed targets - Allied and neutral units
Level 2: Allowed targets - Allied, enemy and neutral units.
Level 3: Allowed targets - Allied, enemy and neutral units.
Mana cost: 150/100/50
Cooldown: 100/70/40
Notes: Cannot be cast on heroes. Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer stays inside the host until the unit dies. While inside the host, he is hidden and invulnerable and cannot act. He still gains experience and gold from enemies dying around the host. Lifestealer can pop out the unit at any time using the Consume icon Consume sub-ability. The host dies upon consuming it.
Consume icon Consume
Lifestealer consumes this unit's life, healing him and bursting out of it.
Level 1: Heals for the unit's current health.
Level 2: Heals for the unit's current health.
Level 3: Heals for the unit's maximum health.
  • Increased base armor from 0 to 1.
  • Reduced Rage icon Rage cooldown from 120 to 90.
  • Reduced Ghoul Frenzy icon Anabolic Frenzy movement speed bonus from 3%/6%/9%/12% to 3%/5%/7%/9%.
  • U
    Rage icon Rage
    • Reduced attack damage bonus from 10/20/30 to 10/15/20.
    • Reduced duration from 15/20/25 to 10/15/20.
  • Increased Feast icon Feast lifesteal from 9%/18%/27%/36% to 10%/20%/30%/40%.
  • Rage icon Rage
    • Increased duration from 13/18/22 to 15/20/25.
    • Reduced cooldown from 180/165/150 to 120 on each level.
  • Updated Feast icon Feast ability icon.
  • Reduced base attack time from 1.7 to 1.6.
  • Reduced attack point from 0.46 to 0.39.
  • Reduced attack backswing from 0.54 to 0.44.
  • Reduced cast point from 0.4 to 0.
  • Reduced cast backswing from 1.1 to 0.51.
  • Increased turn rate from 0.25 to 2.1. [?]
  • Added attack sound effects.
  • Reduced Agility attribute symbol agility gain from 4.15 to 4.05
  • Reduced base movement speed from 299 to 295
  • Reduced Feast icon Feast lifesteal from 20%/35%/50%/65% to 15%/30%/45%/50%.
  • Reduced Rage icon Rage duration from 15/20/25 to 13/18/22.
Midnight Pulse icon Siphon Strength
Instantly reduces the hit points of all enemies in the area of effect by 33%. Absorbs some of this damage into the form of hit points.
Radius: 200/300/400
Absorption: 10%/20%/30%
Enemy health reduction: 33%
Mana cost: 250
Cooldown: 75
Rage icon Rage
Shrugging off magic spells as if they were insects, Na'ix closes in on his prey, poison oozing from his jaws and a maddened rage in his eyes...
Bonus damage: 10/20/30
Duration: 15/20/25
Mana cost: 150/200/250
Cooldown: 180/165/150
  • Changed
    hero model from Zergling to Ghoul.
  • Poison Sting icon Poison Sting
    • Reduced damage per second from 6/8/9/10 to 2/4/7/10.
    • Increased movement speed slow from 5%/10%/21%/28% to 10%/20%/30%/45%.
    • Reduced duration from 3/5/6/7 to 3 on each level.
Life Drain icon Drain Life
Absorbs some hit points away from a target unit. Lasts 3 seconds.
Health drained per second: 20/40/60/80
Channel duration: 3
Cast range: 400
Mana cost: 60/80/100/120
Cooldown: 10
Poison Sting icon Poison Sting
Adds poison damage to this hero's normal attacks, slightly slowing movement speeds.
Damage per second: 6/8/9/10
Movement speed slow: 5%/10%/21%/28%
Poison duration: 3/5/6/7
  • Increased base Strength attribute symbol strength and gain from 13 + 1.2 to 15 + 1.3.
  • Increased base attack damage from 1‒4 to 8‒11.
  • Reduced turn rate from 0.5 to 0.25.
  • Life Drain icon Drain Life
    • Rescaled mana cost from 100 on each level to 60/80/100/120.
    • Increased duration from 3 to 3.05.
  • Created

Patch History[]

  • Reduced versus scale from 0.9 to 0.81.
  • Added
    new Adjectives attributes. [?]
    • Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer has the following values: Badteeth 1, Undead 1, Legs 2 and Nose 1.
  • Updated Infest icon Infest ability backend strings.
  • Fixed Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Infest icon Infest dealing one less instant attack with cast range increasing sources.
  • Updated Feast icon Feast ability tooltips.
  • Typing LS in the hero selection now highlights Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer.
  • Updated Feast icon Feast ability tooltips.
  • Updated Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Infest icon Infest ability descriptions.
  • Updated Rage icon Rage ability descriptions.
