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Bad against...[]

Abaddon icon
Ember Spirit icon
  • Ember Spirit easily finishes off all creeps on the line against Earth Sprit, exchanging health with him under his Flame Guard icon Flame Guard, which is why Earth Spirit can leave the line for ganks very early and without the necessary amount of gold and levels, which will give the Ember Spirit team an advantage to fight off such ganks
  • The Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist ability helps Ember Spirit dodge all of Earth Spirit's abilities, which makes his gank potential practically useless against Ember Spirit, and with the purchase of Black King Bar icon Black King Bar, Ember Spirit can use Sleight of Fist icon Sleight of Fist to combine with Searing Chains icon Searing Chains to catch and kill Earth Spirit.
Lycan icon
  • Shapeshift icon Shapeshift allows Lycan to chase down Earth Spirit.
Puck icon
Slark icon
  • Pounce icon Pounce's root prevents Earth Spirit from using Rolling Boulder to escape, making it easier for Slark to shut him down especially in the laning phase.
Storm Spirit icon
  • Storm Spirit outlanes Earth Spirit wins by having a ranged attack type, and also deals damage to the Earth Spirit every time he approaches the creeps with his ability Static Remnant icon Static Remnant, which is why he overtakes Earth Spirit in level and gold
  • Storm Spirit has the ability to quickly kill Earth Spirit under his ability Electric Vortex icon Electric Vortex, which Earth Spirit cannot do if Storm Spirit buys Falcon Blade icon Falcon Blade at the liner stage, because Storm Spirit will have too much health for Earth Spirit`s abilities and will survive Earth Spirit`s damage.
Clockwerk icon
  • Clockwerk's Battery Assault icon Battery Assault disables Earth Spirit's Rolling Boulder, while his Power Cogs icon Power Cogs ensure, that Earth Spirit can't move away from it.
  • His Hookshot icon Hookshot allows him to chase after Earth Spirit, while using Rocket Flare icon Rocket Flare to gain vision.



Good against...[]

Pugna icon
  • Earth Spirit does not fly a small distance on Rolling Boulder icon Rolling Boulder using Stone Remnant icon Stone Remnant, which will be a big problem for Life Drain icon Life Drain, since Pugna will stop receiving health from breaking the distance of the ability, which will give the Earth Spirit team a chance to kill Pugna, by the way, this also works well with Boulder Smash icon Boulder Smash, which pushes the enemy and can annoy the distance
  • Earth Spirit has excellent control with a small recharge on Rolling Boulder icon Rolling Boulder and Geomagnetic Grip icon Geomagnetic Grip, which can knock down Pugna`s Life Drain icon Life Drain, as well as completely turn him off in a fight, because he is very dependent on his abilities
  • Magic damage from Earth Spirit's abilities can be disastrous for Decrepify icon Decrepify, as it will kill him very quickly, and if Earth Spirit collects Ethereal Blade icon Ethereal Blade in such a game, it can easily destroy Pugna in one Rolling Boulder icon Rolling Boulder hit
  • Earth Spirit also turns out to be a strong decision against Nether Ward icon Nether Ward, because he experiences it with his large amount of health, and if he collects Heart of Tarrasque icon Heart of Tarrasque(and Bracer icon Bracerin early game)in such a game, he may not feel it at all and calmly control Pugna with his abilities
Puck icon
  • Earth Spirit Eliminates the possibility of the Puck to hide in Phase Shift icon Phase Shift and avoid an attack by Geomagnetic Grip icon Geomagnetic Grip with its AOE-silence, which is why it can help the team kill him
  • Puck can't throw off the effect of Magnetize icon Magnetize any of his abilities, which is why he will constantly receive damage if Earth Spirit extends this ability with his Stone Remnant icon Stone Remnant
Pudge icon
  • Earth Spirit can easily disrupt Dismember icon Dismember because he can disable from a long distance with a Stone Remnant and Rolling Boulder. With talent he can even pull his teammates out of Dismember and also silence Pudge with Geomagnetic Grip.
Tinker icon
  • Tinker is an easy target for Earth Spirit to initiate on. He likes to split push lanes once he acquires Boots of Travel icon Boots of Travel and Earth Spirit can jump him with his Rolling Boulder and disable him to buy enough time for his teammates to come and assist Earth Spirit.
  • The huge range of Stone Remnant and Rolling Boulder enables Earth Spirit to stop Tinker from teleporting to his fountain since Tinker tends to buy Blink Dagger icon Blink Dagger most of the time to escape.
Invoker icon
  • Earth Spirit is a dangerous foe to encounter for Invoker in the early stages of the game. Since Invoker needs to gain levels as fast as possible and is not very strong in the early game, Earth Spirit can use his incredible early game power to gank Invoker and ruin his game plan.
  • Earth Spirit combines stuns and silences with his spells and can apply them from a great distance. This is bad for Invoker as he is dependent on a smart usage of his spells with Invoke icon Invoke and Earth Spirit can disrupt his combos easily.
Templar Assassin icon
  • Templar Assassin is dependant on Refraction icon Refraction in teamfights. Because Magnetize deals damage per second and Earth Spirit is even able to refresh the duration of his ultimate he is suitable for wasting Refraction and allowing his team to take her down.
Enigma icon
  • Black Hole icon Black Hole is a channeling ability and Earth Spirit has at least two possibilities which can interrupt these kind of spells. Enigma is exposed and cannot move while using Black Hole, thus making it easy for Earth Spirit to stop the feared ability with the huge range of Rolling Boulder and forcing Enigma to quickly rush a Black King Bar icon Black King Bar to prevent this.
  • Enigma is level dependant, squishy and relativly defenseless in the early game and therefore vulnerable to aggressive roam maneuvers in this stage of the game. Earth Spirit excels at ganking, shutting down a jungling or otherwise solo farming Enigma.


