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Release Illuminate icon
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Bad against...[]

Axe icon
Bane icon
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip". pierces spell immunity, rendering Blade Fury icon Blade Fury nearly useless.
Chaos Knight icon
Enigma icon
Mars icon
  • Bulwark icon Bulwark mitigates Omnislash icon Omnislash which deals physical damage, severely reducing its damage.
  • Omnislash icon Omnislash switch to opposite direction with each slash, so Mars can easily reduce most of its damage.
  • However because Blade Fury icon Blade Fury gives spell immunity Juggernaut can easily escape from Arena Of Blood icon Arena Of Blood.
Nature's Prophet icon
  • Nature's Call icon Nature's Call can be used to tank Omnislash icon Omnislash in the early to mid game due to their high health pool combined.
  • Sprout icon Sprout can trap Juggernaut, even if he is using Blade Fury icon Blade Fury. Aghanim's Shard upgraded Sprout icon Sprout can also prevent Juggernaut from escaping if he buys Battle Fury icon Battle Fury.
  • Once Nature's prophet reach lv 20 with leash talent on Sprout icon Sprout, he can stop Juggernaut from escaping with Blade Fury icon Blade Fury and TPing away.
  • Nature's Prophet can farm and push much faster than Juggernaut, acquiring map control before he can do much.
Pugna icon
  • Decrepify icon Decrepify prevents Omnislash icon Omnislash damage, until Juggernaut gets a Nullifier icon Nullifier.
  • Without a disable, Pugna's high movement speed makes it harder to chase him with Blade Fury icon Blade Fury.
  • Juggernaut has low mana and his skills cost large amount of mana. Nether Ward icon Nether Ward will hurt him more and even worse, the damage from the ward is inflicted before the Spell immunity provided by Blade Fury icon Blade Fury.
Omniknight icon
Outworld Destroyer icon
Ursa icon
Rubick icon
  • All abilities from Juggernaut (except Blade Dance) is very vulnearable steal to Rubick's Spell Steal icon Spell Steal.
Pudge icon
Legion Commander icon
  • Duel icon Duel pierces spell immunity and forces him to attack Legion Commander, making him unable to use Omnislash icon Omnislash.
Sniper icon
  • Juggernaut deals most of his damage in the melee range and has no gap-closer. Sniper can easily harrass Juggernaut from afar with his long-ranged attacks and Headshot icon Headshot procs.Should Juggernaut decide to advance,Sniper has enough time to react and back off.
  • Sniper's long range attack can destroy Healing Ward icon Healing Ward from a safe range, preventing any healing done to Juggernaut and/or his teammates.
    • However, if Sniper is badly positioned, Juggernaut can easily terminate him.
Windranger icon



Good against...[]

