Dota 2 Wiki
Ember Spirit
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
22 + 2.6
22 + 3.2
20 + 2.2
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 604 1396 2232 2562
+0.5 +2.48 +5.76 +9.18 +10.53
Mana 75 315 675 1083 1239
+0 +1 +2.54 +4.24 +4.89
Armor 0 3.67 11.13 18.47 21.47
Magic Resist 25% 27% 30.08% 33.48% 34.78%
Damage Block 16 (50%)






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.72/s 0.98/s 1.24/s 1.35/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (600)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.4 + 0.3
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 300 (Nighttime 330)
Turn Rate Takes 0.131s to turn 180°. 0.8
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Fire
Internal npc_dota_hero_ember_spirit
This page is about the hero Ember Spirit. For the city in Dota 2 lore, see Ember (City).
Rapidly strikes and chains his foes.
Impressed by the teachings of Xin, the Burning Celestial breathed life into the warrior-poet's ashes, and from there an image of Xin appeared, born anew as the Ember Spirit. Swift and elusive, the great teacher dashes through his opponents, striking each foe once with a Sleight of Fist before returning to his original spot. He immobilizes enemies with Searing Chains, holding them in place against the scorching heat of his Flame Guard. Across the land, Xin's glowing likenesses stand silent guard. The Ember Spirit arrives at his Fire Remnant from impossible distances, catching the unprepared in a burst of flame before they surrender their lives to Xin's burning blades.
Searing Chains
Sleight of Fist
Flame Guard
Activate Fire Remnant
Fire Remnant
Fire Remnant
Roles: Carry Carry Escape Escape Nuker Nuker Disabler Disabler Initiator Initiator
Complexity: Hero ComplexityHero Complexity
Adjectives: Red, Spirit, Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Ember Spirit minimap iconXin, the Ember Spirit
▶️ "Balance in all things."
Lost within the Wailing Mountains, the Fortress of Flares lay abandoned, its training halls empty, its courtyard covered in leaves and dust. Upon a dais in its sealed temple rests a topaz cauldron filled with ancient ash, remnants of a pyre for the warrior-poet Xin. For three generations, Xin taught his acolytes the Bonds of the Guardian Flame, a series of mantras to train the mind and body for the harsh realities beyond the fortress walls.

However, in teaching a warrior's way he earned a warrior's rivals, and in his autumn Xin was bested and slain. His followers spread to the wind. Yet as years turned to centuries and followers to descendants, his teachings endured by subtle whisper and deed. Touched by the teacher's lasting legacy, the Burning Celestial, inquisitive aspect of fire, cast himself to the Fortress of Flares and reignited the pyre ash. From these glowing embers emerged an image of Xin, wreathed in flame, his thoughtful countenance prepared to train and to teach, and to spread the fires of knowledge to all who seek guidance.
ES, Xin


Searing Chains
Searing Chains icon
No Target
Ember Spirit unleashes fiery bolas that wrap around nearby enemies, anchoring them in place and dealing damage each second.
Search Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 400
Max Targets: 3 (Talent 4)
Damage per Second: 50/70/90/110
Duration: 1.5/2/2.5/3 (Talent 2.5/3/3.5/4)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Partially pierces debuff immunity.
True Sight pierces debuff immunity.
Cannot be disjointed.
Despite the visual effects, the ability effects are applied instantly.
Modifiers [?]
Xin's harshest lessons often employed the use of red-hot chains.

  • The search radius is centered around Ember Spirit, so when no other targets are nearby, nothing happens.
    • The units are selected randomly within the search radius. There are no priorities.
  • Roots the targets, preventing them from moving and casting certain mobility abilities.
  • Deals 25/35/45/55 damage in 0.5-second intervals, starting 0.5 seconds after cast, resulting in 3/4/5/6 (Talent 5/6/7/8) damage instances.
    • Can deal up to 75/140/225/330 (Talent 125/210/315/440) damage to each unit.
  • Successive casts do not update the current debuff instance but refresh the duration instead.
    • The current debuff instance must expire first for the ability values to be updated.

Sleight of Fist
Sleight of Fist icon
Enemies / Self
Ember Spirit dashes around with blazing speed, attacking all enemies in the targeted area of effect, then returning to his start location. Deals bonus damage to heroes.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 650
Effect Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 250/350/450/550
Jump Interval: 0.25
Hero Attack Damage Bonus: 45/85/125/165 (Talent 100/140/180/220)
Charge Replenish Time
  Talent 15/12/9/6
  Talent 2
Cooldown symbol
 15/12/9/6 (Talent 0)
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
The studied warrior must whip and weave through its enemies, burning each without pause.

