Dota 2 Wiki
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
24 + 3.8
14 + 1.6
18 + 1.8
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 648 1814 2914 3376
+0.75 +2.91 +7.7 +12.2 +14.09
Mana 75 291 591 951 1083
+0 +0.9 +2.16 +3.66 +4.21
Armor 2 4.33 8.07 12.73 14.4
Magic Resist 25% 26.8% 29.32% 32.32% 33.42%
Damage Block 16 (50%)






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.67/s 0.8/s 0.97/s 1.03/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (600)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.4 + 0.3
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 315 (Nighttime 345)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal npc_dota_hero_kunkka
Disrupts enemy positioning and disables them.
It is said that none survived the battle at the Trembling Isle, save perhaps, the Admiral of the Claddish fleet. Man or phantom, Kunkka's presence on the battlefield is duly felt by all. Armed with the legendary Tidebringer, the Admiral strikes with a single blow at all who stand before him. A veteran of innumerable naval engagements, Kunkka times his skills with Planned Precision, predicting Tidal Waves and catching opponents in a rising Torrent, disrupting the battlefield with a Storm of Geysers, or summoning the ephemeral Ghostly Shipwreck to dash them upon the rocks. Should his aim prove true, he and his allies will have no trouble cleaning up whatever is left.
X Marks the Spot
Torrent Storm
Torrent Storm
Tidal Wave
Tidal Wave
Roles: Carry Carry Support Support Disabler Disabler Initiator Initiator Durable Durable Nuker Nuker
Complexity: Hero ComplexityHero Complexity
Adjectives: Aquatic, Bearded, Undead, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Kunkka minimap iconKunkka, the Admiral
▶️ "Step lively now, your Admiral is on board!"
As The Admiral of the mighty Claddish Navy, Kunkka was charged with protecting the isles of his homeland when the demons of the Cataract made a concerted grab at the lands of men. After years of small sorties, and increasingly bold and devastating attacks, the demon fleet flung all its carnivorous ships at the Trembling Isle. Desperate, the Suicide-Mages of Cladd committed their ultimate rite, summoning a host of ancestral spirits to protect the fleet. Against the demons, this was just barely enough to turn the tide.

As Kunkka watched the demons take his ships down one by one, he had the satisfaction of wearing away their fleet with his ancestral magic. But at the battle's peak, something in the clash of demons, men and atavistic spirits must have stirred a fourth power that had been slumbering in the depths. The waves rose up in towering spouts around the few remaining ships, and Maelrawn the Tentacular appeared amid the fray. His tendrils wove among the ships, drawing demon and human craft together, churning the water and wind into a raging chaos.

What happened in the crucible of that storm, none may truly say. The Cataract roars off into the void, deserted by its former denizens. Kunkka is now The Admiral of but one ship, a ghostly rig which endlessly replays the final seconds of its destruction. Whether he died in that crash is anyone's guess. Not even Tidehunter, who summoned Maelrawn, knows for sure.


Torrent icon
Summons a rising torrent that, after a short delay, hurls enemy units into the sky, stunning, dealing damage and slowing movement speed.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1300
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 225
Effect Delay: 1.6
Total Damage: 80/160/240/320 (Talent 104/208/312/416)
Move Speed Slow: 40%
Slow Duration: 1/2/3/4
Stun Duration: 1.6 (Talent 2)
Knockup Duration: 1.53 (Talent 1.91)
Cooldown symbol
 16/14/12/10 (Talent 12/10/8/6)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Grants the Torrent Storm ability.
Does not pierce debuff immunity.
The forced movement is instantly canceled.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Toggling Autocast on swaps this ability out with Torrent Storm icon Torrent Storm. Their cooldowns are separate.
An ancestral rush of water explodes from the center of the world, called upon by the Admiral.

