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Bad against...[]
- Stampede can be used to free an ally from the grasp of Doom. Without any means of effective lockdown, kills can be difficult to secure when against an enemy Centaur Warrunner. Also, Centaur's tendency to have lots of health and HP regen tend to help counter Doom.
- Drow Ranger can be difficult to get on top of, thanks to her Frost Arrows and Gust. With these two abilities, Drow Ranger is able to effectively 'kite' Doom and minimize his impact during team fights and laning stage.
- Much of Drow Ranger's effectiveness comes from her passive Marksmanship, which is not disabled by Doom.
- Feast deals damage and heals Lifestealer based on the target's maximum HP, which is greatly effective against naturally high HP heroes such as Doom.
- Rage allows Lifestealer to become spell immune to negate the magical damage of Infernal Blade and Scorched Earth.
- Doom has no effective means of escape from Open Wounds and Ghoul Frenzy. This is particularly devastating in the laning stage, where Doom may have to play a much more passive, conservative play style as a result.
- Lone Druid is essentially two heroes. Dooming one over the other still leaves Lone Druid or his bear able to do their job during a fight. Additionally, Lone Druid is not hindered as much as other heroes by the silence and mute of Doom since the hero relies more on attacks than abilities.
- Doom does not disable Mana Shield. As such, Doom's damage is largely mitigated by her mana shield. Additionally, Medusa is not reliant on her abilities to be effective during a teamfight, making Medusa an unproductive hero to target.
- Medusa is an ideal Linken's Sphere carrier. Should one be purchased, and without any additional disables, Doom may find that few opportunities exist to effectively lockdown, disable, and kill Medusa.
- Due to Doom's naturally high health, strength gain and common itemization for durability, Heartstopper Aura is particularly effective. The health loss is also large enough that, throughout all stages of the game, the aura effectively neuters the health regeneration granted by Devour.
- Necrophos can help to keep both himself and his allies alive during Doom through his natural regeneration granted by Heartstopper Aura (which is not disabled by Doom), or in the case of an ally, through his Death Pulse. Additionally, Necrophos is an ideal Mekansm carrier. Should one be bought, kills against Necrophos' team can be difficult to secure due to the damage-over-time nature of Doom and his abilities.
- Doom typically wants to be a hero that soaks attention from the enemy team and takes the role of an initiator and disabler. As such, Doom is an ideal target for Reaper's Scythe, as it is likely Doom will be at the fore-front of any fight.
- Phantom Lancer's illusions can make it difficult to Doom the real hero. Should Doom figure out the real hero, the illusions can make it difficult to cast any abilities, as their hitboxes can be used to body-block the real Phantom Lancer.
- Phantom Lancer is an ideal Diffusal Blade carrier. With it, he can quite easily deplete Doom's already poor mana pool, potentially making him unable to cast his abilities to escape, retaliate or heal.
- Doom lacks any effective ability to clear waves of creeps and illusions, as the vast majority of his abilities are single-target. Without an answer, Doom may find it difficult to deal with Phantom Lancer's presence.
- Due to the nature of the hero, Sniper is typically situated in the back of the fight, potentially making him a difficult target to initiate on and fight.
- Sniper is largely a right-click hero, and as such isn't as an effective of a Doom target as other heroes.
- Thanks to Shrapnel and Headshot, Sniper is able to effectively 'kite' Doom, preventing him from closing the distance between the two.
- The slow applied from Corrosive Skin offsets the movement speed bonus granted by Scorched Earth and the tick-based damage from Infernal Blade and Doom will continually slow Doom down. This allows Viper, much like Sniper, to 'kite' Doom and keep him at a safe distance between the two. Additionally, Corrosive Skin applies an attack-speed slow which is fairly crippling to a hero such as Doom that, naturally, has a high base attack-time, poor agility gain and builds little attack-speed items.
