Dota 2 Wiki
Unreleased Content

Version History[]

  • Added
    denying functionality to Poison Touch icon Poison Touch with the following conditions:
    • Affected heroes under 25% of max health and the ability effects can now be denied by an allied hero.
  • Bad Juju icon Bad Juju
    • No longer affects item abilities.
    • Reduced health cost multiplier per cast from 1.5 to 1.4.
  • Increased Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence gain from 2.5 to 2.8.
  • Reduced Bad Juju icon Bad Juju health cost from 75/100/125 to 75 on each level.
  • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
    • Increased heal from 60/85/110/135 to 75/95/115/135.
    • Increased damage from 60/85/110/135 to 75/95/115/135.
  • Reduced Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave mana cost from 100/110/120/130 to 90/100/110/120.
  • Reduced Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave mana cost from 90 to 75.
  • Bad Juju icon Bad Juju
    • Successive casts while the health cost increase debuff is still active now stacks independently of each other, instead of refreshing the debuff duration.
    • Reduced health cost increase debuff duration from 30/25/20 to 20 on each level.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave [?]
      • The Aghanim's Scepter icon Ability Upgrade now applies the damage and heal multiplier when casting on both allies and enemies. [?]
      • Increases damage multiplier from 1 to 1.5
      • Increases heal multiplier from 1 to 1.5.
  • Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle no longer has Intelligence attribute symbol Intelligence as a primary attribute and is now a Universal attribute symbol Universal hero.
  • Reduced Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 2.3 to 2.
  • Reduced Agility attribute symbol agility gain from 1.7 to 1.4.
  • Reduced Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence gain from 3.7 to 2.5.
  • Reduced base health from 200 to 120.
  • Reduced base attack damage from 22‒28 to 10‒16.
  • Merged
    Good Juju icon Good Juju passive components to Bad Juju icon Bad Juju. Dazzle now has one ultimate ability. [?]
    • U
      No longer deals 40/50/60 physical damage and self heals for the same amount.
    • U
      from affecting ally units within a 1200 radius to affecting self only.
    • No longer has a 50/75/100 mana cost.
    • Now reduces the current cooldowns of all other abilities by 4/5/6.
    • Now reduces the current item cooldowns by 3/4/5.
    • Now has a 75/100/125-health cost. [?]
    • Each cast applies a 30/25/20-second debuff that increases the current health cost by 50%.
    • Has a 3-second cooldown.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Old
      Good Juju icon Good Juju
      • Passively reduce equipped item cooldowns by 50%.
      • Adds an active component that resets all item cooldowns of the targeted ally or self. [?]
    • New
      Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
      • Added
        Enemy unit-targeting functionality, bouncing and damaging enemies while healing nearby ally units for 150% of its ability values when doing so. [?]
      • Now also performs an instant attack on all affected enemy units.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Increased duration from 4/5/6/7 to 5/6/7/8.
    • Increased mana cost from 110/120/130/140 to 125/130/135/140.
  • Reduced Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave duration from 4/4.5/5/5.5 to 3.5/4/4.5/5.
  • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
    • Reduced heal from 80/100/120/140 to 60/85/110/135.
    • Reduced damage from 80/100/120/140 to 60/85/110/135.
  • U
    Reduced Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 2.5 to 2.3.
  • Reduced Poison Touch icon Poison Touch cooldown from 27/24/21/18 to 27/23/19/15.
  • Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave now also grants the target 2%/4%/6%/8% incoming heal amplification for each 10% health missing.
  • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
    • Reduced mana cost from 90/100/110/120 to 90 on each level.
    • Rescaled cooldown from 14/12/10/8 to 12/11/10/9.
  • Added
    Good Juju icon Good Juju,
    second ultimate ability.
    • Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle now has two ultimate abilities. Leveling this ability automatically levels Bad Juju icon Bad Juju as well.
Good Juju icon Good Juju
Passive - Whenever Dazzle casts an ability, all other non-item abilities currently on cooldown have their cooldowns reduced.
Cooldown reduction per cast: 1/1.5/2
Bad Juju icon Bad Juju
Passive - Reduces cooldowns on your abilities and items. Anytime you cast an ability, all nearby enemies will have their armor reduced. Debuff stacks and refreshes duration.
Cooldown reduction: 26%/38%/50%
Radius: 1200
Armor reduction per cast: 2/2.25/2.5
Duration: 8
Bad Juju icon Bad Juju
Whenever a unit is affected by Dazzle's abilities, they temporarily gain/lose armor. Can be activated to heal/deal physical damage to nearby units based on the amount of stacks on them.
