Dota 2 Wiki
Strength attribute symbol
Agility attribute symbol
Intelligence attribute symbol
22 + 2.2
17 + 1.8
14 + 2.8
Level 0 1 15 25 30
Health 120 604 1264 2012 2298
+0.25 +2.23 +5 +8.06 +9.23
Mana 75 243 711 1191 1383
+0 +0.7 +2.66 +4.66 +5.46
Armor 1 3.83 8.03 13.03 14.87
Magic Resist 25% Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "%".% Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "%".% Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "%".% Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "%".%
Damage Block 16 (50%)






Attack Rate 0.56/s 0.65/s 0.79/s 0.96/s 1.02/s
Attack Range Melee 150 (600)
Attack Speed ▶️ 100 (1.8s BAT)
Attack Animation 0.3 + 0.3
Projectile Speed Instant
Move Speed ▶️ 290 (Nighttime 320)
Turn Rate Takes 0.105s to turn 180°. 1
Collision Size 24
Bound Radius 24
Vision Range (G) 1800 (Nighttime 800)
Gib Type Default
Internal Not Provided


Viscous Nasal Goo
Viscous Nasal Goo icon
Covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and movement speed. Multiple casts stack and refresh the duration.
Cast Range: 600 (With Aghanim's Scepter 0)
Radius: 0 (With Aghanim's Scepter 700)
Max Stacks: 4 (Talent 8)
Armor Reduction per Stack: 1/1.4/1.8/2.2
Base Move Speed Slow: 20%
Move Speed Slow per Stack: 3%/6%/9%/12%
Hero Duration: 5
Creep Duration: 10
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade:
Viscous Nasal Goo becomes a no target area of effect ability, applying to all enemies within range.
Viscous Nasal Goo
Having caught a cold while stuck in the snow, Bristleback turns it to his advantage.

  • Modified values: None.
  • The goo travels at a speed of 1000.
  • Places one debuff on the enemy. This debuff gets stronger when it gets refreshed with successive casts.
    • A number on the icon shows how many times the debuff was refreshed, including the first cast.
  • This is how much movement speed and armor Viscous Nasal Goo reduces with certain amount of stacks on each level. [?]
    • Level 1: 23% / 26% / 29% / 32% / 35% / 38% / 41% / 44% speed and 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.0 / 7.0 / 8.0 armor.
    • Level 2: 26% / 32% / 38% / 44% / 50% / 56% / 62% / 68% speed and 1.4 / 2.8 / 4.2 / 5.6 / 7.0 / 8.4 / 9.8 / 11.2 armor.
    • Level 3: 29% / 38% / 47% / 56% / 65% / 74% / 83% / 92% speed and 1.8 / 3.6 / 5.4 / 7.2 / 9.0 / 10.8 / 12.6 / 14.4 armor.
    • Level 4: 32% / 44% / 56% / 68% / 80% / 92% / 104% / 116% speed and 2.2 / 4.4 / 6.6 / 8.8 / 11.0 / 13.2 / 15.4 / 17.6 armor.

Quill Spray
Quill Spray icon
No Target
Sprays enemy units with quills dealing damage in an area of effect around Bristleback. Deals bonus damage for every time a unit was hit by Quill Spray in the last 14 seconds.
Radius: 625
Base Damage: 20/40/60/80
Stack Damage: 30/32/34/36
Damage Cap: 450
Stack Duration: 14
Cooldown symbol
Mana symbol
Quill Spray
Quill Spray Stack
An enforcer's honor can be a prickly thing. So can his quills.

