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Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
18 + 2
20 + 1.4
25 + 2.8
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 516 1132 1836 2100
+0.25 +1.87 +4.39 +7.27 +8.35
Mana 75 375 843 1323 1515
+0.3 +1.55 +3.51 +5.51 +6.31
Armor 0 3.33 6.6 10.93 12.43
Magic Resist 25% 27.5% 31.42% 35.42% 37.02%
Damage Block -






Attack Rate 0.59/s 0.71/s 0.82/s 0.97/s 1.03/s
Attack Range Ranged 575 (800)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.7s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.3 + 0.3
Projectile Speed 1200
Move Speed ▶️ 305 (Nighttime 335)
Turn Rate Takes 0.15s to turn 180°. 0.7
Collision Size 27
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal npc_dota_hero_dazzle
Powerful healer who can briefly prevent death.
A journey to the Nothl Realm changes all its visitors, not least of which Dazzle, a young acolyte of the Dezun Order. Consecrated as a Shadow Priest, Dazzle sends outs Shadow Waves to mend and maim. Foes are crippled by his paralytic enchantment — the Poison Touch, while allies are blessed with Shallow Graves, cheating death no matter how severe their injuries. As for himself, with each spell cast, each invocation of his strange Juju magic advances the efficiency of his spell-casting. Enemies within earshot of his incantations feel their bodies weaken, for those who cross Dazzle are invariably afflicted with an eternity of Bad Juju.
Poison Touch
Poison Touch
Shallow Grave
Shadow Wave
Shadow Wave
Bad Juju
Roles: Support Support Nuker Nuker Disabler Disabler
Complexity: Hero Complexity
Adjectives: Nose
Legs ( 2 )


Dazzle minimap iconDazzle, the Shadow Priest
▶️ "Where my shadow falls, there falls my foe."
Each young acolyte to the Dezun order must complete a series of rites before becoming a Shadow Priest. The final rite, the rite of shades, is a harrowing spiritual journey through the Nothl Realm, an unpredictable domain from which not all visitants return. Of those who do, some return mad. Others return with strange aptitudes. But all who go there are changed by their experiences.

Driven by the need for enlightenment, Dazzle was the youngest of his tribe ever to request the sacred ritual. At first the order refused him, saying he was too young. But Dazzle was not to be dissuaded. Sensing something special in the headstrong young acolyte, the elders relented. Dazzle drank down the sacred potion and sat by the fire while the rest of his tribe danced through the night.

In this ethereal dimension of the Nothl Realm, the properties of light and dark are inverted. Thus his brilliant healing light, beautiful to our eye, is actually a sinister kind of evil; and the darkest deeds are done in a dazzling glow. The elders' intuition was prophetic: Dazzle returned to his people as a Shadow Priest like none seen before, with the power to heal as well as to destroy. Now he uses his gift to cut down his enemies and mend his friends.


Poison Touch icon
(Talent Self)
Releases a cone of poison that strikes multiple enemy units. Deals damage over time and slows the targets. Anytime the targets get attacked by Dazzle, the debuff duration is refreshed and slow is increased.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.57
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 500/600/700/800
Starting Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 200
Max Distance: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 600/700/800/900
End Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 300
Number of Targets: 2/4/6/8
Damage per Second: 16/28/40/52 (Talent 76/88/100/112)
Base Move Speed Slow: 16%/18%/20%/22% (Talent 56%/58%/60%/62%)
Move Speed Slow Increase per Refresh: 2%/2.5%/3%/3.5%
Debuff Duration: 5/6/7/8
With Aghanim's Shard Hex Set Move Speed: 100
With Aghanim's Shard Hex Duration: 1.6
Talent Attack Range Bonus: 300
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard.
Aghanim's Shard Upgrade:
Causes Poison Touch to hex affected targets for 1.6 seconds.
Blocked by Linken's Sphere.
Blocked fully upon cast only when primary target.
Can be used by illusions.
Illusion Notes:
Attack range bonus against affected targets is not granted to illusions.
Modifiers [?]
One of the few Dezun rites used for offensive purposes, the paralytic enchantment often proves useful.
Hex pig model

▶️ Upgradable by Aghanim's Shard. Hex Pig model.