Armor change per stack: 1/2/3
Duration: 8/10/12
Active radius: 1200
Heal/damage per stack: 30/40/50
Mana cost: 50/75/100
Cooldown: 15
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade.
    • Old
      Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
      • Increases heal by 100.
      • Increases damage by 100.
      • Causes the bounce to apply basic dispel on affected allies.
    • New
      Good Juju icon Good Juju
      • Now also passively reduce Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle's item cooldowns by 50%.
      • Adds an active component that resets all item cooldowns of the targeted ally or self.
      • The active component has a 250-cast range, 250-mana cost and 180-second cooldown.
  • Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
  • Increased base armor from -1 to 0.
  • Reduced base Agility attribute symbol agility from 21 to 20.
  • Increased base health regeneration from 0 to 0.25.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Duration now only gets refreshed by the caster's attacks, instead of any attack.
    • Now increases movement speed slow by 2%/2.5%/3%/3.5% each time the debuff gets refreshed.
    • Increased base movement speed slow from 14%/16%/18%/20% to 16%/18%/20%/22%.
  • Reduced Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave mana cost from 150 on each level to 120/130/140/150.
  • Increased turn rate from 0.6 to 0.7.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch now deals its first tick of damage immediately, instead of 1 second after the debuff is placed. [?]
  • Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave
    • Reduced cast point from 0.4 to 0.3.
    • Reduced cooldown from 42/34/26/18 to 36/30/24/18.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
      • Increased heal bonus from 60 to 100.
      • Increased damage bonus from 80 to 100.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade:
    • Old
      Bad Juju icon Bad Juju instantly attacks the 3 closest enemies 1200 radius around Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle whenever he casts an ability, prioritizing heroes [?]
    • New
      Causes Poison Touch icon Poison Touch to apply a 1.25-second hex on hit enemies.
  • Added
    Attribute Bonus icon Attribute Bonus.
  • Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave
    • Increased cast range from 550/700/850/1000 to 700/800/900/1000.
    • Rescaled duration from 5 on each level to 4/4.5/5/5.5.
    • Reduced cooldown from 60/46/32/18 to 42/34/26/18.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
  • Added
    Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upgrade for Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle:
    • Bad Juju icon Bad Juju [?]
      • Increased instant attack radius from 800 to 1200.
      • Reduced the number of targets from 8 to 3.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Old
      Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
      • Increases bounce count by 3.
      • Increases bounce distance by 200.
      • Causes the bounce to apply basic dispel on affected allies.
    • New
      Bad Juju icon Bad Juju instantly attacks the 8 closest enemies 800 radius around Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle whenever he casts an ability, prioritizing heroes [?]
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Old
      Turns Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave into a 500-radius area-targeted ability, affecting all ally heroes within the radius.
    • New
      Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
      • Increases bounce count by 3.
      • Increases bounce distance by 200.
      • Causes the bounce to apply basic dispel on affected allies.
  • Increased Bad Juju icon Bad Juju cooldown reduction from 20%/35%/50% to 26%/38%/50%.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Reduced cast range from 600/700/800/900 to 500/600/700/800.
    • Increased mana cost from 80/100/120/140 to 95/110/125/140.
  • Increased Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave cooldown from 60/45/30/15 to 60/46/32/18.
  • Reduced Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence gain from 3.4 to 3.2.
  • Reduced Bad Juju icon Bad Juju cooldown reduction from 30%/40%/50% to 20%/35%/50%.
  • Increased Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave cooldown from 13/11/9/7 to 14/12/10/8.
  • Increased Poison Touch icon Poison Touch mana cost from 80/90/100/110 to 80/100/120/140.
  • Reduced Bad Juju icon Bad Juju debuff duration from 10 to 8.
  • Increased Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 2.3 to 2.5.
  • Reduced base health regeneration from 1.5 to 0.
  • Reduced base mana regeneration from 0.9 to 0.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Multiple casts now stack the debuff, instead of refreshing the duration.
    • Increased mana cost from 80 on each level to 80/90/100/110.
  • Increased Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave cooldown from 12/10/8/6 to 13/11/9/7.
  • Replaced
    Weave icon Weave with Bad Juju icon Bad Juju.
Weave icon Weave
Applies a buff that increases the armor of allied heroes while decreasing the armor of enemy heroes in the target area over time.
