Dota 2 Wiki
Keeper of the Light
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
16 + 2.3
15 + 1.6
23 + 2.8
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 472 1176 1946 2232
+0 +1.44 +4.34 +7.49 +8.7
Mana 75 351 819 1299 1491
+0 +1.15 +3.11 +5.11 +5.91
Armor -1 1.5 5.23 9.9 11.57
Magic Resist 25% 27.3% 31.22% 35.22% 36.82%
Damage Block -






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.68/s 0.81/s 0.97/s 1.03/s
Attack Range Ranged 600 (800)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.3 + 0.85
Projectile Speed 900
Move Speed ▶️ 335 (Nighttime 365)
Turn Rate Takes 0.209s to turn 180°. 0.5
Collision Size 24
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal Not Provided

Provides instant mana to allies.
What appears to be a frail old man on his steed is, in truth, a Fundamental, the Keeper of the Light. Ezalor's staff Illuminates the darkest corners, banishing evil from the realm. He replenishes his companions with Chakra Magic, while casting a Blinding Light over the land, causing attacks to miss. Heads turn to stare at a mysterious shimmering orb, unable to look away as the Keeper's allies encircle foes hypnotized by the flickering lights of the Will-O-Wisp. Effortlessly weakening his foes, Binding them to the primordial light. Revealing his full power, he enters Spirit Form, riding forth in all planes at once, Recalling his allies to further press the assault.
Roles: Support Support Nuker Nuker Disabler Disabler
Complexity: Hero ComplexityHero Complexity
Adjectives: Legs ( 2 )


Keeper of the Light minimap iconEzalor, the Keeper of the Light
▶️ "They say twas I who carried the first light into the universe. They might be right, I can't quite recall."
Upon a pale horse he rides, this spark of endless suns, this Keeper of the Light. Ezalor long ago escaped the Fundamental Plane, separating from the other ancient forces to which he was bound within the great Primordial harmony. He is a power grown sentient in the dawn of the universe, and now rides forth in all planes at once, one step ahead of pursuing chaos, bearing his gift with him at the end of a radiant staff. His majestic truth lies hidden beneath the outward appearance of a slightly doddering old man who barely stays in the saddle. However, when faced with the challenge of chaos, or the forces of darkness, his primordial light bursts forth, and his full power is revealed, transforming him once again into a force to be reckoned with.
Keeper, Ezalor, KOTL


Frosthaven Illuminate icon
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Allies)
Channels light energy, building power the longer it's channeled. Once released, a wave is sent forth that deals damage and gives vision in its path. The longer it is channeled, the more damage is dealt.
Cast Range: 1800 (Talent 2150)
Travel Distance: 1550 (Talent 1900)
Wave Radius: 375
Max Channel Time: 2
Damage/Heal Increase per Second: 100/150/200/250
Max Damage: 200/300/400/500 (Talent 400/500/600/700)
Max Heal: 0 (With Aghanim's Scepter 200/300/400/500, With Aghanim's Scepter and Talent 400/500/600/700)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Allows Illuminate to heal allies for 100% of its damage values during daytime.
Spirit Form
Ezalor's hidden light reveals itself in marvelous fashion.

  • The wave travels at a speed of 1050, taking 1.48 (Talent 1.81) seconds to travel the full distance.
  • Can hit units up to 1925 (Talent 2275) range away (travel distance + radius).
  • The Damage and heal increase by 1/1.5/2/2.5 for every 0.01 seconds, starting as the 0.3 second cast time begins.
    • The damage/heal increasing talent does not alter this. The talent's bonus is added after the scaling damage is calculated.
    • This means it can deal and heal for a minimum of 30/45/60/75 (Talent 230/245/260/275) damage/heal.
    • This also means that the maximum damage and heal are reached after 1.7 seconds of channeling.
  • Checks the current daytime upon releasing the wave.
  • During the channeling, the spell spawns vision fields in a line in front of Ezalor.
    • The vision fields provide 375 range flying vision and last for 10.34 seconds each.
    • The first vision field spawns 150 range in front of Ezalor. The following ones spawn 150 range away from the previous vision fields.
    • The vision fields are spawned in 0.5 second intervals, starting 0.5 seconds after channeling start, resulting in up to 4 fields.
    • When the channeling gets canceled, it stops spawning vision fields. This does not affect the travel distance of the wave.
    • When fully channeled, all vision fields together reach up to 825 range away with their vision.
  • The Spirit Form buff is granted by Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter. It has only visual purposes and does nothing.

