Juggernaut | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slices through his enemies with precise strikes. | |
What laid under the Juggernaut's mask, none could say. The last of his kind, Yurnero carries alone the martial traditions of his native isle, now sunken forever beneath the waves. Dancing with his Blade, the Juggernaut elevates swordplay to an art form, Swiftly Slashing foes in an unstoppable Blade Fury, striking the most vulnerable spots. With skills honed to such perfection, Yurnero can keep on Slashing and Dashing between opponents while giving them absolutely no chance to retaliate even in the slightest. Their only option to escape this onslaught is to book it as quickly as possible. After eviscerating his foes, Yurnero places his portable mobile Healing Ward that emits meditative energies to revitalize himself and nearby allies. | |
Roles: | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Complexity: | ![]() |
Adjectives: | BadTeeth, Bearded, NicePecs Legs ( 2 )
▶️ "By the Visage of Vengeance, which drowned in the Isle of Masks, I will carry on the rites of the Faceless Ones."
No one has ever seen the face hidden beneath the mask of Yurnero the Juggernaut. It is only speculation that he even has one. For defying a corrupt lord, Yurnero was exiled from the ancient Isle of Masks--a punishment that saved his life. The isle soon after vanished beneath the waves in a night of vengeful magic. He alone remains to carry on the Isle's long Juggernaut tradition, one of ritual and swordplay. The last practitioner of the art, Yurnero's confidence and courage are the result of endless practice; his inventive bladework proves that he has never stopped challenging himself. Still, his motives are as unreadable as his expression. For a hero who has lost everything twice over, he fights as if victory is a foregone conclusion.
Causes a bladestorm of destructive force around Juggernaut, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units.
Magic Resistance Bonus: 80%
Duration: 5
Increases movement speed during Blade Fury, and attacks random nearby enemy units with reduced damage.
Yurnero's renowned katana techniques are feared by warriors and sorcerers alike.
- Blade Fury cannot be cast during Omnislash and Swiftslash, vice versa.
- However, Juggernaut can perform attacks, cast abilities, and use items during Blade Fury.
- Does not interrupt Juggernaut's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Grants debuff immunity, magic resistance bonus for the duration and applies a basic dispel upon cast.
- Stacks multiplicatively with other
magic resistance sources.
- Increases Juggernaut's magic resistance to 85%.
- With the magic resistance bonus from this source, every 10 points of intelligence further increases the total magic resistance by 0.2%. [?]
- Stacks multiplicatively with other
- Blade Fury directly negates Juggernaut's attack damage while active.
- However, it does not reduce conditional attack damage bonuses (e.g. Pierce or Shadow Walk).
- Despite the ability's visual effects, this effectively causes critical strike, lifesteal, and cleave to have no effect, since these mechanics rely on attack damage values.
- Although the reduction values are not displayed in the HUD, it is still considered and directly subtracted from Juggernaut's attack damage.
- Stacks additively with other total attack damage reduction sources.
- Deals 18/23/28/33 (
24/29/34/39) spell damage in 0.2-second intervals, starting 0.2 seconds after cast, resulting in 25 damage instances.
- Can deal up to 450/575/700/825 damage to a single unit (before reductions).
- Does not affect Couriers.
- Increases Juggernaut's movement speed to 375 and performs instant attacks on random enemies within the radius in 1.4-second intervals, starting 0.2 seconds after cast, resulting in up to 4 attacks.
- These instant attacks can proc any attack modifiers and on-hit effects normally. They do not have True Strike, but completely ignore disarms and stuns.
- The instant attack targets are chosen randomly, there are no priorities.
- The instant attack from the Ability Upgrade is independent of Blade Fury damage negation component, and neither affects buildings nor wards.
- It is considered as attack damage and is affected by damage block.
- The instant attacks' damage can be defined as expr
(MainAtk + BonusAtk) × 75%
.- Does not reduce conditional attack damage bonuses.
- Stacks additively with other total attack damage reduction sources.
- For
ranged heroes, since instant attacks use their regular attack projectiles, conditional attack damage reduction still applies to their attacks, causing each of their instant attacks to deal an instance of 0 damage.
- Still does not affect Couriers.
Healing Ward
Summons a Healing Ward which heals all nearby allied units, based on their max health. The Healing Ward moves at 325 movement speed after being summoned. Lasts 2.5 seconds.
Max Health as Health Regen Bonus: 2%/3%/4%/5%
Aura Linger Duration: 2.5
Duration: 25
Of the rituals learned at the Isle of Masks, tending wounds with a bit of voodoo magic has proven to be quite useful.
Healing Ward | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Summoned Ward | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Upon cast, Healing Ward automatically follows Juggernaut 250 distance behind him, if no other order is given.
- The heal is provided by an aura and lingers for 2.5 seconds.
- The auras of multiple Healing Wards do not stack.
- Can regenerate up to 55%/82.5%/110%/137.5% of a unit's max health over its full duration.