Cast range: 2000
Radius: 575
Armor per Second: 0.75/1/1.25
Duration: 24
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 40
Bad Juju icon Bad Juju
Passively reduces cooldowns on your abilities and items. Anytime you cast an ability, all nearby enemies will have their armor reduced. Debuff stacks and refreshes duration.
Cooldown reduction: 30%/40%/50%
Radius: 1200
Armor reduction per cast: 2/2.25/2.5
Duration: 10
  • Increased Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 2.15 to 2.3.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Rescaled number of targets from 4/5/6/7 to 2/4/6/8.
    • Reduced cooldown from 35/30/25/20 to 27/24/21/18.
  • Increased Poison Touch icon Poison Touch damage per second from 10/20/30/40 to 10/24/38/52.
Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
Casts a poisonous spell on an enemy unit, gradually slowing movement, and causing damage over time.
Cast range: 600/650/700/750
Damage per second: 14/20/26/36
Duration: 7
Mana cost: 70
Cooldown: 15/13/11/7
Level 1: 33% slow for 3 seconds
Level 2: 33% slow for 2 seconds ➜ 66% slow for 1 second
Level 3: 33% slow for 1 second ➜ 66% slow for 1 second ➜ 100% slow for 1 second
Level 4: 33% slow for 1 second ➜ 66% slow for 1 second ➜ stun for 1 second
Notes: The damage starts after the slow/stun. Deals physical damage. Multiple instances fully stack.
Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
Releases a cone of poisonous magic that strikes multiple enemy units. Deals damage over time and slows the target. Anytime the targets get attacked, the debuff duration is refreshed.
Cast range: 600/700/800/900
Starting radius: 200
Max distance: 600/700/800/900
End radius: 300
Number of targets: 4/5/6/7
Damage per second: 10/20/30/40
Movement speed slow: 14%/16%/18%/20%
Duration: 4/5/6/7
Mana cost: 80
Cooldown: 35/30/25/20
Notes: Single target ability, but hits a number of enemies in a cone area in front of Dazzle. The debuff gets refreshed whenever getting attacked by a player or Roshan. Deals physical damage.
  • Increased Strength attribute symbol strength gain from 1.85 to 2.15.
  • Reduced base health regeneration from 0.25 to 0.
  • Increased base mana from 50 to 75.
  • Reworked
    Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Old
      Weave icon Weave
      • Increases radius to 775.
      • Increases armor per second to 1.25/1.5/1.75.
    • New
      Turns Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave into a 450-radius area-targeted ability, affecting all ally heroes within the radius.
  • Increased base health from 180 to 200.
  • Increased base mana from 0 to 50.
  • Increased Poison Touch icon Poison Touch cast range from 600 on each level to 600/650/700/750.
  • Increased Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave cast point from 0.35 to 0.4.
  • Increased Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave mana cost from 80/90/100/110 to 90/100/110/120.
  • Increased base health from 150 to 180.
  • Reduced Poison Touch icon Poison Touch mana cost from 100 to 70.
  • Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave
    • Increased cast point from 0.3 to 0.35.
    • Increased mana cost from 140/130/120/110 to 150 on each level.
  • Weave icon Weave
    • Changed
      vision type from Flying Vision to Ground Vision.
    • Reduced vision radius from 800 to 575.
    • Reduced vision duration from 8 to 3.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Now also increases Weave icon Weave vision radius to 775.
  • Reduced Poison Touch icon Poison Touch mana cost from 100/115/130/145 to 100 on each level.
  • Increased Weave icon Weave duration from 20 to 24.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Ability is now disjointable.
    • Changed
      from stunning upon launch to stunning upon projectile impact.
    • Increased damage per second from 8/16/24/32 to 14/20/26/32.
    • Reworked
      movement speed slow progression:
      • Old
        • Level 1: 1s 33% slow
        • Level 2: 1s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow
        • Level 3: 1s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow ➜ 1s stun
        • Level 4: 1s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow ➜ 1s stun
      • New
        • Level 1: 3s 33% slow
        • Level 2: 2s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow
        • Level 3: 1s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow ➜ 1s 100% slow
        • Level 4: 1s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow ➜ 1s stun
  • Weave icon Weave
    • Rescaled armor per second from 1 on each level to 0.75/1/1.25.
    • Reduced duration from 12/18/24 to 20 on each level.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter upgrade:
    • Weave icon Weave
      • No longer increases duration.
      • Now increases armor per second 1/1.25/1.5. [?]
  • Increased Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave cast range from 400/600/800/1000 to 550/700/850/1000.
  • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
    • Now always self-heals first, regardless of who is targeted.
