Dota 2 Wiki
This page is about the item and its ability to Dominate creeps. For other creep controlling sources, see here.
Components required from the Base Shop
Helm of the Dominator
Helm of the Dominator icon
The powerful headpiece of a dead necromancer.
Cost 2625 Gold (650)
Sell Value Full price refunded within 10s. 1312.5 Gold
Active Dominate
Bonus ? +6 Strength
+6 Agility
+6 Intelligence
+6 Health Regeneration
+6 Armor
Shareable No
Disassemble No
Usage Alert ? No
Helm of the Overlord (5725)
Helm of the Dominator (2625)
Helm of Iron Will (975)
Diadem (1000)
Recipe (650)

The Helm of the Dominator is an upgradable item purchasable at the Main Shop, under Accessories.

Additional Information[]


Enemy Units
Takes control of one neutral target unit and sets its movement speed to 380 and max health to a minimum of 1000. Also provides the unit with +25 base attack damage, +12 health regen, +4 mana regen and +4 armor.

Dominated units with a max health of greater than 1000 retain their original max health. Grants the caster the gold bounty of the dominated creep. Dominated unit's bounty is set to 100 gold.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 700
Max Units: 1
Min Base Health: 1000
Set Move Speed: 380
Set Gold Bounty: 100
Base Attack Damage Bonus: 25
Health Regen Bonus: 12
Mana Regen Bonus: 4
Armor Bonus: 4
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]

  • Dominating a creep while already having one dominated causes the instantly kills the previously dominated creep.
  • The number of max allowed units is bound to the player. Buying a new Helm of the Dominator does not allow dominating an additional unit.
    • When owning both, Helm of the Dominator and Helm of the Overlord icon Helm of the Overlord, Helm of the Overlord takes priority, still allowing a maximum of 1 unit.
    • This also goes for the Tempest Double minimap icon Tempest Double's copied Helm of the Dominator.
    • When the Dominated creep changes faction (i.e. when affected by Holy Persuasion icon Holy Persuasion or Enchant icon Enchant), it no longer counts towards the max limit.
    • When the item gets upgraded, sold, or destroyed, the dominated creep dies.
      • When the item gets sold by a teammate while being disconnected the Dominated creep does not die.
    • The death is not credited to anyone so that no one gets experience from it.
  • Sets the creep's movement speed to 380, regardless of its default movement speed.
  • Sets the creep's gold bounty to 100 Gold, regardless of its default bounty.
    • The creep's default gold bounty is not granted upon killing it, only the set value is. Its experience bounty is unchanged.
  • When the creep's max health is below the min health threshold, its current and max health are increased by the difference. This counts as setting health.
  • Attack damage bonus is added directly to the creep's base attack damage.
    • Does not grant flat bonus attack damage.
  • Does not restore the creep's mana.
  • This ability's cooldown is not refreshed by Rearm icon Rearm.

Recommended Heroes[]

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Recent Changes[]

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Helm of the Dominator icon Dominate now grants the caster the gold bounty of the dominated creep.
  • Reworked
Helm of the Dominator icon Helm of the Dominator
Recipe: Helm of Iron Will icon Helm of Iron Will (975 Gold), Crown icon Crown (450 Gold), Default recipe icon Recipe (975 Gold)
Total cost: 2400 Gold
Helm of the Dominator icon Helm of the Dominator
Recipe: Helm of Iron Will icon Helm of Iron Will (975 Gold), Diadem icon Diadem (1000 Gold), Default recipe icon Recipe (650 Gold)
Total cost: 2625 Gold

</div> </div>