  • A unit with less than 25% of its max health can be denied when the Poison Touch debuff is active.
  • Poison Touch's projectiles travel at a speed of 1300.
  • With the starting radius, distance, and end radius, Poison Touch can hit units up to 1100/1200/1300/1400 range away.
    • The complete area is shaped like a cone in front of Dazzle.
    • The area starts in front of Dazzle, and not at the primary target's position.
  • Targets within the cone area are not chosen randomly. It chooses the closest valid targets to the primary target within the cone.
  • Deals damage in 1-second intervals, starting immediately, resulting in 6/7/8/9 damage instances when not refreshed.
  • Can deal up to 96/196/320/468 (Talent 456/616/800/1008) damage to each target when not refreshed (before reductions).
  • The duration, damage, and movement speed slow values are updated and refreshed to the current ability level whenever Dazzle successfully lands an attack on the debuffed unit, missed attacks do not refresh it. This has no stack limit.
    • Only the caster's attacks can refresh and extend the duration of all current applied Poison Touch debuffs. Attacks from other player-controlled units do not refresh the debuff.
    • Poison Touch of different sources are independent of each other.
  • Successive casts of Poison Touch fully stack with each instance having its independent damage intervals, movement speed slow, and duration.
    • Both leveling the ability and the damage per second increasing Talent talent immediately update the current active damage instances.
    • However, both leveling the ability and the movement speed slow increasing Talent talent does not update the current active instances.
  • For how much damage movement speed one instance of Poison Touch reduces when refreshed, with the movement speed slow increasing Talent talent, please refer to the chart below.
  • Enemies are now hexed upon projectile impact, setting their base movement speed to 100, silencing, muting and disarming them.
    • The Ability Upgrade is determined if the caster has Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard upon projectile hit.
    • Both the hex and Poison Touch debuff are independent of each other but applied at the same time.
    • The hex is only applied once upon projectile impact. Therefore, the target is still slowed for 3.4/4.4/5.4/6.4 seconds after the hex duration.
    • Hex instantly destroys illusions.
    • Poison Touch first applies its main debuff, then the hex debuff.
    With the Poison Touch attack range bonus Talent talent, Dazzle has a total of 875 attack range against affected targets.
    • Grants Dazzle attack range bonus as long as he attacks the affected unit, regardless of its source.
    • Does not work against illusions.

Shallow Grave
Shallow Grave icon
An ally blessed with Shallow Grave, no matter how close to death, cannot die while under its protection. Healing on that ally is also amplified for the duration based on the hero's HP.
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 700/800/900/1000
Set Min Health: 1
Max Bonus Health Threshold: 10%
Max Heal Amp: 18%/36%/54%/72%
Duration: 3.5/4/4.5/5
Talent Heal: 200
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Modifiers [?]
Only a seasoned acolyte of the Shadow can properly perform the rite of preventing death.

  • Min health prevents the affected target's current from dropping below 1 while active.
    • This means the target cannot die to any incoming damage instances, not even damage flagged as HP removal.
    • However, it does not manipulate the value of the incoming damage instance and fully procs on-damage effects.
  • Does not protect the targets against the following sources:
  • The halo ability effect appears at 190/240/300/350 range above the affected target, indicating its remaining duration, and it hits the ground right when the effect expires.
  • Grants incoming heal amplification.
    • Neither grants health regen amplification, lifesteal amplification or spell lifesteal amplification.
    • All healing the target receives is amplified, regardless of the source.
  • The incoming heal amplification bonus increases by 1.8%/3.6%/5.4%/7.2% for every 10% of max health missing, reaching 18%/36%/54%/72% when below 10% max health.
    • The health percentage is checked periodically and the effects are adapted instantly.
    The Heal on Shallow Grave End Talent talent heals the target for 200 health upon losing the buff in any way.
    • Therefore, this healing is not affected by Shallow Grave's own heal amplification.
    • Successive buffs of multiple Shallow Grave do not instantly apply the heal.