    • The self-heal does not count towards the bounce limit.
  • Increased Poison Touch icon Poison Touch damage per second from 7/14/21/28 to 8/16/24/32.
  • Updated Weave icon Weave ability tooltips.
  • Added
    new Bound Radius mechanic. [?]
    • File:Minimap icon.png [[|]] has the DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO hull size. [?]
    • This unit has a 27-radius collision size and a 24-radius bound radius respectively.
  • Increased Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave damage radius from 155 to 170.
  • Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave now has a duration indicator above the target, visible to allies only.
  • Increased Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave cooldown from 54/40/26/12 to 60/45/30/15.
  • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
    • Fixed not bouncing the correct number of times.
    • Changed
      ability operations to improve performance.
    • Fixed buff and debuff icon to represent the current status more accurately.
  • Reduced Poison Touch icon Poison Touch cast point from 0.5 to 0.3.
  • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
    • Now also bounces on Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle, instead of always excluding him.
    • Reduced cast point from 0.5 to 0.3.
    • Increased cast range from 550 to 900.
    • Increased number of bounces from 3/3/3/4 to 3/3/4/5.
  • Reworked
    Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave.
    • Moved
      from the fourth to the second ability slot.
Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave
The next time target allied hero dies, he will revive in 40% of the regular time and will not lose gold. Revives with full mana. The enemy still gets gold and experience. A dying unit will deal physical damage to its killer if it was a hero.
Cast time: 0.5
Cast range: 550
Damage: 150/300/450
Buff duration: 360
Mana cost: 100/200/300
Cooldown: 200/175/150
Notes: When dying with the buff on, the hero's respawn time is reduced by 60%. The damage is afflicted on the hero who kills the buffed ally.
Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave
Shallow Grave prevents any damage from killing the targeted hero for 5 seconds.
Cast time: 0.3
Cast range: 400/600/800/1000
Duration: 5
Mana cost: 140/130/120/110
Cooldown: 90/70/50/30
Notes: Prevents the target's health from dropping below 1 for its duration. No damage can kill it for its duration.
  • Reworked
    Weave icon Weave.
    • Moved
      from the second to the fourth ability slot.
    • Updated ability effects.
    • This is now Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle's ultimate ability.
Weave icon Weave
A powerful shadow magic used to increase or decrease a target's defenses over time. Changes armor by 1 every pulse.
Cast time: 0.5
Cast range: 800
Pulses: 4/8/12/16
Duration: 17
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 20
Notes: Increases/decreases armor in 5/2.5/1.33/1 second intervals, starting immediately upon cast, reaching 4/8/12/16 armor after 16 seconds.
Weave icon Weave
A powerful shadow magic used to increase or decrease defenses over time. Changes armor by 1 every second. Affects allied and enemy heroes in a radius.
Cast time: 0.3
Cast range: 2000
Radius: 575
Armor per second: 1
Duration: 12/18/24
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 40
Notes: Places a buff on all allied and a debuff on enemy heroes within the area. All buffed/debuffed units gain/lose 1 armor per second throughout the whole duration. At the end of the duration, their armor goes back to normal.
  • Updated hero description.
  • Added
    Weave icon Weave ability effects. [?]
  • Changed
    Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave buff duration from until next death to a fixed 360.
  • Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave
    • Changed
      buff duration from a fixed 300 to until next death.
    • Reduced respawn time reduction from 80% to 60%.
    • Reduced cooldown from 250/200/150 to 200/175/150.
  • Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave
    • Fixed not working properly for heroes with transformation abilities (e.g. Shapeshift icon Shapeshift).
    • Changed
      buff duration from until next death to a fixed 300.
    • Rescaled cooldown from 300/200/100 to 250/200/150.
    • Reduced mana cost from 200/350/500 to 100/200/300.
Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
A poisonous magic is placed on an enemy unit causing it to move slowly becoming paralyzed. The longer the poison takes to set in, the slower the unit will become. After the poison sets in, it takes physical damage per second.
Cast range: 600
Damage per second: 7/14/21/28
Slow duration: 1/2/3/3
Mana cost: 100/115/130/145
Cooldown: 15/13/11/9
Level 1: 1s 33% slow
Level 2: 1s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow
Level 3: 1s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow ➜ 1s stun
Level 4: 1s 33% slow ➜ 1s 66% slow ➜ 1s stun
Notes: Mini-stuns the target upon cast.
Weave icon Weave
A powerful shadow magic used to increase or decrease a target's defenses over time. Changes armor by 1 every pulse.
