- ▶️ Pre attack sound plays during the attack animation.
- Projectile launch sound plays as the attack projectile is released.
- Projectile impact sound plays as the attack projectile successfully hits the target (70% vol).
- ▶️ Loop sound plays permanently on Death Prophet, gets louder while moving (50% vol).
Crypt Swarm[]
- Cast sound plays on Death Prophet upon cast.
- Target sounds play on each hit enemy unit (50%-100% vol).
- ▶️ Replaces the default cast sound.
- These replace the default target sounds (100% vol).
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on the targeted area upon cast.
Spirit Siphon[]
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Death Prophet upon cast, lasts until link breaks. (80% vol, 0.9 pitch)
- ▶️ Target sound plays on the target upon cast, lasts until link breaks. (70% vol, 0.8 pitch)
- ▶️ Full sound example.
- ▶️ Cast sound plays on Death Prophet upon cast.
- ▶️ Loop sound plays on Death Prophet upon cast and lasts as long as Exorcism does (60% vol).
- Target sounds play whenever an exorcism spirit damages and enemy unit at a lower pitch (50%-100% vol) and at the end of the duration, whenever a spirit returns to Death Prophet at a higher pitch (80%-100% vol).
- ▶️ Death sound (60% vol).
Taunt: All Sparkles n' Rainbows
- ▶️ Plays on Death Prophet upon taunt begin.