Shadow Wave
Shadow Wave icon
Allies / Enemies
Sends out a bolt of power that arcs between allies, healing them while damaging any units standing nearby. Dazzle is always healed by Shadow Wave.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.57
Cast Range: Affected by Cast Range bonuses. 800
Damage Radius: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 185
Bounce Distance: Affected by AoE Radius bonuses. 475
Number of Bounces: 3/4/5/6
Heal: 75/95/115/135 (Talent 120/140/160/180)
Damage: 75/95/115/135 (Talent 120/140/160/180)
With Aghanim's Scepter Heal/Damage Multiplier: 1.5
With Aghanim's Scepter Instant Attack Radius: Global
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Shadow Wave can now target and bounce between enemies in addition to allies. When bouncing to an enemy, they will take damage and heal nearby allies equal to 150% of the normal healing and damage values. Dazzle will also perform an attack against any enemy that Shadow Wave bounces to.
While it is a simplistic and routine rite among Shadow Priests, the Shadow Wave is also the most critical for success.
Dazzle Aghs visualized

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Shadow Wave damage and heal visualized.

  • Shadow Wave has no bounce delay, all targets are healed simultaneously.
  • Shadow Wave has the following priorities on allies and on enemies: Hurt heroes ➤ hurt non-hero units (including illusions) ➤ heroes ➤ non-hero units.
    • The lower the health of the unit, the higher their priority. This means the lowest health units get healed first.
    • If multiple units meet the same criteria (e.g. when only full health non-hero units are within range), it chooses between them randomly.
    • Fully heal and consider invulnerable allies and ally Animal Courier Radiant minimap icon Couriers as valid targets.
  • Regardless of the target, Dazzle is always healed without counting towards the number of bounces, effectively healing 4/5/6/7 units.
  • Can heal and damage up to 300/475/690/945 (Talent 480/700/960/1260) health when all bounces hit (before reductions).
    • The damage radius is centered around each healed unit. An enemy unit can get damaged by all healed units per cast.
  • Shadow Wave first applies the heal on affected allies, then the damage on affected enemies.
  • Adds enemy unit-targeting functionality and can now target enemies following the same priority and other ability notes as above.
  • The heal and damage multiplier now applies whenever Shadow Wave hits an enemy unit.
    • When Shadow Wave hits an enemy unit, it now applies the increased damage on affected enemies, the increased heal on affected allies, the heal on affected allies, the damage on affected enemies, then the instant attack on all hit enemies.
    • This effectively deals 2.5 times the damage to enemies, while healing allies for the same amount when the Shadow Wave cast hit enemies.
  • Can heal and damage up to 750/1187.5/1725/2362.5 (Talent 1200/1750/2400/3150) health when all bounces hit (before reductions).

Bad Juju icon
Self / Enemies
Whenever a Unit is affected by Dazzle's spells they temporarily gain/lose armor.

The spell can be activated by spending health to decrease the remaining cooldown of all other abilities. Casting Bad Juju temporarily increases its health cost.
Passive Component
Armor Change per Stack: 1/2/3 (Talent 1.5/2.5/3.5)
Cast Animation: 0.2+0.76
Abilities Cooldown Reduction: 4/5/6
Armor Stack Duration: 8/10/12
Health Cost Increase Debuff Duration: 20
Health Cost Multiplier per Cast: 1.4
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Health symbol
 75 Current Health
Partially pierces debuff immunity.
Fully pierces debuff immunity on the caster.
Modifiers [?]
Ability Draft Notes
Ability Draft Notes:
The current cooldown reductions component is not limited to Dazzle's abilities. All Chakra Magic icon Chakra Magic current cooldown notes fully apply.
Each invocation of the Nothl realm helps it further permeate the surroundings of our own.