  • In general heroes which are reliant on their spell usage especially team compositions with more than one hero of that sort since most of Earth Spirits crowd-controlling spells have an area effect.
  • Squishy heroes (Io minimap icon Io, Crystal Maiden minimap icon Crystal Maiden, Lina minimap icon Lina...), as Earth Spirit can deal tons of damage with Magnetize.
  • Positioning-reliant heroes (Windranger minimap icon Windranger, Tidehunter minimap icon Tidehunter, Ursa minimap icon Ursa...), since Earth Spirit can disrupt positioning with his Boulder Smash.

Works well with...[]

Alchemist icon
  • Alchemist can farm an Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter for Earth Spirit with ease. This is especially good for him, since Earth Spirit is most likely played as a support and has not the best farming capabilities, making it hard for him to reach such an expensive item. But the Aghanim's Scepter is very strong on him and grants him his Enchant Remnant ability which is very useful to have.
  • Like for other melee heroes, Earth Spirit can solve the positioning problems of Alchemist with using Boulder Smash to bring him in range for his Unstable Concoction icon Unstable Concoction.

Bloodseeker icon
  • Rupture icon Rupture combos with Boulder Smash to deal heavy damage enemies.
  • Rupture icon Rupture is perfect setup for all Earth Spirit abilities as it often forces the enemies to stand still.
Dark Seer icon
  • Vacuum icon Vacuum pulls enemies together and Wall of Replica icon Wall of Replica slows them down, setting up for Earth Spirit's numerous area abilities, especially Magnetize which deals heavy damage.
  • Ion Shell icon Ion Shell and Surge icon Surge enables Earth Spirit in ganks with added damage and movement speed.
Faceless Void icon
  • Earth Spirit and Faceless Void both have the ability to disable multiple enemies at once. Therefore they complement each other, as Earth Spirit can prepare a group of enemy heroes for Faceless Void to land a devastating Chronosphere icon Chronosphere, or vice versa, Earth Spirit can aim his abilities at enemies trapped inside Chronosphere.
  • With good positioning Earth Spirit can move enemy heroes, which Faceless Void missed with his Chronosphere, inside it while it is still active.
Lifestealer icon
  • Lifestealer can use Infest icon Infest to hide inside Earth Spirit. Because of Earth Spirits high mobility thanks to Rolling Boulder this is a deadly combo duo for pickoffs.
  • Earth Spirit can "kick" Lifestealer towards a fleeing enemy if needed to close the distance, since Lifestealer only has Open Wounds icon Open Wounds to do it by himself and the spell has a short cast range.
Techies icon
  • Earth Spirit can kick enemies into mine fields of Techies with his Boulder Smash.


  • In general lineups which work well with Earth Spirit's roaming nature in the early game, also later on, and are able to assist him in taking down foes quickly thanks to their high damage: Ursa minimap icon Ursa, Lina minimap icon Lina, Slardar minimap icon Slardar
  • Teamfight interested heroes with strong area abilities to complement Earth Spirit: Tidehunter minimap icon Tidehunter, Elder Titan minimap icon Elder Titan, Earthshaker minimap icon Earthshaker