- Since Doom does not disable auto-cast abilities, Viper's Poison Attack will continue to work. Doom may find it hard to close the distance between himself and Viper, and thusly difficult to effectively lockdown and continually deal damage through his abilities.
- Wraith King has three passive abilities and only a single active ability, so Doom does not hinder him significantly.
- Doom expires upon death, so it is effectively removed after Reincarnation activates.
- Heroes who often build Linken's Sphere: Weaver, Morphling, Medusa.
- Terrorblade can use Sunder to save his allies who are Doomed.
- Linken's Sphere can block Doom, and Doom has nothing to pop it and put it on a cooldown. However, Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Doom allows Doom to cast Doom on himself to affect enemies near him, rendering Linken's Sphere's spellblock useless.
- A Lotus Orb applied at the right time can reflect Doom back onto himself. However, Aghanim's Scepter upgraded Doom allows Doom to cast Doom on himself to affect enemies near him, rendering Lotus Orb's spell reflection useless.
- A Glimmer Cape can be used to protect an ally from the magical damage from both Infernal Blade and Scorched Earth, and can potentially allow the ally to escape Doom's grasp.
- Orchid Malevolence is an effective means of preventing Doom from initiating and casting his abilities during a fight, which he is highly reliant on to deal damage.
Good against...[]
- Doom can disable Chemical Rage's increased healing, rendering Alchemist helpless against Doom.
- Attacks from Infernal Blade can deal serious damage to Alchemist as it deals damage based on the hero's maximum health.
- Infernal Blade deals scaling damage and is useful against high HP targets such as Axe.
- Doom has low attack speed because of his high Base-Attack-Time, poor agility gain and limited attack-speed granting items which are commonly built. This means Doom will trigger Counter Helix less often and thus is an unideal target for initiation.
- Doom has naturally high HP so it takes longer for Doom to be brought down to the killing threshold of Culling Blade.
- Axe is highly reliant on his abilities and items to be effective during a fight. Without the usage of Berserker's Call and Blink Dagger due to Doom, Axe offers very little in the way of damage, effectively removing him from a fight.
- Infernal Blade deals scaling damage and is useful against high HP targets such as Timbersaw.
- Timbersaw is extremely reliant on his abilities to be effective during a team fight - both for mobility, damage and crowd control. Timbersaw offers very little, impactful right-click damage, and thus Doom is particularly crippling against him.
- Additionally, when Doom chooses the Doom applies Break
talent, Doom disables Reactive Armor, which effectively removes the durability which Timbersaw is commonly known for.
- Doom prevents Anti-Mage from maneuvering around a fight or escaping from an initiation using Blink. Additionally, Doom deals pure damage, which is not affected by Counterspell. This can quickly whittle away Anti-Mage's naturally poor health pool.
- However, Doom must be careful when using Doom as a well-timed Counterspell can block and reflect it back against Doom himself.
- The Level 25 talent Doom applies Break
will also disable Mana Break and Counterspell's passive component, which makes Anti-Mage significantly less effective in fights and more susceptible to the high magical damage of Doom's abilities and his allies.
- Infernal Blade deals scaling damage and is useful against high HP targets such as Bristleback.
- Doom prevents Bristleback from casting his two low cooldown abilities, which then prevents him from utilizing Warpath.
- If Doom chooses the Level 25 talent Doom applies Break
, he can disable Bristleback and Warpath, taking away much of his durability and damage potential in team fights.
- Infernal Blade deals scaling damage and is useful against high HP targets such as Tidehunter.
- Doom prevents Tidehunter from casting his Gush, Anchor Smash and Ravage, making him useless in team fights.
- If Doom chooses the Level 25 talent Doom applies Break
, he can also disable Kraken Shell, reducing his survivability.
- Ember Spirit cannot use his Activate Fire Remnant to escape while affected by Doom.
- Doom completely takes Invoker out of a team fight, a hero who relies heavily on using abilities and items to contribute in team fights.
