Dota 2 Wiki

A creep-hero is a creep-type units that are sometimes treated as heroes by the game. This means, although it still is a creep, many spells and other effects treat it as a hero instead.


  1. Brewmaster Earth minimap icon Earth
  2. Brewmaster Storm minimap icon Storm
  3. Brewmaster Fire minimap icon Fire
  4. Brewmaster Void minimap icon Void
  5. Elder Titan Astral Spirit icon Astral Spirit
  6. Lone Druid Spirit Bear icon Spirit Bear
  7. Visage Familiar icon Familiars
  8. Warlock Warlock Golem icon Warlock Golem

Spell interactions[]

There are many spells which behave differently based on what their target is. Several spells are exclusive to heroes only, while some are exclusive to non-hero units. There are also spells which are able to affect both, but have different effects or durations based on whether the target is a hero or a non-hero.

Creep-heroes, being in between creeps and heroes, have therefore many unique interactions with these spells.

If a creep-hero also has the ancient unit tag (is an ancient creep-hero), interactions change even further. All interactions listed in here apply to them, on top of the ones listed below.

Hero-only spells[]

The following spells are able to target or affect heroes only. However, some of them treat creep-heroes as heroes, fully working on them as well, while others treat them as creeps, not affecting them.

Fully affecting[]

The following hero-only spells fully affect creep-heroes.

* Since only heroes have intelligence, casting Mind Flare on creep-heroes just dealing the damage bonus (not deals damage multiplier).

Not affecting[]

The following hero-only spells do not affect creep-heroes.

Partially affecting[]

The following hero-only spells partially affect creep-heroes.

Creep-only spells[]

The following spells are able to target or affect creeps only. None of them treat creep-heroes as creeps, rendering them useless against creep-heroes.

1 The ancient unit tag has priority over the creep-hero tag, so that these abilities do affect creep-heroes if they also are ancient creeps.

2 The creep-hero tag has priority over the ancient unit tag in this case, meaning even upgraded, these spells still cannot target creep-heroes which are also ancient creeps.

3 Fear debuff affects most enemy Summoned Creeps, but does not affect Lane Creeps and Neutral Creeps.

Other spells[]

These spells act differently when applied on heroes as when on creeps. Their behavior against creep-heroes is inconsistent.

Note that some abilities listed here may interact differntly with the Primal Split icon Primal Split brewlings. This is due to the fact that the hidden caster of Primal Split is periodically moved along with Brewmaster Earth minimap icon Earth, if Earth is dead, along with Brewmaster Storm minimap icon Storm, if Storm is dead, along with Brewmaster Fire minimap icon Fire and if Fire is dead as well, along with Brewmaster Void minimap icon Void. Although most abilities ignore hidden units, a few abilities still detect them, so that the Primal Split caster may still trigger them, for example, Smoke of Deceit icon Smoke of Deceit getting dispelled by the current main brewling.

Treated as hero[]

These spells treat creep-heroes as heroes.

1 These spells prioritize the ancient unit tag over the creep-hero unit tag, meaning they treat units with both tags as creeps, not as heroes. All other listed spells always treat them as heroes, regardless of any other tag.

2 Enchant icon Enchant's targeting rules prioritize the ancient unit tag over the creep-hero unit tag, meaning it cannot target units with both tags when the Talent talent for it is not chosen. However, its effects prioritize the creep-hero unit tag, meaning if the talent is chosen, targeted units with both tags are slowed, not converted.

Treated as creep[]

These spells treat creep-heroes as creeps.


  • Granite Aura (Ancient Granite Golem) icon
    Places the aura buff on creep-heroes, but does not work for them.
  • Culling Blade icon
    Goes on cooldown when successfully culling creep-heroes. When Aghanim's Scepter icon Scepter upgraded, applies Battle Hunger icon Battle Hunger on creep-heroes.
  • Hand of God icon
    When under the caster's control, Hand of God does not heal creep-heroes, unless they are also ancient creeps.
  • Ion Shell icon
    Although able to target heroes and creeps, it cannot be cast on creep-heroes. Damages creep-heroes normally.
  • Spirits icon
    Treats creep-heroes as heroes, exploding on collision. However, no explosion sound is played. Also acknowledges the ancient unit tag, so that it also deals its passing damage to ancient creep-heroes, on top of exploding on them.
  • Blade Fury icon
    Creep-heroes take full damage from Juggernaut's attacks during Blade Fury, unless they are also ancient creeps.
  • Overwhelming Odds icon
    The bonus damage counts creep-heroes as creeps. The percentage bonus damage to summons is not applied to creep-heroes.
  • Lotus Orb icon
    Can be cast on creep-heroes. Does not reflect spells for creep-heroes.
  • Cripple (Lycan Wolf) icon
    Although able to affect heroes and creeps, it cannot affect creep-heroes, unless they are also ancient creeps.
  • Moon Shard icon
    Cannot be cast on creep-heroes, with the exception of Lone Druid Spirit Bear icon Spirit Bear.
  • Nether Ward icon
    Mana degen aura treats creep-heroes as heroes, affecting them. The Ward itself treats creep-heroes as creeps, taking less damage from their attacks.
  • Concussive Shot icon
    Targeting treats creep-heroes as creeps. When Aghanim's Scepter icon Scepter upgraded, the secondary projectile can target creeps and creep-heroes, but prioritizes heroes.
  • Mystic Flare icon
    Treats creep-heroes as creeps, unable to damage them, although particle effects appear. When Aghanim's Scepter icon Scepter upgraded, the secondary cast can target creeps and creep-heroes (still not damaging them), but prioritizes heroes.
  • Spectral Dagger icon
    Can directly be cast on creep-heroes like heroes. However, spell effects treat creep-heroes as creeps, no projectile homing, and no trail attaching.
  • Entangling Claws (Spirit Bear) icon
    Although able to affect heroes and creeps, it cannot affect creep-heroes.
  • Dispel Magic (Storm) icon
    The bonus damage to summons is not applied to creep-heroes.
  • Tango icon
    Can be cast on creep-heroes, but only ones with a working inventory get a charge.
  • Laser icon
    Treats creep-heroes as creeps, lasting longer on them. When Aghanim's Scepter icon Scepter upgraded, bounces treat creep-heroes as heroes, bouncing to them.
  • Living Armor icon
    When ground-targeting, nearby creep-heroes are registered, but the armor is not applied, wasting mana and cooldown.
  • Atrophy Aura icon
    Treats enemy creep-heroes as creeps, gaining less damage from their deaths, and treats allied creep-heroes as heroes, buffing their attack damage when upgraded.
  • Deathlust (Undying Zombie) icon
    Although able to affect heroes and creeps, it cannot debuff creep-heroes. The debuff is not placed on them, unless they are also ancient creeps. The Frenzy buff is still placed on the zombies.
  • Soul Assumption icon
    Damage counter treats creep-heroes as heroes. When the double-strike Talent talent is chosen, the secondary projectile prioritizes heroes.
  • Reincarnation icon
    Places the aura buff on creep-heroes, but does not work for them.

