Dota 2 Wiki


  • ▶️ Pre attack sound plays during the attack animation.
  • ▶️ Projectile launch sound plays when the attack projectile is released (70% vol).
  • ▶️ Impact sound plays as the attack projectile successfully hits the target (50% vol).


  • Idle sound permanently plays on Io, gets louder when Io moves (30% vol).



  • Target sound plays on the target upon cast (60% vol).
  • Loop sound starts playing on Io upon cast and lasts as long as the Tether does (70% vol).
  • ▶️ Hit sound plays on every enemy unit slowed by the Tether (60% vol).
  • ▶️ End sound plays when the Tether expires or is broken (60% vol).
  • ▶️ Full sound example without any enemy hit.


  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Io upon cast (40% vol).
  • Loop sound starts playing on Io about 1.5 seconds after cast and lasts as long as the spirits do (40% vol).
  • ▶️ Damage sound plays whenever the spirits damage someone and upon expiring.
  • ▶️ Hero damage sound plays on enemy heroes damaged by a spirit (70% vol).
  • Full sound example without any enemy hit.


  • ▶️ Loop sound plays on Io while having Overcharge active (60% vol).


  • ▶️ Cast sound plays on Io and at the targeted location upon cast (60% vol).
  • ▶️ Counter sound starts playing right after the effect delay, until the end of the duration (50% vol).
  • ▶️ Teleport in sound plays once at the targeted point when Io gets teleported there (80% vol) once again at the marked spot upon returning (50% vol).
  • ▶️ Teleport out sound plays once at Io's cast location upon teleporting to the targeted point (80% vol).
  • ▶️ Full sound example.

Benevolent Companion
