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Old Abilities
This page is about Dazzle's old abilities. For the Dota hero Razzle, see Dazzle/Changelogs.
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Poison Touch (Pre 7.07)[]

Poison Touch (Pre 7.07)
Poison Touch icon
Casts a poisonous spell on an enemy unit, gradually slowing movement, and causing damage over time.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.57
Cast Range: 600/650/700/750
Damage per Second: 14/20/26/36
Move Speed Slow Duration: 3/3/3/2
Stun Duration: 0/0/0/1
Damage Duration: 7
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
One of the few Dezun rites used for offensive purposes, the paralytic enchantment often proves useful.

  • This ability got reworked into the current Poison Touch icon Poison Touch in the 7.07 gameplay patch.
  • Poison Touch's projectile travels at a speed of 1300.
  • Places a debuff on the target which lasts for 10.3 seconds. Depending on the skill level, different effects occur while the debuff is on:
    • Level 1: 33% slow for 3 seconds, 14 damage per second for 7 seconds.
    • Level 2: 33% slow for 2 seconds, 66% slow for 1 second, 20 damage per second for 7 seconds.
    • Level 3: 33% slow for 1 second, 66% slow for 1 second, 100% slow for 1 second, 26 damage per second for 7 seconds.
    • Level 4: 33% slow for 1 second, 66% slow for 1 second, stun for 1 second, 36 damage per second for 7 seconds.
    • There is a 0.3 second delay between before the stun is applied/damage starts ticking, so that the slow of the second instance lasts 0.3 seconds longer.
  • Deals damage in 1 second intervals, starting 3.3 seconds after the debuff is placed, resulting in 8 damage instances.
    • This means that it starts dealing damage right as the 3rd instance of slow or stun expire.
  • Multiple instances of Poison Touch fully stack with each other. Only the stun debuff gets shared.

Ostracize (6.00-6.03)[]

Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere. Does not pierce spell immunity. WC
Essence Flux icon
Casts a powerful magic on an enemy unit, dealing damage and making it unable to cast spells.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.5
Cast Range: 550
Damage: 60/120/180/240
Hero Duration: 3/4/5/6
Non-Hero Duration: 12
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol

  • This was Razzle's first ability before the hero reworked at 6.39.
  • Instantly deals damage upon cast and silences the target.

Weave (Pre 6.54)[]

Weave (Pre 6.54)
Not blocked by Linken's Sphere. Does not pierce spell immunity. WW
Weave icon
Allies / Enemies
A powerful shadow magic used to increase or decrease a target's defenses over time. Changes armor by 1 every pulse.
Cast Range: 800
Pulse Interval: 5/2/1.33/1
Armor Per Pulse: 1
Duration: 17
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
His ethereal journey into the Nothl realm has allowed Dazzle to mend together the powers of light and dark, creating shifting waves of enchantments.

  • Increases/decreases 1 armor in 5/2.5/1.33/1 second intervals, starting immediately upon cast, resulting in 4/8/12/16 instances.
  • Successive casts on the same target have no effect, until the previous cast is fully finished. After the 1st cast finished, the next cast start giving armor for its remaining duration.
  • When leveling the spell up while a unit is buffed/debuffed, the armor value adapts to the current level.

Shadow Weave (6.00-6.03)[]

Shadow Weave
Pierces spell immunity. EV
Pulse Nova icon
Razzle has a chance to draw stray shadows to wrap around his target as he casts spells. This increases a friendly unit's magic resistance by 10% per Weave. Stacks up to 4 times.
Proc Chance: 40%/60%/80%/100%
Max Stacks: 4
Magic Resistance Bonus per Stack: 10%
Stack Duration: 20
Shadow Weave Stack

  • This was Razzle's third ability, before the hero was reworked in the 6.39 gameplay patch.
  • Cannot proc upon casting item abilities on allies.
  • Each stack has its independent duration.

Shadow Word (6.00-6.03)[]

Shadow Word
Blocked by Linken's Sphere. Does not pierce spell immunity. QW
Shadow Wave icon
Allies / Enemies
A single word causes powerful magics to envelop the target. Creates a healing mechanism on a friendly target or damages an unfriendly one.
Cast Range: 600
Ally Heal per Second: 15/26/38/50
Enemy Damage per Second: 10/18/25/33
Duration: 8
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Shadow Word Buff
Shadow Word Debuff

  • This was Razzle's second ability, and it got reworked into the current Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave in the 6.39 gameplay patch.
  • Heals in 1-second intervals, starting 1 second after cast, resulting in 8 instances.
  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting immediately upon cast, resulting in 8 instances.
  • Can heal up to 120/208/304/400 health, or deal up to 80/144/200/264 damage to a target (before reductions).
  • Can be cast on, but does not affect enemy summons.
  • Successive casts on the same target do not stack, but refresh the duration.
  • On level 1, this ability spawned a "Watery Minion" when it killed an enemy. This was most likely unintended (the ability this was based on spawns the same unit by default).
    • The minion was a Murloc, a melee unit with 240 health, 10-11 attack damage and 2 armor. It lasted until killed.

Bad Juju (Pre 7.31)[]

Bad Juju (Pre 7.31)
Bad Juju icon
Self / Enemies
Passively reduces cooldowns on your abilities and items. Anytime you cast a spell, all nearby enemies will have their armor reduced. Debuff stacks and refreshes duration.
Cooldown Reduction: 26%/38%/50%
Debuff Radius: 1200
Armor Reduction per Cast: 2/2.25/2.5 (Talent 2.5/2.75/3)
Duration: 8
Each invocation of the Nothl realm helps it further permeate the surroundings of our own.