Release Illuminate
Release Illuminate icon
No Target
Release the channel early.
Cooldown symbol

  • Interrupts Keeper of the Light's channeling spells upon cast.

Blinding Light
Blinding Light icon
A blinding light flashes over the targeted area, knocking back and blinding the units in the area, causing them to miss attacks.
Cast Animation: 0.3+1.07
Cast Range: 550/600/650/700 (Talent 900/950/1000/1050)
Radius: 600
Knockback Distance: 350
Damage: 50/100/150/200
Miss Chance: 70%
Knockback Duration: 0.4
Miss Duration: 3/4/5/6
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Blinding Light Knockback
Blinding Light
The Primordial light turns the tides of battle in favor of Ezalor and his allies.

  • Knocks units back at a speed of 875. Knockback distance is always 350, no matter how far the unit is from the center.
  • Units are not disabled during the knockback. They can still turn, attack, cast spells and use items. Channeling spells are not interrupted.
  • Can knock units over impassable terrain. Destroys trees within 150 radius of affected units upon landing.

Chakra Magic
Chakra Magic icon
Restores mana to the target unit and reduces cooldowns of all abilities currently on cooldowns by a fixed amount.
Cast Range: 900 (Talent 1250)
Mana Restored: 80/160/240/320 (Talent 380/460/540/620)
Current Cooldowns Reduction: 3/4/5/6
Cooldown symbol
In the same vein, Ezalor bestows his harmony among others.

  • Chakra Magic and Chakra Burn are linked abilities; leveling up one automatically levels up the other as well.
  • Only reduces cooldowns of every non-ultimate ability, including passive abilities.

Chakra Burn
Frosthaven Chakra Burn icon
Damages an enemy unit and heavily reduces their magic resistance.
Cast Range: 750 (Talent 1100)
Magic Resistance Reduction: 20%/30%/40%/50%
Damage: 100/150/200/250 (Talent 400/450/500/550)
Damage Duration: 1
Debuff Duration: 8
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Chakra Burn Debuff
Chakra Burn Damage
In the same vein, Ezalor bestows his harmony among others.

  • Chakra Magic and Chakra Burn are linked abilities; leveling up one automatically levels up the other as well.
  • Deals 20/30/40/50 (80/90/100/110) damage in 0.2 second intervals, starting 0.2 seconds after cast, resulting in 5 damage instances.
  • The magic resistance reduction starts at 0, and increases by 4%/6%/8%/10% together with each damage instance.

Will-O-Wisp icon
Summons Ignis Fatuus at the targeted area. Alternates on and off every second. When active, it causes all enemies near it to stare hypnotized at it. Can be attacked by units outside of the radius, dies after a certain number of attacks.
Cast Animation: 0.1+1.27
Cast Range: 900 (Talent 1250)
Radius: 675
Attacks to Destroy: 4/5/6
Hypnotize Movement Speed: 25
Number of Flickers: 3/4/5 (Talent 5/6/7)
Initial Delay: 1
Off Duration: 1.85
On Duration: 1.3
Wisp Duration: 9.35/12.5/15.65 (Talent 15.65/18.8/21.95)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Will O Wisp

Lua error in Module:VarQuery at line 21: No results found..
This unit has no health.
This unit has no mana.

  • The wisp starts flickering 3.15 seconds, up to 3/4/5 (Talent 5/6/7) times.
  • Only attacks from heroes (including clones, excluding illusions) can damage the wisp.
  • Destroys trees within the radius upon cast.


Hero Talents
+200 Frosthaven Illuminate icon Illuminate Damage/Heal25+2 Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Will-O-Wisp". Flicker
+300 Chakra Magic icon Chakra Magic Mana/Damage20+40% Magic Resistance
+350 Cast Range1515% Spell Amplification
+25 Movement Speed108% Spell Lifesteal
  • The cast range talent also affects the max distance of Frosthaven Illuminate icon Illuminate.
  • The spell lifesteal talent stacks additively with other sources of spell lifesteal.
  • The spell lifesteal talent heals for 1.6% from non-hero units. Treats creep-heroes as creeps and does not heal off of illusions.
  • The magic resistance talent stacks multiplicatively with other sources of magic resistance.
  • The magic resistance talent increases Keeper of the Light's magic resistance to 55%.