Dota 2 Wiki
Hand of God icon
▶️ I grow stronger!
Storm Spirit

ExperienceXP is an element heroes can gather by killing enemy units, or being present as enemy units get killed. On its own, experience does nothing, but when accumulated, it increases the hero's level, so that they grow more powerful. Only heroes can gather experience and therefore reach higher levels.

With each level gained, a hero's base attributes increase by static values, which makes them stronger in several ways. Heroes may also learn new abilities upon leveling up, or improve already learned spells onto higher levels, making them more powerful. Talent Talents may also be learned on certain levels, which further improve the hero's stats or abilities.


Each hero begins at level 1, with one free ability point to spend. Heroes may level up by acquiring certain amounts of experience. Upon leveling up, the hero's Strength attribute symbol / Agility attribute symbol / Intelligence attribute symbol attributes increase by fixed amounts (unique for each hero), which makes them overall more powerful. Heroes may also gain more ability points by leveling up, allowing them to learn new abilities, to improve an already learned ability, making it more powerful or to gain additional attributes. On certain levels, ability points may also be spent for Talent talents, which further improve their stats or abilities. Ability points do not need to be spent immediately, a hero can level up multiple times while saving the ability points.

The amount of experience required to level up increases for each level. There is no specific formula for this requirement, but rather just set values for each individual level. Heroes can gain a total for 29 levels, resulting in level 30 as the highest possible level a hero can reach.

Hero level Total XP XP Needed Unlocks
1 0 240
2 240 400
3 640 520
4 1160 600 Lvl 1 Divided We Stand icon Divided We Stand
5 1760 680
6 2440 760 Lvl 1 Ultimate
7 3200 800
8 4000 900
9 4900 1000
10 5900 1100 Talent 1
11 7000 1200 Lvl 2 Divided We Stand icon Divided We Stand
12 8200 1300 Lvl 2 Ultimate
13 9500 1400
14 10900 1500
15 12400 1600 Talent 2
16 14000 1700
17 15700 1800
18 17500 1900 Lvl 3 Ultimate
19 19400 2000
20 21400 2200 Talent 3
21 23600 2400
22 26000 2600
23 28600 2800
24 31400 3000
25 34400 4000 Talent 4
26 38400 5000
27 43400 6000 Talent 1
28 49400 7000 Talent 2
29 56400 7500 Talent 3
30 63900 - Talent 4

Acquiring Experience[]

Experience is awarded in a 1500 radius when an enemy hero dies to any ally, or when an enemy non-hero unit (creeps or summons) dies to any ally or any neutral creep. This experience is shared between all allied heroes within the area, truncated and splitting evenly amongst them. Therefore, the more heroes there are, the less every individual hero gets, and if no hero is nearby, the experience is effectively lost or wasted. Additionally, heroes that are already level 30 still take their share of experience within range, also effectively wasting experience.

Dying units do not grant any experience if they have Reincarnation. Dying summons or illusions do not grant any experience if their duration runs out naturally.

Heroes must be alive to gain experience. Other status effects, such as spell immunity, invulnerability, and being hidden, do not prevent a hero from gaining experience.


Except Divided We Stand icon Meepo Clones and the Vengeance Aura icon Vengeance Illusion, hero clones and illusions do not gain any experience, and are not considered by the experience sharing.

Meepo minimap icon Meepo
  • Divided We Stand icon Meepo Clones only gain 30% of all experience, the remaining experience within the experience share radius is gained by nearby ally heroes.
    • If there are no ally heroes in the area, 70% of the experience will be lost.
    • Having multiple Meepo Clones within the experience range does not stack their share up, it always remains at 30%.
    • Meepo Prime is considered an ally hero if it is within the experience gain radius.
  • The distribution of experience can be defined as follow:
    • Total experience gain per Meepo Clones:
    • Total experience gain for ally heroes:
    • Total experience gain per ally hero:
Clone Only with Ally Heroes in Experience Gain Range
Heroes in XP Radius Clone XP Gain Total Ally XP Gain XP Gain per Ally Meepo minimap icon Meepo XP Gain
(Prime + Clones)
Meepo minimap icon Meepo XP Gain Bonus
Only Clones 30% 70% Undefined - -
1 15% 85% 85% 100%XP -
2 10% 90% 45% 55%XP +5%
3 7.5% 92.5% 30.83% 38.33%XP +5%
4 6% 94% 23.5% 29.5%XP +4.5%
5 5% 95% 19% 24%XP +4%
The difference in experience gained is calculated between Meepo with Clones and ally heroes splitting experience evenly.
Vengeance Aura icon Vengence Illusion

The Vengence Illusion is considered an ally hero within the area. Experience is shared and split evenly amongst her and her allies.

Hero Kills[]

Hero kills give experience in an area as well, splitting it up amongst all present heroes. However, unlike non-hero kills, hero kills always grant experience to the hero of the player who killed them, regardless of distance. This means when a player kills an enemy hero while outside the experience range (with a global spell, or with units under their control), but has an ally within the experience range of the killed enemy hero (regardless of any actual contribution to the kill), the experience is split between the killing player's hero, and the hero of the allied player who was within range of the kill.

Experience granted by heroes is determined by the following values and formula:

Hero Kills Base XP Factor XP
100XP 0.13

BountyXP = (100XP + 0.13 × DeadHeroXP) / n + StreakXP

This means for every 7.69XP the dying hero has, their experience bounty increases by 1XP, starting with a base experience of 100XP.