  • Modified values: None.
  • Interrupts Bristleback's channeling spells upon cast.
  • The quills spread at a speed of 2400 and take 0.26 seconds to reach maximum range.
  • The quills do not form a ring. They affect every enemy within the expanding area of effect, so it cannot be avoided by blinking towards Bristleback.
  • The effect is centered at the cast location, it does not follow Bristleback.
  • Though it does not damage ethereal units, it still places the debuff and adds stacks to them.
  • Places one debuff on each hit enemy and a stack debuff on each cast on each hit enemy.
    • The first debuff shows the number of stack debuffs on the status icon. The stack debuffs are hidden.
    • The stacks' durations are independent from each other. Successive casts do not refresh previous stacks' durations.
    • With the current cooldown and stack duration, it can be stacked up to 5 times.
    • To reach the cap, additional procs from Bristleback ability icon Bristleback are required.
    • The cap is reached with 16/14/13/12 stacks. So to reach it, 11/9/8/7 passive casts are required.
  • Checks how many stacks units have first and deals damage based on that, and then increases the number of stacks.
    • This means the first hit only deals the base damage.
  • This is how much damage Quill Spray deals with a certain amount of stacks on each level (before reductions): [?]
    • Level 1: 20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 / 230 / 260 / 290 / 320 / 350 / 380 / 410 / 440 / 450
    • Level 2: 40 / 72 / 104 / 136 / 168 / 200 / 232 / 264 / 296 / 328 / 360 / 392 / 424 / 450
    • Level 3: 60 / 94 / 128 / 162 / 196 / 230 / 264 / 298 / 332 / 366 / 400 / 434 / 450
    • Level 4: 80 / 116 / 152 / 188 / 224 / 260 / 296 / 332 / 368 / 404 / 440 / 450

Bristleback ability icon
Bristleback takes less damage if hit on the sides or rear. If Bristleback takes 210 damage from the rear, he releases a Quill Spray of the current level.
Back Damage Reduction: 16%/24%/32%/40%
Side Damage Reduction: 8%/12%/16%/20%
Damage Threshold: 210
Turning his back to a fight might be just the thing.

  • Modified values: None.
  • Bristleback's rear is considered to be within 70 degrees from the back. His side is considered to be within 110 degrees from the back.
  • A visual effect and sound play whenever his back receives damage. Taking damage from the sides only plays the visual effect.
  • Bristleback takes less damage from all damage types except from damage flagged as HP Removal.
    • When taking rear damage, Bristleback's effective health increases by 19.05%/31.58%/47.06%/66.67%
    • When taking side damage, Bristleback's effective health increases by 8.70%/13.64%/19.05%/25%
  • Checks the damage source's current position and compares it to Bristleback's facing angle on each damage instance.
    • This means on e.g. damage over time effects, damage of an instance is only reduced when within the right angle.
    • Damage from e.g. Proximity Mines icon Land Mines is reduced when facing away from them, since they are their own source.
  • Passive Quill Sprays proc when Bristleback's back (not sides) takes 210 damage (after all reductions)
    • The damage counter has no time limit. It only resets once a passive spray occurs.
    • Any exceeding damage is completely ignored, meaning that if an enemy deals an instance of e.g. 420 damage, the passive triggers only once.
  • Passive Quill Spray procs do not cost mana, have no cooldown and are independent from the active Quill Spray's cooldown.
  • When Quill Spray icon Quill Spray is not learnt, passive Quill Sprays still proc, but deal no damage.

Can be used by illusions. Disabled by Break. RW
Warpath icon
Bristleback works himself up into a fury every time he casts a spell, increasing his movement speed and damage.
Max Stacks: 5/7/9
Attack Damage Bonus per Stack: 20/25/30
Move Speed Bonus per Stack: 3%/4%/5%
Stack Duration: 14
Warpath Stack
'Temper, temper,' his mum always chided. But in a fight, a temper can come in handy.

  • Modified values: None.
  • Using items does not trigger Warpath.
  • Bristleback's size increases and more particles fly around him the more stacks he has.
  • Stacks up to 5/7/9 times, meaning it can give at most 15%/28%/45% movement speed and 100/175/270 attack damage.
  • Each stack has its own duration, successive spell casts do not refresh the duration of previous stacks.
    • Only the first cast's buff is visible in the HUD. This buff has a number on it, showing the current amount of stacks.


Hero Talents
+4 Max Viscous Nasal Goo icon Goo Stacks25+25 Health Regen
15% Lifesteal20+45 Attack Speed
+200 Health15+20 Movement Speed
+2 Mana Regen10+7 Strength attribute symbol Strength
  • Replaced talents: -30s respawn time replaced by 15% lifesteal.
  • Health regen and mana regen are added as bonuses and do not benefit illusions.
  • Upgrading health increases maximum health capacity and keeps the current health percentage.
  • The lifesteal fully stacks with other sources of lifesteal.

Patch history[]

  • Added to Dark Moon.