  • With the cast time and effect delay, the total delay is 2 seconds at all levels.
    • After the total delay, the damage and movement speed slow is also applied to enemy units entering the torrent radius.
    • An ally-only visual indicator appears at the location, showing the Torrent's radius.
  • After casting, an ally-only visual effect appears at the targeted area and a sound effect plays for the delay period.
  • Torrent can be cast without having to face toward the targeted area, as long as the targeted area is within the cast range.
  • Provides 350 radius ground vision over the targeted area upon cast for 3.13 seconds.
  • The affected units are stunned, moved upwards, and can still be attacked.
    • While in the air, other units may pass below the affected units.
  • Both the stun and movement speed slow are applied at the same time, so overall, the slow lasts for 2.6/3.6/4.6/5.6 (Talent 3/4/5/6) seconds.
    • The stun lasts slightly longer than the knock-up, so hit units are on the ground for the remaining 0.07 seconds of the stun.
    • Both the stun and knock-up debuff are not affected by status resistance.
  • Deals damage in 0.2-second intervals, starting 0.2 seconds after the effect delay, resulting in 8 (Talent 10) instances of 10/20/30/40 damage per interval (before reductions).
    • The damage per interval can be defined as
      SpellDamage / Duration × 0.2
    • TALENT
      Therefore, the stun duration increasing Talent talent increases the total damage to 100/200/300/400.
  • Torrent first applies its damage, then the movement speed slow.

Tidebringer icon
Self / Enemies
Kunkka's legendary sword grants increased damage and cleaves a large area of effect in front of him for a single strike.
Cast Range: Affected by Attack Range bonuses. 150
Starting Radius: 150
Distance: 650/800/950/1100
End Radius: 500/550/600/650
Cleave Damage: 150% (Talent 220%)
Attack Damage Bonus: 30/60/90/120
Talent Move Speed Slow: 60%
Talent Slow Duration: 1
Cooldown symbol
 13/10/7/4 (Talent 11/8/5/2)
Does not pierce debuff immunity.
The slow debuff is affected by debuff immunity.
Disabled by Break.
Break Notes:
Disabled, despite being an active ability.
Cannot be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
The ability is always toggled on, but illusions cannot trigger it.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Uses the caster's current attack range when Autocast.
Manually casting it uses the cast range.
A lost Claddish soul inhabits Kunkka's trusty Tidebringer, empowering it to destroy demons of the Cataract.

  • Upon leveling Tidebringer the first time, it has Autocast on by default.
    • Despite being an active ability, Tidebringer can trigger while silenced, if set to Autocast.
  • Tidebringer's cast range can only be further increased by attack range bonuses of the same range type as the caster. However, it is not affected by cast range bonuses.
    • Both Autocast and manually casting it use Kunkka's current attack range.
  • Grants unique flat conditional bonus attack damage and cleave damage whenever the ability goes off cooldown, and the ability bonuses are removed when the ability goes on cooldown.
    • Although the attack damage bonus values are not displayed in the HUD, it is still considered and directly added to Kunkka's attack damage upon his attack point.
    • The attack damage bonus is considered by critical strike and lifesteal, and it can be reduced only by flat reductions (e.g. damage block).
  • Cleave damage has the following properties:
    • It counts as spell damage. However, it has the following flags:
    • Cleave damage depends on the attack damage value of the cleaving unit, not on how much their primary attack target took. It is reduced by damage block.
  • The complete cleave area is shaped like an isosceles trapezoid in front of the attacking unit.
    • Multiple sources of cleave fully stack and work independently.
    • Does not cleave upon attacking wards, buildings or allied units. Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Couriers, wards and buildings are unaffected by cleave.
    • Despite the visual effect, the cleave damage is applied instantly in the whole area.
  • The particle effects on hit enemies are visible on invisible enemies and through the Fog of War.
  • Plays an audio effect when going off cooldown, audible to the player only.
  • When off cooldown, Kunkka's weapons emit particle effects, visible to allies and enemies.
    Upon learning the movement speed slow adding Talent talent, Tidebringer applies a 1-second 60% movement speed slow on all hit targets within the cleave area.
    • The attack first applies the movement speed debuff, then the cleave damage.

X Marks the Spot
X Marks the Spot icon
Targets a friendly or enemy Hero, marks their position with an X, and returns them to it after several seconds. Kunkka can trigger the return at any time during the duration. Lasts twice as long on allied heroes.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 550/700/850/1000
Enemy Duration: 3
Ally Duration: 8
Talent Move Speed Change: 25%
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Does not pierce debuff immunity.
Does not slow and does not teleport debuff immune enemies.
Blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked upon cast.
Can be cast while rooted or leashed.
Root Notes:
Does not prevent the the target from being returned.
Modifiers [?]
The Admiral's set of arcane abilities includes some that can be used for battle as well as entertainment.

