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Release Illuminate icon
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Bad against...[]

Anti-Mage icon
  • Dark Seer's strength lies in his high-mana cost skills. So Mana Break icon Mana Break can be a great nuisance for him, since it can reduce his mana and prevent him from casting his spells.
  • Mana Void icon Mana Void can deal a lot of damage if Dark Seer spent a lot of mana on his abilities.
Bloodseeker icon
  • Rupture icon Rupture can deal a lot of damage to either a surged Dark Seer or his allies and prevent the target from getting into position.
Ember Spirit icon
  • Flame Guard icon Flame Guard makes Dark Seer not deal any damage with his skills to Ember Spirit.
Kunkka icon
Rubick icon
  • Spell Steal icon Spell Steal will easily steal all abilities from Dark Seer.
Oracle icon
  • Fortune's End icon Fortune's End dispels Ion Shell and Surge, making any gank attempt on Dark Seer in the laning phase likely to succeed.
  • Fate's Edict icon Fate's Edict prevents all magical damage that comes from Dark Seer's abilities.
  • Fortune's End icon Fortune's End dispels Ion Shell on creeps, which Dark Seer relies on to farm and zone.
Sniper icon
  • A Sniper who is somewhat competent at positioning is hardly going to be affected by any of Dark Seer's spells thanks to Take Aim icon Take Aim.
  • However, an illusion of Sniper made with Wall of Replica is extremely powerful, and hard to deal with.


  • Dark Seer relies on Surge for most of his mobility, so he's not very vulnerable to slows, but much more to root effects and walls or pseudo-walls such as Disruptor minimap icon Disruptor's Kinetic Field icon Kinetic Field or Slark minimap icon Slark's Pounce icon Pounce.
  • Dark Seer's only disable is Vacuum. Though he starts off with high armor and health, he'll eventually have a hard time dealing with high mobility heroes such as Weaver minimap icon Weaver or Queen of Pain minimap icon Queen of Pain.
  • Dark Seer's Wall of Replica is not as effective against heroes with low physical/base damage since damage of enemy illusions spawned from Wall of Replica is % based hero damage.


Good against...[]

Broodmother icon
  • Ion Shell is a very powerful weapon against Broodmother's Spiderlings and makes her laning much harder.
Chen icon
Templar Assassin icon
  • Ion Shell destroys Refraction icon Refraction's protection stacks in short time.
  • Surge ignores the massive slow from Psionic Trap icon Psionic Trap.
Treant Protector icon
Meepo icon
  • Dark Seer can take great advantage of Divided We Stand icon Divided We Stand by putting an Ion Shell on a clone in order to harass them effectively.
  • Vacuum can take a single Meepo and disable him for Dark Seer and his teammates to take out.
Terrorblade icon
Venomancer icon
  • Venomancer is a low health hero and low range hero who is easy to harass with Ion Shell on a creep in the early game.
  • Venomancer depends entirely on all his slows to keep distance or chase, but since Surge ignores slows, it is nearly impossible for Venomancer to hunt or run away from Dark Seer or his surged teammates.



Works well with...[]

Bounty Hunter icon
  • Ion Shell on Bounty Hunter allows Bounty Hunter to do a lot of damage while staying invisible.
Elder Titan icon
  • Echo Stomp icon Echo Stomp synergizes well with Vacuum and both heroes' ultis.
Enigma icon
  • Vacuum allows Enigma to suck more heroes into the black hole. Furthermore, Wall of Replica can deal good damage on people caught in Black Hole, and allows the illusions to attack the enemy heroes without restraint. Surge also allows Enigma to initiate more easily, and Ion Shell can deal good damage on people stuck in Black Hole.
Riki icon
  • Ion Shell on Riki allows him to do a lot of damage while staying invisible.
Sven icon
  • Dark Seer can use Vacuum to pull enemies into the spot allowing Storm Hammer icon Storm Hammer to hit all enemies.
  • Sven can kill heroes that got pulled together by Vacuum quickly due to his Great Cleave icon Great Cleave
  • Surge is a partial solution to Sven's early game lack of mobility allowing him to close in on his targets with ease.
Venomancer icon
  • Venomous Gale icon Venomous Gale provides a great setup for Dark Seer to run heroes down with Ion Shell.

