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Invoke icon
▶️ What joy it is beholding me!

Due to Invoker minimap icon Invoker's uniqueness, his abilities are implemented differently in Ability Draft Notes Ability Draft.

Quas Wex Exort[]

To compensate the lack of actual talents, Invoker gains the stats of Quas icon Quas, Wex icon Wex, and Exort icon Exort as passive buffs.

Can be used by illusions.
Quas icon
Provides increased health regeneration.
Health Regen Bonus: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7

  • A level is gained on hero level 1/4/7/10/13/16/19.
  • Can regenerate up to 60/120/180/240/300/360/420 health in one minute.
  • Ability is not visible in the HUD.

Can be used by illusions.
Wex icon
Provides increased attack speed and movement speed.

  • A level is gained on hero level 2/5/8/11/14/17/20.
  • Ability is not visible in the HUD.

Can be used by illusions.
Exort icon
Provides increased attack damage.

  • A level is gained on hero level 3/6/9/12/15/18/21.
  • Ability is not visible in the HUD.


Three abilities are chosen randomly for each match of Ability Draft. Invoker does not add abilities to the Ultimates pool.

Cold Snap (AD)
Cold Snap icon
Invoker draws the heat from an enemy, chilling them to their very core for a duration. The enemy will take damage and be briefly frozen. Further damage taken in this state will freeze the enemy again, dealing bonus damage. The enemy can only be frozen so often, but the freeze cooldown decreases as the level goes up.
Cast Range: 1000
Damage per Proc: 16/30/43/56
Stun Duration per Proc: 0.4
Trigger Cooldown: 0.8/0.75/0.7/0.65
Debuff Duration: 3.5/4.3/5.1/6
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Sadron's Protracted Frisson.

  • Cold Snap immediately triggers on the target upon cast, so the next proc can only happen after the trigger cooldown.
  • Every time the effect triggers, the target is stunned and damaged.
  • On each trigger, Cold Snap first applies the damage, then the stun debuff.
  • Cold Snap does not trigger on self-inflicted damage, and on damage flagged as HP Removal.
  • With its current trigger cooldown and debuff duration, it can trigger up to 5/6/8/10.
  • Can deal up to 80/180/344/560 damage (before reductions) when triggering as often as possible.

Ghost Walk (AD)
Ghost Walk icon
No Target
Self / Enemies
Invoker manipulates the ice and electrical energies around him, rendering his body invisible. The elemental imbalance created as a consequence slows nearby enemies, and slows Invoker as well based on the level.
Fade Time: 0
Slow Radius: 400
Enemy Move Speed Slow: 20%/30%/40%/50%
Self Move Speed Change: -20%/0%/16%/30%
Aura Linger Duration: 2
Duration: 100
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Myrault's Hinder-Gast.

  • Ghost Walk does not interrupt Invoker's channeling abilities upon cast.
  • The movement speed slow on the enemies is provided by an aura. Its debuff lingers for 2 seconds.
    • The slow debuff places some particles on the affected units, allowing them to know that Invoker is nearby.
  • Invisibility is lost upon reaching the cast point of abilities or items, or upon launching an attack.
  • Invoker can pick up or drop items without breaking the invisibility.

Ice Wall (AD)
Ice Wall icon
No Target
Generates a wall of solid ice directly in front of Invoker for a duration. The bitter cold emanating from it greatly slows nearby enemies and deals damage each second.
Wall Spawn Distance: 200
Wall Length: 1120
Wall Width: 105
Damage per Second: 12/22/32/42
Move Speed Slow: 40%/74%/106%/140%
Aura Linger Duration: 2
Wall Duration: 4.5/7/9.5/12
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Killing Wall of Koryx.

  • The Ice Wall is always created in front of Invoker, perpendicular to the line between Invoker and a point 200 range right in front of him.
  • Creates 15 wall segments, with a spacing of 80 between each, resulting in a total length of 1120.
    • Each segment affects a 105 radius around itself.
    • With the radius from both sides and the wall length, Ice Wall has an effective length of 1330.
  • Each segment has a movement speed slowing aura. Its debuff lingers for 2 seconds.
  • The damage is independent from the slow, so getting further than 105 radius away from a segment immediately stops the damage, while the slow still lingers.
  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting 1 second after cast, resulting in up to 4/7/9/12 possible instances.
    • Can deal up to 48/154/288/504 damage to a single unit (before reductions), when it stays in range for its full duration.
  • Ice Wall is not a pathing blocker. Any unit can pass through it.

E.M.P. (AD)
E.M.P. icon
Invoker builds up a charge of electromagnetic energy at a targeted location which automatically detonates after %delay% seconds. The detonation covers an area, draining mana. Deals damage for each point of mana drained. If E.M.P. drains mana from an enemy hero, Invoker gains 50% of the mana drained.
Cast Range: 950
Effect Radius: 675
Effect Delay: 2.9
Mana Burned: 175/300/425/550
Damage per Burned Mana: 60%
Self Mana Gain per Burned Mana: 50%
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Does not pierce debuff immunity.
Does not affect debuff immune enemies at all.
Endoleon's Malevolent Perturbation.