  • The target is given a stop command as soon as it is teleported back, effectively canceling channeling abilities.
  • Does not disjoint projectiles for the target upon getting teleported back.
  • Marks the target's current location with a red X. This X is visible to enemies only when they have vision over the unit, or the X itself.
  • The affected unit leaves behind a red dotted line while walking, showing which direction it went.
    • These lines stop drawing for the enemies if the unit is not visible. However, already-drawn lines stay visible.
    • Once the unit turns visible again, a straight line of red lines is drawn towards their last known location.
    • These red lines ignore the actual path the unit took. They simply draw from its current to its previously last known location.
  • Multiple instances of X Marks the Spot on the same target do not stack. Only the duration gets visually refreshed.
  • Despite the visual effects, the target does not return to the X after dying and respawning during it.
  • When the target is invulnerable or hidden, it does not get returned to the X, causing the ability to get wasted.
  • Provides 400 radius ground vision around the X mark for 5.94 seconds.

Return (Kunkka) icon
No Target
Returns the marked hero to the X.
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • Replaces X Marks the Spot icon X Marks the Spot until the sub-ability is used or the X disappears on the target.
  • Despite being a sub-ability, Return procs all on-cast effects like a regular ability.
  • Only returns the primary target upon cast.

Torrent Storm
Torrent Storm icon
Releases a visible Torrent in a random area around Kunkka once every 0.25 for 4 seconds. Spawns in within 1100 range of him.
Cast Animation: 0.4+0.53
Cast Range: 900
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 1100
Min Spawn Radius: 115
Max Spawn Radius: 1100
Spawn Interval: 0.25
Storm Duration: 4
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Requires drafting Torrent icon Torrent to be unlocked. Toggling Autocast off swaps this ability out with Torrent. Their cooldowns are separate.
A hundred leagues of dry land couldn't keep these seas at bay.

  • Does not require Torrent icon Torrent to be leveled to be unlocked, once Aghanim's Scepter is acquired.
    • However, it relies on Torrent to work, since it directly uses its values. This means when Torrent is not learned, Torrent Storm does nothing upon cast.
    • Torrent notes fully apply.
  • Creates a Torrent based on the current level at the targeted area immediately upon cast, and then one every 0.25 seconds, for a total of 17 Torrents.
    • Each Torrent can spawn within a random distance of 115 to 1100 away from Kunkka.
    • The Torrent spawn radius is divided into four 90° segments (0°–90°, 90°–180°, 180°–270°, 270°–360°).
    • The first Torrent occurs within the northeast segment of the circle, following Torrents proceeding counterclockwise.
  • Unlike a manually cast Torrent, the particle effect and the sound during the Torrents' delay are completely visible and audible to enemies.
  • Successive casts of Torrent Storm fully stack, with each cast creating its own independent instance.

Tidal Wave
Tidal Wave icon
Releases a Tidal Wave that spawns behind Kunkka. Deals damage and drags enemies along it for the duration. Enemies cannot attack while being dragged.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1400
Travel Distance: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 2300
Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 750
Damage: 180
Knockback Distance: 600
Knockback Duration: 1
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Requires drafting Ghostship icon Ghostship to be unlocked.

  • The wave travels at a speed of 700, taking 3.29 seconds to travel the full distance.
  • The wave spawns 900 range away from Kunkka, from the opposite direction where Kunkka is facing.
    • Cast range increasing sources affects the wave travel distance, but not the wave spawn location.
  • With the travel distance and radius, the wave can hit units up to 2150 range away.
  • Moves hit enemies a fixed 600 distance from where they originally were, towards the direction the wave is traveling.
    • Enemies are only disarmed during the knockback. They cannot attack, but can still turn and cast abilities and items. Do not interrupt the enemy's channeling abilities.
  • Destroys trees within 100 radius enemies come in contact with while being moved by the wave.
  • The wave first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • Provides 200 radius ground vision around the affected targets for 2 seconds.

Ghostship icon
Enemies / Allied Heroes
Summons a ghostly ship that sails through the battle before smashing apart, damaging and stunning all enemies caught near the wreckage. Allied heroes touched by the Ghostship are given a swig of The Admiral's Rum, receiving bonus movement speed and a delayed reaction to incoming damage.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1000
Ship Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 450
Travel Distance: 2000
Number of Ships: 1 (Talent 3)
Ship Spawn Interval: 3.5
Impact Damage: 400/500/600
Impact Stun Duration: 1.2
Ally Move Speed Bonus: 15%
Buff Duration: 10
Ghostship icon Rum Hangover
Damage Reduction: 35%
Buff Duration: 10
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Grants the Tidal Wave ability.
Modifiers [?]
The final ship of the Claddish Navy is nothing but a phantom, but it is all too real to the enemies of the Admiral.