  • This ability got reworked into the current Bad Juju icon Bad Juju in the 7.31 gameplay patch.
  • Multiple sources of percentage-based cooldown reductions do not stack. The highest value takes priority.
  • Reduces enemies' armor before the triggering ability takes effect.
  • Does not trigger on active item abilities, on abilities with 0 cooldown, or on abilities which do not trigger on-cast effects.
  • Places one debuff on enemies. This debuff gets stronger when it gets refreshed with successive casts.
    • A number on the icon shows how many times the debuff was refreshed, including the first cast.

Weave (6.54-7.19d)[]

Weave (6.54-7.19d)
Weave icon
Applies a buff that increases the armor of allied heroes while decreasing the armor of enemy heroes in the target area over time.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.57
Cast Range: 2000 (Talent 2125)
Radius: 575
Armor per Second: 0.75/1/1.25 (Talent 1.25/1.5/1.75)
Duration: 24
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
His ethereal journey into the Nothl realm has allowed Dazzle to mend together the powers of light and dark, creating shifting waves of enchantments.

  • This ability got replaced by Bad Juju icon Bad Juju in the 7.20 gameplay patch.
  • Places a buff on allies and a debuff on enemies in the target area upon cast, so leaving or entering the area afterwards has no effect.
  • Increases allies' armor and decreases enemies' armor by 1 in 1.33/1/0.8 (Talent 0.8/0.67/0.57)-second intervals, starting 1 interval after the buff or debuff is placed.
  • Increases or decreases armor by up to 17/23/29 (Talent 29/35/41).
  • Successive casts of Weave fully stack. Each cast places its own buff or debuff on the units, working fully independently from each other.
  • Provides 575 radius ground vision at the targeted point for 3 seconds.

Shallow Grave (Pre 6.54)[]

Shallow Grave (Pre 6.54)
Pierces spell immunity. RG
Shallow Grave icon
The next time target allied hero dies, he will revive in 40% of regular time and will not lose gold. Revives with full mana. The enemy still gets gold and experience. Dying unit will deal physical damage to its killer if it was a hero. The buff lasts for 360 seconds on the target.
Cast Range: 550
Respawn Time Reduction: 60%
Kill Damage: 150/300/450
Buff Duration: 360
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Shallow Grave
Only a seasoned acolyte of the Shadow can properly perform the rite of preventing death.

  • Places a buff on the targeted ally. When the hero dies with the buff, it does not lose gold from the death and respawns 60% faster.
  • The hero will respawn with a full mana pool (back then, heroes usually respawned with 200 mana).
  • The damage is only dealt when the killing unit was a hero. The damage is sourced to the buffed allied hero.

Power Word (6.00-6.03)[]

Power Word
Blocked by Linken's Sphere. Pierces spell immunity. RR
Cold Snap icon
Allies / Enemies
Razzle's most powerful shadow magic, Power Word envelops the target in a magic that either softens or strengthens the flesh, increasing or decreasing its armor.
Cast Range: 600
Armor Bonus/Reduction: 3/7/10
Duration: 25
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Power Word Buff
Power Word Debuff

  • This was Razzle's ultimate ability, and it got reworked into the Weave icon Weave in the 6.39 gameplay patch.

Good Juju (Pre 7.32e)[]

Good Juju
Good Juju icon
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Target Unit)
(Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Allies)
Whenever Dazzle Casts a Spell, all other abilities currently on cooldown have their cooldowns reduced.
With Aghanim's Scepter Cast Animation: 0.2+0.76
Cooldown Reduction per Cast: 1/1.5/2
With Aghanim's Scepter Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 250
With Aghanim's Scepter Item Cooldown Reduction: 50%
Cooldown symbol
  With Aghanim's Scepter 180
Mana symbol
 With Aghanim's Scepter 250
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Good Juju reduces all item Cooldowns by 50% and becomes an active ability that can be cast on allied units to refresh all item cooldowns.
Partially disabled by Break.
Break Notes:
Disables cooldown reduction per cast.
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Does not disable passive cooldown reduction on items.
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
Good Juju is granted to the player that drafted Bad Juju icon Bad Juju.
Each invocation of the Nothl Realm helps it further permeate the surroundings of our own.

  • Does not trigger on active item abilities, on abilities with 0 cooldown, or on abilities which do not trigger on-cast effects.
  • Reduces cooldowns of every non-item ability, including ultimates and passive abilities.
    • Does not reduce the recharge time of currently recharging charge-based abilities.
  • Good Juju turns into a unit-targeted active ability. The passive component is still present.
    • ↓↓ Double-tapping automatically targets self.
    • Treats creep-heroes and illusions as heroes.
    • Only resets items in the owner's inventory and backpack. Items in the stash, in other units' inventories, or dropped items are unaffected.
    • Only resets items owned by the owner. Allied items in the inventory are not refreshed.
    • Visually resets the cooldown of Tranquil Boots icon Tranquil Boots, but does not skip the broken state.
    • Neither resets the cooldown of nor shares cooldowns with the following items:
    • The passive item cooldown reduction stacks multiplicatively with other sources of percentage-based cooldown reductions.
  • The acquired ability is a passive ability on Rubick minimap icon Rubick if he does not have Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter equipped.