The following table shows the experience bounty ranges based on the level of the killed hero. The experience bounty does not increase past level 25.

Dead Hero Level Possible Current XP of dead hero Possible XP bounty of dead hero
1 0 - 239 100 - 131.07
2 240 - 639 131.2 - 183.07
3 640 - 1159 183.2 - 250.67
4 1160 - 1759 250.8 - 328.67
5 1760 - 2439 328.8 - 417.07
6 2440 - 3199 417.2 - 515.87
7 3200 - 3999 516 - 619.87
8 4000 - 4899 620 - 736.87
9 4900 - 5899 737 - 866.87
10 5900 - 6999 867 - 1009.87
11 7000 - 8199 1010 - 1165.87
12 8200 - 9499 1166 - 1334.87
13 9500 - 10899 1335 - 1516.87
14 10900 - 12399 1517 - 1711.87
15 12400 - 13999 1712 - 1919.87
16 14000 - 15699 1920 - 2140.87
17 15700 - 17499 2141 - 2374.87
18 17500 - 19399 2375 - 2621.87
19 19400 - 21399 2622 - 2881.87
20 21400 - 23599 2882 - 3167.87
21 23600 - 25999 3168 - 3479.87
22 26000 - 28599 3480 - 3817.87
23 28600 - 31399 3818 - 4181.87
24 31400 - 34399 4182 - 4571.87
25 - 30 34400 4572

Streak Values[]

Additionally, if the killed hero had a killing streak going on, bonus experience is awarded for killing them, on top of the default experience values. This experience bonus depends on the killed hero's level.

Streak Value Bonus Experience does not increase past beyond GODLIKE.

The streak experience bounty is defined by the following formula:

f(x) = (1.25x2 - 2.5x + 10) × L

The following bonuses are granted for ending a streak:

Streak length Streak name Streak value (XP)
0, 1, 2 N/A N/A 0
3 ▶️ Player is on a killing spree 13.75 × Level
4 ▶️ Player is dominating 20 × Level
5 ▶️ Player is on a mega Kill streak 28.75 × Level
6 ▶️ Player is unstoppable! 40 × Level
7 ▶️ Player is wicked sick 53.75 × Level
8 ▶️ Player is on a monster kill streak 70 × Level
9 ▶️ Player is GODLIKE 88.75 × Level
10+ ▶️ Player is beyond GODLIKE, someone kill them!! 110 × Level
Announcer responses are customizable


Main Article: Denying

When a hero gets denied (be it by allies or by the hero itself), 0% no experience is awarded to enemies around it. This also applies to heroes killed by neutral creeps.

When other player-controlled units get denied, 0% experience is awarded to the enemy either. Summons dying to neutral creeps do not count as denied and grant their default experience bounty.

When a lane creep gets denied, the enemy gets 50% of its Experience Experience bounty, instead of 100%. Lane creeps dying to neutral creeps do not count as denied and grant their default experience bounty.

Experience Granting Abilities[]

Some abilities award a hero with experience when used.

  • Hand of Midas icon
    Experience Bonus Multiplier: 2.1
    Multiplies the target's experience value.
  • Tome of Knowledge icon
    Base Experience Gained: 700
    Bonus Experience Gained per Previous Tome: 135
    The first two tomes used only grant the base 700XP. Each subsequent Tome used by that team grants a bonus 135XP than the previous Tome, has no upper limit.This is an old ability.


Experience Gain
Talent icon
There is no description for this ability.
Experience Multiplier: Varies

  • Increases all experience the hero gains by a percentage.
  • The following values exist:
    • 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%/30%/35%/40%/50%/60%

No hero has this talent.

Other Experience Sources[]

Most creeps have a fixed experience value they grant. This includes lane creeps and most summoned units. Buildings do not grant any experience.

Neutral creeps have each a unique base value, which stays the same throught the match, although neutral creeps that spawned by getting stacked have a 15% penalty on their experience bounty. Roshan icon Roshan's experience bounty increases by 0.5 every 0.375 minute. Neutral creeps always grant experience to both teams, no matter who kills them, splitting it evenly amongst all present heroes.

Lane Creeps[]

Main Article: Lane creeps
Creep Experience
Melee creeps
Melee Creep
Ranged creeps
Ranged Creep
Siege creeps
Siege Creep
Melee creeps
Super Melee Creep
Ranged creeps
Super Ranged Creep
Siege creeps
Super Siege Creep
Mega Melee creeps
Mega Melee Creep
Mega Ranged creeps
Mega Ranged Creep

Neutral Creeps[]

Main Article: Neutral creeps


Roshan model
400 + 20 every minute


Main Article: Summons


Recent Changes[]

Main Article: Experience/Changelogs

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

    kill streak experience bonus formula from (StreakLength² - StreakLength + 8XP) × DeadHeroLVL to (1.25 × StreakLength² - 2.5 × StreakLength + 10XP) × DeadHeroLVL.
  • Watch Tower icon Watch Tower no longer grants 2 × GameTime experience.
    kill streak experience bonus formula from (StreakLength - 1) × 10XP × DeadHeroLVL to (StreakLength² - StreakLength + 8XP) × DeadHeroLVL.
  • Watch Tower icon Watch Tower
    • Changed experience gain formula from 20XP/min - 50XP to 2XP/min.
    • Reduced experience gain interval from 600 to 60.
    • Compared to the previous version at 10/20/30/40 minutes, total ExperienceXP given per player changed from 150/500/1050/1800XP to 110/420/930/1640XP.

</div> </div>