  • Ghostship travels at a speed of 650, reaching the crash site in 3.08 seconds.
    • The ship spawns 2000 range away from the targeted point, from the opposite direction where Kunkka is facing, and crashes at the targeted point.
    • An ally-only visual indicator appears at the location, showing the ship's destination point and radius.
  • Upon impact, Ghostship first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • Although the Ghostship model is visually ≈150 radius, The Admiral's Rum buff is applied to ally heroes that come within 450 range of the Ghosthip at any time during its travel and grants the following bonuses:
  • Once The Admiral's Rum buff expires, the Rum Hangover buff is placed, which lasts 10 seconds.
    • This buff deals 3.5% of the previously accumulated damage as current health cost in 1-second intervals until all the reduced damage is returned, resulting in 10 damage instances.
    • The health cost counts as setting health and is non-lethal.
  • The Rum Hangover buff has the lowest priority among all damage negation sources. Generally, it does not reduce damage when other damage negation sources are active.
  • Successive The Admiral's Rum buffs do not stack but refreshes the duration instead, effectively delaying the Rum Hangover buff from being applied.
  • Both The Admiral's Rum buff and the Rum Hangover buff do not interact with each other and work independently of each other.
  • Ghostship provides 300 radius flying vision around itself as it travels. This vision does not last.
    The Ghostship Fleet Talent talent spawns 3 ships at the same location, traveling towards the same destination.
    • The ships spawn in 3.5-second intervals, starting immediately on cast, so that the last ship spawns 7 seconds after cast.
    • Ghostship's spawn location is set upon cast and does not adapt to the caster's current position as they spawn.


Hero Talents
-2s Tidebringer icon Tidebringer Cooldown25Ghostship icon Ghostship Fleet
+70% Tidebringer icon Tidebringer Cleave20-4s Torrent icon Torrent Cooldown
+45 Damage15+25% Torrent icon Torrent Knock Up/Stun Duration
+25% X Marks the Spot icon X Marks the Spot Move Speed10Tidebringer icon Tidebringer applies 60% slow for 1s

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

Talents Level 15 Talent Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration decreased from +30% to +25%

</div> </div>

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Clarity icon Clarity is very useful on Kunkka as his spells are all very mana-costly. Being able to use Torrent more than once without running completely out of mana greatly increases his ability to lock down foes and score early kills.
  • Tango icon Tango fulfills basic regen requirements in all lanes but mid. Having flexible regen allows Kunkka to remain in lane without being harassed out.
  • Faerie Fire icon Faerie Fire is a useful consumable to purchase as a mid Kunkka. The damage bonus gives him last-hitting power and allows him to splash more damage on his lane opponent with Tidebringer, and consuming it can give him some last-second burst HP regen that can save him during enemy gank attempts.

Early game:

  • Boots of Speed icon Boots of Speed are important on all heroes, but can be quite important on Kunkka for getting in position to cast X Marks the Spot on foes at early levels.
  • Magic Stick icon Magic Stick is useful on all heroes. On Kunkka, it can help alleviate his mana issues by giving him some burst mana regen for casting his spells.
  • Bottle icon Bottle is effectively mandatory if Kunkka is to be played mid. A Bottle is extremely useful for replenishing Kunkka's small mana pool, and can be easily replenished using X and a teleport to base.

Mid game:

  • Phase Boots icon Phase Boots give him bonus attack damage with which he can last-hit more easily, as well as increasing the effectiveness of Tidebringer.
  • Magic Wand icon Magic Wand is powerful for all the same reasons as Magic Stick, granting burst health and mana restoration to allow Kunkka to cast any of his spells.
  • Armlet of Mordiggian icon Armlet of Mordiggian toggles on to grant huge attack damage and strength for Kunkka to hit hard with Tidebringer, then off promptly to minimize health drain. Furthermore, Ghostship's damage reduction and damage delay buy more time for armlet toggling as enemies cannot kill Kunkka quickly enough.

