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Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
19 + 2
16 + 1
24 + 4.5
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 538 1154 1858 2122
+0 +1.71 +4.23 +7.11 +8.19
Mana 75 363 1119 1803 2091
+0 +1.2 +4.35 +7.2 +8.43
Armor 0 2.67 5 8.67 9.83
Magic Resist 25% 27.4% 33.7% 39.4% 41.85%
Damage Block -






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.68/s 0.76/s 0.89/s 0.94/s
Attack Range Ranged 630 (800)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.5 + 0.5
Projectile Speed 900
Move Speed ▶️ 335 (Nighttime 365)
Turn Rate Takes 0.175s to turn 180°. 0.6
Collision Size 24
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal Not Provided

Drains enemy life to heal himself.
A crafty trickster, Pugna turns the enemy's power against itself as he Blasts their defenses. While his Nether Ward strikes nearby foes that dare to cast a spell. He Decrepifies his target, temporary banishing them to another realm, and Drains Life from his enemies while replenishing himself with their vitality, ensuring that he will be ready for the next assault.
Roles: Nuker Nuker Pusher Pusher
Complexity: Hero ComplexityHero Complexity
Adjectives: Legs ( 2 )


Pugna minimap iconPugna
▶️ "Who needs a blade when you have oblivion?"
In the realm of Pugna's birth, near the vents of the Nether Reaches, there stood a lamasery devoted to the Arts of Oblivion, which drew its power from the nether energies. The Grandmaster of the temple compound had himself passed into Oblivion several years prior, leaving his academy without a leader. From the moment of their master's death, the regents of the temple began rites of divination to identify their master's reincarnation, and eventually all signs converged on the immediate neighborhood. Several villages squatted in the shadow of the temple, their alleys and plazas full of the laughter of squalling children.

Pugna, a mere thirteen months of age, was but one candidate among the local brats, and on the appointed day he was presented at the temple alongside two other promising tots. The lamas offered a jumble of worn relics to the children, treasured possessions of their former grandmaster. One boy reached for a porphyry wand that had belonged to the lama...and put it in his nostril. An impish girl pulled out an amulet that had also been the lama's, and immediately swallowed it. Pugna regarded the other two coolly, gave a merry laugh, and blasted them with gouts of emerald flame, reducing them to ashes in an instant. He then snatched up the wand and amulet, saying 'Mine!' The regents hoisted the beaming Pugna on their shoulders, wrapped him in their grandmaster's vestments, and rushed him to the throne before his mood could change. Within five years, the temple itself was another pile of ash, which pleased Pugna to no end.


Nether Blast
Does not pierce spell immunity. QB
Nether Blast icon
An exploding pulse deals damage to enemies and structures in the area. Deals half damage to structures.
Cast Range: 400
Blast Radius: 400
Effect Delay: 0.9
Damage: 100/175/250/325 (Talent 300/375/450/525)
Building Damage Percentage: 50%
Cooldown symbol
 5 (Talent 4)
Mana symbol
The Arts of Oblivion include a deafening blast of emerald flames from the Nether Reaches.

  • The visual effects and the sound during the 0.9 second effect delay are only visible and audible to allies.

Blocked by Linken's Sphere. Does not pierce spell immunity. WC
Decrepify icon
Enemies / Allies
A powerful banishing spell that slows a unit and renders it unable to attack or be attacked. Afflicted units take extra magic damage.
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.4
Cast Range: 700
Enemy Move Speed Slow: 30%/40%/50%/60%
Ally Magic Resistance Reduction: 25%
Enemy Magic Resistance Reduction: 30%/40%/50%/60%
Duration: 3.5 (Talent 5.5)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
A now-mastered relic from his childhood, Pugna delights in banishing others into the Nether Realm, whether for good, evil, or simple enjoyment.

  • Cannot be cast on Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Saprophytic Ward"..
  • Does not slow allied targets.

