Dota 2 Wiki
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
16 + 2.2
18 + 3.1
16 + 1.9
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 472 1132 1880 2166
+0 +1.44 +4.21 +7.27 +8.44
Mana 75 267 579 951 1095
+0 +0.8 +2.13 +3.68 +4.26
Armor 0 3 10.23 17.4 20.32
Magic Resist 25% 26.6% 29.26% 32.36% 33.51%
Damage Block -






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.69/s 0.95/s 1.2/s 1.31/s
Attack Range Ranged 330 (800)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.46 + 0.54
Projectile Speed 900
Move Speed ▶️ 330 (Nighttime 360)
Turn Rate Takes 0.15s to turn 180°. 0.7
Collision Size 24
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal Not Provided

Tears into her enemies with bouncing attacks.
Renouncing her savage past, Luna swore her service to Selemene, and embraced the title of Moon Rider. The goddess bestows a Lunar Blessing on her new champion, boosting her strength and heightening her nocturnal senses. Saddled on top of Nova, her beastly mount, Luna bounds across the Nightsilver Woods to smite trespassers with a searing Lucent Beam. Superior numbers are no advantage against the Moon Rider. Through divine will, the midday sun gives way to night, and every foe is struck by rays of lunar energy as Luna tears through their ranks with flying Moon Glaives. By Selemene's wrath or through her own hand, the Moon Rider levels the battlefield under the brief darkness of the Eclipse.
Roles: Carry Carry Nuker Nuker Pusher Pusher
Complexity: Hero Complexity
Adjectives: Legs ( 2 )


Luna minimap iconLuna, the Moon Rider
▶️ "I was once the scourge of the plains, a terror on the wind. What hope do our enemies think they have?"
How had she been reduced to this? She was once the Scourge of the Plains, a merciless leader of men and beasts, and able to sow terror wherever she dared. Now she was far from her homeland, driven half mad from starvation and months of wandering, her army long dead or worse. As she stood at the edge of an ancient forest, a pair of glowing eyes spied on from an elder branch. Something beautiful and deadly sought a meal in the wilting dusk. Without a sound, it turned and left. Fury overtook her. Clutching a rust-eaten dagger, she charged after the beast determined to reclaim even a shred of her past glory, but her quarry would not be caught. Three times she cornered the creature among the rocks and trees, and three times she pounced only to witness its fading shadow darting further into the woods. Yet the full moon shone brightly, and the creature's trail was easy to follow.

Arriving in a clearing atop a high hill, the beast's massive feline form sat in the open, attentive and waiting. When the woman brandished her dagger, the creature reared and roared and charged. Death, it seemed, had come for her at long last in this strange place. She stood, calm and ready. A flash of movement, and the beast snatched the dagger from her hand before vanishing into the forest. Stillness. Hooded figures approached. In reverent tones they revealed that Selemene, Goddess of the Moon, had chosen her, had guided her, had tested her. Unwittingly she had endured the sacred rites of the Dark Moon, warriors of the Nightsilver Woods.

She was offered a choice: join the Dark Moon and pledge herself to the service of Selemene, or leave and never return. She did not hesitate. Embracing her absolution, she renounced her bloody past, and took up a new mantle as Luna of the Dark Moon, the dreaded Moon Rider, ruthless and ever-loyal guardian of the Nightsilver Woods.


Lucent Beam
Frosthaven Lucent Beam icon
Calls a beam of lunar energy down upon enemies within 225 units of the target, damaging and briefly stunning them.
Cast Animation: 0.4+0.47
Cast Range: 800 (Talent 1000)
Radius: 225
Damage: 75/150/225/300 (Talent 175/250/325/400)
Stun Duration: 0.8
Cooldown symbol
 6 (Talent 2)
Mana symbol
Selemene smites those who encroach upon the Nightsilver Woods.

  • Lucent Beam first applies the damage, then the debuff.
  • Luna's glaive emits some particles during the cast time, visible to everyone.

Moon Glaives
Moon Glaives icon
Empowers Luna's glaives, causing her attacks to bounce between enemy units. Deals less damage with each bounce.
Bounce Search Radius: 500
Number of Bounces: 2/4/6/8
Damage Reduction per Bounce: 15%
Carefully sharpened, Luna's boomerang-like weapon cuts a wide swath through enemy numbers.