  • Updated Feast icon Feast ability tooltips.
  • Updated default hero model.
  • Updated default hero model.
  • Updated and fixed Consume icon Consume Hotkey to Infest icon Infest.
    • Now uses the same hotkey regardless of infested unit type.
  • Updated default hero model.
  • Added error message to Infest icon Infest: Cannot Infest Zombies.
  • Fixed Consume icon Consume burst sound not playing when getting forced out of the host in other ways than using the sub-ability (i.e. the Infest icon Infest host dies, or Infest expires on an enemy hero host).
  • Updated jaw textures.
  • Updated default hero model and animations.
  • Updated and optimized animation sets.
  • Fixed Infest icon Infest being unable to protect from damage of some spells which deal damage upon getting dispelled (e.g. Shadow Poison icon Shadow Poison).
    • Assimilate icon Assimilate
      • Updated and fixed ability animations.
      • Fixed being able to cast ability on non-hero units.
      • Fixed not cancelling ally's Town Portal Scroll icon Teleport when ally is Assimilated.
      • Fixed various ability interaction bugs.
      • Fixed various UI issues with the upgraded ability.
      • Fixed various item interactions while Assimilated.
    • Updated Eject icon Eject ability animations.
    • Removed
      from Captain's Mode. [?]
    • Control icon Control
      • Fixed being able to level up Control.
      • Fixed neutrals with two or fewer abilities not placing Control icon Control and Consume icon Consume in the right ability slots.
    • Consume icon Consuming
      • Fixed not gaining control of Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer after Consuming a unit .
      • Fixed ability killing allied player controlled units.
    • Infest icon Infest
      • Fixed Infested heroes not being able to move or take actions.
      • Fixed Infest-controlled units sometimes failing to get the proper movement speed bonus.
      • Fixed various targeting and behavior bugs after you take control of an Infested unit
      • Fixed a crash when selecting an Infested unit with All Other Units hotkey.
      • Fixed being able to take control of allied player controlled units with Infest.
      • Fixed enemy ability icons being greyed out when Infested.
    • Fixed various issues with taking control of allied creeps.
    • Fixed Allied players being unable to control their units once Infest icon Infested
    • Control icon Control ability is now disabled when it cannot be used
    • Fixed Control icon Control procing Magic Stick icon Magic Stick-based items.
    • Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer kills the Infest icon Infested unit under 2 conditions:
      • If it is an enemy.
      • If it is an allied unit that you took control over.
    • Fixed abilities of already-controlled units being disabled when Infest icon Infested
    • Fixed ability slot count being wrong when Infest icon Infesting heroes
    • Control icon Control and Consume icon Consume abilities are now only added to units that are not already controlled by an ally
    • Fixed not being able to take Control icon Control of an enemy-controlled unit.
    • Fixed gaining control of an allied unit after not taking Control icon Control of it and not being able to Consume icon Consume out of it.
    • Fixed various Infest icon Infest related bugs.
  • Broken down hero model for cosmetics.
  • Updated default low violence hero model.
  • Fixed kill assist gold not being given to heroes that are hidden (i.e. Infest icon Infest).
  • Increased Rage icon Rage cooldown from 15 to 17.
  • Fixed Feast icon Feast's lifesteal component still happening while under the effects of Doom ability icon Doom.
  • Fixed Infest icon Infest visual effect stuttering behind the Infested unit.
  • Fixed allied cast Infest icon Infest killing the creeps and healing you.
  • Fixed Rage icon Rage being dispellable.
  • Added overhead healing messages.
  • Fixed having 1 more armor than intended.
  • Added bonus damage overhead message for Feast icon Feast.
  • U
    Updated the hero selection portrait.
  • Fixed Feast icon Feast bonus damage type allowing it to critical strike.
  • Infest icon Infest
    • Fixed being able to hide inside an enemy Lone Druid Spirit Bear icon Spirit Bear or Warlock Warlock Golem icon Warlock Golem with Infest (wasn't doing damage to it though).
    • Fixed not removing buffs before Infesting.
  • Added idle injured animations.
  • Added new lifesteal effect for Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer.
    • Now has his own variation on the lifesteal effect rather than using the generic one.
  • Updated the following ability effects:
  • U
    Added injured animations.
  • Added
    to Captain's Mode.
  • Fixed a bug where ground blood wasn't showing up for a bloody Infest icon Infest emerge.
  • Fixed Feast icon Feast working on denies.
  • Fixed Feast icon Feast not working properly.
  • Fixed Infest icon Infest's ability attached effects being visible when Lifestealer minimap icon Lifestealer is infesting in some target.
  • U
    Added new hero icon and new ability icons.