  • Does not disjoint projectiles upon cast.
  • Sleight of Fist has the following effects:
    • Disarms and turns Ember Spirit invulnerable and unselectable.
    • Other actions besides attacking can be performed normally during it.
    • It neither has a target limit before marking nor a distance limit after marking all its targets.
    • Ember Spirit cannot recast the ability until the current cast finishes.
  • Upon cast, all targets within the area are marked at the same time. A flaming sword appears above them as an indicator, which lasts until they get hit.
    • Units entering the effect radius afterward are neither marked nor attacked.
    • Once a target is marked, it cannot escape regardless of distance.
    • Does not mark invisible or attack immune units.
    • A marked target is fully skipped, when they turn invisible, turn attack immune, or when they die.
    • Fully affects units in the Fog of War, they are also marked upon the cast and get hit as well.
  • Jumps on the first target instantly upon cast, then subsequently jumps in 0.25-second intervals. The jumps are random between all marked units, there are no priorities.
  • On each jump, Sleight of Fist positions Ember Spirit 50 range away from his target, on a line between the target and the ability's cast location, then performs an instant attack on each jump against the targets.
    • These instant attacks can proc any attack modifiers and on-hit effects normally. They do not have True Strike.
    • If Ember Spirit is disarmed by other sources, no instant attack is performed on the jump.
    • Fully ignores Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Couriers.
    • The instant attacks do not break Smoke of Deceit icon Disguise when attacking creeps.
  • Grants unique flat conditional bonus attack damage against heroes.
    • Although the attack damage bonus values are not displayed in the HUD, it is still considered and directly added to Ember Spirit's attack damage upon the instant attacks.
    • The attack damage bonus is considered by critical strike, cleave, and lifesteal, and it can be reduced only by flat reductions (e.g. damage block).
    • Treats illusions and clones as heroes, creep-heroes as creeps.
  • After all marked targets have been slashed, Ember Spirit returns to the position he had upon casting Sleight of Fist.
    • That position is marked by a fiery replica of Ember Spirit for the duration.
    Acquiring the Sleight of Fist charges Talent talent instantly grants 1 extra charge.

Flame Guard
Flame Guard icon
No Target
Self / Enemies
Ember Spirit surrounds himself with a ring of fire that consumes incoming magic damage, absorbing a percentage of the damage taken. Flame Guard deals damage per second in an area around Ember Spirit while Flame Guard is active. If the shield is broken, the damage is also lost.
Damage Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 500
Damage per Second: 25/35/45/55 (Talent 75/85/95/105)
Magical Damage Absorption: 70%
Damage Barrier: Magical Damage Barrier 60/135/210/285 (Talent 260/335/410/485)
Duration: 11/14/17/20
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
An enemy should never be allowed to approach without difficulty.

  • Deals 5/7/9/11 (Talent 15/17/19/21) damage in 0.2-second intervals, starting 0.2 seconds after cast.
    • Can deal a total of 275/490/765/1100 (Talent 825/1190/1615/2100) damage to a single unit, if it lasts the full duration (before reductions).
  • Grants Ember Spirit a Magical Damage Barrier magical damage barrier that absorbs 70% of incoming magical damage values.
    • Stacks additively with the same damage-type barrier sources, and independently with other damage-type barrier sources.
    • Has a higher priority than universal damage barriers in the group of damage barriers.
    • However, when combined with other damage-negating sources (e.g. Refraction icon Refraction), Flame Guard does not absorb any damage until the damage-negation sources expire.
  • The damage barrier is lost upon collectively taking 85/192/300/407 (Talent 371/478/585/692) magical damage.
    • Therefore, a total of 25/57/90/122 (Talent 111/143/175/207) magical damage bypasses the damage barrier before depleting its capacity.
  • Successive casts refresh the buff duration and reset the damage barrier capacity.

Activate Fire Remnant
Activate Fire Remnant icon
Self / Enemies
Select the Fire Remnant to arrive at.
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.4
Cast Range: Global
Damage Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 450
Damage: 100/200/300
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Cannot be disjointed.
Does not disjoint projectiles upon cast.
Modifiers [?]
With blazing speed does a spirit fly!