  • Bad Juju's passive component only works with Dazzle's abilities. It does not react to items or other abilities.
    • Bad Juju always applies its stack before the triggering ability applies any of its effects, including casting Bad Juju itself.
    • Poison Touch icon Poison Touch applies a stack on enemies on projectile hit.
    • Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave applies a stack on the targeted ally upon cast.
    • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave applies a stack per instance of heal and damage on all healed allies, including Dazzle, and on all damaged enemies respectively.
      • Enemies that are within the damage radius of multiple healed allies receive multiple stacks as well.
  • Bad Juju first increases the stack by 1 upon cast, then reduces the current cooldown of Dazzle's abilities by a flat amount.
    • Fully affects all basic abilities, including passive abilities.
  • Does not affect item abilities at all. (as of 7.35b, it still effects cooldowns of TP scroll and neutral items)
  • All armor stacks work fully independently from each other. They do not refresh each other but share a status buff.
  • The health cost for this ability is
    75 × 1.4 ^ DebuffStack of Dazzle's current health rounded down.
    • Current health as cost is considered as setting health and it is non-lethal. Therefore, this ability can be cast even with 1 health.
    • The health cost tooltip displays the momentary health cost based on the current health, and updates whenever the tooltip is called.
    • Each stack places a new debuff on Dazzle. This means their durations are independent of each other.
  • The current number of both armor stacks and health cost increase stacks are visible on the modifier's icon and in its description.
  • Successive casts up to 5 times cost up to Health symbol 75/105/146/205/288 current health.

Poison Touch Calculations[]

Poison Touch icon Poison Touch Movement Speed Slow Calculations with Talent Talent Bonuses
Level Poison Touch Movement Speed Slow at nth Interval
Initial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4


Hero Talents
+0.5 Bad Juju icon Bad Juju Armor Reduction/Increase25+40% Poison Touch icon Poison Touch Slow
+60 Poison Touch icon Poison Touch DPS20+200 Heal On Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave End
+80 Attack Speed15+45 Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave Heal / Damage
+1.75 Mana Regen10+300 Poison Touch icon Poison Touch Attack Range

Recent Changes[]

Main Articles: Changelogs, Old Abilities and Hero Lore

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

    denying functionality to Poison Touch icon Poison Touch with the following conditions:
    • Affected heroes under 25% of max health and the ability effects can now be denied by an allied hero.
  • Bad Juju icon Bad Juju
    • No longer affects item abilities.
    • Reduced health cost multiplier per cast from 1.5 to 1.4.
  • Increased Intelligence attribute symbol intelligence gain from 2.5 to 2.8.
  • Reduced Bad Juju icon Bad Juju health cost from 75/100/125 to 75 on each level.
  • Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave
    • Increased heal from 60/85/110/135 to 75/95/115/135.
    • Increased damage from 60/85/110/135 to 75/95/115/135.

</div> </div>

Recommended Items[]

Starting items:

  • Tango icon Tango allows Dazzle to survive against enemy's damage so that he is not forced to retreat out of lane and leave his lane partner vulnerable.
  • Iron Branch icon Iron Branch provides cost-effective attributes. It can build into Magic Wand, or combines with Tango for more health regeneration.
  • Clarity icon Clarity allows Dazzle to replenish his mana in lane, which in turn sustain his spell-casting, most importantly Shadow Wave to heal his ally.
  • Observer Ward icon Observer Ward provides map vision and information to make gameplay decisions, allowing teammates to engage in fights on their terms or to avoid enemy ganks.

Early game (support):

  • Magic Stick icon Magic Stick gives Dazzle burst health and mana. Staying alive long enough to cast one more spell in a fight can make a significant difference.
  • Boots of Speed icon Boots of Speed is crucial to purchase as early as possible on all heroes. In Dazzle's case, positioning is crucial for being able to cast his spells, and the additional movement speed allows him to chase down foes after inflicting them with Poison Touch.
  • Urn of Shadows icon Urn of Shadows has great synergy with Dazzle's abilities. It provides a fair bit of cost-effective stats. The Urn charges allow Dazzle to heal teammates alongside Shadow Wave, or to add more damage during ganks and fights.

