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Bad against...[]

Faceless Void icon
  • Time Walk icon Time Walk can be used to close the distance within Drow Ranger, hindering her Marksmanship bonus.
  • Faceless Void can also lock down Drow Ranger with Chronosphere icon Chronosphere before she has the chance to retaliate due to her low health pool.
Tinker icon
  • Laser icon Laser along with Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Heat-Seeking Missile". allows Tinker to quickly burst down Drow Ranger due to her low health.
  • Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Heat-Seeking Missile". lets Tinker out-range Drow Ranger and hit her in the backline of a teamfight.
Arc Warden icon
  • Flux (Radiant) icon Flux along with Spark Wraith (Radiant) icon Spark Wraith allows Arc Warden to quickly burst down Drow Ranger due to her low health.
  • However, Drow Ranger can bypass Magnetic Field (Radiant) icon Magnetic Field's evasion bonus thanks to Marksmanship.
Tusk icon
  • Snowball icon Snowball and Ice Shards icon Ice Shards keep Drow Ranger down and preventing her from running away.
  • Snowball icon Snowball also lets Tusk get to Drow Ranger and stop her Marksmanship bonus. It can also be to save allies affected by Gust.
  • Tag Team icon Tag Team allows Tusk to slow her down and land a killing blow on her.
  • Walrus Punch icon Walrus PUNCH! slows Drow Ranger and deals a huge amount of damage to her, due to her low health (and low armor without Marksmanship, since Tusk can quickly close the gap to Drow Ranger).
Axe icon
  • Berserker's Call icon Berserker's Call forces Drow Ranger to attack Axe up close, disabling her Marksmanship bonus.
  • Counter Helix icon Counter Helix occurs more often with Drow Ranger's high attack speed.
  • Culling Blade icon Culling Blade is a dangerous ability against a low health hero like Drow Ranger.
Clockwerk icon
  • Hookshot icon Hookshot lets Clockwerk close the gap to Drow Ranger, disabling her Marksmanship bonus.
  • Power Cogs icon Power Cogs and Battery Assault icon Battery Assault keep Drow Ranger from escaping.
  • Power Cogs and Battery Assault also keep Drow Ranger close, nullifying Marksmanship.
Chaos Knight icon
  • Reality Rift icon Reality Rift will disable Drow Ranger's Marksmanship, along with Chaos Bolt icon Chaos Bolt he can keep her locked for enough time to be killed.
Huskar icon
  • Life Break icon Life Break closes the distance between Huskar and Drow Ranger, dealing large amounts of damage and disabling Marksmanship.
  • Berserker's Blood icon Berserker's Blood and Burning Spear icon Burning Spear allow Huskar to beat Drow Ranger directly and pile on damage.
Lycan icon
  • Shapeshift icon Shapeshift allows Lycan to get close and disable Marksmanship.
  • Shapeshift also makes him immune to slows like Drow Ranger's Frost Arrows.
Nyx Assassin icon
  • Nyx Assassin has a lot of burst damage from his Impale icon Impale, Mind Flare icon Mind Flare, Dagon icon Dagon, and the bonus damage from Vendetta icon Vendetta. All of this damage is enough to kill Drow Ranger.
  • Nyx Assassin is usually invisible most of the time thanks to his ability Vendetta icon Vendetta, which allows him to gank Drow Ranger easily.
  • However, Gust icon Gust is extremely dangerous for Nyx Assassin, as it's silence can render Nyx Assassin unable to lock down Drow Ranger. And if Gust icon Gust hits Nyx Assassin while he is invisible with Vendetta icon Vendetta, Drow Ranger will be able to detect him and foil his ganking attempts on her because Gust icon Gust reveals invisible units.
Omniknight icon
  • Repel icon Repel can be used to dispel Gust icon Gust on the allies affected by it.
  • In team fights, Guardian Angel icon Guardian Angel renders Drow Ranger's physical damage useless, and Drow Ranger has no way to purge it. And to make thing worse, Drow Ranger is not a common Nullifier icon Nullifier wielder to counter this problem at all.
Phantom Lancer icon
  • Phantom Rush icon Phantom Rush lets Phantom Lancer get close quickly and disable Marksmanship.
  • As Phantom Lancer commonly buys Manta Style icon Manta Style, he can easily dispel Gust and then chase after Drow Ranger.
  • Because Phantom Lancer is a natural Diffusal Blade icon Diffusal Blade carrier, he can easily burn Drow Ranger's mana and render her unable to use Frost Arrow and Gust to save herself.
Pudge icon
  • Meat Hook icon Meat Hook brings Drow Ranger to Pudge, disabling Marksmanship and dealing a huge amount of damage when combined with Rot icon Rot and Dismember icon Dismember.
  • Rot icon Rot keeps Pudge close to Drow Ranger, continuously disabling Marksmanship.
Razor icon
  • Static Link icon Static Link weakens Drow Ranger's attack damage while strengthening Razor's attack damage.
  • Plasma Field icon Plasma Field & Storm Surge icon Storm Surge keeps Razor close to Drow Ranger, continuously disabling Marksmanship.
Riki icon
  • Blink Strike icon Blink Strike gets Riki close to Drow Ranger and disable Marksmanship.
  • Cloak and Dagger icon Cloak and Dagger allow Riki stay close to Drow Ranger without her noticing him, which allows him to disable Marksmanship.
Slark icon
  • A well-timed Dark Pact icon Dark Pact can dispel Frost Arrows and Gust, letting Slark engage and escape freely.
  • Essence Shift icon Essence Shift is very detrimental for Drow Ranger as the loss of agility means that Marksmanship will also suffer from getting weakened.
  • Shadow Dance icon Shadow Dance lets Slark quickly close the gap and deal heavy damage without giving Drow Ranger a chance to retaliate.
  • Pounce icon Pounce counteracts Frost Arrows's slow, and also allows Slark easily pin Drow Ranger down or flee from her.
  • Depth Shroud icon Depth Shroud from Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard will allow Slark to save both, himself and his allies and will also allow them to freely fight back against Drow Ranger without her noticing them.



