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Bad against...[]
- Although he can be effective against Anti-Mage in an aggro offlane, Lich has a hard time nuking down Anti-Mage in the midgame due to his Counterspell.
- All of Lich's abilities are also targeted, which makes it much harder to disable Anti-Mage.
- In the lategame, Anti-Mage can easily pick off Lich with Blink, and the high mana cost of Chain Frost along with Lich's large mana pool makes him vulnerable to Mana Void.
- Blink allows Anti-Mage to escape Chain Frost.
- Bloodseeker is not affected by slows when he is affected by Thirst.
- If he sees Chain Frost is targeting him, he can easily isolate himself with the movement speed buff from Thirst so that it stops bouncing around.
- Lich heavily relies on his abilities to contribute to team fights, making Blood Rite effective against him.
- Chain Frost can bounce to the Spiderlings that Broodmother spawns.
- Lich is going to have a hard time nuking Huskar because of his high health regeneration from Berserker's Blood.
- Lich is a squishy support without an escape mechanism, making Lich an easy kill thanks to Life Break and Burning Spear.
- Once Huskar has Armlet of Mordiggian, even a maxed out Frost Blast will struggle to finish Huskar off.
- Lycan doesn't care much about Lich's slows thanks to Shapeshift.
- Chain Frost can bounce to the wolves that Lycan summons.
- Chain Frost can bounce to the treants that Nature's Prophet summons.
- Nature's Prophet's Sprout can be used to isolate and burst down the squishy Lich.
- Phantom Assassin can easily escape Lich's slows with Phantom Strike.
- Phantom Assassin's Coup de Grace can be used to burst down the squishy Lich.
- Queen of Pain can easily escape Chain Frost thanks to Blink.
- His low survivability makes an easy kill for Shadow Strike, Scream of Pain & Sonic Wave.
- Weaver doesn't care much about Lich's slows thanks to Shukuchi.
- If he sees Chain Frost is targeting him, he can easily isolate himself with Shukuchi so that it stops bouncing around.
- Unless Lich bursts Weaver immediately, Lich has no hard disables or silences to prevent him from using Time Lapse.
- The haste provided by Dark Seer's Surge or a Haste Rune renders Lich's slows ineffective.
- Similarly, any kind of movement spell or item can enable an enemy with good reflexes and positioning to isolate Lich's Chain Frost to get it to stop bouncing.
- Lich is heavily reliant on his abilities to contribute to team fights, so be wary of enemies that can Silence: Bloodseeker, Death Prophet, Silencer, Drow Ranger, Skywrath Mage.
- Glimmer Cape, Shadow Amulet, Shadow Blade, Silver Edge allow users to escape Chain Frost.
- Teams with multiple Blade Mails may cause Lich to accidentally kill himself with Chain Frost.
- Pipe of Insight can block most of Chain Frost's damage.
- Black King Bar will make the user immune to Lich's spell casting.
- Manta Style will reduce the effectiveness of Chain Frost. Manta Style will also dispel any slow Lich may have applied to the target.
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity will remove Frost Shield from Lich or his allies.
- Force Staff can be a good pickup versus Lich as all he does is to slow you. The push it gives can be enough to catch up to him or run away.
- Linken's Sphere blocks Chain Frost upon impact.
- Lotus Orb reflects Frost Blast, Sinister Gaze and Chain Frost back to Lich if he impulsively uses his abilities on heroes affected by it.
Good against...[]
- Poof combo puts all of the Meepos very close together, making them vulnerable to Frost Blast's AoE slow and multiple bounces from Chain Frost.
- Chain Frost can eliminate Chaos Knight's Phantasm army, especially after he clumped up using Reality Rift.
- Frost Shield will heavily reduce his army's effectiveness.
- Chain Frost can deliver high amounts of damage to Lone Druid itself and his bear if they do not separate fast from each other.
- Chain Frost can deliver high amounts of damage to Arc Warden and his double if they do not separate fast from each other.
- The movement slows from Frost Blast and Frost Shield, along with the bonus armor from Frost Shield make Lich good at kiting melee heroes without Black King Bars.
Works well with...[]
- Magnus does not only disable the enemy with Reverse Polarity, he also packs them together, enabling Chain Frost to be more effective.
- Fatal Bonds greatly increases the damage output of Lich's AoE skills.
- Upheaval can greatly slow enemies, making it difficult to escape Chain Frost, and when paired with Fatal Bonds can bring down the enemy team effortlessly.
- Chaotic Offering can be used to stop the enemies that try to disengage when Chain Frost is cast. The high regeneration and Permanent Immolation of the summoned golem makes it a good target to cast Frost Shield.
- Shadow Word paired with Frost Shield grants great survivability to a team member.
- Living Armor synchronizes well with Frost Shield and gives huge survivability to a target.
- Overgrowth is also a good setup for Chain Frost.
- Paralyzing Cask and Chain Frost is a recipe for disaster against poorly coordinated enemies.
- Using Chronosphere, Faceless Void can lock down multiple enemies, making them helpless against Chain Frost.
- Using Black Hole groups all of the enemies close together, making Chain Frost do lots of damage to all caught in it.
- With Berserker's Call, Axe can taunt all the nearby enemy for them to get killed by Chain Frost.
- All of Lich's abilities are targeted, which synergises very well with Soulbind, effectively doubling Lich's nuking and disabling powers.
- Frost Shield and Ink Swell cast on the same ally makes both abilities very effective.
- Both abilities combined buffs the ally's movement speed, slows enemies down and keeps them inside Ink Swell's radius to deal more damage and ensuring an AoE stun at the end.
- Any AoE disable can be a good setup for Chain Frost ( Ravage, Echo Slam...) but the spell is more effective when the enemies are clumped together
- Dark Seer's Vacuum may be of good use when combined with Chain Frost. Chain Frost provides a slow thus allowing Ion Shell to add up to the damage dealt. Not only that, enemies will have a hard time getting out of Wall of Replica.