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Diffusal Blade is an item purchasable at the Base Shop, under Artifacts.

Components required from the Base Shop
Diffusal Blade
Diffusal Blade icon
An enchanted blade that allows the user to cut straight into the enemy's soul.
Cost 2500 Gold (1050)
Sell Value Full price refunded within 10s. 1250 Gold
Active Inhibit
Passive ? Manabreak
Bonus ? +15 Agility
+10 Intelligence
Shareable No
Disassemble No
Usage Alert ? No
Disperser (6100)
Diffusal Blade (2500)
Blade of Alacrity (1000)
Robe of the Magi (450)
Recipe (1050)

Additional Information[]


Targets an enemy, slowing it for 4 seconds.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 600
Move Speed Slow: 100%
Slow Decay Intervals: 5
Slow Duration: 4
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]

  • The movement speed slow decreases in 0.8-second intervals, so it slows for 100%/80%/60%/40%/20%, going one step down every 0.8 seconds.

Can be used by illusions. Does not pierce debuff immunity.
Each attack burns 40 mana from the target, and deals 1 physical damage per burned mana.

Burns 8 mana per attack from melee illusions and 8 mana per attack from ranged illusions.
Mana Burned per Hit: 40
Burned Mana as Damage: 100%
Illusions Illusions
Mana Burned per Hit: 8
Does not pierce debuff immunity.
Does not affect debuff immune units at all.

  • Burned mana as damage is considered as a conditional attack damage bonus.
    • Although the attack damage bonus values are not displayed in the HUD, it is still considered and directly added to the wielder's attack damage.
    • The attack damage bonus values are not considered by the following sources:
      • Critical strike sources.
      • Mana loss manipulation sources, despite burning less mana and the affected target losing less mana.
    • However, it is considered by lifesteal and cleave, and it can be reduced only by flat reductions (e.g. damage block).
    • Since it is considered bonus attack damage, it is not affected by percentage-based attack damage bonuses or reductions.
  • Effectively increases the wielder's or an illusion's attack damage by 40 (Illusions 8) against units which have enough mana to burn.
  • Applies the mana loss first, then the damage.
  • Does not work against allied units when attacking them.
  • Manabreak from multiple Diffusal Blade-based items does not stack.

Recommended Heroes[]

Generally works well with illusion-based heroes:

Naga Siren icon
Naga Siren
Phantom Lancer icon
Phantom Lancer
Spectre icon
Terrorblade icon

Heroes that can hit enemies with multiple attacks in quick succession can deal a lot of Manabreak damage:

Clinkz icon
Pangolier icon
Troll Warlord icon
Troll Warlord
Ursa icon
Windranger icon


The bonus attributes and the Manabreak ability make Diffusal Blade a cost-effective damage item on Agility attribute symbol agility and Universal attribute symbol universal carries/heroes in general.


  • Because of the way Manabreak interacts with illusions, Diffusal Blade is most common and most effective on heroes with easy access to them, such as Phantom Lancer.
  • Similarly, this is also why Manta Style and Diffusal Blade are so commonly seen together: after picking up one of the two, the other becomes that much more effective and attractive to buy.
  • The movement slow is an effective way to kite melee characters and can both increase your team's damage output vs them (by preventing them from running away and making it easier to hit them with spells), and reduce their damage output vs your team (by preventing them from getting close enough to hit anything).
  • The movement slow can help your illusions and/or summoned units stick to their attack target.


  • The Manabreak passive used to be called Feedback and got changed at some point without notification.
  • Since version 7.07, Diffusal Blade no longer has a Level 2 variant.


Recent Changes[]

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Diffusal Blade icon Inhibit now has a mana cost of 25.

</div> </div>