- Can fully regenerate a unit's health within 50/33.33/25/20 seconds.
- Does not affect wards, buildings, invulnerable or hidden units.
- Fully affect Couriers.
- Attacks from all unit types deal 1 damage to the Healing Ward.
Blade Dance
Gives Juggernaut a chance to deal critical damage on each attack.
Proc Chance: 20%/25%/30%/35%
Critical Damage: 190%
Break Notes:
The critical strike component is disabled.
Illusion Notes:
Critical strike values shown are before illusion outgoing damage and armor reduction.
The last remnant of his heritage's commitment to bladework, Yurnero ensures that the style is remembered.
- Increases attack damage by an average of 18%/22.5%/27%/31.5%.
- A critical strike proc is determined during Juggernaut's attack point.
- When a critical strike procs, Juggernaut uses a specific crit attack animation, and particle effects appear on his weapon.
- The proc chances of multiple critical strike sources stack.
- If two sources of critical strike proc at the same time, the higher crit multiplier has priority.
- Blade Dance uses pseudo-random distribution.
- TALENTStacks additively with other lifesteal sources.
Performs a short Omnislash for 1 seconds.
Duration: 1
Requires drafting Omnislash to be unlocked.
- Requires Aghanim's Scepter to be unlocked.
- Swiftslash cannot be cast during Blade Fury.
- Does not require Omnislash to be leveled to be unlocked, once Aghanim's Scepter is acquired.
- However, it relies on Omnislash to work, since it directly uses its values. This means when Omnislash is not learned, Swiftslash does nothing upon cast.
- Omnislash notes fully apply.
- Swiftslash is distinguished by blue particles, as opposed to the orange particles of Omnislash.
Juggernaut leaps towards the target enemy units, and then slashes the target and other nearby enemy units at an increased attack rate. Juggernaut is invulnerable for the duration.
Attack Rate Divisor: 1.5
Attack Damage Bonus: 40/45/50
Attack Speed Bonus: 40
Grants the Swiftslash ability.
‘The fruits of discipline; with practice comes strength.’
- Turns Juggernaut spell immune, invulnerable, unselectable, rooted for the whole duration, and applies a basic dispel on cast.
- Juggernaut can cast abilities and use items during Omnislash.
- However, Blade Fury is inactive for the duration and cannot be cast.
- During Omnislash, Juggernaut does not need to turn in order to cast targeted abilities or items.
- The slash interval can be defined as expr
(100 × 1.4) / (ΣAS × 1.5)
- With the attack speed limits, the min and max possible slash intervals are 0.133 ‒ 4.667 seconds plus a server tick per slash respectively.
- The interval is not set upon cast. On each slash, the interval updates based on his current attack rate.
- Causes Juggernaut to perform instant attacks on enemies he slashes.
- Grants flat bonus attack damage while Omnislash or Swiftslash is active.
- These instant attacks can proc any attack modifiers and on-hit effects normally. They do not have True Strike, but completely ignore disarms.
- Can neither be cast on nor jump on wards, and buildings.
- Can be cast on Couriers, but not jump on them.
- Can jump on invulnerable, attack immune and ethereal units. However, the instant attacks do not trigger.
- Cannot jump on units in the Fog of War, invisible or hidden units and Undying Zombies.
- If no valid targets can be found within range and within 0.15 seconds after the previous jump, Omnislash ends prematurely.
- On each slash, Juggernaut is positioned at the opposite side of the target from Juggernaut's position, facing the target.
- The slash radius is centered around Juggernaut, not around the current target.
- Provides a 1-second 200 radius flying vision lasting on each slash around the current target.
- Recasting Omnislash while the previous cast is still active cancels the previous cast and starts a new instance.
- This also applies when Swiftslash is cast during Omnislash, the former canceling the latter and vice versa.
- Centers the player's camera perspective on Juggernaut upon cast, following his position during Omnislash.
Hero Talents | ||
+2 Healing Ward Hits to Kill | 25 | +1s Omnislash Duration |
-3s Blade Fury Cooldown | 20 | +60% Blade Dance Lifesteal |
+30 Movement Speed During Blade Fury | 15 | -20s Healing Ward Cooldown |
+150 Healing Ward Radius | 10 | +10% Blade Dance Critical Strike |
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Blade Fury
- REWORKEDAghanim's Shard upgrade:
- Blade Fury
- Increases movement speed by 75.
- Deals 75% instant attack damage in 1.4-second intervals while active. [?]
- Increases effect radius by 100.
- Applies a 35% movement speed slow within the radius while active.
- Blade Fury
- LVL 10LVL 10LVL 15
- LVL 15LVL 20LVL 20
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango provide healing to keep Juggernaut alive in the lane.
- Healing Salve can save Juggernaut if used at the last moment.
- Enchanted Mango allows Juggernaut to regain mana from early usage of Blade Fury.
- Iron Branch increases Juggernaut's survivability and mana pool. Because of Juggernaut's low mana pool, an early Iron Branch gives the possibility of casting both Blade Fury and Omnislash back to back. It can later be upgraded into a Magic Wand.