  • Ember Spirit travels to a Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant with a speed of 1300 if it can be reached within 1 second at that speed, or reaches it in 0.4 seconds.
    • Therefore, Ember Spirit travels even faster when the distance between two Fire Remnants is greater than 520.
    • Ember Spirit is invulnerable while traveling to a Fire Remnant.
  • The mana cost of Activate Fire Remnant is always the same, regardless of how many remnants he is traveling to with a single cast.
  • Always travels to the Fire Remnant furthest away from the targeted point first.
    • While traveling, Ember Spirit cannot turn but can attack, cast abilities, and use items.
    • Using items still requires Ember Spirit to face his targets.
    • Therefore, while traveling, Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant does not require facing the target to cast.
  • Other forced movement sources cancel the movement of Activate Fire Remnant and remove its invulnerability.
    • However, the remnants still get used up and Ember Spirit is teleported instantly to the last remnant's location once it explodes.
  • Ember Spirit damages enemies within a 225 radius around him as he travels, and in a 450 radius around a remnant upon reaching it.
    • Enemies may only be damaged once per remnant, either by Ember Spirit as he travels towards the remnant, or by him upon reaching the remnant.
  • Destroys trees Ember Spirit come in contact with within 200 radius while traveling to a remnant.
    • Though at high traveling speeds, some trees may be skipped and not destroyed.
  • Upon losing this ability while traveling to a Rubick Remnant, Rubick minimap icon Rubick stops after reaching to the current remnant.

Fire Remnant
Fire Remnant icon
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Enemies
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Magical
Sends a Fire Remnant that runs to the target location at 250% Ember Spirit's speed. Using Activate Fire Remnant, Ember Spirit will dash out to all active Fire Remnants, destroying them and dealing damage in an area and then moving to the nearest Remnant. Ember Spirit will end at the Remnant closest to the targeted location.
Passive Component
With Aghanim's Shard Enemy Death Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 400
With Aghanim's Shard Charge Replenish per Kill: 1
With Aghanim's Shard Auto Fire Remnant Drop on Death: 1
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.4
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 1400 (With Aghanim's Scepter 3000)
Remnant Travel Speed: 250% (With Aghanim's Scepter 500%)
Remnant Duration: 45
With Aghanim's Shard Damage Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 450
With Aghanim's Shard Damage per Second: 45
With Aghanim's Shard Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Charge Replenish Time
 35 (Talent 23)
 3 (With Aghanim's Scepter 5)
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Increases cast range, initial remnant speed, and maximum charges.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Fire Remnants deal damage per second in an area around them. If an enemy hero dies near Ember Spirit, a Fire Remnant charge will be replenished.
Disabled by Break.
Break Notes:
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Prevents gaining a charge upon making a kill.
Modifiers [?]
By the spirit's power are Xin's teachings spread anew.

  • Ember Spirit gets all 3 charges immediately upon learning Fire Remnant.
    • Acquiring Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter the first time instantly grants 2 charges as well. This only happens once, so re-acquiring it does not grant them again.
    • Losing the item does not reduce the current number of available charges.
  • Fire Remnants move to their targeted location at a speed based on Ember Spirit's current movement speed.
    • With the movement speed limits, the remnant's min and max travel speed to their targeted location is 250 ‒ 1375 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 5002750) respectively.
    • The movement speed is set upon cast and does not adapt.
  • Since Fire Remnants last for 45 seconds and the replenish time is 35 (Talent 23) seconds, it is possible to have 4 (Talent 4) (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 6, Talent 6) remnants up at a time.
  • Every time a Fire Remnant is placed, Ember Spirit gets a status buff, showing the duration of the remnant. The status buff disappears once the Remnant expires or is used.
  • Fire Remnants are visible to everyone. They do not grant any vision and cannot be seen when sent into the Fog of War.
  • Fire Remnants deal no damage when they expire.
  • Fire Remnants now deal 22.5 damage in 0.5-second intervals, starting 0.5 seconds after receiving the debuff, resulting in 91 instances.
    • The fire remnants start dealing damage as soon as they reach their destination.
    • The damage from multiple remnants with overlapping areas does not stack.
    • Can deal up to 2047.5 damage within 450 radius for the entire duration.
    • The damage is sourced to Ember Spirit, and not to the remnants themselves.
    • Therefore, the damage is affected by outgoing damage manipulation and spell lifesteal.
    • The damage is provided by an aura and its debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
  • Fire Remnant now also replenishes 1 charge in the following conditions:
    • Any enemy hero kill, including clones, done by the Fire Remnant's owner.
    • A charge is replenished even if the dying hero has Reincarnation.
    • Whenever an enemy hero dies within 400 range.
  • When Ember Spirit dies, he also leaves behind 1 Fire Remnant at his death location.
    • The Fire Remnant cast does not use up a charge, lasts its full duration, is not bound to Ember Spirit's death timer, and does not disappear when he respawns.
    • It also triggers with Reincarnation sources.
  • Creates a Rubick minimap icon Rubick remnant instead. Existing remnants from the previous cast cannot be used again despite re-acquiring the ability.