Good against...[]

Juggernaut icon
  • Drow Ranger can use Gust to push back Juggernaut before he can get in range to use Omnislash icon Omnislash or Blade Fury icon Blade Fury.
Anti-Mage icon
  • None of Anti-Mage's skills are that effective against Drow Ranger. Gust prevents him from Blink (Anti-Mage) icon Blinking in or out, Counterspell icon Counterspell is totally useless against Drow's physical damage, and as she usually doesn't have a high mana pool, Mana Break icon Mana Break and Mana Void icon Mana Void don't do much either.
  • Be careful however that Anti-Mage may eventually farm enough to Blink on top of you and kill you straight away, considering you have no natural tools to escape from him.
Clinkz icon
  • Clinkz has no stun and likes to keep his distance from targets, making Marksmanship very deadly.
  • Clinkz also has low health, making him a perfect hero to initiate onto with Gust.
  • Gust can also prevent Clinkz from using Burning Barrage icon Burning Barrage.
Enigma icon
  • Black Hole icon Black Hole while definitely a threat to Drow Ranger, is very hard to land as she likes to keep her distance from allies and enemies alike. And if not caught in it, will kill Enigma very quickly due to his low health.
  • Malefice icon Malefice can be removed with a Manta Style.
  • Drow Ranger being a fairly low health, high armored agility carry doesn't take much damage from Midnight Pulse icon Midnight Pulse as others would.
  • Demonic Conversion icon Demonic Conversion units die very quickly to Marksmanship or even just regular attacks not far into the game within 2 or 3 hits.
Morphling icon
  • Attribute Shift (Strength Gain) icon Attribute Shift (Strength Gain) may not be quick enough to fend off an attacking Drow Ranger.
  • Morphling likes to sit on low health with high agility, something Drow Ranger does not particularly care for and will still hit him hard with Marksmanship procs.
  • Morph icon Morph is a similar story, none of Drow Ranger's spells are particularly good against her.
Terrorblade icon
  • Metamorphosis icon Metamorphosis will not match the range of Drow Ranger and he will struggle to do damage to her if she is not locked down already by someone else.
  • Conjure Image icon Conjure Image will be destroyed very quickly due to Marksmanship.
  • Terrorblade generally likes to be the big bad late game carry who sits in the middle of the fight and kills whoever is closest, which is very unlikely to be Drow Ranger therefore making it likely she will be going on him in teamfights.
  • Terrorblade's high base armor and agility items makes him very vulnerable to Marksmanship.
Weaver icon
  • A well-timed Gust will prevent Weaver from escaping, and a silenced Weaver usually dies very quickly.
  • Weaver gains a lot of armor, which is bypassed by Marksmanship.
Rubick icon
  • A well-timed Gust will prevent Rubick from casting abilities from Spell Steal icon Spell Steal, and his lack of capabilities and low health pool usually dies very quickly.
  • Drow Ranger can dispel Fade Bolt icon Fade Bolt's reduction debuff with Manta Style icon Manta Style.
Windranger icon
  • A well-timed Gust will prevent Windranger from escaping or counter-initiating with Windrun icon Windrun.
  • Drow Ranger commonly buys Shadow Blade icon Shadow Blade or Silver Edge icon Silver Edge, which allows her to escape from Focus Fire icon Focus Fire. Monkey King Bar icon Monkey King Bar, a situational item on Drow Ranger, counters Windranger's evasion from Windrun icon Windrun.
  • The bonus agility from Marksmanship can shred through Windranger's low armor.


  • Agility heroes can really struggle with Drow Ranger if they have no way to lock her down or keep her locked down.
  • Ranged heroes without a natural stun are at a big disadvantage against Drow Ranger since they cannot stop Marksmanship from being active and potentially become vulnerable to Gust.
  • Heroes with low health are especially vulnerable to Marksmanship's high damage output: Clinkz minimap icon Clinkz, Crystal Maiden minimap icon Crystal Maiden.
  • Heroes reliant on abilities to output damage or escape can be shut down by Gust: Queen of Pain minimap icon Queen of Pain.
  • Drow Ranger can easily lock down supports with Gust's silence and Frost Arrows' slow if they have not farmed defensive items such as Glimmer Cape icon Glimmer Cape or Ghost Scepter icon Ghost Scepter.
  • Summons and illusions can be countered by Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Frost Arrows.

Works well with...[]

Medusa icon
  • Medusa being a right click agility carry, her ranged capabilities synergize well with Marksmanship.
  • Stone Gaze icon Stone Gaze helps Drow Ranger dish out her Marksmanship damage in teamfights.
  • However, both Medusa and Drow Ranger are incredibly farm heavy cores. Some matchups will shut you down completely.
Vengeful Spirit icon
  • Amassing many auras can supercharge your hero lineup. Vengeance Aura icon Vengeance Aura is one such aura.
  • Nether Swap icon Nether Swap can save Drow Ranger, who is generally a squishy core.
  • Maxing Wave of Terror icon Wave of Terror gives -6 armor on foes, supercharging your attacks even more.

