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Bad against...[]

Batrider icon
  • Batrider has huge damage from his Sticky Napalm icon Sticky Napalm and hand strikes on the target, with this effect. And Ember Spirit not only has a small reserve of health, but also has a melee type of attack. If these two collide on the center line, then Ember Spirit will have to finish off several creeps from afar with a Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist, otherwise he will lose a lot of health from long-range Batrider attacks under Sticky Napalm icon Sticky Napalm, and possibly even kill, because Ember Spirit does not have the ability to interrupt Batraider with his damage if he decides to attack
  • Ember Spirit is a very tasty target for Flaming Lasso icon Flaming Lasso, because it has a small reserve of health, and all the power lies in the abilities that Flaming Lasso icon Flaming Lasso forbids using, this can help the Batraider team quickly deal with the unpleasant "jumping" Ember Spirit in a fight if he gets into Flaming Lasso icon Flaming Lasso
Huskar icon
  • Huskar can destroy Ember Spirit both on the line and in the game. It will be extremely difficult for Ember Spirit to finish off the creeps, because Huskar will not let him approach them, and if Ember Spirit does come up, Huskar just shuts him up with his Burning Spear icon Burning Spear and Ember Spirit will have to go to the base or bring himself treatment, or continue to stand and die. In all cases, Ember Spirit will go into negative
Invoker icon
  • Ember Spirit has a small mana pool, which is why QW-Invoker can burn it out very effectively with his own E.M.P. icon E.M.P., do not give Ember Spirit the opportunity to play with his abilities and cause damage with them in a fight.
  • QW-Invoker Destroys Ember Spirit's Flame Guard icon Flame Guard with his own Tornado icon Tornado, which is why Ember Spirit cannot defend against Invoker's strong magic damage.
Lion icon
  • Lion possesses two strong disables in Earth Spike icon Earth Spike and Hex (Lion) icon Hex and heavy magic burst with Finger of Death icon Finger of Death which help lock him down and prevent him from escaping with Activate Fire Remnant. When getting his Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger Lion can punish Ember Spirit's overextension immediately, or initiate a fight on him with disables.
Lone Druid icon
  • Lone Druid becomes unkillable and impenetrable for Ember Spirit on the central line, as it has a huge reserve of health from the Summon Spirit Bear icon Summon Spirit Bear and a large regeneration from Spirit Link icon Spirit Link, which is why Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist practically does not break through either one or the other on the line, and Lone Druid at this time can easily expel Ember Spirit from the line, push and gain gold and level
  • Entangling Claws (Spirit Bear) icon Entangling Claws and Savage Roar icon Savage Roar abilities completely disable Ember Spirit's ability to dodge abilities or get out of an unpleasant fight for him on Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant, which can give the Lone Druid team the opportunity to kill him
Shadow Fiend icon
  • Shadowraze (Medium) icon Shadowraze can easily remove the protection from Flame Guard and kill Ember Spirit due to his low health.
  • Ember Spirit is very vulnerable to physical damage from Necromastery icon Necromastery.
Silencer icon
  • Global Silence icon Global Silence and Last Word icon Last Word can prevent Ember Spirit from casting Activate Fire Remnant to escape.
  • Glaives of Wisdom icon Glaives of Wisdom also provide high pure damage that is not negated by Flame Guard.
  • Arcane Curse icon Arcane Curse is also a potent harassing tool in the laneing stage as its cooldown is lower than Flame Guard's.
Storm Spirit icon
  • Storm Spirit is not only a potent Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence carrier, his Electric Vortex icon Electric Vortex provides an additional disable and Overload icon Overload provides a great slow. When paired with Static Remnant icon Static Remnant, they can cut through Flame Guard fast.
  • Ball Lightning icon Ball Lightning not only provides great initiation upon Ember Spirit from any position anytime, but also helps dodge Sleight of Fist.
Faceless Void icon
  • Faceless Void is one of the best heroes against Ember Spirit, providing a lot of ways of dealing with him. Ember Spirit becomes a lot weaker if affected by Time Dilation icon Time Dilation, as he can no longer spam Sleight of Fist.
  • Chronosphere icon Chronosphere is also a reliable lockdown for Ember Spirit, although it can be evaded sometimes by Activate Fire Remnant. Additionally, Void can easily negate Sleight of Fist damage with Time Walk icon Time Walk.
  • And finally, Void is a great Diffusal Blade icon Diffusal Blade carrier. Not only Diffusal Blade icon Manabreak's physical damage not negated by Flame Guard, but it also burns Ember Spirit's mana. That, in turn, prevents him from escaping if he survived Chronosphere icon Chronosphere.
Omniknight icon
  • The pure damage provided by Purification icon Purification is a great addition for killing Ember Spirit, as well as a good way of saving teammates.
  • Guardian Angel icon Guardian Angel will temporarily save his allies from Sleight of Fist's physical damage, and Ember Spirit is not a hero that will get Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence to counter it.
Outworld Destroyer icon
  • The pure damage provided by Arcane Orb icon Arcane Orb is a great addition for killing Ember Spirit.
  • Astral Imprisonment icon Astral Imprisonment fully negates all magic damage of Flame Guard and Searing Chains and will temporarily save himself from Sleight of Fist's physical damage, and Ember Spirit is not a hero that can counter these skills.
Nyx Assassin icon
  • With Vendetta icon Vendetta, Nyx Assassin can move closely to Ember Spirit when he's farming with his Flame Guard and use Spiked Carapace icon Spiked Carapace with Impale icon Impale to provide a reliable and long disable.
Kunkka icon


