Dota 2 Wiki


Fissure's cast animation does not finish after reaching the cast point, instantly getting canceled
There are a lot of heroes who get their animations instantly canceled as soon as the cast point is reached, resulting in some ugly jerking, strange looking animation resets, or partially even completely missing animations due to very low cast points.

Affected spells are: Sticky Napalm icon Sticky Napalm, Viscous Nasal Goo icon Viscous Nasal Goo, Rocket Flare icon Rocket Flare, Fissure icon Fissure, Torrent icon Torrent, X Marks the Spot icon X Marks the Spot, Overwhelming Odds icon Overwhelming Odds, Earth Spike icon Earth Spike, Howl icon Howl, Earthbind icon Earthbind, Sacred Arrow icon Sacred Arrow, Starstorm icon Starstorm, Impale icon Impale, Mana Burn icon Mana Burn (6.63-7.32e), Nether Blast icon Nether Blast, Blink Strike icon Blink Strike, Smoke Screen icon Smoke Screen, Shadow Poison icon Shadow Poison, Shadow Poison Release icon Shadow Poison Release, Soul Catcher icon Soul Catcher (7.20-7.31d), Mystic Flare icon Mystic Flare, Shrapnel icon Shrapnel, Storm Hammer icon Storm Hammer, Psionic Trap icon Psionic Trap, Chakram icon Chakram, Second Chakram icon Second Chakram, Timber Chain icon Timber Chain, Ice Shards icon Ice Shards, Earthshock icon Earthshock, Maledict icon Maledict and The Swarm icon The Swarm
13 July 2017

Enchant Totem[]

Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Enchant Totem uses the wrong AoE targeting cursor when selecting the spell while the cursor is on a valid target
Single targeted spells with an AoE effect have a special AoE indicator. This special indicator does not show up when the spell gets selected while the cursor is pointing on a valid target for the spell. Instead, the default AoE targeting cursor appears.
Following abilities are affected by this bug:
26 February 2017