- Doom completely takes Mirana out of a team fight, a hero who relies heavily on using abilities and items to contribute in team fights.
- Doom applies a basic dispel upon cast, so it can remove Guardian Angel.
- Casting Doom on Omniknight will also prevent him from healing allies with Purification, or casting buffs like Repel and Guardian Angel, basically turning him into a harmless creep.
- Tinker is heavily dependent on his abilities and Doom prevents him from using any of them.
- This becomes even worse if Doom chooses the level 25 talent Doom applies Mute
, which will prevent Tinker from using items such as Blink Dagger.
- Infernal Blade deals scaling damage and is useful against high HP targets such as Elder Titan. It also can interrupt Echo Stomp if quick enough.
- Doom has very low base armor and naturally high HP, so he isn't significantly affected by Natural Order.
- Faceless Void relies on Time Walk for mobility and survivability but he can be prevented from utilizing it through Doom.
- Doom has a high cooldown duration for every ability except Infernal Blade, so he is not significantly affected by Time Dilation.
- Infernal Blade deals high damage to Pudge due to his scaling health and strength gain from Flesh Heap.
- Using Doom with timing against Pudge who had just activated Rot would usually kill him.
- Infernal Blade's damage is calculated by percentage of maximum health. Since Spectre is usually tanky, it will hurt her more than most normal attacks.
- Doom can take out Spectre out of a teamfight completely. When combined with the level 25 talent Doom applies Break
, it will disable both Desolate and Dispersion, taking away her extra damage and durability.
- Doom completely takes Windranger out of a team fight, a hero who relies heavily on using abilities and items to contribute in team fights.
- Arc Warden relies on items and abilities, as well as his Tempest Double, to deal damage to enemies. Doom effectively denies that and makes Arc Warden useless in fights.
- Supports with useful teamfight or contribution spells will be helpless against Doom: Dazzle, Oracle, Warlock.
- Besides Lone Druid and Meepo, Doom is potentially good versus every hero since Doom will render any hero helpless for up to 16 seconds. This is particularly true for fragile heroes that heavily rely on mobility to stay alive.
- Doom with the Doom applies Break
talent can be useful against heroes with troublesome passive skills while also disabling them for a long time: Phantom Assassin, Enchantress, Huskar, Underlord.
- Heroes with the ability to heal allies will not be able to heal heroes affected by Doom: Chen, Dazzle, Io, Oracle, Omniknight, Witch Doctor, Winter Wyvern, Abaddon, etc.
- Like with Ancient Apparition's Ice Blast, Doom's ability to nullify health regeneration makes it effective against health regeneration items like Tranquil Boots, Heart of Tarrasque, Urn of Shadows, Spirit Vessel, Mekansm and Guardian Greaves etc.
- Satanic and Bloodstone's lifesteal increasing will be useless on the enemy heroes affected by Doom as Doom prevents any healing for it's duration.
- Armlet of Mordiggian cannot be activated it to gain HP while affected by Doom, and toggling it off can result in a certain death. Likewise, keeping the Armlet toggled while affected by Doom is also not recommended.
Works well with...[]
- Crystal Nova and Frostbite allows Doom to close the gap on a target enemy hero to cast both Doom and Infernal Blade.
- Doom has a limited mana pool before he acquires items so Arcane Aura helps mitigate his early game mana problems.
- Scorched Earth allows Doom to quickly close the gap to guarantee a maximum duration Ink Swell when applied to him.
- Soulbind enables Doom to affect two heroes at once with Doom, swinging a typical teamfight in your favor with two heroes unable to contribute.
- As Sven gains more damage from God's Strength, he will benefit greatly from Packleader's Aura when Doom gains it from Devour.
- Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Enfeeble". can increase the stun duration of Infernal Blade and the duration of Doom, disabling the target for quite some time.
- Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Nightmare". or Lua error in Module:Ability_ID at line 61: Could not find Cargo data for "Fiend's Grip". can help Doom approach his target.