  • The general opinion that Doom minimap icon Doom can counter Ember Spirit with his Doom ability icon Doom is a misconception, as Doom ability icon Doom has a long cast animation, so an attentive Ember Spirit can easily dodge it if he has a Fire Remnant nearby. Doom is still an extremely effective early ganker however, as his Scorched Earth icon Scorched Earth and Infernal Blade icon Infernal Blade damage can quickly overwhelm Flame Guard's magic damage absorption, leaving Ember Spirit with no protection against them. Additional skills that Doom can get from Neutral creeps can also help bully Ember Spirit early. Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger on Doom can also help, providing a good way to apply Doom ability icon Doom on Ember Spirit.
  • Queen of Pain minimap icon Queen of Pain can be a good hero for dealing with Ember Spirit with Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence, her pure damage nuke in Sonic Wave icon Sonic Wave and a slow in Shadow Strike icon Shadow Strike. However, Queen of Pain can be punished by Ember Spirit, as his Searing Chains prevents her from getting Blink (Queen of Pain) icon Blink off.
  • Anti-Mage minimap icon Anti-Mage is potentially good against Ember Spirit since he can burn Ember Spirit's mana, prevent him from escaping or using his skill. Anti-Mage has high magic resistance, which will reduce most of the damage from Ember Spirit's skill set. However, Anti-Mage lacks any form of stuns or lockdowns, and may struggle to kill Ember Spirit if he still has some mana left.


  • Orchid Malevolence icon Orchid Malevolence and Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn can be devastating for Ember Spirit, as silences prevent him from getting Activate Fire Remnant off. Ember Spirit is quite fragile as well, so additional damage from these items will be very helpful. It will probably force Ember Spirit to get Manta Style icon Manta Style or Black King Bar icon Black King Bar as well, which will limit his late game damage potential.
  • Abyssal Blade icon Abyssal Blade and Scythe of Vyse icon Scythe of Vyse are both strong disables, preventing Ember Spirit from easily escaping.
  • Assault Cuirass icon Assault Cuirass and Crimson Guard icon Crimson Guard greatly decrease Ember Spirit's damage output from regular attacks and Sleight of Fist.
  • Butterfly icon Butterfly and Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd allow enemy heroes to survive longer against Ember Spirit because of the evasion bonus and the disarm in Heaven's Halberd's case.
  • Satanic icon Satanic, Heart of Tarrasque icon Heart of Tarrasque, and Eye of Skadi icon Eye of Skadi are all items that will allow enemies to survive Ember Spirit's late game AoE damage from Sleight of Fist. Additionally, Heart of Tarrasque icon Heart of Tarrasque will allow enemies to repeatedly breach Ember Spirit's highground without committing any resources.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul's Scepter of Divinity can be tactically used to lock Ember down, dispelling his Flame Guard, and being followed by another disable.

Good against...[]

Bloodseeker icon
  • Fire Remnant allows Ember Spirit to escape Bloodseeker while Rupture icon Ruptured.
Earth Spirit icon
  • Ember Spirit easily finishes off all creeps on the line against Earth Sprit, exchanging health with him under his Flame Guard icon Flame Guard, which is why Earth Spirit can leave the line for ganks very early and without the necessary amount of gold and levels, which will give the Ember Spirit team an advantage to fight off such ganks
  • The Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist ability helps Ember Spirit dodge all of Earth Spirit's abilities, which makes his gank potential practically useless against Ember Spirit, and with the purchase of Black King Bar icon Black King Bar, Ember Spirit can use Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist to combine with Searing Chains icon Searing Chains to catch and kill Earth Spirit.