Early game (core):

  • Bottle icon Bottle is an excellent item for any mid-lane hero to keep their health and mana up in lane and contest the opponent.
  • Bracer icon Bracer gives a decent boost to survivability and damage, giving Dazzle an edge in lane.
  • Power Treads icon Power Treads improves Dazzle's damage output, and allows him to toggle between extra health and extra mana.

Mid game (support):

  • Magic Wand icon Magic Wand, assembled from earlier Magic Stick and Iron Branch, provides extra attributes and charge storage to increase Dazzle survivability and longevity in fight
  • Solar Crest icon Solar Crest is a solid defensive item that can give your carry an edge against the enemy carry by making them resilient to physical damage.
  • Arcane Boots icon Arcane Boots improves the size of his mana pool, allowing him to use more abilities, and allows him to replenish the mana of himself and his teammates, further boosting his ability to support his team.
  • Mekansm icon Mekansm provides Dazzle with all-around attributes as well as armor, and allows him to further heal his teammates alongside Shadow Wave, lengthening their lifespans in fights.

Mid-Game (core):

  • Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter enables Dazzle to carry his team by greatly improving his damage while making him difficult to kill, making it a mandatory item for a core Dazzle.
  • Black King Bar icon Black King Bar prevents the enemy from shutting down Dazzle while he tears them down with his abilities.

Late game (support):

  • Spirit Vessel icon Spirit Vessel, upgraded from Urn of Shadows, provides more useful bonuses like movement speed and health, as well as granting the ability to reduce the health regen of targets.
  • Guardian Greaves icon Guardian Greaves, upgraded from Arcane Boots and Mekansm icon Mekansm, restores health and mana to allies and removes debuffs from Dazzle. The Guardian Aura greatly boosts the survival of Dazzle's team, particularly when they are at low health, giving Dazzle a larger window with which to use Shallow Grave.
  • Lotus Orb icon Lotus Orb increases Dazzle's armor, improving survivability, and gives him bonus health and mana regeneration for self-sustain. Echo Shell lets Dazzle dispel debuffs from a target ally and bounce enemy unit-targeted abilities back against them. It may discourage enemies from casting spells against important allies, or can be combined with Shallow Grave to help improve survivability.

Late game (core):

  • Octarine Core icon Octarine Core reduces Dazzle's cooldowns while providing valuable mana regeneration, making him much more impactful in teamfights.
  • Arcane Blink icon Arcane Blink helps Dazzle position more effectively while sustaining his health and mana.

Situational items (support):

  • Sentry Ward icon Sentry Wards are important to purchase alongside Observer Wards, for taking away enemy map vision or spotting out invisible enemy heroes.
  • Ghost Scepter icon Ghost Scepter improves Dazzle's survivability in the face of overwhelming physical damage. Besides providing all-around attributes, it temporarily renders him immune to physical damage, allowing him to buy himself time to cast his spells.
  • Glimmer Cape icon Glimmer Cape is a good utility item that helps Dazzle to further protect his teammates. Besides boosting his magic resistance slightly to provide survivability against magic nukes, using the active on a teammate who is being focused can buy them time to run away while greatly boosting their magic resistance. It can also be combined with Shallow Grave, greatly improving Dazzle's chances of successfully saving a teammate's life.
  • Force Staff icon Force Staff is a very strong support purchase that further augments Dazzle's protective capabilities. It improves the size of Dazzle's mana pool while also providing HP regen for self-sustain. Besides allowing him to quickly re-position himself to cast his spells, casting the active on a fleeing teammate that is under the protection of Shallow Grave can immediately push them to safety, further guaranteeing their survival.
  • Eul's Scepter of Divinity icon Eul's Scepter of Divinity is a very strong utility item that can be obtained relatively cheaply. The improved intelligence and powerful scaling mana regen allow Dazzle to easily cast his spells whenever he needs to, while the improved base movement speed helps with positioning and chasing down or fleeing enemies. The active allows Dazzle to give himself temporary invulnerability while also dispelling debuffs from himself, or can be used to disable enemies while removing buffs, particularly if they are attempting to chase down and kill one of Dazzle's allies.
  • Drum of Endurance icon Drum of Endurance is a cheap and easily built item that grants all-around attributes. The active gives his team extra movement and attack speed in fights.
  • Pipe of Insight icon Pipe of Insight is a situationally strong utility item that further improves Dazzle's ability to protect his team. The vastly improved health regeneration and magic resistance also make Dazzle himself much harder to eliminate in fights, allowing him to always be ready to protect his teammates.
  • Rod of Atos icon Rod of Atos is a strong utility support item that improves Dazzle's survivability and disabling potential. It greatly improves Dazzle's HP pool while also providing a large amount of intelligence to improve his mana pool. The active allows Dazzle to root enemies from long distance.
  • Shiva's Guard icon Shiva's Guard is a good utility item that increases Dazzle's teamfight contribution. It provides Dazzle with a large amount of armor, boosting his survivability, as well as intelligence to increase the size of his mana pool. Freezing Aura reduces enemies' attack speed, debilitating their ability to harm Dazzle's team with physical attacks, while Arctic Blast deals damage and slows in an area around Dazzle, stacking alongside Poison Touch and allowing teammates to more easily group around them for an offensively cast Shadow Wave.
  • Scythe of Vyse icon Scythe of Vyse is a very powerful item to purchase on any support hero, gold permitting. It provides all-around attributes as well as a large amount of intelligence and mana regen, increasing Dazzle's overall resilience and ensuring that he will never run out of mana. The Hex allows him to hard-disable a target enemy at range, greatly improving his contribution to teamfights.