Hero Talents
-12s Fire Remnant icon Remnant Charge Restore Time252 Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist Charges
+55 Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+1 Searing Chains icon Searing Chains Target
+1s Searing Chains icon Searing Chains Duration15+50 Flame Guard icon Flame Guard DPS
+200 Flame Guard icon Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Reduced Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant Base Charge Restore Time from 38s to 35s

</div> </div>

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Tango icon Tango helps Ember Spirit sustain during the laning phase, preventing him from being forced to return to base due to enemy harassment.
  • Faerie Fire icon Faerie Fire may help you survive a gank or lethal attack from tower after killing enemy. It also helps with last hitting.
  • Iron Branch icon Iron Branch is a cheap and effective way to improve Ember Spirit's mana pool and health pool, both of which are lacking in the early game.

Early game:

  • Bottle icon Bottle gives Ember Spirit a way to sustain his HP and mana, allowing him to remain out in the field to farm or fight. It is best purchased if Ember Spirit is played as a mid hero, as he can access runes more easily.
  • Infused Raindrop icon Infused Raindrops can mitigate magical damage in fights, also helps with mana regeneration.
  • Boots of Speed icon Boots of Speed are essential for Ember Spirit, as the improved speed will allow him to escape deadly situations, as well as catch up to an escaping enemy. It also improves his ability to successfully catch an escaping hero with Searing Chains icon Searing Chains.

Mid game:

  • Phase Boots icon Phase Boots is opted for an aggressive Ember Spirit who loves to chase his foes as its active allows his Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant to travel faster upon cast before blinking towards its location. The bonus damage and armor is highly appreciated for Ember since he lacks armor for an agility hero.
  • Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel gives Ember Spirit high global mobility in conjunction with Fire Remnant icon Fire Remnant, letting him quickly assist in ganks, pushes, and defenses all around the map or heal up at the Fountain before returning to farm near-instantly.
  • Battle Fury icon Battle Fury keeps Ember Spirit's mana topped up and gives cleave damage to Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist, making him more dangerous in teamfights and increasing his farming speed.
  • Mage Slayer icon Mage Slayer can debuff multiple enemies with Sleight of Fist, crippling opponents' spell damage while wearing down their health.
  • Maelstrom icon Maelstrom is a cheaper alternative to Battle Fury for giving Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist splash damage, and is often more useful for magical builds. Can be upgraded into Gleipnir icon Gleipnir to inflict an AOE root on cast in conjunction with Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist, or Mjollnir icon Mjollnir is taken instead to clear multiple illusions.

Late game:

  • Gleipnir icon Gleipnir grants Ember all-around attributes, specifically his intelligence, bolstering his mana pool whilst providing an active that deals damage upon cast while Rooting enemies combined with Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist, giving him another effective disable on his arsenal of magical spells.
  • Daedalus icon Daedalus scales Ember Spirit with great additional damage and a chance to deal 2.2x damage on an attack. It synergizes extremely well with Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist, allowing for powerful physical damage output at a distance. A physical Ember must have this to fully transition into a hard-hitting truck as he blitz across the map.
    • Multiple Daedalus icon Daedalus allows Ember Spirit to inflict tremendous amounts of physical damage using Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist, potentially resulting in multi-kills against the enemy team if they are clustered together.
  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar is a must-have item in the face of heavy disables. As he can be killed very quickly if ever stunned or silenced, spell immunity allows Ember Spirit to engage the enemy head-on and ignore their disables while fighting, giving him a bigger damage window before he needs to retreat. As well, it gives him additional strength, increasing the size of his HP pool, as well as more raw damage.
  • Linken's Sphere icon Linken's Sphere gives Ember Spirit stats across the board, as well as passive HP and mana regen. The Spell Block passive allows Ember Spirit to shrug off one targeted spell during a fight, hopefully a targeted disable, increasing his slipperiness and allowing him to fight without fear of being disabled.
  • Manta Style icon Manta Style gives Ember Spirit a measure of defense against silences, as he can instantly dispel debuffs, especially silence, while also creating two illusions with which to confuse the enemy. The item itself also provides very useful bonuses, giving him all-around stats, more agility and attack speed, and a movement speed bonus that increases his mobility. Finally, as items can be used during Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist, combining this item, Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist and Searing Chains icon Searing Chains can allow Ember Spirit to root and place illusions near a target from long range.

