Weaver | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rewinds time to reverse damage and position. | |
All Weavers worked to maintain the fabric of creation, save one Skitskurr, who took it upon himself to create that which had not been woven. Cast out for his ambitions, Skitskurr was now free from his obligations, free to weave a new reality of his own. Opening a gap in spacetime, the Weaver invites "The Swarm" — young Weavers to latch onto enemies, and nibble away at their armor. Nearly impossible to pin down, he slips into micro-wormholes, passing through enemies and reappearing with Shukuchi. The fabric of time frays around Skitskurr, occasionally replaying, causing his Geminate Attacks to be witnessed — and felt — more than once. The Weaver takes brinkmanship to an extreme. Fighting to the verge of death, Skitskurr turns back the clock with Time Lapse, reversing his injuries and undoing his foes' efforts, much to their dismay. | |
Roles: | ![]() ![]() |
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Adjectives: | Legs ( 2 )
▶️ "Fate weaves the threads of our lives together. Fate also wields the blade that cuts them short."
The fabric of creation needs constant care, lest it grow tattered; for when it unravels, whole worlds come undone. It is the work of the Weavers to keep the fabric tight, to repair worn spots in the mesh of reality. They also defend from the things that gnaw and lay their eggs in frayed regions, whose young can quickly devour an entire universe if the Weavers let their attention lapse. Skitskurr was a master Weaver, charged with keeping one small patch of creation tightly woven and unfaded. But the job was not enough to satisfy. It nagged him that the original work of creation all lay in the past; the Loom had done its work and travelled on. He wanted to create rather than merely maintain—to weave worlds of his own devising. He began making small changes to his domain, but the thrill of creation proved addictive, and his strokes became bolder, pulling against the pattern that the Loom had woven.
The guardians came, with their scissors, and Weaver's world was pared off, snipped from the cosmic tapestry, which they rewove without him in it. Skitskurr found himself alone, apart from his kind, a state that would have been torment for any other Weaver. But Skitskurr rejoiced, for now he was free. Free to create for himself, to begin anew. The raw materials he needed to weave a new reality were all around him. All he had to do was tear apart this old world at the seams.
The guardians came, with their scissors, and Weaver's world was pared off, snipped from the cosmic tapestry, which they rewove without him in it. Skitskurr found himself alone, apart from his kind, a state that would have been torment for any other Weaver. But Skitskurr rejoiced, for now he was free. Free to create for himself, to begin anew. The raw materials he needed to weave a new reality were all around him. All he had to do was tear apart this old world at the seams.
Weaver launches a swarm of 12 young Weavers that latch on any enemy unit in their path, attacking and reducing armor until it is killed.
Cast Range: 3000
Max Travel Distance: 3000
Beetles Spawn Radius: 300
Beetles Latch Radius: 100
Number of Beetles: 12
Skitskurr opens a gap in the space time fabric, allowing young Weavers to slip through and aid him in combat.
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Creep | |||||||||
- The Swarm moves forward at a speed of 600, taking 5 seconds to reach max distance.
- The beetles are not attackable when traveling as a swarm. They become attackable only after latching onto targets.
- Beetles have the highest priority for auto-attack behaviors.
- The beetles spawn within a 300 radius around of Weaver (random position) and move forward as a swarm.
- When an enemy unit comes within 100 radius of a beetle, the beetle latches onto it, unless it already has a beetle latched onto it.
- This means that multiple casts cannot affect the same unit more than once simultaneously.
- The beetles can latch on invulnerable units, but not on invisible or hidden units.
- If a beetle's target turns hidden after latching, it still stays on it and is not removed.
- If a beetle's target turns invisible after latching, the beetle dies instantly (credited to no one), if the unit is not under True Sight.
- When the beetles get affected by Chronosphere they instantly die, credited to no one.
- The beetles can latch on units 3400 range away (spawn radius + travel distance + latch radius).
- When attached, the beetle always stays 64 range in front of the unit.
- The beetles do not actually attack their targets, but rather the spell simply deals damage to them in the set intervals while the beetle is attached.
- This means the damage is sourced to Weaver, so that it is affected by spell damage amplification and spell lifesteal.
- The armor reduction is independent from the damage. It keeps reducing armor on ethereal targets, but not invulnerable targets.