Situational items (core):

  • Desolator icon Desolator can be considered for a core Dazzle that needs more damage output, especially against towers.
  • Assault Cuirass icon Assault Cuirass provides more armor reduction to synergize with Dazzle's abilities while providing increased armor, making it useful against enemies with high physical damage.
  • Bloodthorn icon Bloodthorn allows Dazzle to silence troublesome enemies and augments his burst damage even further.
  • Hurricane Pike icon Hurricane Pike provides Dazzle with increased attack damage and range, while giving him a method of escaping or keeping enemies away.

Dota Plus Progress[]

Main Article: Hero Challenges

Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.

Relics Voice Lines
Relic Rare icon
Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave Ally Saves
Relic Rare icon
Four Enemy Bad Juju icon Bad Juju Debuffs
Relic universal icon
Shadow Wave icon Shadow Wave Damage
Relic universal icon
Total Healing
Relic universal icon
Urn of Shadows icon Urn of Shadows Charges Used
Relic universal icon
Allies Glimmer Cape icon Glimmer Duration
Relic universal icon
Solar Crest icon Solar Crest Leading to Kills
Relic universal icon
Dominating Kill Streaks
Relic universal icon
Dust of Appearance icon Dusts Leading to Kills
Relic universal icon
Observer and Sentry Wards icon Wards Placed
Relic universal icon
Kill Assists
Relic universal icon
Plus Hero Badge 1
Plus Hero Badge 2
Plus Hero Badge 3
Plus Hero Badge 4
Plus Hero Badge 5
Plus Hero Badge 6
  • ▶️ If killing you is wrong, I don't want to be right.



  • Dazzle's weapon is based on the "Khakkhara", a type of staff carried by Buddhist priests.
  • The current version of Dazzle was created in 6.39 where Weave icon Weave was a basic ability and while Shallow Grave icon Shallow Grave was his ultimate.
  • Another version of Dazzle which was released in 6.00 only lasted until his removal at 6.03.
    • The 6.00 version was named "Razzle, the Shadow Priest" and his abilities Cold Snap icon Power Word and Shadow Wave icon Shadow Word are most likely a reference to the Priest, a playable class from "World of Warcraft" of "Blizzard Entertainment".
    • The Priest class is able to assume a Shadow Form, turning it into a Shadow Priest, and has several abilities named Shadow Word and Power Word, of which some have a similar effect to Razzle's abilities.
  • "Dazolator", one of Dazzle's cosmetic items, based on Desolator icon Desolator, is likely a reference to Dazzle players purchasing Desolator to stack up the armor reduction on enemies.