Late game:

  • Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade allows him to inflict additional damage to the entire enemy team when combined with Tidebringer. As well, it can be used for mobility or escape as demanded.
  • Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger, combined with X Marks the Spot, greatly extends Kunkka's reach when attacking with Tidebringer, and is useful no matter what role he plays. He can X himself and then blink forward, casting any spells or attacking with Tidebringer, and then returning to safety. Used by itself, Kunkka can instantly position himself in the best location from which to cleave the enemy, or jump within range to cast X on a foe during an initiation.
  • Daedalus icon Daedalus is an extremely powerful damage item in the hands of Kunkka, who can additionally benefit from building more than one to increase the proc chance. If his damage is high enough and he procs a crit alongside Tidebringer, Kunkka can potentially slay multiple enemy heroes with a single slash of his sword.
  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar is useful both for increasing Kunkka's survivability and damage output, especially in situations where the enemy is trying to lock Kunkka down to prevent him from casting his spells.
  • Heart of Tarrasque icon Heart of Tarrasque provides a lot of extra health and regeneration, and helps Kunkka recover from fights almost immediately. It's especially useful if you're always being focused in teamfights. As well, the additional base damage can help you inflict damage with Tidebringer as it can be augmented by percentage-based damage buffs from certain allies.

Situational items:

  • Urn of Shadows icon Urn of Shadows gives Kunkka a measure of mana regen and some more HP and base damage, enhancing his power as a roamer-disabler. The item's active can be used to heal yourself or teammates, or add more damage in a gank.
  • Battle Fury icon Battle Fury increases the cleave percentage of Tidebringer, while also adding a cleave that can be used while Tidebringer is on cooldown. It also gives Kunkka good health and mana regeneration, allowing him to remain out in the field for longer without returning to base.
  • Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd provides some strength, status resistance, and evasion, and allows you to disarm the enemy carry in a teamfight. It is useful for giving Kunkka some damage alongside survivability against physical damage.
  • Assault Cuirass icon Assault Cuirass reduces enemy armor, allowing you and your allies to deal more damage, while giving an armor and attack speed boost at the same time. While it lacks synergy with your spells and abilities, the aura it provides should never be underestimated.
  • Silver Edge icon Silver Edge adds more strength to Kunkka, giving more attack damage and a potential slow to proc on an attack. The Break component of Silver Edge can make killing certain enemy heroes easier, such as Phantom Assassin, Spectre or Bristleback.
  • Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel frees up an item slot for Kunkka, giving him room to build another major item if needed, and allows him to use X for temporary returns to base. The ability to globally re-position is also very powerful, and the enhanced movement speed gives him better positioning, chasing, and escaping ability.
  • Divine Rapier icon Divine Rapier is highly situational and very risky, but extremely powerful in Kunkka's hands. Combined with Tidebringer and a Daedalus, Kunkka can deal tremendous amounts of cleave damage and potentially wipe the entire enemy team under the right circumstances.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Multi-Hero Torrent icon Torrents
Relic Rare icon
Three Hero Tidebringer icon Tidebringers
Relic Rare icon
Three Hero Ghostship icon Ghostships
Relic strength icon
Damage With Armlet of Mordiggian icon Unholy Strength
Relic strength icon
Stuns Leading To Kills
Relic strength icon
Teleports Leading To Kills
Relic strength icon
Crit Damage
Relic strength icon
Damage From Invisibility
Relic strength icon
Triple Kills
Relic strength icon
Mega Kill Streaks
Relic strength icon
Observer and Sentry Wards icon Wards Placed
Relic strength icon
Kill Assists
Relic strength icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
  • ▶️ Just to be clear, if I call you mate, I don't mean it literally.
Plus Hero Badge 5
Plus Hero Badge 6



  • Kunkka was named in honour of the artist who made numerous pieces of loading screen art for DotA and Dota 2.[1]
  • Kunkka's official alternate/fun names were "Daelin Proudmoore", "CoCo", and "Captain Obvious". Daelin Proudmoore was a campaign boss in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne; his hero model is borrowed by Kunkka in DotA.
    • From 6.55-6.59d, his title were used to be "Admiral Proudmoore", which is also the title of Daelin Proudmoore in Warcraft III as well. The name "Proudmoore" would be removed from his title starting on 6.60 due to it being more of a character's last name rather than actual title name.
  • In his DotA biography, it is stated that some people called him "Jack Sparrow," but it was never seen as his name in-game. Jack Sparrow is the name of the main character in the Pirates of the Carribean movie franchise.
  • His battle begin line ▶️ "Rough seas ahead, crew. Strap me to the mizzen when I give the word." is likely a reference to The Odyssey, where Odysseus commands his crew to strap him to the mast so he could hear the Sirens sing.


