Dota 2 Wiki


  • Pre attack sound plays during the attack animation (30% vol).
  • ▶️ Projectile launch sound plays as the attack projectile is released (50% vol).
  • Projectile impact sound plays as the attack projectile successfully hits the target.


  • ▶️ Loop sound plays permanently on Lich, gets louder while moving (20%).


Frost Blast[]

  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on the target upon cast.

Shearing Deposition

Frost Shield[]

  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on the target upon cast.
  • Target sound play on each enemy unit upon receiving the slowing debuff.

Sinister Gaze[]

  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Lich upon cast (50% vol).

Chain Frost[]

  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Lich upon cast.
  • ▶️ Loop sound plays on the projectile upon cast and lasts until the projectile is gone or 20 seconds, whichever is shorter.
  • ▶️ Creep target sound plays whenever the projectile hits a non-hero unit.
  • Hero target sound play whenenver the projectile hits a hero.
  • ▶️ Full sound example hitting heroes only.

Glare of the Tyrant

  • The default cast sound uses the Weapons mixgroup, instead of the Ultimate mixgroup.
  • ▶️ Replaces the default loop sound.
  • ▶️ Full sound example.