Cast range: 800
Pulses: 4/8/12/16
Duration: 17
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 20
Notes: Increases/decreases armor in 5/2/1.33/1 second intervals, starting immediately upon cast, reaching 4/8/12/16 armor after ~15 seconds.
Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
Sends forth a Shadow Wave to heal few units. Healed units also damage a small area around them for the same amount. Dissipated damage is physical.
Cast range: 550
Bounce distance: 475
Damage radius: 155
Number of targets: 3/3/3/4
Heal/damage: 80/100/120/140
Notes: Does not include Dazzle himself. In order to heal self, the ability has to be cast on self. The wave bounces instantly to nearby units. The AoE damage around multiple healed allies stacks.
Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave
The next time target allied hero dies, he will revive in 20% of the time and will not lose gold. Revives with full mana. The enemy still gets gold and experience. A dying unit will deal physical damage to its killer if it was a hero.
Cast range: 550
Damage: 150/300/450
Mana cost: 200/350/500
Cooldown: 300/150/75
Notes: The placed buff lasts until the next death. When dying with the buff on, the hero's respawn time is reduced by 80%. The damage is afflicted on the hero who kills the buffed ally.
  • Reworked
    Pulse Nova icon Shadow Weave. [?]
    • Old
      Reduces enemy magic resistance by 5% per stack.
    • New
      Increases self magic resistance bonus by 10% per stack.
  • Increased Cold Snap icon Power Word duration from 15 to 25.
  • Created

Patch History[]

  • Fixed Bad Juju icon Bad Juju refreshing Blink Dagger icon Blink damage mute duration upon taking damage. [?]
  • Typing Razzil in the hero selection now highlights Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle.
  • Reduced versus scale from 0.85 to 0.79.
  • Added
    new Adjectives attributes. [?]
    • Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle has the following values: Legs 2 and Nose 1.
  • Updated hero modifier.
  • Fixed Dazzle minimap icon Dazzle having the wrong attack speed bonus Talent talent value.
  • Updated Bad Juju icon Bad Juju ability backend strings.
  • Increased legs LOD1 max polygons from 100 to 1000.
  • Bad Juju icon Bad Juju
    • Updated ability descriptions.
    • Updated Talent talent descriptions.
    • Updated ability damage type tooltip.
  • Updated default hero model.
  • Updated Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave particles.
  • Updated Poison Touch icon Poison Touch impact sound.
    • No longer has 300 spread radius.
    • Added max sound distance of 3000.
    • Added a sound blocker, with a 600 radius and 0.15 second duration, Preventing the sound from playing more than once within the given time and the given distance.
  • Added sound effect for Bad Juju icon Bad Juju targeting.
  • Fixed Poison Touch icon Poison Touch max search range not increasing along with the cast range per level.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Added range tooltip modifiers.
    • Updated description.
  • Fixed missing decal on default hero model sleeve.
  • Fixed Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave sometimes counting your hero towards the limit.
  • Added Russian voiceover lines.
  • Increased max polygon counts.
  • Updated default hero model.
  • Updated ability icons.
  • Updated Dota2 workshop model and texture files.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Fixed being disjointable.
    • Fixed not resetting its max slow and/or stun effect when refreshed on a target.
    • Fixed sometimes dealing 7 damage ticks instead of 8.
  • Fixed Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave being unable to bounce to allied invulnerable units.
  • Fixed having 1 more armor than intended.
  • Fixed Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave not doing its damage around the radius of the last target.
  • Fixed turn rate.
  • Added overhead healing messages.
  • Fixed being able to deny oneself while under the Poison Touch icon Poison Touch debuff if you attack through the hero icon at the top.
  • U
    Added Haste Rune minimap icon Haste Rune run animations.
  • U
    Added chase animation.
  • U
    Added the following animations:
    • Injured idle animation
    • Injured attack animation
    • Spawn animation
  • Added an impact effect on enemies who are damaged by Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave.
  • Added more movement lines.
  • Fixed Weave icon Weave ability interactions with Repel icon Repel/Purge
  • Fixed Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave, it now properly deals physical damage, and damages magic immune units.
  • Update stats section on HUD when a displayed modifier changes its tooltip parity (E.g. Weave icon Weave).
  • Fixed Poison Touch icon Poison Touch movement speed slow duration from 1/2/2/2 to 1/2/3/3.
  • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch
    • Fixed ability projectile speed.
    • Fixed ability targeting rules.
    • Fixed various bugs.
    • Fixed ability's sound source.