Dark Willow icon
  • None of Dark Willow's spells pierce Spell Immunity, making Blade Fury icon Blade Fury a good counter against her. Additionally, it dispels Cursed Crown icon Cursed Crown and Bramble Maze icon Bramble Maze.
  • Dark Willow is generally fragile, which results in Omnislash icon Omnislash being devastating against her.
Enchantress icon
Invoker icon
Keeper of the Light icon
  • Juggernaut's Healing Ward icon Healing Ward keeps his team healthy even when pushing against Keeper of the Light's Illuminate icon Illuminate.
  • Blade Fury can dispel Blinding Light icon Blinding Light, as well as dodge an incoming Illuminate icon Illuminate. Juggernaut can attack towers during Blade Fury, so he can dodge an Illuminate without having to stop pushing.
  • Should Keeper of the Light obtain Will-O-Wisp icon Will-O-Wisp through purchasing an Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter, Juggernaut can make quick work of Ignis Fatuus without being interrupted by its pull.
  • Keeper of the Light has low health, low armor, and no natural defense against Blade Fury icon Blade Fury.
Necrophos icon
Nyx Assassin icon
Phoenix icon
  • Juggernaut's high attack speed lets him destroy a Supernova icon Supernova easily. He can even attack a Supernova during Blade Fury with his regular attacks.
  • Blade Fury icon Blade Fury protects Juggernaut from all of Phoenix's spells (except Supernova icon Supernova, which pierces spell immunity).
  • Phoenix's Icarus Dive icon Icarus Dive will not protect it from Omnislash icon Omnislash unless it dives into creeps, and Phoenix's low armor makes for an easy kill.
Templar Assassin icon
  • Blade Fury icon Blade Fury's damage over time dispels Refraction icon Refraction almost instantly.
  • Juggernaut's high armor allows him to survive for long enough to remove Refraction icon Refraction and threaten her with Omnislash icon Omnislash as long as he or his team carries detection.
  • Templar Assassin's short attack range makes it difficult for her to target a well-placed Healing Ward icon Healing Ward. She cannot splash onto it with Psi Blades icon Psi Blades.
Zeus icon
  • None of Zeus's abilities can damage a Juggernaut in Blade Fury icon Blade Fury.
  • Zeus's short attack range makes it difficult for him to target a well-placed Healing Ward icon Healing Ward. His frequent use of Arc Lightning icon Arc Lightning will have almost no effect on allies being healed by Juggernaut.
  • Zeus has no way to defend himself, even if Juggernaut cannot use Blade Fury icon Blade Fury. He can be easily taken out if cornered, sometimes even without Omnislash icon Omnislash.


  • Any underfarmed hero without a skill or item to protect themselves can usually be taken out by Omnislash icon Omnislash alone.
  • Immobile heroes with low attack range will have trouble taking out a Healing Ward icon Healing Ward if it is moved away from them.
  • If enemy gankers rely on spells that don't pierce spell immunity, Juggernaut can escape almost any scenario by using Blade Fury icon Blade Fury and immediately teleporting away with a Town Portal Scroll icon Town Portal Scroll.

Works well with...[]

Crystal Maiden icon
  • During the laning phase, Crystal Maiden's Frostbite icon Frostbite and Crystal Nova icon Crystal Nova can help keep enemies in range of Juggernaut's Blade Fury.
  • Her Arcane Aura icon Arcane Aura is immensely helpful to Juggernaut, who has a low mana pool.
Lich icon
  • During the laning phase, Lich’s Frost Blast icon Frost Blast and Frost Shield icon Frost Shield can help keep enemies in range of Juggernaut's Blade Fury.
Dazzle icon
  • If Juggernaut gets disabled and is unable to use any of his spells, Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave can keep Juggernaut alive for long enough to teleport out with Blade Fury.
  • Dazzle's Poison Touch icon Poison Touch slows enemies so that Juggernaut can close the distance for Blade Fury.
Axe icon
  • Axe can lock down enemies using Berserker's Call icon Berserker's Call, allowing Juggernaut to use Omnislash or Blade Fury to maximum potential.
Magnus icon
  • Empower icon Empower grants Juggernaut cleave and bonus damage, allowing him to farm faster.
  • Reverse Polarity icon Reverse Polarity combined with Empower icon Empower makes Omnislash deadly against grouped enemies.
Shadow Shaman icon
  • Shadow Shaman's Hex (Shadow Shaman) icon Hex and Shackles icon Shackles pins down targets for Juggernaut to Omnislash and Blade Fury.
  • Ether Shock icon Ether Shock is great for clearing out a creep wave, allowing Juggernaut to Omnislash without fear of slashes being wasted on creeps.
Venomancer icon
  • The movement speed slows from Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale and Poison Sting icon Poison Sting help Juggernaut damage enemies with Blade Fury.
  • Plague Ward icon Plague Wards can help protect Juggernaut from ganks during the laning phase.
Zeus icon
  • Lightning Bolt icon Lightning Bolt and Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Thundergod's Wrath". reveal invisible heroes, giving Juggernaut the opportunity to use Omnislash.