Saprophytic Ward
Pierces spell immunity. EW
Frosthaven Saprophytic Ward icon
Pugna places a Saprophytic Ward at the target location. Heals allies whenever they spend mana.
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.4
Cast Range: 150
Radius: 1600
Attacks to Destroy: 4 (Talent 6)
Heal per Used Mana: 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 (Talent 2.5/2.75/3/3.25)
Max Mana Regen per Second: 0.25%/0.5%/0.75%/1%
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Ward Duration: 30
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Nether Ward Aura
While at the lamasery for the Arts of Oblivion, Pugna might have learned to heal his classmates with a simple ward charged with unfamiliar magic.

Lua error in Module:VarQuery at line 21: No results found..
This unit has no health.
This unit has no mana.

  • When double-clicking the ability, the ward is placed right in front of Pugna, 150 range away from him.
  • The mana regen is provided by an aura with 1600 radius. Its debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds. The heal is independent from the aura.
  • Can regenerate up to 7.625%/15.25%/22.875%/30.5% of a unit's max mana over its full duration.
  • Can fully regenerate a unit's mana within 400/200/133.33/100 seconds.
  • The heal triggers on every instance of mana usage from spells and items. If a spell or item costs no mana to use, it does not trigger on it.
  • The heal is applied before the actual spell is cast.
  • The heal source is the ward itself, meaning on-heal effects react on the ward rather than on Pugna.

Life Drain
Blocked by Linken's Sphere. Partially pierces spell immunity. RD
Life Drain icon
Enemies / Allies
When cast on an enemy, Pugna drains health from the target enemy unit to heal himself and granting vision over the target. If Pugna has full HP, and the enemy target is a Hero, Life Drain will restore mana instead.

When cast on an ally, Pugna will drain his own health into his ally.
Cast Range: 700
Max Channel Time: 10
Link Break Distance: 1000
Health Drain per Second: 150/225/300
Life Drain Heal Amplification: 0 (Talent 25%)
Cooldown symbol
 22 (With Aghanim's Scepter 0)
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Removes cooldown.
Life Drain
Pugna has truly become more powerful than even the grandmaster of Oblivion.

  • The link breaks when the target turns invulnerable or hidden, exceeds the break distance, or runs out of health.
  • The health restored equals the amount of damage dealt per tick after all reductions.
    • This means when a damage instance is reduced (e.g. magic resistance, Frosthaven Battle Trance icon Battle Trance, etc), it heals for the reduced amount.
    • But this also means that amplifying the damage (e.g. Decrepify icon Decrepify, Frosthaven Chakra Burn icon Chakra Burn, etc), causes it to heal for more.
    • This also goes for targeting allies. The more damage it deals to Pugna, the more it heals and vice versa.
    • This means that Pugna cannot heal his allies while he has 100% magic resistance (e.g. via spell immunity), since he takes 0 damage from it.
    • The level 20 talent for Life Drain amplifies the healing done by Life Drain by 25%. It is still based on the damage dealt.
  • If Pugna's or the allied hero's health is full and the damaged unit is a hero, it restores their mana instead.
    • This means it also restores mana on allied non-hero units when they are at full health, since Pugna (a hero) is damaged.
    • Just like the health restoring, the amount of mana restored equals the amount of damage dealt after all reductions.
  • The self-damage when targeting allies is lethal, so it can be used to deny oneself.
  • Drains 37.5/56.25/75 health in 0.25 second intervals, starting 0.25 seconds after cast, resulting in up to 40 instances.
    • The talent amplifies the heal value to 46.875/70.3125/93.75 without changing the damage value.
  • The color of the drain changes depending on the situation:
    • When draining life from an enemy, the drain is red/green (pink/blue if Pugna is at full health).
    • When draining life into an ally, the drain is green/green (blue/green if the ally is at full health).
  • Can drain up to 1500/2250/3000 health health (before reductions) when fully channeled.
    • With the talent, it can heal up to 1875/2812.5/3750 health, while the damage dealt remains unchanged.


Hero Talents
+1.75 Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Saprophytic Ward". Damage Per Mana25+200 Nether Blast icon Nether Blast Damage
+2s Decrepify icon Decrepify Duration20+25% Life Drain icon Life Drain Heal
+3 Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Saprophytic Ward". Health15-1s Nether Blast icon Netherblast Cooldown
+225 Health10+20 Movement Speed
  • The health talent increases maximum health capacity, and keeps the current health percentage.