- The armor reduction is directly bound to the beetle, so it disappears always together with it.
- Beetles attack in 1.25/1.1/0.95/0.8 second intervals, starting immediately when latching on a unit, resulting in up to 13/15/17/21 attacks.
- The armor reduction is applied with the same intervals, but happens before the damage is applied.
- The Swarm can deal up to 234/300/374/504 damage to each latched enemy (before reductions).
- The Swarm's damage can be reduced by Damage Block, but ignores evasion.
- The beetles provide flying vision while traveling forwards and while attached to a unit.
Fade Time: 0.25
Damage Radius: 175
Duration: 4
As the Weavers worked in the fabric of creation, small wormholes allowed them to slip through time to better work their craft.
- Shukuchi does not interrupt Weaver's channeling spells upon cast.
- Invisibility disjoints projectiles upon cast, if the enemy has no True Sight.
- Can only damage the same unit once per cast.
- During the fade time, Weaver can cast spells, use items and perform attacks without breaking the invisibility.
- Invisibility is broken upon reaching the cast point of spells or items, or upon launching an attack.
- Unlike other phasing invisibility spells, Shukuchi turns Weaver phased directly on cast, instead of after the fade time.
- Weaver can pick up or drop items without breaking the invisibility.
- If the level 25 talent is skilled during Shukuchi, the bonus movement speed is applied immediately.
Allows Weaver to dispatch two attacks at once.The second attack targets several enemies, as well as Weaver's primary target.
- Causes Weaver to perform instant attacks on the attacked target and additional targets around Weaver 0.25 seconds after the leading attack.
- This means the leading attack does not need to hit the target. It being launched is enough to trigge Geminate Attack.
- The extra attacks can proc any attack modifier or any on-hit effect normally, and have no True Strike.
- The search radius is based on Weaver's attack range + 150, resulting in a search radius of 575, considering his default attack range.
- Targets the closest enemy to Weaver. The primary attack target does not count towards the bonus targets, and is always hit, regardless of distance.
- The level 25 talent makes Weaver release a second Geminate Attack 0.25 seconds after the first extra attack, so 0.5 seconds after the leading attack.
Weaver warps backward to whatever position it was in five seconds earlier--regaining the HP and mana from that time. No effect on cooldown, gold or experience.
Lapsed Time: 5
If Skitskurr does not deem the current reality of the world to fit his desires, he simply crawls back in time to right what was wronged.
- Time Lapse disjoints projectiles and applies a strong dispel upon cast.
- Weaver is ordered to stop right after getting moved back. However, shift-queued commands are not canceled.
- Only affects Weaver's position, health, mana and status debuffs. Buffs are not removed.
- It does not matter how long Weaver is already affected by debuffs, they simply are completely removed, if they can be removed.
- Time Lapse does not damage Weaver, it manipulates his health. So it does not interact with any on-damage effect.
- When cast right after respawning, the health, mana and position are set to what they were before the death.
- This means that Time Lapse does not kill the caster when cast immediately after respawning.
- When having Aghanim's Scepter, Time Lapse turns into a unit-targeted spell, able to target allied heroes.
- Double-clicking the ability with Aghanim's Scepter automatically targets self.
- Applies the disjoint and strong dispel on the target ally as well.
- Does not order the target to stop, so their channeling spells are not canceled. This is also why it has a backswing when upgraded.
- When cast on allies who just respawned, their health, mana and position are not set back to what they were before the death.
- This means allies cannot be sent back to their death location after respawning, unlike how Weaver can when cast on self.
Hero Talents | ||
+1 Geminate Attack | 25 | +200 Shukuchi Movement Speed |
+2 Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "The Swarm". Attacks to Kill | 20 | +0.5 Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "The Swarm". Armor Reduction |
+100 Shukuchi Damage | 15 | 15% Cooldown Reduction |
+15 Damage | 10 | +7 Strength |
- The strength talent effectively grants Weaver 126 health, 0.7 health regen and 0.56% magic resistance.
- This attack damage talent is added as raw attack damage, so it does not benefit illusions, and is not affected by most percentage-based damage increasing or reducing effects.
- The cooldown reduction talent stacks multiplicatively with Octarine Core and additively other sources of cooldown reduction.