- Slippers of Agility gives Juggernaut additional damage, allowing him to get easier last hits and denies in lane.
Early game:
- Boots of Speed give a passive speed boost, offering better escape and catch-up. They can later be built into Phase Boots.
- Quelling Blade helps Juggernaut last hit by increasing damage against creeps.
- Magic Stick is a useful burst healing/mana item if the enemies in lane cast many spells. It can later be built into a Magic Wand.
- Wraith Band gives Juggernaut additional damage and attributes.
Mid game:
- Phase Boots provide increased movement speed so Juggernaut can keep enemies in range of Blade Fury.
- Magic Wand is good for burst health and mana while providing bonus attributes compared to the Magic Stick.
- Maelstrom speeds up Juggernaut's farming with Chain Lightning procs and grants attack speed to synergize with Blade Fury and Omnislash.
- Diffusal Blade provides cost-effective attack damage bonuses from Manabreak and bonus Agility. Its active, Inhibit, allows Juggernaut to slow down enemies, making up for his lack of a gap-closing ability.
- Manta Style can remove silences and help with split push. When coupled with Diffusal Blade, you can get some nice boost to damage output.
Late game:
- Disperser builds from Diffusal Blade and allows Juggernaut to more easily pin down fleeing enemies while granting a large damage boost with its Agility bonus.
- Abyssal Blade grants bash chance, which Juggernaut welcomes with low base attack time and decent agility, as well as active stun to lock down targets in the late game.
- Black King Bar is helpful when the enemy team has more magical damage than Blade Fury can protect. Unlike Blade Fury, the Black King Bar also allows Juggernaut to attack while active, and has a maximum duration of 9 seconds.
Situational items:
- Mask of Madness grants lifesteal and a cheap attack speed boost to improve Juggernaut's farming efficiency. The active can also be used during Omnislash for more slashes, but is very risky to use against enemies without Omnislash.
- Drum of Endurance allows Juggernaut to run faster and push much earlier than other carries.
- Blink Dagger is useful as an escape item or initiation as Juggernaut's Omnislash requires a fairly close range.
- Monkey King Bar allows Juggernaut to attack enemies with evasion during Omnislash.
- Sange and Yasha is a fair pick on Juggernaut, since he does not have any gap-closing abilities. This item provides a good strength, agility, movement and attack speed bonus, which helps chase better.
- Battle Fury provides cleave to boost Juggernaut's farming and pushing, as well as making Omnislash much more lethal to grouped enemies.
- Eye of Skadi grants attributes and a slow on attacks, keeping targets within Juggernaut's attack range and Blade Fury's radius.
- Mjollnir is a natural upgrade to Maelstrom, and gives a large attack speed buff for more lightning procs and Omnislash attacks.
- Nullifier can Dispel certain troublesome items like Ghost Scepter and Eul’s Scepter of Divinity while massively boosting attack damage.
- Satanic has status resistance, strength, attack damage, and active lifesteal that mesh well with Juggernaut's high attack speed, vastly enhancing his survivability in teamfights.
- Butterfly gives an enormous boost to his damage, attack speed, and armor, as well as having the ability to evade physical attacks. It greatly increasing the physical damage Juggernaut can take, while Blade Fury protects against the magical damage. The increased attack speed also allows Blade Dance to occur more often.
- Revenant's Brooch allows Omnislash to hit ethereal units when toggled on, making it useful against enemies with multiple Ghost Scepters or other ways to turn ethereal.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Main Article: Hero Challenges
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
| |
![]() Master |
| |
![]() Grandmaster |
- Juggernaut's backstory and appearance bear many similarities to that of the Seguleh people in the "Malazan Book of the Fallen" series of books by Steven Erikson.
- Juggernaut's ultimate, Omnislash, is inspired by and named after the signature move of "Cloud Strife" from the game "Final Fantasy VII".[1]
- ▶️ "Screw it, I'm going to five blades!" is a reference to an article from The Onion about the increasing number of blades put into razors.[2]
- ▶️ "And then... there were none..." may be a reference to the Agatha Christie book by the same name.
- ▶️ "I'm the Juggernaut, Lich!" is a play on the quote "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch.", taken from a YouTube parody featuring re-dubbed scenes from "X-Men: The Animated Series".
- Juggernaut's Warcraft3 model design is influenced by various oriental cultures, with Japamala beads on his neck, carrying a flag and wielding a Samurai-like blade.
- The flag cosmetics for his back loadout slot is called Sashimono (指物, 差物, 挿物) poles. These poles were attached to the backs of the armor (Dō 胴)) by special fittings. The Sashimono were worn both by foot soldiers as well as by the elite samurai and members of the shogunate. Like many heraldic displays, it served several functions in battle.
- The Provocation of Ruin set is a homage to his Warcraft3 design.
Envisioning Juggernaut Loading Screen concept art