  • E.M.P. first applies the mana burn, and then the damage.
  • Restores Invoker's mana when it burns mana from heroes.
    • Mana burned on illusions and other units does not restore mana.
    • The damage and the mana restored are dependent on the amount of mana burned on the enemies.
    • This means if the enemy had no mana left to burn, it deals no damage to it and does not restore Invoker's mana.
  • Can restore up to 87.5/150/212.5/275 mana for Invoker from each affected hero.
  • The visual effects and the sound during the 2.9 seconds effect delay are visible and audible to everyone.

Tornado (AD)
Tornado icon
Unleashes a fast moving tornado that picks up enemy units in its path, suspending them helplessly in the air shortly before allowing them to plummet to their doom. Travels further based on the level and holds enemies in the air for a duration.
Cast Range: 2000
Effect Radius: 200
Travel Distance: 1200/1865/2530/3200
Base Damage: 70
Added Damage: 90/165/240/315
Cyclone Duration: 1.1/1.6/2.1/2.6
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Claws of Tornarus.

  • The Tornado travels at a speed of 1000 and always travels the full distance, so it takes 1.2/1.865/2.53/3.2 seconds to reach the max distance.
  • With the travel distance and effect radius, Tornado can hit units up to 1400/2065/2730/3400 range away.
  • The damage is applied upon losing the Tornado debuff. Can deal up to 160/235/310/385 damage to each affected unit (before reductions).
  • While in the air, other units may pass below the cycloned units.
  • The Tornado provides 200 radius flying vision as it travels. This vision does not last.
    • The same vision is also provided for 1.75 seconds after reaching its final destination.
  • Does not lift Roshan icon Roshan, but damages and interrupts him for a split second.

Alacrity (AD)
Alacrity icon
Invoker infuses an ally with an immense surge of energy, increasing their attack speed and their damage.
Cast Range: 650
Attack Speed Bonus: 22/42/62/82
Attack Damage Bonus: 22/42/62/82
Duration: 9
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Gaster's Mandate of Impetuous Strife.

Sun Strike (AD)
Sun Strike icon
Target Area N/A
Sends a catastrophic ray of fierce energy from the sun at any targeted location, incinerating all enemies standing beneath it once it reaches the earth. Damage is spread evenly over all enemies hit.
Cast Range: Global
Effect Radius: 175
Effect Delay: 1.7
Damage: 162/266/370/475
With Aghanim's Scepter Cataclysm Min Distance: 160
With Aghanim's Scepter Cataclysm Max Distance: 200
With Aghanim's Scepter Cataclysm Sun Strikes per Target: 2
Cooldown symbol
 25 (With Aghanim's Scepter 90)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Adds Cataclysm. Launched when Sun Strike is double tapped. Puts it on a 90. Creates 2 visible Sun Strikes within 160-200 range of each enemy hero.
Harlek's Incantation of Incineration.

  • The damage is spread evenly among all affected units within the targeted area, including creeps. Unaffected units do not soak up any damage.
  • This is how much damage Sun Strike deals when hitting a certain amount of units (before reductions).
    • 2 Units: 81/133/185/237.5 damage.
    • 3 Units: 54/88.67/123.33/158.33 damage.
    • 4 Units: 40.5/66.5/92.5/118.75 damage.
    • 5 Units: 32.4/53.2/74/95 damage.
  • Provides 400 radius flying vision at the targeted point for 5.5 seconds upon cast.
  • The visual effects and the sound during the seconds effect delay are visible and audible to allies only.
  • With Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter, ↓↓ Double-tapping sends 2 Sun Strikes to every hero (including Tempest Double minimap icon Tempest Double, but excluding other clones and illusions) on the map.
    • Uses the extended cooldown when the ability is self-targeted, and the regular cooldown when area-targeted.
    • These Sun Strikes are fully visible and audible to the enemy during their delays.
    • The strikes are placed randomly around the target, using the given minimum and maximum distances.

Forge Spirit (AD)
Forge Spirit icon
No Target
Invoker forges a spirit embodying the strength of fire and fortitude of ice. The elemental's scorching attack is capable of melting the armor of enemy heroes.
Number of Forged Spirits (Quas and Exort): 1
Spirit Attack Damage: 32/49/66/82
Spirit Attack Range: 365/470/580/690
Spirit Max Health: 400/566/733/900
Spirit Max Mana: 150/233/316/400
Spirit Armor: 1/2/4/6
Spirit Duration: 30/47/63/80
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Culween's Most Cunning Fabrications.

  • Casting Forge Spirit replaces the spirits from the previous cast, no matter who they are owned by.
  • The spirits are always summoned next to Invoker at a random position around him, but always facing east upon spawn.
  • Forged Spirits' stats are set upon spawn. They do not have their stats upgraded when Exort or Quas is leveled.

