Grants 20% lifesteal, 18% bonus damage, 2 mana regeneration, and 4 armor to nearby allies. Lifesteal from creeps is reduced by 60%
Radius: 1200
Hero Lifesteal: 20%
Creep Lifesteal: 12%
Mana Regen Bonus: 2
Attack Damage Bonus: 18%
Armor Bonus: 4
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
- This ability got removed in the 7.35 gameplay patch.
- Multiple instances of Vladmir's Aura do not stack. This includes the aura of Vladmir's Offering.
- Unlike other items, this aura is not provided by the item's own modifier, but instead it places the item modifier of Vladmir's Offering on the wielder, which provides the aura.
- Fully stacks with other sources of Buckler-based items' armor aura and Ring of Basilius-based items' mana regeneration aura.
- Stacks additively with other lifesteal sources.
- Treats attack against clones, illusions and creep-heroes as heroes, attacks against Roshan as creeps.
- Grants flat bonus attack damage based on the affected unit's main attack damage. Does not further increase bonus attack damage.
- Can regenerate up to 120 mana in one minute.
- Affects invulnerable, but not hidden units.
- The aura's buff lingers for 4 seconds.