Meepo icon
  • Meepo is quite fragile in the early game and can be easily taken down by Flame Guard's and Searing Chains' damage. Later on, Meepo is very vulnerable to Sleight of Fist's damage due to Battle Fury icon Battle Fury's cleave on multiple Meepos.
Chaos Knight icon
  • Ember Spirit is evasive and can dodge close encounters with melee heroes like Chaos Knight. Ember Spirit can't be caught with the slow from Reality Rift icon Reality Rift, and Flame Guard and Sleight of Fist can bring Phantasm icon Phantasm's illusions down quickly.
Lina icon
Terrorblade icon
  • Ember Spirit can deal devastating damage to illusion heroes like Terrorblade with Sleight of Fist. Terrorblade also has no way of preventing Ember Spirit from getting Activate Fire Remnant off. Additionally, Ember Spirit's ability to fight from long range as well as his wide skill set won't give many opportunities for Terrorblade to get Sunder icon Sunder off.
Crystal Maiden icon
  • Crystal Maiden is extremely fragile and she's an easy target for him. She has no real disables that can lock Ember Spirit down, and all of her skill damage can be negated with Flame Guard. The damage from Searing Chains, Flame Guard, and Sleigh of Fist can easily take her down.
Nature's Prophet icon
  • Ember Spirit can easily deal with Nature's Call icon Nature's Call by using his Flame Guard and with Battle Fury icon Battle Fury. He also has multiple ways of escaping Sprout icon Sprout. Additionally, Ember Spirit can break Sprout icon Sprout's trees with Activate Fire Remnant and interrupt Teleportation icon Teleportation with Searing Chains.
Phantom Lancer icon
  • Sleight of Fist is the natural counter to Phantom Lancer's army of illusions, especially when combined with Battle Fury icon Battle Fury.
Templar Assassin icon
  • Searing Chains and Flame Guard quickly burn through Refraction icon Refraction instances exposing her low health pool.
  • Templar Assassin has no inherent way to prevent Ember Spirit from escaping, a good Ember player also will be able to dodge her meld attack
  • Ember Spirit`s Searing Chains icon Searing Chains give true sight into invisibility, why Templar Assassin can't hide from it in Meld icon Meld and get out of the fight using Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger
Zeus icon
  • Zeus laneing against Ember is going to be punished with Sleight of Fist due to his low health pool
  • Zeus's chip damage from Arc Lightning icon Arc Lightning and other spells is nullified from Ember's Flame Guard.


  • You need a hard disable or a silence to catch Ember Spirit, as slow will never be enough so long as he has a Remnant somewhere. As such, he can be a good pick against any line-up that lacks those disables.
  • Similarly, the only disable Ember Spirit offers is the root from Searing Chains. As such, he can also be a good pick if the enemies are vulnerable to root effects.
  • Ember Spirit does regular attacks to creeps and Sleight of Fist for enemy heroes, so Blade Mail icon Blade Mail doesn't really work against him.
  • Heroes that heavily depend on illusions or summons, (Naga Siren minimap icon Naga Siren, Terrorblade minimap icon Terrorblade, Phantom Lancer minimap icon Phantom Lancer, Lycan minimap icon Lycan,...) are vulnerable to Sleight of Fist and even more so if Ember Spirit has Battle Fury icon Battle Fury.

Works well with...[]

Axe icon
  • Berserker's Call icon Berserker's Call forces enemies into a small space, perfect for Sleight of Fist
Bloodseeker icon
  • Bloodrage icon Bloodrage synergizes well with Sleight of Fist. vastly improving your damage
  • Thirst icon Thirst allows you to easily catch heroes who survives your Sleight of Fist.
Dark Seer icon
  • Vacuum icon Vacuum can be effective way to set up Sleight of Fist
  • Ion Shell icon Ion Shell works well with Sleight of Fist as well.
Dazzle icon
  • Dazzle is a great laning support for Ember Spirit. Not only can he heal Ember Spirit with Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave, but he can also provides killing potential with his Poison Touch icon Poison Touch. Dazzle's ability to make game-changing plays with his Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave, combined with the capability to save Ember Spirit makes them a strong pair for the whole game.
  • Bad Juju icon Bad Juju also greatly amplifies Sleight of Fist damage through the armor removal.
Enigma icon
  • Black Hole icon Black Hole creates the perfect setup for Sleight of Fist. Very few heroes will be able to survive a Black Hole/Sleight of Fist combo
  • Midnight Pulse icon Midnight Pulse synergizes well with our Searing chains
Faceless Void icon
  • Ember Spirit is not frozen by Chronosphere icon Chronosphere while using Sleight of Fist or Activate Fire Remnant, enabling him to deal great damage to units caught inside.
Keeper of the Light icon
  • With Chakra Magic icon Chakra Magic, Ember Spirit can use Sleight of Fist twice with 0 cooldown. A recipe for rampages if ever there was one.
  • It also helps that Ember Spirit's spells cost a lot of mana on rather short cooldowns, so the mana regeneration from Chakra Magic stays relevant well into the late game.
Magnus icon
  • Magnus is a great addition for a team with Ember Spirit. His Empower icon Empower is extremely effective, as it greatly increases Ember Spirit's farming speed, granting him a buff somewhat similar to Battle Fury icon Battle Fury.
  • Empower icon Empower stays potent during all game, as it increases damage proportionally and its cleave stacks with Battle Fury icon Battle Fury.
  • Additionally, Reverse Polarity icon Reverse Polarity paired with Sleight of Fist is an extremely effective late game combo.
Skywrath Mage icon
  • Searing Chains is a great set up for Skywrath's Mystic Flare icon Mystic Flare. In return, Skywrath's Ancient Seal icon Ancient Seal allows your Flame Guard, Searing Chains and Fire Remnant to deal increased damage, while preventing them from casting spells to disable you


  • Chen minimap icon Chen's Divine Favor icon Divine Favor works well with Fire Remnant by bringing Ember Spirit back to base to heal, then returning him to action.
  • All AoE disablers and nukers are good for Sleight of Fist.