Situational items:

  • Drum of Endurance icon Drum of Endurance, gives Ember Spirit all-around stats, shoring up his HP and mana pool as well as giving him increased damage. The bonus movement speed increases his mobility, allowing him to position himself to use his spells more easily.
  • Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger lets Ember Spirit save his Remnants for escape rather than initiation, letting him easily jump on enemies to deal right-click damage and bind them with Searing Chains icon Searing Chains. Swift Blink icon Swift Blink is your next goal, increasing his basic damage while further making Ember Spirit more swift.
  • Veil of Discord icon Veil of Discord is a powerful mid game item for Ember Spirit. With Discord and talents that increase Flame Guard DPS, Ember Spirit can deal lots of magical damage with his abilities.
  • Power Treads icon Power Treads give intelligence so Ember Spirit can use abilities more often. The attack speed and agility also add to his damage output.
  • Butterfly icon Butterfly can be very powerful in the hands of Ember Spirit, as it grants him evasion while also increasing his physical DPS. The passive evasion decreases his vulnerability against physical damage, while the active can give him more mobility to flee from a fight or chase an enemy down.
  • Octarine Core icon Octarine Core is a powerful late item for magical Ember, which gives him more survivability and increases all of his spells cooldowns. With 25% Cooldown Reduction and +1 sec Searing Chains icon Searing Chains talents, Ember Spirit can easily catch his opponents.
  • Mjollnir icon Mjollnir can be upgraded from Maelstrom icon Maelstrom. The Static Charge ability can be used to discourage enemies from attacking Ember Spirit as well, for fear of proccing the discharge. Note that the additional attack speed is not very useful on Ember Spirit as his main source of physical damage is Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist.
  • Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade increases Ember Spirit's physical DPS, and gives him an additional method with which to initiate on enemies during ganks. As well, if Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist is cast during the 0.3 second fade time, Ember Spirit will deal the 175 bonus damage to all slashed targets and remain invisible upon returning to the remnant. However, beware that this tactic does not apply to Silver Edge icon Silver Edge.
  • Divine Rapier icon Divine Rapier lets Ember Spirit deal absurd damage with Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist. While his natural mobility helps him hold onto the Rapier, it is nevertheless still a very risky purchase.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Multi-Hero Searing Chains icon Searing Chains
Relic Rare icon
Flame Guard icon Flame Guard Damage Absorbed
Relic agility icon
Crit Damage
Relic agility icon
Roots Leading To Kills
Relic agility icon
Spells Disjointed
Relic agility icon
Channels Cancelled
Relic agility icon
Battle Fury icon Battle Fury Cleave Damage
Relic agility icon
Triple Kills
Relic agility icon
Mega Kill Streaks
Relic agility icon
Kill Assists
Relic agility icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
Plus Hero Badge 6



  • Ember Spirit, like Brewmaster minimap icon Brewmaster, Earth Spirit minimap icon Earth Spirit, and Storm Spirit minimap icon Storm Spirit, was a Pandaren in DotA. However, he was re-skinned to avoid copyright issues with "Blizzard Entertainment", since Pandaren are a race of creatures in the Warcraft Universe.
  • The hat on Ember Spirit's back was originally intended to be worn on his head. This model and positioning can still be seen when using Ember Spirit's Hat, a cosmetic item that was made available via drops when Ember Spirit was released.
  • Most of Ember Spirit's responses are exactly four words long, a reference to four-character Chinese idioms known as "chengyu'".
    • According to Xin himself: ▶️ "Four words is plenty."