  • The bouncing glaives travel at a speed of 900 (the same speed as her attack projectile).
  • Moon Glaives only procs if an attack successfully hits a target. This means a missed or disjointed attack does not proc it.
  • Despite the ability's appearance, its effects fully count as a passive spell, and not as attacks.
  • A bouncing glaive can be disjointed. When disjointed, the disjointing unit is not registered as hit, meaning the glaive can immediately bounce on it again if within range.
  • A disjointed bounce still counts as a bounce, so it reduces the amount of bounces left and the damage of the next bounce.
  • It does not matter how much damage the initial target from the attack takes, the bounces always deal damage based on Luna's average main damage + bonus damage.
    • This means that the armor of or other damage manipulating effects on the initial attack target do not influence the bounces' damage at all.
    • It also means that damage from attack modifiers like crits or Quell's bonus damage against creeps do not affect it either.
  • Can bounce back to the same units if it already hit all other nearby units. If no other units are nearby, the ability does nothing. Cannot bounce on enemies in the Fog of War.
  • Does not bounce towards wards and allies, but it does bounce off of them when attacking them. Fully works against buildings.
  • The bounces deal 85%/72.25%/61.41%/52.2%/44.37%/37.71%/32.06%/27.25% of Luna's original attack damage.
  • Moon Glaives can deal up to 172.25%/224.45%/262.17%/289.41% damage to the primary attack target.
  • Deals a total of 257.25%/370.86%/452.95%/512.26% physical damage, assuming max bounces per level.
  • Upon learning, Luna's glaive permanently emits blue particles, visible to everyone.

Lunar Blessing
Can be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. Pierces spell immunity. EL
Lunar Blessing icon
Increases the primary attribute for Luna and nearby allied heroes. Luna is also blessed with increased vision range at night.
Radius: 1200
Primary Attribute Bonus: 6/12/18/24
Night Vision Bonus: 200/400/600/800
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Lunar Blessing Aura
The Goddess of the Moon smiles upon her kin.

  • Upon learning, Luna emits very faint pulsing particles around her.
  • Increases Luna's night vision to a total of 1000/1200/1400/1600.
  • The aura's buff lingers for 0.5 seconds.

Eclipse icon
No Target N/A
Showers random nearby enemies with strikes from Luna's current level of Lucent Beam. These beams do not stun their targets, and there is a maximum number of times that a single target can be struck. Also turns day into night for 10 seconds.
Cast Animation: 0.6+0.2
Cast Range: 0 (With Aghanim's Scepter 2500, With Aghanim's Scepter and Talent 2700)
Search Radius: 675
Number of Beams: 8/11/14 (With Aghanim's Scepter 10/15/20)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Allows Luna to cast Eclipse on an allied unit or herself and have its effects follow them, or cast it on an area. Also increases total beams and duration, removes the limit on beams per unit, and makes the beams appear twice as fast.
In times of great need, Selemene herself descends into the world, blocking out the light and hope of the opposed.

  • Beams deal damage based on Luna's current level of Frosthaven Lucent Beam icon Lucent Beam, so if not learned, Eclipse deals no damage.
    • The damage (Talent and stun) are applied in an area as well, just like a regular Lucent Beam cast.
  • Eclipse turns day into night for 10 seconds. This is independent from the Eclipse duration.
  • When Luna dies, Eclipse stops. However, the 10 second night still continues.
    • When upgraded and cast on the ground, it still ends when Luna dies.
    • When upgraded and cast on an ally, it stops when the ally dies.
  • Luna's glaive emits some particles during the cast time, visible to everyone.
  • Multiple casts (both with and without Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter) work fully independently from each other.
  • When upgraded, double-clicking the ability targets self.
    • Can target any allied units, except for wards and buildings.
    • Provides 675 radius ground vision for its duration when not targeting a unit.
  • When choosing the level 25 talent, each beam also stuns hit enemies for 0.25 seconds.
    • Unlike the damage, the stun is applied regardless of Lucent Beam's level, since it is not based on Lucent Beam's stun.
    • The talent immediately takes effect, causing the already active casts to stun as well.
    • The beams first apply their damage, then the debuff.


Hero Talents
+0.25s Eclipse icon Eclipse Lucent Ministun2525% Lifesteal
+100 Frosthaven Lucent Beam icon Lucent Beam Damage20+8 All Stats
+30 Movement Speed15-4s Frosthaven Lucent Beam icon Lucent Beam Cooldown
+200 Cast Range10+15 Attack Speed