Chaos Meteor (AD)
Chaos Meteor icon
Invoker pulls a flaming meteor from space onto the targeted location. Upon landing, the meteor rolls forward, constantly dealing damage and rolling further based on the level. Units hit by the meteor will also be set on fire for a short time.
Cast Range: 700
Effect Radius: 275
Travel Distance: 615/880/1145/1410
Number of Meteors: 1 (With Aghanim's Shard 3)
Effect Delay: 1.3
Effect Interval: 0.5
Main Damage per Interval: 71/103/134/166
Burn Damage per Second: 14/20/26/32
Burn Duration: 3
With Aghanim's Shard Chaos Meteor Spread Distance: 200
With Aghanim's Shard Chaos Meteor Angle: 30°
Cooldown symbol
 55 (With Aghanim's Shard 55)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Causes two extra Chaos Meteors to land alongside the primary cast at slight angles. Reduces cooldown by 0 seconds.
Tarak's Descent of Fire.

  • Chaos Meteor needs 1.3 seconds to land. It lands at the targeted point within the cast range, not at Invoker's position.
    • The falling meteor visual effects and the sound during the 1.3 seconds effect delay are visible and audible to everyone.
  • Chaos Meteor provides 400 radius flying vision while it is rolling. This vision does not last.
    • Also provides the same vision for 3 seconds after reaching its final destination.
  • With the cast range, travel distance and effect radius, it can hit units up to 1590/1855/2120/2385 range away. The area between Invoker and the targeted point is unaffected.
  • Chaos Meteor rolls at a speed of 300 and always rolls the full distance, so it takes 2.05/2.93/3.82/4.7 seconds to reach the max distance.
  • After landing, the meteor deals its main damage and places the burn debuff to units within its effect radius in 0.5-second intervals, starting immediately upon landing.
    • On each interval, the meteor first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • The following Chaos Meteor damage calculations are all before reductions:
    • The main damage can hit a unit up to 5/6/8/10 times and thus can deal up to 355/618/1072/1660 damage.
  • The burn debuff deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting 1 second after the debuff is placed, resulting in 3 instances for each debuff.
    • The burn debuffs from each interval fully stack and do not refresh each other. So a unit can be affected by 5/6/8/10 instances of the burn debuff per cast.
    • One instance of the burn debuff can deal up to 42/60/78/96 damage.
    • All possible instances of burn damage per unit together can deal up to 210/360/624/960 damage.
    • The whole Chaos Meteor, main and burn damage, can deal up to 565/978/1696/2620 damage when a unit is hit by all possible instances.
  • With Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard, 2 extra meteors are launched with a 30° angle to the left and right of Invoker.
    • The angle is based on Invoker's position. No matter the cast distance, the meteors always land and travel along offset by 30° from the centered meteor.
    • The extra meteors land so that they are at least 200 range away from the centered meteor.
    • This means when the targeted point is within 346 range of Invoker, they land further ahead of the centered meteor to keep a minimum distance of 200.
    • This means, unlike the centered meteor, the extra meteors cannot land within 400 range of Invoker.

Deafening Blast (AD)
Deafening Blast icon
Invoker unleashes a mighty sonic wave in front of him, dealing damage to any enemy unit it collides with. The sheer impact from the blast is enough to knock those enemy units back for a duration then disarm their attacks for a duration.
Cast Range: 1000
Starting Radius: 175
Travel Distance: 1000
End Radius: 225
Number of Blasts: 1
Damage: 60/127/293/260
Knockback Distance: 72.9/129.2/179/226.9
Knockback Duration: 0.4/0.74/1.06/1.4
Disarm Duration: 2/3.25/4.5/5.75
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Does not pierce debuff immunity.
The forced movement is instantly canceled.
Buluphont's Aureal Incapacitator.

  • Deafening Blast travels at a speed of 1100 and always travels the full distance, which takes 0.91 seconds.
  • With the travel distance and end radius, Deafening Blast can hit units up to 1225 range away.
  • The complete area is shaped like a cone.
  • Applies a non-disabling Forced Movement, so affected enemies can still use abilities and items during it and their channeling abilities are not interrupted.
  • The knockback and disarm are applied at the same time.
  • This is how the knockback works:
    • Affected units are moved in 0.03-second intervals.
    • They are moved 13/24/35/46 times, defined as (Quas × 20 / 3).
    • The knockback calculation can be split up into two sections - the first intervals and the remaining intervals.
    • In the first intervals, which is 4/8/11/15 times, units are moved linearly, by a distance of 6 per interval.
    • For the remaining of the intervals - 9/16/24/31, the units are moved exponentially with 0.98 times the speed of the previous interval.
    • So the remaining intervals together (on each level) move the units by a distance of 48.88/81.2/112.96/136.84.
      • The remaining intervals can be defined as at level 1 Quas.
    • Summed up, the total distance on each level is 72.88/129.2/178.96/226.84.
    • As conclusion, the knockback starts at a speed of 200 and decreases exponentially.
  • Can knock units over impassable terrain. During the knockback, all trees the units collide with get destroyed.
  • Does not knock Roshan icon Roshan back, but damages and disarms him.